Searching for Faith - A gripping psychological thriller

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Searching for Faith - A gripping psychological thriller Page 13

by Kristen Middleton

  Chapter 32

  CARISSA WAS JUST pulling into the lot of the state park when she saw a white cargo van parked near the Visitor Center. The back door was open and so was the driver’s side door.

  Remembering that she’d seen a white van in her visions, she quickly turned off her headlights and made a quick phone call to Jim, her hands trembling. He didn’t answer so she left him a message.

  “Your squad car isn’t here anymore, Jim, but I’m pretty sure that Ben is at Gooseberry Falls. Get out here quickly.”

  After hanging up, she opened up her purse took out her pepper-spray. She also grabbed a flashlight from the glove compartment and then quickly got out of the SUV. As she made her way cautiously toward the van, she heard a man scream in pain.

  With her heart pounding in her chest, Carissa raced toward the Visitor Center just in time to see someone limping down the pathway toward the falls. As she edged closer, Carissa noticed a small Beagle with him. Sensing her, the dog turned around and barked.

  Ben snapped his head around. “Who’s there?”

  She turned on the flashlight and shined it on him. “Where is Chloe?”

  “Excuse me?”

  She stepped close enough for him to see her.

  Recognizing Carissa, a confused expression spread across Ben’s face. “What are you doing here?”

  “Where is Chloe?” she repeated, moving toward his cautiously.

  “I don’t know anyone named Chloe. I’m here with my dog, taking her for a walk.”

  “Right. In the middle of the night?”

  “I work a lot and she needs the exercise.”

  Afraid to shine the light away from him, she began calling for Chloe.

  Ben pulled out a gun and pointed it at her. “Is that you, Barbara? You look different. Let me guess – you had some cosmetic surgery and decided to skip a few meals.”

  “Put the gun down. I’m not Barbara.”

  “You can’t have her back,” Ben snapped.

  “Look, the police are on their way,” she said, staring at the revolver and feeling like an idiot. She should have gotten close enough to spray him with the pepper-spray.

  He glanced toward the parking lot and then back at her. “How did you find us?”

  “I guess I was just lucky,” she replied.

  He grunted. “Barbara, it looks like your luck seems to have run out,” he said cocking the gun.

  A child’s scream echoed through the darkness and then a cry for help.

  A frightened look spread across Ben’s face. He quickly lowered the gun and began limping toward the sound of her cries. “Faith?!”

  “Help me!” she cried.

  Carissa followed him and gasped when she saw Chloe. The child was somehow on the side of the lower falls, clinging to earth and rocks to keep from falling into the treacherous gorge below.

  “Hold on!” hollered Ben, shoving the gun into his jacket pocket. “I’m coming for you!”


  Chloe was frightened beyond belief as she tried to hang on. She’d thought that she could cross over the rocks but had slipped. Now her fingers were ice-cold and the rocks were wet, making it hard to hold on to.

  “I’m coming,” said Ben, climbing down toward her. “Just hang in there.”

  A few seconds later, he was pulling her up the rocky cliff and away from the dangerous gorge. Noticing that she was wet and shaking, he set her down, pulled off his winter jacket and wrapped it around her.

  “This is why you shouldn’t run from your father when he calls for you,” he said, scolding her. “You could have died.”

  Chloe didn’t say anything. She was too busy watching as a woman snuck up behind him from behind the trees.

  “I wonder where that bitch went,” he muttered, looking back over by the path.

  The stranger put a finger to her lips and then motioned for Chloe to move away from him. She took a couple of steps back.

  The woman raised a small can in the air and then cleared her throat.

  Ben whipped his head around.

  The woman tried spraying him with whatever was in the can, but nothing came out. She swore.

  Angry, Ben backhanded the woman and she fell down into the snow.

  The woman screamed for her to run.

  Crying, Chloe turned and ran.

  “Faith, get back here!” hollered Ben.


  Carissa watched as Ben began limping after Chloe again. She got back to her feet, grabbed the flashlight, and took off after them.

  “Faith!” yelled Ben.

  Coming up behind him, she raised the flashlight and hit him in the head as hard as she could.

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t hard enough.

  Ben turned around. “You stupid bitch,” he growled, grabbing her by the throat.

  Carissa brought her chin down, grabbed the outside of his wrists, and kicked him in the stomach, thankful that she’d taken those martial arts classes.

  Grunting loudly, Ben let go and stumbled backward.

  Moving toward him, she was about to do a roundhouse kick to the face when somewhere along the path, the dog began to bark madly. It was followed by a shrill scream from Chloe.

  Her hesitation gave Ben all he needed to slam his fist into her face.

  Carissa went down.

  Chapter 33

  BEN WAS FURIOUS. He’d wanted to shoot Barbara but had forgotten the gun in his winter jacket. Now it sounded as if his daughter was in trouble again and he didn’t have time to worry about the stupid bitch. He also knew that if the police were on their way, he needed to grab his daughter and get the hell out of there.

  Maisie was barking hysterically and when he reached them, he found out why. A wolf had them cornered and was growling.

  Shocked, Ben clapped his hands loudly and hollered at the top of his lungs, to frighten it away. The wolf took off.

  Sighing in relief, he limped over to Faith. Fighting the urge to bend her over his knee and spank the hell out of her, he grabbed her arm. “You ever take off on me again and I’ll…” he pointed to Maisie, “I’ll kill her. It will be your fault, too. Just remember that.”

  Faith’s eyes became wide. “No!”

  He leaned down, unzipped the jacket, and removed his gun. “Then you’d better start behaving young lady. I mean it”

  Shaking, she nodded.

  Ben looked back to where he’d left Barbara and was tempted to go and search for her. Time was running out, though. He was beginning to doubt that the police were going to show, since everything was quiet, but he didn’t want to take any chance.

  “Let’s go,” he said, grabbing Faith’s hand.

  Ben’s ankle was throbbing as they took the path back to the van. The pain was so intense that he broke out into a cold sweat and by the time he reached the van, he was dizzy. He put Maisie and Faith back into the van, closed the door, and was about to get inside himself when Barbara jumped onto his back. His ankle gave out from under him and he fell down with her clinging to him.

  Chapter 34

  CARISSA HADN’T PLANNED on jumping on top of Ben, but she’d been frantic to stop him from leaving with Chloe. He collapsed, but elbowed her in the stomach. Within seconds, he had her on her back.

  “You stupid bitch!” he screamed into her face. “I gave you several chances, but you just can’t stay away! Now you’re going to get what’s coming to you, Barbara!”

  Carissa jabbed her thumbs into his eyes.

  Ben screamed out in pain.

  She shoved her feet against his abdomen and was able to roll away. As she got to her feet, she noticed him fumbling for his gun and quickly kicked it away.

  He tried crawling for it, but she grabbed it first.

  “Enough!” she hollered, aiming it at him. “It’s over!”

  “You are not taking my daughter from me again,” he growled, getting to his feet.

  “Stop right there,” she ordered, taking a step back.

  Ben noticed her hand t
rembling and smiled coldly. “You wouldn’t shoot me. You don’t have it in you.”

  “To save her, I would.”

  He took another step toward her and Carissa knew that he wasn’t going to back down. Hoping that she was doing the right thing, she lowered the gun.

  “See, I didn’t think so,” he replied, smirking.

  Carissa struck him in the chin with a hard front kick. He landed on his back and didn’t get up.

  Staring at him in shock, she wasn’t sure what to think. Carissa had never actually used the kick in a real life situation, only in training where everyone wore safety gear.

  Gripping the gun, she walked over and nudged him with her boot. He didn’t move.

  Sighing in relief, Carissa rushed to the back of the van, and opened it.

  The puppy rushed forward in greeting but Chloe stared at Carissa with big, frightened eyes.

  “Chloe. It’s okay. Come here,” she said, holding her arms out to the girl. “You’re safe now.”

  Wary, Chloe crawled over to her.

  Carissa lifted her out of the van

  “Where is he?” whispered Chloe as she set her down and grabbed her hand.

  “Don’t worry. He’s unconscious,” replied Carissa.

  “But, where?” asked the little girl, peering around the van.

  Carissa looked over to where she’d left Ben.

  He was gone.

  Frightened, she pulled Chloe closer and pointed the gun toward the front of the van, expecting him to come charging. “Let’s get to my truck.”


  As they backed away from the vehicle, they could hear sirens in the distance.

  “See, everything is going to be just fine. The cops are coming.”

  “But… what if he comes back for me?” asked Chloe in a frightened voice.

  “Next time… I’ll shoot him.”

  Chapter 35

  THE POLICE SEARCHED the state park but were unable to locate Ben.

  “He really has nowhere to run,” said Jim. “We’ll get him eventually.”

  “He was pretty hurt,” Carissa said, watching as the FBI agents placed Chloe into their vehicle to bring her back to the resort.

  “Good. That will make our job easier” Jim then told her about Alex. “He’s alive, but in critical condition.”

  “Was he conscious?” she asked.

  “Barely. He confirmed that it was Ben who shot him, though, and that they were cousins.”

  “He had no idea that his cousin had Chloe?”

  Jim took out a cigarette and lit the end. “No. At least that’s what he said.”

  “He’s not lying,” she replied softly.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. Once he’s feeling better, we’ll question him some more.”

  “Ben thought that I was Barbara,” said Carissa, shaking her head with a grim smile.

  “Really? Wow. I’m surprised that he functioned so well in society. He’s gym teacher, for God’s sake,” said Jim.

  “He obviously knows how to put the charm on when he needs to,” said Carissa.

  “I just can’t believe that his daughter was dead all along and he was searching the countryside for her. There are at least three other cases, with the similar M.O.s, that we think he’s responsible for. Two of the bodies have been found, including Amy’s. There’s still one missing.”

  “He was responsible for all three,” she said, no doubt in her mind.

  He took a drag of his smoke and blew it out. “If we don’t get him tonight, I suppose we’d better keep a close eye on Chloe, and her family.”

  “Yes,” she replied, staring off. “He still thinks that she’s Faith and if he finds a way to get back to her, he will.”


  After giving a formal, written statement to Jim, Carissa went back to the lodge and checked in with Chloe and her parents. The resort was crawling with reporters and cops. It was almost a relief to know that if Ben did try returning for Chloe, he’d never get past the mob.

  “Thank you so much,” said Rachel, her eyes puffy from crying. “Chloe told us that it was you who found her.”

  “I just wish I could have done it sooner,” she replied, smiling. It was moments like this that made her appreciate her gifts. No matter how stressful and frightening it could be, an end result like this made it all worthwhile.

  Paul also thanked Carissa, but had a hard time looking her in the eyes. She knew it was because he was uncomfortably aware that she knew some of his dirty, dark secrets.

  “By the way,” Rachel said, when they were alone in the kitchen, a few minutes later. “Paul was having an affair. You knew that, though, didn’t you?”

  “I picked up on it,” she said. “I’m sorry.”

  Her eyes filled with tears again. “Me, too. More for Chloe, though. Paul and I have been having issues and I guess, I wasn’t that surprised either. But it still hurts like a sonofabitch.”

  Carissa’s eyes searched hers and she knew that Rachel would pull through and eventually find love again. She kept it to herself, however. “I know it’s hard, but you’re a strong woman and things will get better.”

  “Right,” Rachel said dryly and then let out a ragged sigh. “Chloe is going to be heartbroken when she learns that we’re getting a divorce. My parents split up when I was young and it was a horrible experience.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to try working it out?” asked Carissa.

  “Right now, the only thing I want is for Chloe to have some normalcy in her life but… I don’t think I can ever trust him again. Or Maddy,” she said, her lips trembling. “Just being near him disgusts me. I hate him.”

  “You have every right to feel what you’re feeling and should definitely take some time to figure things out. Just make sure that Chloe knows you both love her and that you won’t keep him from her,” she replied. Although Carissa didn’t like Paul, she knew that this experience had shaken him to the core and he would now be a much better father to Chloe.

  “We’ll see,” she said. “It was his fault that she was taken. He told me the entire story.”

  Carissa nodded. “He made some terrible choices. He won’t be able to forgive himself for a very long time.”

  “Good, because I won’t either,” she said, grabbing some tissues from the counter.

  Carissa sensed that the family had a long road ahead of them to recover from the last twenty-four hours. In the end, they’d work through the tragedy as best as they could, but their relationship would never be the same. Nor would their daughter have the same innocence.

  Before she left their cabin, Carissa went in to Chloe’s bedroom to tell her goodbye.

  “You were a very brave little girl tonight,” she said to her. “You should be very proud of yourself.”

  “Thanks,” Chloe replied shyly.

  “Just don’t go wandering off by yourself anymore,” said Carissa, ticking her gently.

  “I won’t,” she replied, giggling.

  Carissa sighed. “Seriously, though, kiddo. You have to stay close to your parents even if you’re angry with them. They’re here to protect you.”

  She nodded.

  “Okay, I have to get some sleep myself.” She stood up. “Goodnight, Chloe.”

  “Wait, do you know what happened to Maisie?”

  She thought about the puppy. The last time she’d seen the Beagle, Jim had her. “I’m not sure. I think the sheriff may have taken her to the dog pound.”

  Chloe looked at her mother, who was standing in the doorway. “Mom, Maisie saved me from a wolf. She needs a home now. Can we go and get her from the pound?”

  Rachel looked horrified. “The kidnapper’s dog? Absolutely not,” she said stepping into the bedroom.

  Paul who’d also been listening in, stepped around the doorway. “I agree with your mother. You’ll have a dog someday, but not that lunatic’s dog,” he said, looking over her

  Chloe began to pout. “Maisie wasn’t his dog. She was like me. His

  “In a way, she’s right,” said Carissa. The dog had been used to victimize children when all she really wanted was to love them. “She’s a really nice puppy.”

  “Yeah and Ben was mean to her. He even hurt her when she was trying to protect me. You need to save Maisie, Daddy!”

  Paul and Rachel looked at each other.

  Carissa pulled them aside. “I’m not a child psychologist, but something tells me that Chloe and Maisie might be good for each other.”

  “The dog’s going to be a constant reminder to Chloe of what happened tonight,” said Rachel.

  “Dog or not, she’s never going to forget what happened,” said Carissa. “But, Chloe will always wonder about the puppy who tried saving her life. She thinks of Maisie as her little champion.”

  Sighing, Paul walked over to Chloe and at down on the bed. “I can’t make any promises but… tomorrow we’ll talk to the sheriff and see if Maisie is adoptable.”

  Chloe squealed in delight and threw her arms around Paul’s neck.

  “Score one for Paul,” mumbled Rachel.

  “If this was a contest, in Chloe’s eyes, you’re always going to be leading,” whispered Rachel. “Paul really doesn’t want to do this, but he’s making a sacrifice for her. He needs to start putting Chloe first and this is a good start.”

  “Maybe,” she replied with a ragged breath.


  By the time that she made it back to her cabin, it was close to five a.m. and Carissa was exhausted. She left her mother a voicemail, updating her on the situation and then fell asleep. A few hours later, her mom called Carissa back, excited about the news.

  “You should be very proud of yourself. I know I am,” she said happily.

  “I just wish that I could have been out here a week earlier,” she said, “and saved the other girl, Amy.”

  “You’re not going to be able to save everyone, honey. Just be grateful that Chloe is still alive and back with her parents.”


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