Timber's Fairy (Wolfsbane Ridge MC)

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Timber's Fairy (Wolfsbane Ridge MC) Page 4

by Marissa Ann

  “It’s just down the hall on the right.” I answer, pointing her in the right direction. I take a seat on the stool she just vacated and watch her walk down the hall.

  “Boss, I thought I should let you know that Vivi came up to her while you were in church. She told your girl that she wouldn’t last long around here.”

  “That bitch is pushing my restraint. What did Mina say?”

  “She asked if she should be worried and I told her no. I told her you had never been with Vivi although she’s been trying ever since she first came here.”

  “Good, I don’t want anything coming between her and me.”

  “You really like this one.” He states with true surprise on his face.

  “This one is going to stick.” I say as I watch Mina come back down the hall. “You ready to go baby? I thought we could pick up something to eat on our way back to your house if that’s okay with you.” I say to her.

  “That sounds really good. What did you want to eat?”

  “Do you like Chinese food? I know they are still open and they won’t take long to put together a to-go order.”

  “Chinese would be perfect. I’ve been living on sandwiches lately, so I haven’t had a good hot meal in a while.”

  “Let me guess, it’s because you get lost in your writing?” I say with a chuckle causing her to smile. “Come on, let’s go.”

  When we pulled up to her house, she helped me to get all the food out of my saddle bags and we took it into her house. I had been in this cabin a few times back when it belonged to the previous owners. She clearly had done a bit of work on the inside. While it was simple, she had painted the inside bright colors that made the rooms seem bigger than they actually were.

  “I like what you’ve done to the inside.” I state as she pulls down plates and glasses for us.

  “Thanks. I didn’t do too much to it when I moved in. Paint goes a long way to making something look better.”

  We both sit down at the table and as we begin to fill our plates, her phone rings. She grabs it up and just looks at it. “Are you going to answer it?” I ask.

  “It’s just my brother Matt. I can call him back.” She says as she rejects the call. But not even a minute later, it starts ringing again.

  “It doesn’t look like he wants to wait for a call back. It could be important. Go ahead and answer it.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She says as she walks out the door to her back deck.

  I don’t mean to listen in on her conversation but she didn’t shut the door all the way. As I listen, I am filled with even more questions that I am sure she will not be willing to answer.



  I leave Timber in the kitchen while I step out onto the back deck through the sliding glass door. Rafe must have told Matt that I had finally answered the phone and decided to check in with me himself since he hadn’t been present for the call with Rafe.


  “There’s our Fairy! It’s about damn time for you to forgive us and start answering your phone.” He grumbled over the line. I could hear music in the background and muted voices.

  “Rafe already gave me an ear full about not answering the phone. So you can save it. I don’t need another lecture. Are you at the club? I hear music.”

  “Yeah, we had a BBQ earlier with everyone here. Everyone has been asking when you might allow us to start visiting. You’ve been gone a long time.”

  “I know it’s been a long time. I miss all of the brothers too, especially you and Rafe. But I’m still not ready just yet.” I say with hesitation in my voice.

  “Why? This is getting ridiculous! We have given you more than enough time and space to get your head back on straight. Look, we know that what happened broke something inside of you that night. Hell, everyone could see it that entire two years before you left. You never allowed yourself to be alone with any of the brothers. While that hurt them, we all understood it.” his words causing tears to gather in my eyes.

  “No Matt, I don’t think any of you can understand how I felt. I had never felt that vulnerable before. I lived in a damn bubble thinking I was safe, that I would always be safe because I had all of you. But it winded up being one of you that made me afraid of the world around me. I HAD to leave or I thought I’d go crazy. I’m just now starting to feel like my old self again.”

  “Okay little Fairy, just calm down. We will stop pushing so hard, at least for now. So tell me what you have been up to? Have you made any friends?”

  Him asking if I made any friends caused me to turn around and look through the glass to see Timber still at the table eating. “I made a few.” I answer quietly.

  “Well tell me his name.” Matt asks on a chuckle.

  “Exactly how do you know there is a he?” I demand as I watch Timber look up and straight at me through the door.

  “Come on, Fairy, It’s in the way you said it. So who is he?”

  “I gotta go Mathis.”

  “You seriously won’t tell your favorite brother?”

  “Uh huh, I will not fall for that! You will run back and tell Rafe that I said you were my favorite!” I say while laughing.

  “But I am your favorite!”

  “I love you Matt but really, I got to go.”

  “I love you too little Fairy. Call us if you need anything.”

  “I will, I promise.” I say before hanging up the phone with him.

  When I return to the kitchen, Timber is sitting back in his chair just looking at me.

  “Is something wrong?” I ask. But he continues to just look at me before he returns to his plate.

  “You’re food is getting cold. You may need to reheat it.” He says.

  I grab my plate and after I’ve reheated it in the microwave, I sit back down at the table. Timber continues to eat and seems to be avoiding looking at me. After we have finished, I get all the food put away and load the dishwasher.

  “Is something wrong, Timber?” I finally ask him.

  “Nothing is wrong but I need to get back to the clubhouse soon. I have an early morning tomorrow with the crew in the shop.”

  “I’ll walk you out.” I say walking towards the door.

  We step out onto the porch and he turns to look at me. His silver colored eyes seem to penetrate me and cause my nipples to tingle. Just one look and this man has me turned on like no other ever has.

  He reaches out and grabs me by my hips and slowly pulls me to him. When my chest meets his, I can’t stop the low moan in my throat from escaping. He reaches up cupping my face with both of his hands as he gently puts his lips on mine. I run my hands across his chest feeling his muscles in his shirt and slide my hands up behind his neck into his hair. He growls and pulls me tighter into him deepening the kiss. He finally releases me and steps back with a smile.

  “I got to go.” He says as he pushes a few strands of my hair behind my ear. “I may be a little busy this week with the shop, so it may be a few days before I can see you again. But, I will text and call when I can.”

  “Okay.” I say as he kisses my head and heads towards his bike.

  After Timber left, I went to take a shower and had just lain down on my bed to watch a little TV before going to bed when I noticed my phone blinking to indicate I had an unread message. When I opened it, there were two messages from that same unknown number.

  “You thought you could get away.”

  “I will have what should have been mine.”

  I dropped the phone back down on the nightstand and rushed to go check all the doors making sure all the locks were engaged. For a while afterward, I sat huddled on the couch under a blanket. Every sound I heard, causing me to jump nearly out of my skin. Around 3am, I finally drifted off to sleep right there on the couch with all the lights on.

  Chapter 5


  The custom bike the guys busted their asses on over the weekend was picked up Tuesday night without a problem. I was prou
d of my guys putting in so much over time redoing a job that was fucked up by someone looking to set us back. It was now Thursday and all the guys were back from the drop this morning as well. Everyone was looking forward to a long weekend to party and relax.

  I had kept in touch with Mina through texts all week. Never in my life had I ever gone out of my way to try to get to know a girl. In our conversations I never let on that I had overheard her side of the conversation she had with her brother Sunday night. I had a lot of unanswered questions about her brothers plus what ever it was that had caused her to be so afraid that she left home. I could tell that she hadn’t seen them in a long time and apparently not from them not trying. It was her, she didn’t want them around. It was also apparent that she didn’t want anyone to know anything about them.

  The few times I had talked to her on the phone this week, she had sounded a little off. It could be from doubts about me and I couldn’t blame her. This week had been extremely busy with everything that was going on, which is why I called her earlier to let her know we were having a party tonight and I wanted her here. She should be here within the hour so I decided I’d go ahead and take a shower to get the grease off of me from where I was breaking down a motor for a rebuild.

  As I walked back into the clubhouse, I could see all the coyotes running around to get everything ready for the party. We rarely had public parties that were open to outsiders, but tonight’s was open to anyone. Although most of the town was afraid of us, we’d still have a packed house tonight. They couldn’t resist the lure of hanging out with bikers of a 1% club. There was only one rule for them to follow if they wanted in and that was that no cameras or cell phones were allowed inside the door.

  I had almost made it down the hall to my door when a soft hand on my shoulder stopped me. I could tell who it was before even turning around. Only one woman here couldn’t seem to take no as an answer.

  “Hey, Timber, where are you headed off to?” Vivi purred as she moved her hand up to the back of my neck.

  “I am going to take a shower to get ready for the party. You are supposed to be helping the other yotes in the kitchen.” I say as I pull her hands off of me.

  “Do you need any help in the shower? I could wash your back and you could wash mine, while we both get all slick and wet.” She replies while rubbing her tits into me.

  “I have already told you to knock that shit off. I didn’t want you a year ago and nothing about that has fucking changed. My girl will be here tonight and I suggest you behave. I know about you talking to her Sunday night and I am telling you now, if you make trouble between Mina and I, you will fucking regret it!” I say through gritted teeth as I push her away from me and walk through my bedroom door, locking it behind me.

  The crazy bitch had better stay away from Mina. I already knew about all the times she had threatened some of the other club girls I had fucked in the past. The rest of them all knew the score but I could tell as soon as I laid eyes on Vivi for the first time that she was the type looking for way more. While all the girls had hopes a brother would put his patch on her back and it had happened in the past, they quickly let those hopes die after being with the club after so many months. It wasn’t common for a brother to share his old lady and coyotes were shared by all the brothers.

  Checking the clock beside my bed, I quickly went into my bathroom to get my shower. I needed to get Vivi’s nasty ass perfume off of me before Mina could get here and smell it on me. I didn’t want her to think she was like the rest of them. She wasn’t. She was different and I was ready to make her understand that this thing between us was most definitely going to happen.



  I had been an absolute nervous wreak all week, jumping at every slight sound my ears could pick up. All kinds of things had started happening. Every morning I found a rose petal on my front door step and the weird text messages hadn’t stopped either. I was scared and the only times I had calmed down were the few times I got to hear Timber’s voice on the phone. As I was driving to pick up Bella, I kept constant watch to see if I was being followed.

  Bella was coming out of the front door of her house as I pulled into the driveway to wait for her. I started laughing as I watched her open the truck door and try to climb into the seat. She gives me the evil eye while reaching to put on her seat belt once she’s settled into the seat.

  “Where have you been all week? And what’s with the dark circles under your eyes” she asks looking over at me.

  “I just haven’t been sleeping very well.” I say as I back the truck up and get back onto the road. I can see she doesn’t think I am being completely honest but I am hoping she keeps the questions to herself for tonight. Really don’t need Timber asking questions because I wasn’t yet sure if I wanted to share any of my past with him yet. We really hadn’t known each other very long and I didn’t want to lose the connection I felt we had.

  I know it was getting time to call Matt and Rafe and tell them what was going on but having grown up in an MC, I understood how it worked. The men in the club would want to put me on a lockdown and try to control everything themselves, leaving me completely in the dark as to what would be going on.

  Knowing that someone was coming that close to the house while I was asleep inside just to leave a single rose petal on my porch told me I was dealing with a major psycho. I would ask Bella if I could stay with her for a few days but I was afraid that whoever it was would follow me to her house. I didn’t want to involve her.

  I knew everything was getting worse and starting to escalate. There was more than just a rose petal at the door this morning. I may have been pretty innocent but I definitely knew what cum looked like. The bastard, whoever he was, sat on my porch jerking off while watching me through the window while I slept.

  I would be making that call to my brothers tomorrow. But I was going to take tonight to forget about everything. I wanted just one night before my brothers descended on my house after finding out about my stalker.

  We finally pull into the gate at the clubhouse and park towards the back. The music was loud, even out here in the parking lot, indicating that the party was already in full swing. We walk through the door and start trying to make our way through the crowd.

  “It’s so packed in here, let’s head to the bar. We’ll be able to see more and hopefully Fang will tell me where to find Timber.” I holler loud enough for her to hear me. She just answers with a shake of her head and follows right behind me.

  Once at the bar, I can see that all the stools are filled up. Fang notices me and waves me forward.

  “Hey, Timber told me to watch for you to come in. Hold on and I will get him up here.” He pulls his phone from his pocket and starts typing. A second later, he looks up and says, “He’s on his way, doll, shouldn’t take long.”

  As I scan the crowd I see it open up and part as every person makes way for the President of the MC to walk through. His eyes snatch mine and hold steady as he stalks towards me. Watching him come towards me with a possessive look in his eyes has my panties getting wet and I can’t help but squeeze my thighs together.

  “Hey baby.” He says as he leans in to give me a chaste kiss on the lips before leaning away again with a smile. “Come on, me and some of the guys have a table in the back.” I take hold of his hand as Bella and I follow him back through the crowd towards the back.

  The table that he leads us to is already packed. I was just about to ask about seats when Timber sits and pulls me down into his lap. As I look back up at Bella standing next to the table, Blade reaches over and grabs her by the waist to pull her into his own lap. The look she shoots him causes him to smirk at her and has me wondering if my friend just might kill him tonight.

  Timber must have put in a drink order for us already as one of the club girls delivers Bella and me a few shots and a couple beers. I lean down to Timber’s ear and say Thank you, kissing his ear before I lean back up. His hand squeezes my thigh in response.
  Several hours later, I was seriously buzzed but I could tell that Bella was straight up drunk. She was currently curled up on Blade’s lap with one hand at the nap of his neck playing with his hair. Every once in a while he’d look down smiling at her and kiss the top of her head before going back to talking with the other guys.

  I was also laid back and comfortable in Timber’s lap while he rubbed his thumb along my exposed skin between my top and my pants. My panties had long since completely soaked through. I briefly wondered if he could feel it on his thigh. I was trying very hard not to move too much but the longer he touched me, the harder that was starting to be.

  “Having a good time, baby?” He asks with his lips against my ear and it takes everything I have not to moan at the feeling.

  “Yes, this has been a pretty good night but I think Bella and I may have had too much to drink to drive back home.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I had no intention of you leaving here tonight.” He says as he pulls me even closer.

  “What about Bella?”

  He looks up from me over to where Bella is snuggled up into Blade and says, “I think Blade has Bella covered. He will take care of her and make sure she is safe.”

  I look back over at them myself and Blade nods his head at me as he pulls Bella closer to him to whisper in her ear. She jerks back away but he holds her tightly to him before slamming his mouth down on hers. He growls something to her that I can’t quite hear but I think he told her to behave. He then pulls her head back down to his chest and goes back to drinking his beer. I definitely need to talk with Bella tomorrow and see what all of that is about.

  Chapter 6


  It was 1am and most everyone had already left to go home. Blade and I had moved to the bar when my girl and Bella seemed to get their 2nd wind around midnight. They were currently dancing along to some older country tunes they had found on the old juke box in the corner.

  “I got to ask, brother, about this thing between you and Bella.” I say as I turn back towards Blade. I watch him look over towards the girls and shake his head.


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