Holding On

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Holding On Page 31

by Lisa Mills

  Danielle turned to Brandon. “So this is it.”

  “You nervous?”

  She thought about the question a moment before she answered. “No. This feels right. Kevin’s the perfect man for me … the only man for me.” She looked down at the diamond ring on her finger. She’d only been wearing it for a month, but she could no longer picture her hand without it. Just like she could no longer picture her life without Kevin in it. He’d become a part of her, heart and soul, and today they would make it official.

  “Sarah and I got to know him a little better when we helped him move your things from storage. We like him a lot.”

  “Thank you, Brandon, for putting us up at your house, and listening when I needed to talk. And for helping me find my way out of the darkness I was in. I haven’t been this happy and at peace since … well, forever. These feelings I have, this freedom in my heart, I didn’t know it could be like this.”

  Brandon reached over and laid his hand on hers. “I’m happy for ya, Sis.”

  The front door opened, and Janna peeked her head out. She smiled and nodded. They were ready.

  Brandon stepped out of the car first and reached back to help her make a graceful exit. She’d asked him to do the honor of walking her to the alter. Her father had come down with a cold and graciously decided not to attend so he wouldn’t risk infecting Trevor. Danielle was secretly relieved. She hadn’t felt ready to give him an important role in her wedding day or to deal with the undercurrents of tension that still swirled between him and the family. Her mother was meeting with him and the counselor, working on repairing their relationship, but she hadn’t moved back home yet. They all needed some time to heal.

  The cold November wind bit into Danielle’s skin as she walked the short distance from the curb to the front door. She’d refused to wear a coat, not wanting to wrinkle her beautiful dress or ruin her grand entrance to stop and remove it. At the door, Brandon leaned in and kissed her lightly on the cheek. With a wink, he turned the knob and escorted her inside.

  Tears flooded her eyes as she took in the transformation on the interior of the house. White fabric garlands draped from the crown molding, and flowers stood in proud array around the room. And there were more twinkling lights. Many more.

  A half-dozen chairs had been set up to form an aisle down the middle of the room. They’d kept the guest list small for Trevor’s sake. Sarah, along with Danielle’s mother, offered teary smiles from one side. Mack flashed her his easy grin, and Cory gave her a thumbs-up sign. She whispered a greeting to each of them as she approached, and accepted their hugs and affection as she passed.

  Framed by the red brick of the fireplace behind him, Kevin’s pastor stood at the head of the aisle, smiling and holding a Bible in his hands as he watched the procession. Beside him, Janna had taken her place, glowing with love and joy. Trevor stood in front of her, looking adorable in a little black suit with a gentleman's top hat on his head. He grinned at her and held out a velvet pillow for her to see. Two rings tied with a satin bow rested in the little divot in its center.

  Finally, Danielle let her gaze drift to the one person in the room she most wanted to see. Kevin stood beside the mantle, strikingly handsome in his black tuxedo. His broad shoulders were firm with confidence, and anticipation radiated from his face.

  Her heart filled to bursting as she looked into his eyes—eyes she knew would gaze at her with loving tenderness for the rest of her life. They’d made so many mistakes. Hurt each other so deeply. And yet their love had survived, stronger and more precious for the heartache they’d endured to find it again.

  “You’re beautiful,” he mouthed, drawing more love from her already too-full heart. Happy tears moistened her lashes as her feet carried her to his side. With God’s help she’d let go of her hurts and fears, and as a result she’d found love again. The love of family, of friends, and of a good man.

  And this time she intended to hold on tight.

  Dear Reader

  I hope you enjoyed reading this novel as much as I enjoyed writing it. It covers a subject that has been close to my heart for many years. When my own son began experiencing developmental delays and health problems, I learned firsthand what families of special-needs children go through. Parents who are struggling to ensure that their ailing children get the care they need often experience severe strain on their time, their finances, and their emotions. Those who have not walked that path would find it difficult to imagine the stress involved.

  When we went to Riley Hospital for Children for my son’s heart surgery, he spent several days in the ICU alongside children undergoing various treatments. From talking to their parents, I discovered that some of them were in the final stages of leukemia or other forms of cancer, being made as comfortable as possible until the end came. To see the heartbreak in those parents’ eyes, knowing they might have only days left with their children, and yet to witness their courage as day after day, they dried their tears and went to sit at their children’s bedsides to love and comfort them with smiles and soft words was an experience I will never forget. Their strength in the midst of adversity amazed me.

  My own son recovered from his surgeries and grew into a strong and healthy young man. Many children are not so fortunate. I wanted to do something to aid those children who continue to suffer, and the families who valiantly support them. So a portion of the proceeds from this book are being donated to several children’s hospitals to aid families who cannot afford the costly treatments without help from generous people like you and me. In buying a copy for yourself or a friend, you too are making a difference in the life of a sick child.

  If Trevor and Danielle’s story has inspired you and you wish to do more, I hope you will make a donation to a children’s hospital or the Children’s Cancer Research Fund. I have provided addresses and website URL’s for your convenience.

  God bless and be well!

  Lisa Mills

  St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

  501 St. Jude Place

  Memphis, TN 38105

  Donate online or download a mail-in donation form at:


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  Children’s Cancer Research Fund

  Minneapolis, MN 55439-3152

  Donate online or download a mail-in donation form at:



  A book is never written by one person alone. Many people contribute to the effort through various means. Here are some of the people to whom I am eternally grateful for the assistance they offered in bringing life to this story.

  A huge thanks to Dr. Ronda Wells for sharing her medical expertise. Her patience and thoroughness in answering my questions and helping me with research was invaluable.

  I couldn’t imagine putting out a book without the help of wonderful critique partners, Karen, Liz, Pam, Diana, Faye, and other generous writers who have given of their time to help me develop my craft over the years.

  To my test readers Emily, Jen, and Kim, thank you for sharing your time and input to help me finalize this novel.

  My GCC Girls, more than just friends … you are sisters, cheerleaders, and sometimes therapists. What would my life be without your love and support?

  And finally, to my wonderful husband, best friend, soul mate, love of my life. Because of you, I know that happy endings still exist. Thank you for your support in making this long-awaited dream come true.

  About the Author

  Lisa Mills spent ten years working as a freelance writer, penning devotions, book reviews, a biography, and much more. Her articles have appeared in magazines such as “Today’s Christian Woman” and “Brio.” She’s also contributed short stories to several anthologies aimed at encouraging families of special-needs children. Holding On is her debut novel and the realization of a dream to write fiction.

  She lives in the Michiana area with her husband and their blended family of five kids, two cats, and
a large dog with an abundance of personality.

  Connect with Lisa Mills online!

  Website: http://www.authorlisamills.com/

  Facebook: http://facebook.com/authorlisamills

  Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/#!/sheloves2write

  Jewels of the Quill (Dame Citrine): http://www.jewelsofthequill.com/

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  Books by Lisa Mills

  HOLDING ON ~ July 2011

  PEARLS ~ March 2012

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  Coming July 2012





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