Timber's Fairy (Wolfsbane Ridge MC)

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Timber's Fairy (Wolfsbane Ridge MC) Page 9

by Marissa Ann

“Reaper, he’s right. It’s not our decision. If Fairy wants to stay, we can not stop her from doing so and I have a feeling she definitely wants to stay.” Spark tells his brother in a much calmer voice.

  Reaper looks over at his brother for several minutes before he seems to relax and slump back into his seat.

  “Fine. I promised Fairy I would try to stop controlling her life so much.” He says on a chuckle.

  “Can I ask why you all keep calling her Little Fairy?” I ask them all.

  “Ha-ha. It’s because of how tiny she is. Our father started calling her that the day she was born. It stuck and the whole club calls her that. Seems to fit her personality if you ask me because she was always able to wrap us all around her pretty little pinky finger.” Spark tells me while shaking his head as we all move to leave the meeting room.

  As we walk into the bar area, I spot Mina on a stool and I feel that tingling feeling in my body that I have felt ever since I first laid eyes on her.

  “She definitely has some kind of magic.” I say to no one in particular but Reaper hears me as he’s standing right next to me.

  “I’m pretty sure I do not even want to know.” He says shaking his head back and forth. “You have room here for us at the club-house or do we need to find a motel?” He asks.

  “There’s another building out back with enough rooms for you all. We built it just for visiting MC’s several years ago. It’s open and should already be stocked with everything you need.” I answer.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.” He replies as he walks toward the pool tables where his crew is playing a few games and I head towards my girl.



  I feel his heat before his arms slip around me from behind and I turn around on my seat to settle my own arms around his waist. He pulls me in close and kisses me gently.

  “Mmm, you taste good baby. Like cinnamon. What you been drinking since we were in the back?” He asks with a smile.

  “I mentioned to Dane and Fang earlier that I liked Fireball” I say with a shrug. “So they went and picked some up for me.”

  “Fireball? Can the Little Fairy handle that?” He chuckles.

  “You’ve been asking about my nickname, huh? I can handle it just fine thank you.” I say with a smile.

  “I also called Bella to come over. She should be here any minute. I want her to meet my brothers. I also owe her an explanation about everything.” I say with a blush at the thought of hiding so much for so long.

  Timber looks over at the door and says, “Here she is now.” I turn and watch her make her way to me and I give her a hug.

  “How’s the coffee shop?” I ask her.

  “It’s doing really well as usual. Mom has been taking more shifts to help me out. Ever since the weather started warming up, business has gotten insane. You’d think no one in town knew how to make their own cup of coffee.” She says on a laugh.

  “So where are these brothers of yours Mina that you’ve told me so much about?” She asks and I smile at her.

  “Come on. They are back by the pool tables. I’ll introduce you.

  “Reaper, Spark, this is my best friend Bella. Bella these are my brothers. You know Reaper as Rafe and Spark as Matt.”

  “Nice to meet you all.” Bella says.

  “It’s very nice to finally meet you as well Bella.” Spark says with a huge grin as he takes her hand and pulls her into a hug. Blade walks up at the same time and pulls Bella from Spark’s arms. She jerks away from him and glares at him while Spark and Blade stare each other down.

  “Blade.” Timber growls and Blade finally breaks the staring contest he was having with Spark.

  We all move to take a seat at a table and again, as before, Bella is left standing without a seat. Spark moves as though he is going to let her have his chair but Blade grabs her and pulls her into his lap. I watch as he whispers to her and she immediately settles down into his lap. Blade looks up at Spark and they each give a chin lift.

  “I guess the pissing contest finally has a winner.” I whisper giggle to Timber and immediately feel him trying to not laugh out loud as well.



  “Come on baby, It’s time for bed.” I whisper to Mina. For the last 45 minutes she had been dozing on my shoulder while the rest of us sat talking around the table.

  She barely opens her eyes to look at me as I stand up with her in my arms and I head down the hall towards our room. I sit her up on the side of the bed and reach to take her clothes and shoes off. Once she’s naked, I help her under the covers before taking my own clothes off and slipping in beside her between the sheets.

  I pull her close and nuzzle her neck. I can’t stop my hands from stroking her body. She’s like a drug to me that I can’t get out of my system. Not that I even want to anyway. I’ve waited a long time for a woman like her. My parents always told me that I would know the one meant for me as soon as I set eyes on her. And they were right. Mina is it for me.

  Her skin is so smooth as I run my hand across her stomach, making her quiver in response. I continue stroking straight down to her pussy. I have an overwhelming urge to be inside of her, to feel her vice like grip on my cock as I slide in and out of her silky folds.

  “Babe, I really need you right now.” I say as I rock against her from behind.

  “Mmm, I need you too Timber.” She whispers back.

  I turn her around to face me and lift her leg up over my hip. My hand slides back to her pussy and I plunge two fingers into her. As she gasps, I take her in a deep possessive kiss. Curling my fingers, I bring her to climax quickly. Before she has time for her trimmers to subside, I push my cock into her as deeply as I can. A sense of being home fills my body immediately. She is home to me and I will take care of her until my dying day.


  Chapter 10


  The next day, I am in the shop doing paperwork when I receive a call from Sheriff Wilson asking for another meeting. They have had another development in the case and he thinks its something important.

  “Blade, call all the brothers in, Sheriff Wilson is on the way here with new information.”

  “Did he say what the information was about, Prez?”

  “He didn’t say but he sounded like it was really important. Maybe Snake has found something new on all those computers of his.”

  “I’ll go call everyone in and we’ll see where we are then. Hopefully we can finally pinpoint exactly where they are hiding out and if they have moved the girls that have been taken further south or across the border recently.” Blade says with a disgusted sound to his voice as he walks towards the door.

  “Hey, Blade?” I say just before he leaves.


  “Is everything between you and Bella okay? You seem more distracted lately.” I ask.

  “I don’t know. She drives me crazy, has driven me crazy for years. I’ll figure it out. I won’t let it keep me from doing my job.”

  I give him a chin lift in acknowledgement as he leaves the room.

  An hour later, all of my guys along with the Night Howlers are standing around the bar waiting for Officer Wilson to arrive. I am truly hoping that with whatever information he has we can locate this other crew quickly and in the process find this Josh guy so I can be sure he never bothers Mina again.

  The door finally opens to Officer Wilson and another man that I assume is his deputy.

  “Officer Wilson.” I say as way of hello.

  “Timber. Thanks for seeing us so quickly today.”

  “Not a problem. Hopefully this helps to locate them quickly and find your niece before anything really bad happens to her. Let’s all go into Church and discuss everything.” I say as I lead everyone towards our meeting room. My men take their normal seats around the table, while the Night Howlers all stand around the room against the wall. I indicate to Officer Wilson that he should start.

  “I asked Timber to meet with me so quickl
y because we found a camera that picked up what could possibly be the motorcycles that left from my niece’s house that night. It at least gives us a direction that they could be headed in. I figured I could bring it to you because I know what your man Snake is capable of. I can’t get the judge to give me all the warrants that would be needed for a job this big. So I thought maybe Snake could do his magic and crack into surveillance along the route it seems they were headed in.”

  “I can definitely see what I can find if you have a starting point. That has been the main issue. I have been trying to watch video from every direction and there are just too many to watch.” Snake says as Officer Wilson hands him what information he brought with him and Snake heads towards his computer room. “Give me about 15 minutes.” He says just as he leaves the doorway.

  “Let’s give him his 15 minutes. Everyone go get a drink and as soon as he has something, we’ll come back and see where we are.”

  I head back towards the kitchen where I last seen Mina earlier. I just want to feel her next to me and assure myself that she is still safe. The first thing I notice when I walk in is that she isn’t still in there with all the girls and so I head towards our rooms. But she’s not in the room or in the bathroom so I head back towards the kitchen to ask the girls if they have seen her.

  “Have any of you seen Mina? She’s not in our room.”

  “I think she said something about going to see Bella at the coffee shop.” Candy, one of the coyotes answers.

  “What? She’s not supposed to leave. Why didn’t one of you stop her?” I growl back at her.

  “Timber, we are club girls; we are not allowed to tell the president’s ole lady what she can and can’t do. You know that.” Candy says while looking scared of my reaction.

  “Yeah, I do know that Candy, but one of you could have let a prospect know so that he could stop her. And remind me later to change that stupid ass rule!” I say as I leave the room.

  “Reaper!” I yell as I head through the bar area towards the front door causing him to look my way. “Mina left. Supposedly she is headed to see Bella at the coffee shop. Damn woman knew she wasn’t supposed to leave! It’s not safe!”

  “Let’s hope she made it okay without any problems. I don’t care if she is now your ole lady. I raised that girl even though she is my sister. I plan to tan her hide for this stunt!” He says as he follows me towards our bikes.



  My phone started ringing right after Timber walked away with the guys for a meeting in church. I noticed it was Bella’s cell number on the display so I stepped outside to answer it.

  “Hey chica, what’s up at the coffee shop today?”

  “Mina?” Bella says back and she sounds like she is frightened.

  “Bella? What is wrong? You don’t sound right.”

  “Josh is here. He says for you to meet us in the ally behind the coffee shop in 15 minutes. If you don’t, he will rape and kill me.” She says as she busts into tears.

  “Tell that bastard that I am coming. I’m leaving right now Bella. Don’t worry.”

  “He says to tell you that you had better be alone or he will shoot me in the head and still get away.”

  “I swear. I will tell no one. I am grabbing my purse and headed your way. Stay strong Bella. I love you!”

  Her phone clicks off before she is able to say anything else. I have got to hurry. I don’t know exactly how I am going to get past the prospects without them letting Timber know but I have to try. Bella is in this mess because of me.

  Walk slowly back through the kitchen. One of the girls asks where I am going and I do mention the coffee shop but I know that she won’t stop me. The club girls are not allowed to say anything to the president’s ole lady. I figure mentioning the coffee shop will still alert Timber that something is up but will allow me a head start so that Josh doesn’t know that I am being followed.

  I pull up to the back entrance of the coffee shop about ten minutes later. There is a dark colored van with tinted windows and I watch the driver side door open to reveal Josh, the asshole I haven’t seen since the night of my party. Chill bumps break out across my arms and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. I am scared but I remind myself that I am not the same girl that this bastard used to know. He walks towards me as I step out of the rental car the insurance company provided for my use even though I haven’t been using it until today.

  “My dear, sweet little Fairy.” He says with a huge smile on his face like he is greeting a really old friend.

  “I am NOT your Fairy, you bastard! Where is Bella?” I demand to know.

  “Now that isn’t the way you should speak to me Mina. I’d suggest you be a bit nicer or I may have to teach you another lesson that you didn’t learn the last time.”

  He grabs me by the arm to drag me to him and slams his mouth down on mine. I immediately begin to fight him off and he steps back before slapping me across the face. Pain erupts across my cheek bone and I can feel my left eye beginning to swell immediately.

  “I said to behave Mina. Don’t make me mark up your beautiful face.” He says as he pets the side of my face that he just slapped.

  “Please Josh, where is Bella?” I ask in a more calm voice.

  “You will see Bella here directly.”

  “You aren’t going to let her go?”

  “I never said that I would little Fairy. I only said that I wouldn’t kill her if you came to me as I asked. Now I am telling you that if you don’t play nice, I will torture her in front of you until you learn your place. And make no mistake Mina, your place is on the floor at my feet, doing whatever I tell you to do.” He says as he shoves me into the back of the van.

  I hear laughter as I land in the back. As I look around I see a couple other guys that are clearly part of another motorcycle club.

  “She’s cute boss-man.” One says to Josh as he gets into the driver seat.

  “Just keep your fucking hands off. She is mine! I will shoot any of you bastards if you think otherwise.” He responds back to them.

  The van starts moving but I don’t know in what direction we are headed in. I can only hope that Timber notices that I am gone and gets on the hunt quickly to find me. Hopefully by then I know where to find Bella so that we can get her out of this mess in one piece as well. I just that she forgives me for all of this. Every bit of it is my fault.



  We pull up to Bella’s Brew but do not see any cars parked out front and the closed sign is on the front door.

  “It doesn’t look like they are here.” Reaper says.

  “There’s a back parking lot. Let’s check there before we leave. I’m getting a bad feeling about this.” I say as we start walking towards the back.

  I immediately see the car Mina left in sitting by the back door. Looking inside we spot her purse still sitting in the passenger seat but her cell phone appears to not be inside. That can help us to trace her movements so I send a text off to Snake and explain to him what is going on.

  “I have Snake looking into tracing her and Bella’s phones and looking at the surveillance cameras in the area. He should have something for us in a couple minutes. Christ! We have to assume that Bella has been taken as well, which means I am going to have one pissed off brother showing up in a few minutes.” I finish saying as we immediately begin to hear motorcycle engines getting closer.

  Blade pulls into the back lot along with some of the other brothers and also some of the brothers from the Night Howlers.

  “Bella?” Blade asks in way of a question and I just shake my head no. I can see the fear and anger as it rolls through his body. His hands clinch the handles of his bike as he struggles to get control of himself. I know how he’s feeling. There is nothing to compare to the fury running through my bones. This fucker and all who helped him will die painful deaths.

  My phone finally pings with a text from Snake.

  “Bella’s phone is showing a
location in the mountain just north of here and Mina’s phone is on the move in the same direction. I asked Snake to get us aerial photos of the area that Bella’s phone is located and he says he should have a picture of the guy that took Mina in a few minutes.”

  “Should we get Officer Wilson in on this?” asks Reaper.

  “We should probably wait and see what we find when we get there. These may not even be the same guys that have been taking the girls and even if they are, the girls may not be in the same area with Mina and Bella.” says Blade.

  “Blade is right. I want to be absolutely sure of what we are dealing with here. Don’t want to lose any of our men by rushing in without a plan in place.” I say to all the guys as they shake their heads in agreement.

  “Let’s get back to the clubhouse and strap up. I’ll get Spark to gather what he needs. I have a feeling that we will need to blow shit up tonight.” Reaper says as we head back to our bikes.

  Chapter 11


  They blind folded me before we arrived to wherever the hell we are now. Pretty sure I heard us move through a couple gates before they opened the van door to drag me out. At least the bastard that carried me in untied my hands before slamming the door shut and locking it.

  My phone is still in my boot where I slipped it before coming face to face with Josh. Stupid pricks didn’t even bother checking to see if I had anything on me. I might have been naïve when I was young but my family didn’t raise a fool. They taught me from an early age of what to do in these types of situations. Just wish I could check the time without them finding it.

  As soon as I have that thought, I hear the door being unlocked and pushed open. Josh walks in with a paper bag in his hand.

  “I have supper for you my love. It’s not much, just a sandwich and some chips, got you a sprite to wash it down with, too.” He smiles at me as if this was a normal situation.

  “Josh, you know that this isn’t going to end well for you. My brothers will find you and this time they will kill you.”


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