Brink Of Passion (Alpine Woods Shifters)

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Brink Of Passion (Alpine Woods Shifters) Page 20

by Sondrae Bennett

  The leopard was bigger than Laurie. Stronger. Immediately, she could feel his weight push her back. But her mother had always said, it wasn’t the dog in the fight that mattered, it was the fight in the dog. And Laurie had a hell of a lot of fight in her. She wasn’t just mad, she was pissed. No one attacked her mate. Her family.

  With a snarl, she lunged for the leopard’s throat, hoping to end this quickly so she could help with Max, who would be overpowered with two attackers. Before she made contact, his claw swiped her across the face. Laurie felt the sting as it tore strips in her cheek, but she pushed the pain away. The cat might be stronger, but no way could he have the same desperation Laurie did. Her life was on the line. Hers, and her mate, his brother and cousins. Everything came down to this moment. Losing wasn’t an option.

  She jumped to the left as his fangs tried to sink into her shoulder. Felt a small sting as they scraped the skin instead.

  Behind her, sounds of the scuffle between Max, Chad, and his brother pulled at her attention, but Laurie pushed it all away. She had to trust him. Trust that he could hold his own, and do whatever she could to take down her opponent.

  No matter what Chad or his family thought, Max was more than a figurehead Premier. From the moment she’d met him, she knew he possessed a powerful dominance, and a strength that would cow most shifters. She almost smiled even as she dodged another blow. These men were toast.

  Her claws connected with the leopard’s hip. The cat yelped, before his teeth sunk deep into her side, yanking a chunk out. Laurie stumbled back, before firming her legs. Her side throbbed, her cheek stung, and her shoulder ached. No, no, no. She would not lose this fight. The stakes were too high.

  Tyler. He’d gone to get the others and would be coming back. Help was on the way. They just had to hang on until then. If they could hold the men off until the others arrived, these three would have no chance.

  Pushing the pain to the corner of her mind, Laurie lunged, sinking her fangs into the leopard’s shoulder and ripping flesh. The metallic taste filled her mouth as his fur darkened with blood. The cat howled, backing away. Laurie crouched, waiting for his next attack, but the cat continued to retreat, shaking his head in denial.

  Oh, hell no. Already playing coward? These men started this fight, they could damn well stay until she and Max finished it.

  She turned as the cat retreated further into the room. In front of her, Chad’s brother lay sprawled out, motionless. She sank her claws into his legs as she stalked toward the leopard. He tried to back away, but Laurie continued forward, letting him know there was no escape.

  No doubt sensing her determination, the cat made one last attack. He lunged, crashing into her side as she reared up and sank her teeth into his throat. As she ripped his jugular, she felt his paws batter her chest, a sharp stabbing pain at a particularly hard blow. She stumbled back as his body crashed to the floor. Blood seeped from a tear in his throat.

  Behind her, sounds of the fight between Max and Chad continued. She turned, determined to help him, when the room spun. Gray spots dotted her vision. She shook her head to clear it.

  Max stumbled, and Chad swept his feet out from under him, causing him to crash to the floor. A cut on his temple and another on his lip bled steadily. Laurie started forward once again, stumbling as her feet refused to obey. Pain split her side as she collapsed, panting in a desperate attempt for air.

  Where was that wheezing coming from?

  Chad wrapped his hands around Max’s throat, a sneer darkening his face. Frantically, Laurie tried to stand only to fall over once again. She had to get to him. Had to help. She couldn’t lose him. Not now. Not after confessing her love and hearing him say he loved her in return.

  Her useless legs wouldn’t hold her weight. Was the air getting thinner? She dragged herself forward. Too slow. Desperation clawed at her throat. Useless. Why was she so useless?

  The ding of the elevator reverberated through the room like a bell tower. Both Laurie and Chad swung their heads toward the doorway as Tyler, Colin, and Ryan came into the room.

  “What the fuck?” Colin exclaimed.

  Not bothering with questions, Tyler dashed forward and pulled Chad off Max. Ryan, right behind him, bent down and felt for a pulse.

  Laurie held her breath.

  A beat.


  “It’s weak, but there.”

  All three turned in her direction. Laurie tried to tell them with body language that she was fine. She tried once again to stand, but fell to her side.

  Knowing the danger was over, she let herself rest. Around her, blood splattered the carpet and sofa. Leah lay moaning. Max was unconscious. And Laurie was having a hard time drawing enough air. Her chest felt full of sand.

  But they were alive. The relief was so profound, she felt tears pool in her eyes.

  They were alive.

  She heard Colin talking. Trusted they’d know what to do and who to call. She closed her eyes as a hand ruffled through the fur on her head.

  “Laurie, do you think you can shift?” Tyler’s voice. The idea made her whine in denial. With her injuries, it would feel like rubbing crushed glass all over. “Unless you want to go to the vet instead of the hospital, you’re going to have to shift.”

  For a moment, she entertained the idea. But getting fixed up at the vet meant staying wolf until her more serious injuries healed. And would force Max’s family to explain why they had a timber wolf as a pet.

  She glanced at Max’s still form on the floor. She wanted to be able to talk to him. To hold him and kiss him.

  Her whine turned into a cry as she forced her aching muscles back to their human form. The pain exploded inside her head as the agony in her side increased, each heartbeat a blinding blow against her temples until finally, blissfully, the darkness overtook her.

  Chapter 17

  The wheels of her IV holder squeaked in the silence of the corridor as Laurie crept down the hall. She glanced into the room to her right and saw a woman she didn’t know sleeping in the bed. She moved onto the next, knowing Max had to be around here somewhere.

  Three doors later, she found him, his eyes open as he stared at the ceiling. Earlier, she’d learned both Max and Leah would be staying on the same floor as her—Leah for the gunshot wound and Max for a bad concussion. Colin and Ryan had filled her in when they had come by her hospital room where she’d been treated for a punctured lung and had the gashes in her cheek stitched together. She still hadn’t built up the courage to look in a mirror. The wound would scar, too deep to shift away, but Laurie had never been a great beauty to begin with. Lucky for her the lung hadn’t required surgery, although they had stuck her with a scary-looking needle to aspirate. But she’d rather not remember that.

  Max’s gaze pierced into her as she opened the door and stepped inside.

  “You should be in bed.”

  “My thought exactly,” Laurie said as she crawled into his hospital bed. He hesitated for a moment before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her tighter against him. Enfolded in his arms, she was finally able to relax. How was she supposed to rest when the last time she’d seen him he’d been unconscious and bleeding?

  “How bad?” he asked. She had no doubt he’d already been apprised of her condition. Probably nagged until he knew more about her injuries than she did.

  “You tell me. Am I hideous?” She’d meant it as a joke, but her chest tightened in anxiety. Vulnerability ate at her mind as her stomach churned in dread. What if he was no longer attracted to her?

  Max pulled her gaze to his with gentle hands. She watched his eyes trace the gashes before returning to hers.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Unbelievably, tears filled her eyes, clouding her vision. She blinked them away, needing to see the unwavering acceptance in his gaze.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, jellyfish.”

  Her breath huffed out on
a shadow of a laugh. How many nicknames did he have?

  “We make a good team.”

  Her chest swelled with pride knowing she’d been a help to him. “Yeah, we do. No more keeping important things from me.”

  His hand reached for hers, entwining their fingers together. “I promise. We’re in this together.”

  Together. Her heart fluttered at the word. She rubbed her ear against his shoulder and felt him clutch her a bit closer, hissing when he held her too tight.

  “Sorry,” he whispered.

  “It’s okay.” Tears slid down her face, dampening his shoulder.

  “Laurie?” The concern in his voice brought the tears on faster. “I’ll get the nurse.” But she stopped him when he reached for the call button.

  “I thought I’d lost you. Chad was standing over you, choking you, and I couldn’t get there.”

  “Hey. It’s okay. I’m okay.” Leaning over her, he kissed her tear stained cheeks. “In another month, this will all be forgotten.”

  Laurie raised her eyebrows, an incredulous smile curling her lips. She would never forget how close she’d come to losing him. Never stop appreciating every day with him.

  With a laugh, he kissed her curled lips and pulled her back against him. “Kitty’s going to be fine,” he said after a moment.

  “I heard. Broken hip. But according to Ryan they aren’t even casting it and it doesn’t require surgery. Just a sling.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Laurie smiled against his shoulder at the relief in his voice. “Admit it,” she teased.


  “You like her.” For all his fuss about having a dog, he sure treated her well. Let him try and deny it. She’d seen them watching TV together.

  “She not only saved my life when I was poisoned, but she risked her life when we were held at gunpoint. That is an extraordinary dog.” He was silent a moment, his hand rubbing circles on her back. “But don’t be getting any ideas. One is enough.”

  She chuckled, placing a kiss against his chest.

  “Whatever you say, dear.”

  Laurie stared at the wall, content to lay in Max’s arms. The room smelled like a hospital, but underneath, Max’s scent comforted her wolf.

  “You never got to visit your family,” Max said after a moment.

  Laurie patted him on the chest. “They’ll understand. I had other things to attend to.”

  “We can visit them together once we’re better.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.”

  Their joined hands settled over the center of his chest. The steady beat of his heart combined with the warmth of him surrounding her lulled her to a contented sleep.


  Max felt helpless as he stared at the grief pouring out of Leah in gulping sobs. She’d barely gotten four words out after they had all gathered in her hospital room the day after the attack. Her explanation dissolved into a broken strand of “I’m sorry” strung together.

  Surprisingly, Laurie moved first, grabbing his cousin’s hand and pulling it away from her face. She touched her forehead to Leah’s and whispered words of comfort.

  “It’s okay, Leah. No one blames you. We just want to know what happened.” Ryan, ever the temperate one.

  “Please blame me.”

  “You are not him,” Max said, his voice gruffer than intended.

  “You don’t understand,” she countered, misery in every word.

  “Help us understand.” The gentleness in Tyler’s usually gruff voice surprised Max. Then again, they weren’t dealing with just anyone. Leah was family. They’d grown up playing hide-and-seek together. Shared dinner and cried on each other’s shoulders. And yesterday, her mate had shot her and put her through the emotional wringer.

  “I knew.”

  Max had to step forward in order to hear the whispered words.

  “Knew what?” Laurie asked, her thumb soothing over the hand she held.

  “I knew what he was doing. I knew and I didn’t say anything.”

  Shock blanketed him. Questions filled his mind. Where did he start? Once again, Laurie was the first to act, sliding her arm around his cousin and pulling her in for a comforting embrace.

  “How long?” he choked out, torn between anger at her revelation and the desire to alleviate a loved one’s pain.

  “Shortly after Vermont,” Leah admitted, her eyes peeping up at him. Vermont when he’d been shot at as Leopard.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  Her cries increased. Sobs torn from her throat. He hated pushing her, but he needed to know if he could trust her. Was she in on the plot, or a victim?

  “He’s my mate,” she finally whispered.

  A wave of understand hit him. Chad was not a good man, despite their belief in him for years. But whatever he’d been, he was still Leah’s mate. Perhaps his unmated cousins and brother would have a harder time understanding, but he understood the depth of that bond. Laurie would never turn him against his family, but if she tried, he’d be hard pressed to choose between the woman his leopard had chosen and the family he loved. Loyalty would be split, tearing him in two. A unique hell only another shifter could understand.

  On the bed, Leah’s chant of “I’m sorry” had started again. He understood why she’d done what she’d done, but could he forgive? Her mate had almost cost him his mate, his brother, a cousin, and his own life. But as he stared at the pathetic portrait she made, he realized he held no ill will. It might have come late, but Leah had come to warn them. In the end, she’d chosen family. And the fate she suffered now was something he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy.

  Spurred to action, Max crossed to the bed and replaced Laurie’s hand with his own.

  “It’s okay. We will get through this together, Leah.”

  She cried harder, but her whispered apologies had finally stopped. He leaned down and placed a kiss against her head. Healing the gunshot wound would be easy. Healing the scars from her mate’s betrayal would take longer. But they’d get her through it. Whatever the future held, they would tackle it. Together.


  A smile tugged at the corner of Laurie’s mouth as she neared Max. Images that sure as hell weren’t coming from her brain assaulted her. Did he think she had a naughty nurse outfit, or was he hinting he wanted her to get one?

  It had been three weeks since she’d come home from the hospital. Max had been released a week before her, but spent every night in her room, watching over her. Was he feeling a bit nostalgic, or did he just have a thing for sponge baths?

  His eyes smoldered. She pictured running her hands over his chest as it glistened with soapy water. She’d play nurse if it meant having him at her command.

  When she reached him, Max pulled her into her arms and kissed her until her knees weakened. His teeth nipped at her bottom lip before moving lower, over her jaw and down her neck. She tilted her head to the side to give him more access, sighing as his lips caressed her mating mark. Who would have thought mating Max would make her feel so complete? She hadn’t even realized something was missing from her life until Max came into her world and filled the void.

  Max lifted her hand between them and nipped at her fingers. His gaze held hers captive, not allowing her eyes to shut. The heat of his mouth as he sucked on her finger was hot enough to melt butter. Her pulse quickened. Tonight, she would give him a mating mark of her own and make him hers completely.

  Something cold slid onto her finger, prompting her to break his stare. She looked down at the ring in shock. A circular diamond sat amongst an antique setting. Unique, and a little edgy. It was perfect.

  “It was my great-grandmother’s,” he said, sweeping his lips up her cheekbone.

  “It’s perfect.” She couldn’t tear her eyes away.

  “Is that a yes?” he teased, pulling her gaze to his.

  “Yes to what? I didn’t hear a question.”

  “You know the question.”

  “I still
want to hear it.”

  He rolled his eyes, but dropped to one knee. The city lights sparkled like thousands of stars behind him.

  “Laurie Callahan, marry me.”

  “I still didn’t hear a question.” But the smile wouldn’t be contained any longer. “Yes,” she exclaimed, throwing herself into his arms. He grunted at the impact, rolling backward until she straddled him on the floor. Then she rained kisses over his face and chest as she unbuttoned his shirt.

  His hands were just as frantic, tearing her shirt in his haste to remove it. A growl escaped as she fumbled with the buttons of his jeans, giving up for a moment to paw his bulge through the material. He moaned against her chest, the heat of his breath causing her nipples to bead in anticipation.

  Finally, blissfully, he was free. Wasting no more time than it took to remove her own jeans, she took him in her hand and guided him inside her. She hissed in pleasure as he stretched her, her fingernails scraping trails down his back as he leaned up to suck on her neck.

  She arched as she thrust herself against him, gasping as she found the perfect spot for him inside her. Their moans mingled between them. His fingers bit into her hips hard enough to bruise, the small bite of pain increasing her pleasure.

  “I love you,” she cried out.

  “I love you so much, my little baked potato.”

  Through the haze of passion, she heard the nickname, but she was too far gone to care. Arching her back, she pushed her chest against his as she increased the pace, racing toward the brink of passion. His lips closed over one nipple and she cried out, the pleasure too intense. Her hips jolted, losing the rhythm. Teeth scraped over the sensitive peak.

  Pulling his head away, she captured his lips with hers. Tongues collided. Teeth nipped. All the while, the inferno built low in her stomach. She could feel the tension coiling inside.

  The sting on her gums told her she was ready. Tilting her head, she sucked a patch of skin at the base of his neck before sinking her teeth into his flesh. His cock jerked inside her. The metallic taste of his blood mingled with the enzyme she released.


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