Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5)

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Error (Adrenaline Series Book 5) Page 3

by Neal, Xavier

  I knock on my forehead twice and then the door.

  To my surprise it swings open almost instantly. Angela gasps at me. “Daniel?”


  My correction paints a familiar sadness into her eyes.

  She was one of his regular girls. While he cycled through one nightstands enough to make anyone's dick scared of the outcome, he also had a handful of girls he called at routine times on certain days. They were his staple chicks. Judge him all you want, none of them fucking minded.

  “Right.” She shakes her head quickly. “I'm sorry. I just...right. What's up?”

  Nervously, I fidget. “Is your sister home?”

  She hums to herself. “That's a good question.” Contemplation rolls across her face. “Is her car in the driveway?”

  I glance over my shoulder. “There's a black Honda Civic.”

  “Yeah, that's hers,” she brushes it away with gag. “She must be in her room. Come on in.”

  Crossing the threshold, I immediately admire the extensive shot glass collection that covers the walls to the right. The entire area looks like it's intended for entertainment with the bar, the piano, and the chairs, but the floor to ceiling wall of glasses makes me wonder who in their right mind would trust drunk people in here.

  I point. “The collection-”

  “My dad's and he's rarely home.” Angela bites her bottom lip and lifts her eyebrow. “Like now...”

  Is she coming onto me?

  Nodding, I let her lead me down the hall to where a large living room and huge kitchen intersect. We take a right. Along the walls my eyes can't help but fall onto the family photos. Many of them are just what I assume are their parents. The others mainly include Angela. Almost none of Azura.

  At the end of the hall, before the path branches off to the right, she says, “You sure it's her you're looking for and not me?”

  I clear my throat. “Positive.”

  “Well if you change your mind, just let me know.” Unsure of how to take that I keep my mouth closed. “Anyway this is her. Just go in.”

  Curiously I question, “She won't mind?”

  “I doubt it,” Angela brushes off and starts walking towards her own room. “She rarely does.”

  I know they're only step siblings, but still. Do you get the feeling they're almost like weird college roommates?

  On a deep breath, I twist the door knob to enter. To my pleasant surprise, I catch a glimpse of the most amazing set of tits I've ever seen. Period.

  The enjoyment is beyond short lived by the shrieking and high pitched demands to leave. “Get out! Out! Out!”

  Quickly I shut the door and lean my forehead against it. “Sorry...”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” she yells from the other side. Before I have a chance to answer she jerks the door open. “And are you allergic to knocking?”

  “Angela said-”

  “Of course she did.” Azura folds her arms across her chest. Anger seems to be disappearing just at the sight of me. Kindly she greets, “Hi...”

  Loving the simple way that word sounded off her full lips, I repeat back, “Hi...”

  A bit of tension builds, she asks, “ are you here?”

  My face tries to offer her a smile. “I came to apologize.”

  Suddenly her body relaxes and an odd wave of relief washes over me.

  Fuck. I wasn't aware that I cared this fucking much about her being pissed at me. What do you mean of course I do? You barely know me. But yeah. I really did.

  “I uh...I'm really sorry about how I acted last night. What I said...”

  She whispers, “I know.”

  “I didn't mean it.”

  A small smile comes to the pair of beautiful lips I wanna stroke with my tongue. “I know.”

  “Wanna let me make it up to you?”

  Azura slips her hands in the back pocket of her jean shorts. “How?”


  My small offer gets a big grin. “Like a date?”

  “Uh...” I shrug. “I uh...I guess?”

  Why are you looking at me like that? Did I mess that up? Well I didn't expect I'd have to call it a date! I just- Well I- Would you stop yelling at me already?

  Sweetly she sighs, “It's cool Destin. You don't have to pity ask me out-”

  “That's not pity,” I immediately spew. “I just..I haven't legit asked a girl out in a while, so I guess I just clammed up. But yeah. A date, Azura. That's what I want.”

  This time she wets her lips before grinning. “I want that too.”



  For a moment I just stare uncertain of what to say or do next.

  Why am I so awkward? Why didn't Drew prep me better for this?

  “But um...not today,” she says. “I have plans.”

  Jealously instantly floods my system. “Like another date?”

  Azura continues to smirk but shakes her head. “No. Just a party.”

  With a smirk of my own I playfully suggest, “I could be your date to that.”

  A doubtful look falls on her face seconds before she shakes her head profusely. “No. No. No. No....I don't think that's a good idea.”

  “Creepy ex-boyfriend gonna be there?”




  “Secret twin sister you've been keeping from us with vampire teeth and hump back?”

  Azura erupts into laughter trying to deny my suggestion in the process. Loving her laugh, I soak in every bit of it I can. For the first time in weeks, I can see my old self coming back on the horizon.

  “Let me tag along,” I encourage.

  “It's a pool party. Do you have swim trunks?”


  Shit. I don't.

  “I do have money though. We can swing by the store and I'll grab a pair.”

  Azura shakes her head. “Let me see if I can save you twelve bucks.”

  Intrigued I dart my eyebrows down.

  “Angela!” she calls out. Nothing happens, so she repeats her name, “Angela!” The two of us wait in silence for a few moments before she yells it again, “Angela!” Finally her sister's door flies open and she asks, “You got a pair of swim trunks Destin can fit in?”

  I look over my shoulder to see her in less clothing than she was before.

  Sports bra and booty shorts. I pray she's about to work out and not try to seduce someone. They wouldn't stand a chance. Well, I would. No offense to my brother and his blondes are perfect policy, but I'm starting to think brunettes do it better. Particularly wavy haired ones.

  She slides her hand up the door frame to pose, eyes planted on me. “Daniel's size, right?”

  Nope. That's not happening. Not sleeping with her.


  She lingers for a moment before giving up. “Yeah, give me a sec.”

  As she disappears into her room, I turn around and analyze Azura's outfit. “You're not gonna wear that top are you?”

  She looks down at the monstrosity, which looks more like a tank top than one that belongs in the water.

  “What's wrong with it?”

  “Not to sound rude, but you're working with an A plus rack in a C minus top.”

  Her caramel colored face flushes. Something inside of me whispers that I want to see her do that again and again.

  Preferably while calling out my name and clawing at the sheets. Damn I'm hornier than I thought.

  Angela comes down the hall dangling black swim trunks from her fingers. “These should work.”

  Politely I thank her, “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” After letting her eyes dangle in mine a little too long, she gives her sister a look. Quickly she shakes her head. “No Az. We've talked about this a million times-”

  “You mean you've said this a million times,” Azura mumbles.

  “That swimsuit top should be left at the bottom of the ocean so sh
arks can wipe their asses with it.”

  I point. “What she said.”

  “Ugh,” Azura grunts before pinning me with an unhappy expression.

  “You have a great set of boobs. Showcase them sometimes,” Angela states as she walks off.

  Smirking wider, I look at Azura cockily. “I definitely agree with that.”

  She rolls her eyes, but smiles brightly. “Fine. I'll change. You can use the bathroom right next door to do the same.”

  With one more nod, I follow her instructions, actually excited for the first time since Daniel died about something that doesn't involve hunting down one of the most wanted criminals in the country.

  Who knows, maybe this excitement could lead to naked excitement. Can't blame a guy for hoping. I'm really trying to get away from watching so much porn.


  One word. One word I never thought I would ever hear Destin McCoy say. Date. Well, say to me I guess I should correct. I've heard him say he has a date with many different drinks and the toilet several times in the couple years I've known him. Never a girl though. McCoys have never been big into dating. I remember when Merrick started. It was a phenomenon that gave me slight hope that someday, through a parting the sea kind of miracle, maybe the others would follow in his footsteps. Hope he's resting in peace.

  After gently placing my bags in the backseat, one which contains my photo equipment and the other a dry pair of clothes for the event after, I move to the driver's door.

  Unexpectedly Destin stops me. “Wait.”

  With my key in hand ready to go, I freeze.

  “Maybe I shouldn't go.”

  Yup. Knew this shit was too good to be true.

  Swallowing my fear I nod. “Okay.”

  His eyes that were just plastered on the ground clearly not here in the present with me shoot up to meet mine. “It's not that I don't wanna go with you.”

  The reassurance makes me bite my bottom lip to resist smiling. “But?”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “You wanna know one reason I like to stay locked up in my room behind the computer screen?” When I nod he says, “Because it doesn't offer me half ass condolences. It doesn't pretend to know how I feel. It doesn't offer me sympathy sex or sympathy shots or give me that judgmental look at the pathetic state of suffering my life is in. As much fun as a pool party sounds and the idea of hanging with you for the afternoon is....more than tempting, I just don't know that I'm ready to go through another dose of that stale bogus 'sorry for your loss' bullshit.”

  At that moment I take a long hard look at him knowing he's right, knowing I'm guilty of that very thing.

  Of course I feel sorry for him. And of course I wanna try to comfort him that way, but from the looks of it, that's clearly not what he needs. He's craving normalcy. Maybe even a bit of invisibility. Now that's my specialty.

  “One of the drawbacks of being a McCoy,” he mumbles resting his arms against my car. “Everyone knows.”

  “Not everyone.” My words wrinkle his forehead. “What if I take you somewhere that you're a little less than legendary? A place where you can say your name and people probably won't blink twice.”

  “Is that because they haven't found life on Mars yet?” When I giggle he adds, “And you said swim trunks, not an astronaut suit.”

  With another laugh I roll my eyes. “Just...shut up and trust me.”

  Destin wiggles his tongue around, the small ball of his piercing flashing itself at me in such a fashion, I have to force myself to look away. Sweat suddenly breaks out across my neck.

  No. It's not that goddamn hot outside. You mean to tell me you don't wonder what that feels like in the very places I'm sure I'm collecting dust?

  He gives me a grin. “Alright. I trust you.”

  “Good.” I smile back. “Now get in the car.”

  The trip across town is actually more pleasant than I've dreamed of. We spend most of the time playfully arguing over the radio, his inability to sing though he swears he sounds just like the lead singer from Journey, and why AC is always better than the wind for cooling down.

  “It's a bike thing,” he says in a playful sneer, checking his phone for the fourth time.

  “Well I wouldn't know. I've never been on one.”

  Immediately he tosses his hands in the air. “Exsqueeze me?”

  “You want me to squeeze you?”

  “Later if I'm lucky.” Once I'm blushing he chuckles and adds, “You've seriously never been on a bike before? How is that possible?”

  “I like things with four doors,” I reply pulling up to the gated off neighborhood. “I feel safer.”

  “You'll feel plenty safe on the back of my bike. Trust me. Pepper and I will take good care of you.”

  Once I've entered the code, I turn to him. “Pepper?”

  “My bike.”

  “Yeah, I got that. Why'd you name her Pepper?”

  “Like Pots.”

  “From Iron Man?”

  “You know comics?” His eyes lift as his face lights up. “Or from the movies? Tell me you know comic books.”

  “Guilty.” I surrender a hand. “Avid lover. Even the less known ones like Commander Planet-”

  “From the Onyx galaxy,” Destin finishes for me on a chuckle. “I love Commander Planet!”

  “Shut up,” I whisper turning down the road that's only home to one house. “You're serious?”

  “Yeah.” He eagerly nods. “Remember that issue where he had to face the choice to save his own planet from the Death Ray of Red Mist or Louise Anna from Silver Storm?”

  Too astir, I can barely contain myself as I park the car. “I do!”

  “I liked that even when he had to face saving the world or saving the girl, he chose to save the girl.”

  Intrigued I face him. “Why?”

  “Because to him she was his whole world. And one without her wasn't worth living in. Not fair to the billions of other people on their planet, but I try to imagine if he would've let her die, what would've kept him stepping up to keep up the fight after that? Sometimes just one person can push the entire course of history. Sometimes just saving one, saves them all.”

  Destin's eyes linger in mine, the toffee color that's close to my skin tone now returned. I admire the face I've spent years staring at, years waiting to notice me, finally doing just that. The magical feeling is overwhelming, intimidating, and intoxicating.

  Oh boy. I'm in trouble.

  “We should um...get going,” I softly suggest.

  The two of us head towards the Tudor style mansion where we bang a left instead of going through the front door. We follow the path around to the back where music is blaring and there's obviously a very lively crowd.

  Steps before we enter, Destin asks, “How do you know these people?”


  “Took your sweet ass time getting here.” My other best friend Jamie snaps rushing towards us.

  Jamie, while I love her to death and she has been my best friend since I turned twenty one, is way too over protective. At 5'11 with a body builder figure from hours of MMA training and underground fighting, it's safe to assume it's not just her mouth that scares most people away.

  “Any longer I would've sent out a search party to pry you away from your computer. I'm tellin' you, unless that thing learns to blow your back out, there's no reason to spend that much time on it. Work or not. ”

  Clearing my throat I correct her, “I was actually having a wardrobe crisis.”

  “Is that why you don't look like Mary Teresa today?”

  If I had any chance at trading her for someone else, right now, I would.

  Embarrassed I snip, “Jamie!”

  “I like you,” Destin laughs before extending his hand. “I'm Destin.”

  “I'm a lesbian,” she informs shaking it back.

  With a wide smile he states, “Lucky girls. However, I didn't mean it like I was hitting on you.”

  “He hated my top too,” I quickly rush t
he words out. “A lot.”

  “A man with taste.” Jamie lifts her pierced eyebrow. “Impressive. Do you like 'em tall, blonde, and members of the itty bitty titty committee?”


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