Monsters from Beyond Reality

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Monsters from Beyond Reality Page 15

by V Bertolaccini

  Though they all soon sensed that it had not and felt its power and intelligence, and how sane it was, and that it was far more than anything that he had ever thought existed!

  Light from it exploded everywhere all over the world showing them its new existence – and entities in the form of large bright globes appeared around them and slowly vanished.

  When it finished Bryson felt vaguely confused but knew that it had left the universe and that they had done everything that they could for it, and the world.

  He then wondered if William had told him the truth earlier that day when he had told him that William Randall had got his treasure from the entity, which had collected it from many sources, and that he had only removed part of the treasure to the other castle – which had been what Bryson had found at the other castle – and that the remains of the treasure had been buried away in a secret chamber under floor of the second tunnel.

  When Bryson investigated it he was staggered to find Pendleton there already, digging up the ground under the second tunnel and that he had just uncovered the secret chamber, and both of them climbed into it and found an entire room full of treasure.


  The Transcendent Voyager

  For billions of years the transcendent voyager had existed never wholly knowing what had created it or where it had originated, carrying out its mission of searching through time and space in its universe for abnormalities, unknown civilizations and species, and transcendent entities with colossal powers and capabilities and to destroy them if they were dangerous to reality and what its programming considered dangerous.

  It had been designed and given technology beyond anything else that it had encountered and had the abilities to search its universe in a degree and with abilities that would not have been believed to exist by the most advanced transcendences and civilizations, and would have been thought of as magical powers, and it had the ability to search its universe throughout time.

  Its form had been an invisible complex mass of energy, stored in many dimensions, that had been built to last forever, and it directly entered stars to energize itself and store its vast powers for extensive amounts of time.

  Its stores of information had been vast and it had the ability to collect as much information on what it had been programmed for eternally and improve its defenses and other abilities, and it had become the ultimate weapon of destruction against the destruction of its universe.

  It had stored the technology and abilities of zillions of species and had the ability to recognize and handle what it had been searching for within a range of its universe.

  At one point it had unintentionally left the universe and had entered an outer universe that it had not known the existence of, where colossal amounts of universes had existed, and on its entrance there its programming had accepted it as the real universe and that it had to accept it as the universe that it had to carry out its mission in.

  At first it had been unable to enter the universes and properly detect anything in them and it used all its information and studied how it had entered the outer universe and found a way to enter them and locate particular things in them, but infinite amounts of things of unknown origins existed in them.

  In supernatural universes it had learned to open and use gateways that shifted it accurately to destinations. It discovered far more than it had ever realized could exist and it gave itself colossal magical abilities and energies and it had analyzed everything in a greater degree.

  On its first entrances to the universes it had been left staggered when it had encountered something of unknown origins that had drained its energy from it!

  Something had virtually absorbed all its power instantly on its entrance of the Earth’s atmosphere, only leaving it with some of its energy in other dimensions, which it had not considered possible as it had not been possible in its own universe, and it could not get proper amounts of power in other dimensions and had to fight to survive and had continuously tried to alter and adapt to something that it could survive as, and it had to create dormant states and ways of collecting energy from small sources and storing it until it had enough to reactivate itself, and work on finding a source powerful enough for it to use to leave there.

  Even though it had not done much in its damaged condition, with its vast abilities virtually unusable, it had been able to explore things through supernatural gateways into universes, going out into the strangest places, and it had even considered if there had been others such as it in the endless universes and if they had created it, and if it could contact them to help it, and it had gained abilities to explore inconceivable dimensions and powers in the universes, far beyond its original knowledge and powers.

  The humans had helped it and it had used its powers to help them and it had created things for them, including defenses and entities to protect them, and it had created things to hide itself away, even though it had almost damaged itself by splitting itself into two halves.

  The humans had become far more advanced and it had been surprised that they had actually found a way for it to restore itself!

  On entering the outer universes it had repaired itself and immediately made sure nothing could drain it of energy again and gave itself abilities to create energy in new ways anywhere, and it altered most of its programming to adapt.

  It created colossal supernatural powers, going beyond anything known, and used its magical powers to transform it into something beyond anything that it had ever encountered and it gained powers to build universes, and others, and found far more than it had ever realized could exist and another universe beyond there.

  Part II


  The Ancient Discovery

  Even now, after what transpired, I do not comprehend what it was, but what I do distinguish is it never came from this universe.

  Visualization I glimpsed off it showed it resembled a dazzling star in deep space as its front materialized into the solar system.

  A powerful star of unidentified magnitude and origins emitting strange shades of dazzling light through Earth’s atmosphere that would have been seen by early human inhabitants.

  Its formation altering to a radiating reddish triangular of light magically rotating out of space itself, and a hole through the fabric of space and time, from somewhere strange and unknown, spinning increasingly faster, while bright colored lines of energy spun rapidly around its radius, and parts of it altered to different forms of energy, and while its power and spin increased it turned to a circle of lines and light.

  Its powers were so strong its detection of the Earth and transit to it were swift, with the world’s bright blue formation sitting alone in space, and it had been its best relocation and exploration.

  On its arrival, it swiftly emerged out of the blackness of space, with its radiant circular shape shifting downwards, while it altered formation, becoming more solid as it tried to transform to matter.

  Its silhouette went over the world’s icy rock like the figure of an ancient dark demon, with cold whirling currents of mist shifting around its partially formed shape, while wild beasts of ancient Earth gave far-away blood-chilling screeches from distant places, hidden away out in depths of the landscape.

  Years later I have barely been able to make out anything, never mind what its originally objective had been, but it made a terrible mistake manifesting in this universe, specifically going by what had occurred.

  What the hell had it been before it had arrived in this universe, and had transformed from? I have never heard or seen anything anywhere like it, and I still feel there was something I should have grasped, but I just could not grasp!

  Its peculiar ghostly formations of what might have been life forms to it, surely from where it came from, flashed through my mind, as strange energy formations, when it made forms of communications with me, which I originally doubted the sanity of.

  Was it insane? Did insane exist to it? Going by what it had been through it could have been! It
surely was damaged! Sometimes it haunted my dreams during the night, and during the day I went through facts trying to grasp something! The smallest clue of something unnoticed!

  Other than its entrance to the universe its main error could have been separating into two divisions, which separated too far apart, with perhaps its unfamiliarity of the universe, and it became trapped on this strange celestial object and reality, with its unidentified formations, and it had gone further than it had ever gone before to survive.


  The Ancient Discovery

  Chapter 1

  Reality Investigations

  The headquarters of Reality Investigations detective agency, beside the river Clyde, was where I disembarked, from directions John Marple, the founder, owner, and chief investigator, had given me on the phone, as he needed me as his assistant investigator.

  At the time I never even suspected even in my wildest fantasies that we would find what we did, and also lost historical treasure, after major clues to its location were uncovered by Dr Barrymore.

  Marple had investigators in all major worldwide cities and he was one of the most advanced and knowledgeable investigators I have met, who was known to me for many years before I joined him there, as assistant chief investigator, and his experience was vast, and entered new dimensions, in all sorts of ways, in science and technology, in extraordinary occurrences, and he handled cases and activities beyond any other agencies I have encountered, and even in current times, and especially at that time, as the Second World War began.

  On my entrance of the building he arrived to welcome me, and rushed me up to his office, and meeting room, where all the action occurred, and I was introduced, as Mike Malone, the news reporter, to other investigators, and given a seat.

  I felt painful bruises all about body where earlier that week I had slipped and fallen down a staircase, after trying to get an interview with a leading politician on the war, who had swiftly escaped, and I knew that there was trouble ahead, and I also realized I wanted a new career.

  Marple held a meeting with his investigators discussing the onslaught of the war, to my surprise, and of its deadliness dawning, becoming apparent across the nation, and it was then that he introduced what must be one of the most distinctive and strangest investigations in scientific history, and what must surely be the greatest scientific discovery mankind has ever encountered, since the dawn of time.

  He bestowed the case at the end of the meeting with little knowledge of what it was about, and asked me to handle it, as my first case, and to see what I would come up with, and left me in unadulterated confusion, as he gave me little, and I was sure we should not have taken the case at all, and I was surprised by Marple’s last silent mention of it, to another investigator, and that a desperate frightened woman on the phone had practically forced him into accepting the case.

  Furthermore, before I undertook it, another bizarre occurrence took place, which later incredibly became part of the case, and a new eccentric client phoned Marple and arranged a meeting with him, with another strange case, and I stayed to see what the man was so desperate to do, and why Marple had suddenly become excitedly interested, and I knew money was involved.

  I sat with Marple drinking whisky at the fireplace, and we discussed our past adventures together, and he promised me more, just as we heard the man enter the bottom floor, and Marple’s secretary announced his arrival through an intercom, and Marple ignited his pipe and smoked it briskly considering the case from diverse perspectives, and I saw he was confused over aspects of it.

  The room slowly grew silent, and the outside traffic seemed to vanish into the distance, and I sat deep into my seat, and felt the suspense Marple was reacting to, but I could not quite grasp all of it, but realized he had to have something and tried to identify what his reactions were to, from the past.

  It was intriguing and baffling! What could make such a guy react in such excitement, with such intrigue?

  His secretary was clearly affected, which was also noticeable in her knock, and was silent and impeded, and Marple withheld from rushing up and over, and I was staggered when she brought in an aged man, she announced was Dr Barrymore, and he shifted forward, with some pain, and I realized he could hardly walk properly and had serious medical conditions.

  I examined him wondering why he was even there, and realized he could be a politician or with the government, and it made me gasp as I considered the war again and I realized they could be looking for our help.

  Dr Barrymore stopped in front of us and removed an envelope, which had the top ripped off.

  He observed us sitting at a small table, between us and the fireplace, where our drinks and Marple’s pipe and ashtray were resting, and he anxiously shuffled over to a seat next to Marple.

  He showed us a typed label on the envelope with his fingertips, with a glint of humor, followed by happiness, and he cheerfully rolled the envelope into a ball and threw it into the fireplace and removed chewing tobacco and chewed off a lump, placed the remainder in his interior pocket, and chewed off a chunk from the chunk in his mouth and spat the piece into the fire in the fireplace and started hungrily chewing the remainder.

  Marple rushed over and got a drink, and returned, and placed it in front of him.

  He removed something ancient looking from the envelope and started playing with it in front of our faces, considering what to say, as I watched the sun go down into the horizon at a side window, and golden shades beam over city buildings.

  “What’s that?” I conclusively asked him, slightly annoyed at him not doing anything for so long, unable to maintain waiting.

  “It’s an eighteenth century document!” Marple announced, and made Dr Barrymore look up, startled.

  He stared annoyed at it, and Marple continued, “I’ve some experience of dating documents!”

  “The origins of the artifact I am looking for come from the majority of accumulated sources, which have been proven to be from around 1568 …”

  “1568?” Marple replied, looking slightly surprised, and sat back considering it.

  “Yes!” Dr Barrymore continued. “According to accounts and legends! Valuable treasure was left near where it was concealed!”

  “Near where what was concealed?” Marple swiftly gasped, looking confused.

  “The artifact!”

  Marple looked at him calmly, and looked deep into the fire, and listened to what he had to say.

  “For centuries it has been thought to exist by a few scholars and explorers, who have carried out meticulous investigations and searches, of which none have been lucky enough ...”

  “What you’re saying is there is treasure somewhere?” I replied, unable to hold back my surprise and enthusiasm.

  “Of course!” he shouted. “That’s what I said on the phone!”

  “What do you want us to do?” I replied, cautiously.

  “Help me find it!” he moaned. “I’ve recently come into some new information that could allow me to locate it!”

  I could not grasp if it actually existed, and sat considering it, and everything he said.

  “According to myths,” he continued, “some people have been found dead searching for it! There could be something of great danger nearby, where it’s been concealed!”

  I sat thinking it over wondering what could be of great danger, and from that century, and was left baffled, and spotted Marple was still confused by the case.

  “What’ll we do then?” I asked, curiously.

  “You’ll have to wait until I’m ready! I have a major clue to its location, and I’m sure I can discover something of significant importance! I will need your help to recover it!”

  “We’ll do that!” Marple replied firmly.

  I knew that he had major clues to its location and that he was confident in discovering it and that it was located somewhere in the region, but I had no idea what it actually was!

  After he had left the building, and returned home, I started to doubt
what he was after was of value as all the archaeology and museum discoveries found then were usually worthless, except to historians like him, for historical value, and I was sure he was just trying to get us to go out our way to get it for him, and I was sure Marple must also think so.

  Though did he have a new way of discovering lost treasures, and had he partially located it as he suggested? He had not given any major clue to its location and identity, but he had given the date of what must surely have been the time of its origins.

  He had been unraveling something for some considerable time and I went over it considering if he had deliberately disguised facts throughout his message, and if he was after something else.

  Chapter 2

  My First Investigation

  All I had been given was that an elderly woman had witnessed something unusual in the night, while going to bed, and there seemed to me no case to investigate and no crime had been committed, and nothing seemed to suggest anything, and I went to the client confused and repeatedly going over the document I was given, which consisted of nothing but a few paragraphs about a few lines she had given the agency, and I came to the conclusion that she might have stopped an attempted burglary and wanted me to secretively handle the problem.

  What could she have confronted at night in the hall of her ground floor tenement flat that could have caused her to seek such dramatic action?

  The location was in the south of the city at Craigmillar Road in Langside, and when I entered I expected little. It was my first mission! And when I saw and talked to the elderly woman I realized she had recently become a widow, and was on her own there, and realized that she had encountered something that she believed was of a paranormal nature, but which was of the strangest nature that I had witnessed in all my encounters, and from everything I had ever heard of.


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