Regency Christmas Box Set: Risking it all

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Regency Christmas Box Set: Risking it all Page 28

by Regina Darcy

  “Miss Wade, if I might be so bold as to speak frankly with you, I will tell you the truth. Your maid, Florence, was the one to beg for my help. She must have seen me watching Lord Faversham and the other gentleman—St James, I think his name was—talking about you. I did not do as she asked at once, but it was only after I heard your faint cries that I felt I could no longer allow such an abhorrent act to continue.” Something in his eyes flickered, his jaw tight.

  “I am not a man well used to considering others, Miss Wade, given that I am the second son of an earl and less inclined to think of anyone other than myself. But in this matter, I will not be moved. I had to do something for you, and having decided as such, I intend to see the matter through. A gentleman who treats you such as Lord Faversham did should never be allowed to marry and most certainly not to produce children of his own, who might then follow their father’s stead.”

  He closed his eyes, a small shudder rattling his frame. “That is the truth of it, Miss Wade. The reason I wish to aid you is because I believe it the right thing to do.” His eyes were fixed on hers once more. “I believe your maid told me that you are quite alone in the world.”

  A sob caught in her throat, but with an effort, Julianna swallowed it down. It was almost too much for her to take in—the kindness of a stranger in helping her do what she had been unable to do herself in escaping from her uncle and Lord Faversham quite overwhelmed her. “My father is presumed dead,” she managed to say, her throat working hard. “Having no children other than myself, the title then passed to my uncle, who is now Viscount St James.” She hesitated, seeing the shock flickering in Mr Ingraham’s eyes. “Yes, the man you saw talking to Lord Faversham is my uncle,” she confessed, the shame of it rising within her. “He did not care for me in any way.”

  Mr Ingraham leaned forward in his seat, his eyes bright. “Then, I am all the more glad that I was able to help you,” he said softly. “Does your back trouble you terribly?”

  She shook her head, ignoring the dull pain. “I will manage,” she replied honestly. “The knowledge that I am far from Lord Faversham and my uncle brings more relief than you can know. My uncle will presume I am wed to Lord Faversham and will remain at my father’s estate, and Lord Faversham may take some time to search for me before returning to England. For the time being, I believe myself to be quite safe, thanks to your consideration, Mr Ingraham.”

  Mr Ingraham smiled at her, and despite his unshaved cheeks, she thought him quite handsome. The kind and generous spirit he had displayed towards her made her immediately think highly of him, her heart quickening just a touch as he brushed her fingers with his.

  “I intend to ensure that relief is ongoing,” he replied in a soft voice. “You will find a suitable gentleman of your own choosing and shall be wed by Christmas, I am quite sure of it. After all, it is the little Season in London, and everyone shall be quite bedazzled by you. What say you to that, Miss Wade?”

  She could not find any words to speak. Her heart seeming to glow with happiness. Nodding, she pressed his hand for a moment, praying that he could sense her gratitude.

  “Very good,” he murmured, leaning back into his chair. “Then tomorrow we shall catch the boat back to England’s fair shores, and thereafter, we will see about setting you up in London. You need not fear any longer, Miss Wade. I shall be by your side until we find another to take my place.”

  “Thank you, Mr Ingraham,” she whispered, feeling a single tear splash onto her cheek. “Finally, I will be able to allow myself a little hope.”


  “Miss Wade?”

  Julianna rose to her feet, her back stiff and sore. She stumbled forward just a little, embarrassment rushing into her features as she did so.

  “Please,” the lady said, grasping her hand. “You need not be ashamed. I’m afraid Ingraham has told us all about it, and you must not trouble yourself. Please, remain seated if that would suit you better.”

  “Thank you, my lady,” Julianna replied, a little unsure how to address Lady Christiana Thayne, who apparently was acquainted with Mr Ingraham.

  She smiled. “You must just call me Christiana, for I am sure we will be fast friends,” she said firmly.

  Julianna smiled. “Then please call me Julianna.”

  Christiana beamed at her. “I am very glad that Ingraham wrote to my husband and I about your requirements, Julianna. I am delighted to welcome you into our home.”

  Julianna swallowed hard, awash with relief.

  “Thank you for your willingness to accept myself and my maid into your household,” she stammered, still a little uncertain of this beautiful young lady. “Are you quite sure your husband will not mind?”

  Christiana laughed and shook her head. “Thayne—that is, my husband—was once very good friends with Mr Ingraham and was quite delighted to hear that he was returning to London. I can assure you that Thayne has no concerns as to your presence here. In fact, I think it will distract him a little from the boredom that comes with the little season!”

  Seeing Julianna’s confused look, she laughed again, her eyes sparkling. “My husband cares very little for the London Season,” she said with a quick smile. “In fact, he cares nothing for town at all, although he does come here for my sake, which I am grateful for. We shall have you a husband in no time, I am quite sure of it.”

  Julianna managed to smile back, her heart still racing madly in her chest. So much had happened over the last few days that she felt as though she were still struggling to keep up with it all. Mr Ingraham had promised to find her suitable lodgings but had not mentioned that she would be residing with Christiana until just before the carriage had arrived at the door. Mr Ingraham himself had lodgings elsewhere in town, meaning that there would be no suggestion of impropriety between the two of them, even though they were pretending to be cousins.

  “Now,” Christiana continued, patting Julianna’s hand. “Ingraham has made it quite clear that you are to have as much rest and recovery as you need.” Her eyes grew a little dark, her lips thinning. “I heard what Lord Faversham did to you, Julianna, although Ingraham did not delve into the details in any way. I am truly sorry that such a thing occurred. I can understand what it is like to be at the mercy of another gentleman.”

  Julianna wondered at this remark but did not ask any questions, knowing that it would be rude to do so.

  “My sister and her husband, the Duke of Essington, will be throwing a Christmas ball,” Christiana continued with a quick smile in Julianna’s direction. “It is in ten days’ time and usually comes at the summation of the little Season. Do you think you will be able to attend a few balls and musicales before then? We must at least find you a suitable and amiable gentleman before Essington’s ball!”

  “I—I hope so,” Julianna replied uncertainly. “I confess that I will struggle to dance, given the state of my injuries, although I can converse well enough, I think.”

  Christiana nodded. “You shall keep your family to yourself, if asked, and state that you are a cousin of some description to Ingraham. I would avoid being asked too many questions about that matter, given that we are not going to easily be able to answer them. Should one gentleman appear to be rather enamoured with you, then that would be the time to discuss the matter of your family with him.”

  Doubts suddenly plagued Julianna, and her head began to ache. This was feeling a good deal more complicated than she had expected. For whatever reason, her mind clouded with images of Mr Ingraham and simply refused to let him go. She could not seem to remove him from there, seeing him smile at her with that warm expression whilst his eyes lit up with evident delight. She did not know whether he was wed, although she presumed he was not. Would he not consider her?

  “Mr Ingraham, of course,” Christiana continued, jerking Julianna back to the present company. “Mr Ingraham shall be at every event with us as Thayne’s friend, and together, we shall ensure that you are kept quite safe, my dear. Even if your uncle were to arrive in Lo
ndon, you would be protected from him, although I hardly expect him to come here in search of you!”

  “No, indeed,” Julianna murmured, thinking to herself that her uncle would not even consider seeking her out in the Thayne house, especially given that he had only just taken on the title of Viscount St James. “In fact, I doubt that he would even think I am in London.”

  Christiana looked more than satisfied. “Wonderful,” she said with a smile. “Now, whilst you are here, I must beg a little help from you.”

  Julianna nodded, her eyes widening just a touch as she sat forward in her chair carefully, wanting to appear as willing as she could. “I will do whatever I can to help you, my lady.”

  Christiana’s eyes sparkled. “You are very kind, my dear, but you need not fear about earning your keep. The only thing I need your help with is to decorate this wonderful townhouse for Christmas.”

  She laughed as Julianna’s expression grew puzzled. “As you can see, there is not all that much throughout the house as yet. I will need to make wreaths of rosemary, holly, and ivy leaves, with perhaps a few apples added to it—although they, of course, will have to have their own decorations first.”

  She smiled as Julianna sat back in her chair gingerly, feeling a little relieved. “Then, there are the paper flowers, and I’m afraid I may insist on a few games of Snapdragon, which is a game I have dearly loved since childhood. Thayne will play it with me, albeit a little reluctantly, so I am hoping that you will be more inclined towards it, although you must still be careful with your present injuries.”

  Julianna smiled, feeling her heart lift with happiness and contentment. “I am quite sure that I shall be able to help you with such matters, Lady Thayne.”

  “Please my dear, just Christiana in private,” her hostess reminded her with a smile. “It would give me the greatest pleasure to be able to do so.”

  “Very good,” Christiana replied, just as the door opened to admit first the Honourable Aaron Thayne and then the Honourable Charles Ingraham. They were still in deep conversation but stopped immediately to greet both Julianna and Christiana.

  Julianna allowed her gaze to linger on Mr Thayne, aware of just how loving a look he sent towards his wife. He appeared to be deeply in love with her, as Christiana appeared to be with him, given the pink blush that rose in her cheeks. Julianna sighed inwardly, remembering the promise she had made to her mother. What if she could not find such a love for herself? Her heart squeezed painfully as she looked away from them both, only to find her gaze settling on Mr Ingraham, who was now seating himself by her side.

  “How are you, Miss Wade?” he asked, his voice gentle and eyes filled with concern. “Does your back still pain you terribly?”

  She gave a slight shake of her head. “I am more than able to manage, Mr Ingraham,” she replied, careful not to give too much away about just how painful her back was. “Although, I was just saying to Lady Thayne that I do not think I shall be able to dance.”

  Ingraham smiled at her, reaching across the space between them to press her hand lightly by way of reassurance. “I do not think that will matter one jot, Miss Wade,” he promised. “For I am quite sure that anyone who talks to you will be enamoured by your beauty and sweetness of character.” His smile lingered. “I do hope that you will accept my offer of a carriage ride tomorrow afternoon, however? The weather, I think, will be fine, if not rather cold, but Hyde Park is sure to still be busy with other members of the beau monde. I would be more than glad to make some introductions.”

  Julianna inclined her head, aware of the strange reluctance on her part to be introduced to anyone else at all. She would have much preferred to remain at Christiana’s home with Mr Ingraham, enjoying his company and conversation. Not that she could refuse his kind offer, however, given that the very reason she was in London was to find a gentleman to marry her and, thereby, remove Mr Ingraham from his requirement to help her.

  Although that was his own choice, she reminded herself, as she tried to find something to say. “I am quite sure I will be able to endure a short carriage ride,” she replied truthfully. “My back is, I’m afraid, a little more painful than I wish to make known, Mr Ingraham.” Her eyes searched his. “But I will, of course, make every effort to do as you ask. Again, you are very kind, Mr Ingraham.”

  He held her gaze steadily, frowning just a little. “I would not push you, Miss Wade, not if you are not yet ready.”

  “No, indeed,” she replied, putting a brave face on. In truth the pain had subsided considerably but she felt vulnerable and not yet ready to face the world.

  But she had to admit that the thought of a carriage ride with her saviour had her heart fluttering.

  Exactly when she started to view Mr Ingraham as a dashing, handsome hero, she did not know. But it was likely from the very moment he swept her to safety.

  Blushing she regained her senses long enough to answer.

  “I shall be glad to attend with you. Tomorrow afternoon, you say? I shall be ready on time, sir, you can be sure of that.”

  “Well, if you are quite certain,” he replied, still not looking convinced. “Tomorrow then, Miss Wade, the search shall begin.”

  She frowned, a little confused. “The search?”

  “Yes,” he chuckled, his brown eyes alight with good humour. “The search for your husband, Miss Wade.”

  “Oh, yes,” she murmured, her cheeks now deep red. “Yes, of course. The search for my husband.”

  Her heart sunk into her toes. Clearly, they had two different ideas about what the carriage ride was for.

  Charles Ingraham laughed again and said something kind, leaving Julianna even more muddled than before. In her eyes, she could think of no gentleman better than Ingraham to take such a place in her life, for she knew him, did she not? She knew him to be kind, generous, compassionate, and courageous—a gentleman of honour. It was quite clear, however, that he had never once considered himself to be a suitable match for her, else he would have perhaps said as much.

  Foolish girl, Julianna chided herself as Thayne and Christiana joined in the conversation. Forget Mr Ingraham. Surely, there will be another who can match up to him! Open your heart and see what will occur.

  Julianna tried to smile, tried to forget and ignore the way her heart seemed to be drawn towards Mr Ingraham but found time and again that her gaze would return to him, that her eyes would linger on him. Cursing her foolishness, she forced a smile onto her face and turned herself a little more directly towards Christiana, who gave her something of a knowing look.

  A small sigh left her lips as Julianna dropped her gaze to the floor, suddenly wishing that she could be alone so that she might find a way to rid herself of this strange and unwelcome desire to remain in Mr Ingraham’s company for as long as possible. She only prayed that he might never learn of it.


  “And this is my dear cousin, Miss Wade.”

  Charles smiled to himself as Viscount Featherstone immediately looked upon Miss Wade with interest, evidently taking in her beauty and her grace. Miss Wade was looking remarkably well this afternoon, which he had to say had only made him more aware of just how beautiful a young maiden she was.

  This was now the second afternoon in a row that he had taken her out in the carriage for a short drive around Hyde Park. He had found that he greatly enjoyed Miss Wade’s company and conversation. He also was aware that she had a strength of character that was growing steadily with every day that she was away from her uncle and Lord Faversham, although he continued to be concerned that her back was paining her more than she showed. Even now, he could see the stiffness in her frame as she rose from her curtsy, her face a little more flushed than before.

  He fought the urge to take her arm, almost overwhelmed with the urge to protect her. This was meant to be an opportunity for Miss Wade to meet with any gentlemen of note. To take her arm now might give Lord Featherstone the entirely wrong impression, suggesting that Ingraham himself was about to offer for
Miss Wade, even though Charles was pretending to be cousins with the lady. Distant cousins, he supposed, as Lord Featherstone began to converse politely with Miss Wade.

  “A cousin of Mr Ingraham’s, you say?” Lord Featherstone shot Charles a sharp look. “I was not aware that you cared all that much for family, Ingraham. Or is that just your brother speaking unkindly about you again?”

  Charles shrugged, ignoring the jibe. “My brother can speak as he wishes,” he replied quickly. “Although you can hardly blame me for taking an interest in my cousin when she is as beautiful and as charming as Miss Wade!” He grinned as Miss Wade blushed and Lord Featherstone raised an eyebrow.

  “Indeed,” Lord Featherstone murmured. “Might I steal your cousin from your side for a few moments, Ingraham? I can see that your carriage is waiting, and I am aware that it is rather cold. There are a few of my acquaintances just arrived, and I would be glad to introduce Miss Wade to them.”

  Charles looked towards Miss Wade and saw her frown. Evidently, she did not like to be spoken of as though she were not present and as though she did not have a tongue in her mouth. “I think,” he said carefully, “that you would do best asking Miss Wade that herself, Lord Featherstone.”

  Lord Featherstone started slightly as though he had not considered such a thing. Turning towards Miss Wade, he cleared his throat and put a somewhat false smile on his lips.

  “Ah, yes, Miss Wade. Might you wish to accompany me?”

  Miss Wade did not accept immediately as Charles had expected. Instead, her brows furrowed as she regarded Lord Featherstone, considering him carefully. Then she let her gaze drift back towards Charles, a questioning look in her eyes. He nodded carefully, wanting to encourage her.

  “For a few minutes only, Lord Featherstone,” she said eventually. “I would not like to be away from the carriage or from my cousin for overly long.”


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