Crossing Roman (Genoa Mafia Series Book 1)

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Crossing Roman (Genoa Mafia Series Book 1) Page 7

by Ginger Ring

  Madison wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

  “What’s it going to be?” He had her backed into a corner figuratively. Madison looked torn.

  She stomped over to the closet and flung open the door. She mumbled under her breath, but he couldn’t make out what was uttered. As she threw on a coat and slipped on a pair of Uggs, he thought he made out a word or two, bastard, asshole. He’d been called worse, but hearing it from Madison’s pretty bowed lips stung like hell.

  Chapter Nine


  Madison yawned and stretched her arms in the air. Snuggling into the pillow under her head, she refused to open her eyes. It was Sunday. There was no need to hit the alarm clock and go to work. Maybe she’d take a walk later, get some fresh air, and even stop at the Java Shop for an espresso. Oh, and that cake she loved. But the bliss was erased and morphed into a mess when everything came flooding back to her. Stephanie, the shop, and Roman snatching her from her own home. What a mess.

  Opening her eyes, she took in the opulent surroundings and groaned. She’d been infuriated last night.




  Madison had flashed Roman her body out of spite. Again, she gauged the finery in the guest room of Roman’s lakeside home. She hadn’t agreed to come here. It was all force.

  She sat up with a start and padded to the door to her temporary room. Someone was rummaging around in the kitchen. Cupboard doors opened and closed. The refrigerator door suctioned shut. Some coffee beans zipped and pulverized in a grinder. Soon the crack of an egg echoed before it sizzled in a warm pan.

  All the welcoming sounds of an ordinary kitchen, only there was nothing commonplace about this house. Madison glanced to where she’d rested her head for the last few hours. She hadn’t drooled and there were no mascara marks marring the gazillion thread count pillow case. The two doors across from her room were for the en suite bathroom and closet. Needing to use the facilities and clean up her face, she made her way there.

  Madison showered and looked for the luggage Arlo supposedly packed during the drama at her house last night. It was nowhere to be found in the room. Great. She spied the closet door and peeked inside. Her jaw fell open. From floor to ceiling, it was jammed packed with dresses, shoes, hats, coats, and Madison’s own clothes from her home. It made her stew inside. Apparently, Roman was always fully stocked for female company.

  She grabbed a pair of jeans and a sweater she knew was hers and put them on, shoving down the thoughts of the amount of women that may have slept in this room or his. Slamming the door behind her, she fled to the cozy sounds coming from the nearby room, her stomach growling the whole way.

  In the kitchen, she saw a perfectly shaped plump bottom poking out while rummaging in the refrigerator. Bacon sizzled on the stove. Popping up and putting butter on the counter was Valentina. She spun when she noticed Madison in her periphery.

  “Oh my God.” She threw her arms around Madison. “Are you okay? I heard all about what happened. You must have been so scared.” Madison had trouble getting a word out as Valentina gushed. “Are you hungry? Would you like some coffee? Juice?”

  It warmed her to receive a welcome and she felt guilty for her thoughts as she rummaged through the closet. The clothes and the room she slept in last night must have belonged to Valentina. Madison knew she spent a great deal of time here.

  “I’m fine and yes, I’m starving.” Madison smiled. Valentina was infectious. It was impossible not to like her.

  “Good morning,” Roman said from the doorway of the kitchen. Jeans and a well-worn t-shirt hugged his body. He strode forward and gave each of them a peck on the cheek like this was a typical everyday family moment. Madison swore his kiss rested a moment longer than the one he gave Valentina. The contact sent chills down her spine. Damn him and the way he made her stomach flutter.

  Valentina set out placemats on the granite counter, each one in front of a stool. Roman’s phone buzzed.

  “Excuse me,” he said while walking toward the wall of windows.

  “Sit,” Valentina ordered.

  “Can I help with anything?”

  “No, you’re a guest. Sit.” She poured a cup of coffee and set it on a saucer.

  Madison sat down in front of the mug with awareness to everywhere Roman paced behind her in the open floor plan.

  “I’m handling it. I will find out…” There was a long pause and his voice dropped menacingly low. “I’ve told you before, I’m not doing it. This isn’t the dark ages…. I understand, but you have to respect my wishes. This is my life we’re talking about and I won’t forfeit it for something that should have been done a long time ago.” Roman flexed his free hand as he paced. “No, and that’s final.” The conversation cut off and Madison noticed Valentina stiffened as she worked. A plate of hot eggs and bacon was placed in front of her.

  “Would you like some juice?” Valentina smiled at her but it didn’t reach her eyes.

  “That would be great.” Madison answered nonchalantly, but her thoughts were still on the conversation Roman had with the mystery caller.

  He tossed the phone on the counter and took the seat next to her.

  “Oh no,” Madison blurted out.

  “What’s wrong?” He turned her way.

  “I just remembered my phone. I think it’s still floating in water on my bathroom floor.” She needed to check on Stephanie and see how she was doing. Not to mention, let her know where she was. Hopefully, her phone and iPad were still in good working order. If not, she’d be sending Roman the bill.

  “Arlo will be here any minute with it and some coffee.” He rose, grabbed both their coffee mugs and poured the liquid in the sink. Valentina folded her arms across her chest and her lower lip poked out.

  “I love you, Valentina, and you’re a great cook, but your coffee always tastes like shit.” Roman gazed lovingly at his sister even when insulting her. He valued his family. A ping of jealousy ripped through Madison’s chest. She didn’t have a relationship like the one Roman and Valentina shared with anyone in her family. Her mother was absent eight months a year.

  The doorbell chimed. Valentina rattled off what sounded like displeasure in Italian and leaped to go answer it.

  “That was rude,” Madison chastised.

  Roman shrugged his shoulders. “Feel free to try it, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Madison was determined to not disappoint her friend. Heading over to the coffee pot with purpose and a mug in hand, she changed her mind after getting a whiff of what was brewing.

  “What is that stench?” The comment should have been limited to her thoughts. It smelled rancid but had just been brewed. Sheepishly, Madison returned to her seat.

  Roman laughed. “The food’s safe to eat.” He had already dug into the bacon and eggs.

  She slid her chair over. His pine aftershave enticed her nearer, but it was too intimate sitting so close. The whole kitchen scene brought back memories of their previous dinner here, the one that was supposed to have included Valentina. Only this time the jerk had kidnapped her, for crying out loud. He was brutish and controlling at times.

  The attempt at space didn’t work. The legs of her stool screeched as he reached for her chair and slid her back to the original spot.

  “I like you close,” he confessed, unashamed.

  Twisting in her seat, Madison prepared to do battle. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. Judging by his body language, this was not the time to start an argument. And she softened at the gesture of pulling her close. He was obviously troubled about something, not to mention the black eye he was sporting.

  “Did I do that?” She cringed, reliving the moment she threw the lotion jar.

  “Do what?” Roman raised the eyebrow over the one that had been hit.

  Meekly, she pointed to his injury.

  “This? It’s nothing.” She must not have appeared convinced because he kept talking. “I’ve been sh
ot, stabbed, clubbed over the head.” He dug into his food again. “It takes more than a jar of cold cream to put a dent in me.”

  “Body lotion.”

  “What?” He was definitely distracted by something.

  “It was a jar of body lotion.”

  He reached over and squeezed her hand briefly with a smile that reached all the way to his eyes before returning his attention to their breakfast.

  “You should eat, sweetheart.”

  Reluctantly, she picked up her fork. This was by far the oddest meal she’d ever had. Madison had been prepared to give him a piece of her mind, but common sense told her this was not the time or place. As much as she hated to admit it, a small part of her was enjoying it.

  Valentina soon returned followed by Arlo. She didn’t appear to be as upset as when she’d left.

  She held a box of pastries from their favorite coffee shop and Arlo followed with a carrier filled with four containers of coffee and a thermos of more under his arm. The heady aroma perked Madison up for the first time that day. It was on the tip of her tongue to sing a thank you song when a cup of espresso was placed in front of her.

  “What’s the news?” Roman flicked through some messages on his phone while he talked to Arlo.

  “Nothing yet. No one seems to know anything about the guy.” Valentina placed a heaping plate of food in front of him and he eagerly dug in. As he shoved food into his mouth, he retrieved a phone from his pocket and set it in front of Madison.

  “Thank you.” She picked it up. The screen was black.

  “Maybe the rice trick will work,” Valentina offered as she stared over Madison’s shoulder at the lifeless phone. “Here, give it to me.”

  “Dammit. What the hell is going on?” Roman cursed and pushed his now empty plate away. “Get someone to start checking on any new acquisitions in town. Homes, businesses, I don’t give a damn. I want to know about any new people moving in here. I don’t care if they’re a Priest or citizen of the year. I want names.”

  Valentina and Madison listened while she submerged her phone into a big bowl of uncooked white rice.

  “I’m on it. As soon as I finish this delicious meal.” Arlo winked at Valentina, who in turn smiled and wrinkled her nose at Roman. They were so brother and sister.

  “Valentina, you help too. Search for any recent crimes in the area and see if there have been any other attacks or similar incidences.”

  Arlo’s phone buzzed and he took a glance. “Speaking of crime, Donavan is at the front gates.”

  “Maybe he has something useful.” Roman sighed and ran his fingers threw his hair.

  “Only one way to find out.” His right hand man left to go greet their uninvited guest.

  Madison sat quietly, but her mind wasn’t. It wouldn’t hurt to stay here a little longer until she knew what was going on. Did it mean she wasn’t still mad as hell at Mr. tall, dark, and mobster? Oh, hell no, but she would just let it go for the time being.

  The kitchen had become a busy place. Arlo returned followed by the slim cut, black haired officer of the Genoa police force. Madison remembered seeing him in town many times. Everyone knew who everyone was even if they didn’t know each other personally.

  “Morning, Donavan.” Roman rose and shook his hand.

  “Morning. I’m sorry to interrupt your meal, but I’m following up on a call this morning.” Officer Donavan retrieved a small notebook from his shirt pocket. “Seems a neighbor of Miss Miller’s saw her leave last night with some men in a black SUV, but she never returned. The concerned neighbor noticed men going in and out of her home this morning. When she phoned Miss Miller and received no answer, the neighbor placed a call to our department.”

  Madison shrank back in her seat, shocked.

  “What?” Had her home been ransacked too?

  “I thought I would stop by and see if you knew anything about it.” The officer looked directly at Madison. “I’m so glad to see you’re in good health, Miss Miller. Would you mind telling me what’s going on?”

  Before she could, Roman stood up.

  “I was concerned about Madison staying home alone with an unknown perpetrator lurking around. I’ve welcomed her to stay here with myself and my sister.” He motioned to Valentina, whose cheeks were a bright pink ever since the handsome police officer walked in the room. “I also hired some guys to update the locks and install a security system at both her home and business. I won’t be comfortable until the man is apprehended…or taken care of.”

  What ‘taken care of’ meant, Madison knew exactly. A shudder ran through her along with a second one that rattled her mind. She couldn’t afford a security system.

  “Is that correct, Miss Miller?” Officer Donavan addressed her, but she wasn’t sure what to say. It was her chance to leave of her own free will, but then what? Roman seemed to think there was a threat against her. When the face of the criminal who’d trashed her shop flashed before her eyes, she sucked in a breath and released it with, “Yes, that’s correct,” on her lips.

  Donavan’s blue eyes studied her for a moment before digging in his pocket for a card. Handing one to her, he said, “If you need anything, anything at all, don’t hesitate to call.”

  The card read Officer Ryan Donavan and listed his phone number and the address of the Genoa Police Department. “I will. Thank you.”

  “Thanks for stopping in, Ry.” Roman shook his hand.

  Valentina suddenly spoke. “Hello, Ryan.”

  Ryan addressed Valentina, seeming to see her for the first time. “It’s been a long time.” His voice had an added swagger to its intonation.

  “Yes.” Her voice sounded higher than normal.

  He took a step in her direction. “You look great. All grown up.”

  That seemed to get a rise out of her and she stood up. “I’m not so little anymore.”

  Madison watched with amusement as Ryan’s gaze swept her from head to toe, causing Valentina to blush even more.

  Donavan slipped another card out of his pocket and handed it her way. “In case you have need of my services, as well….”

  “I’m sure that won’t be necessary,” Roman said. She dismissed him and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Roman, Miss Miller.” Ryan nodded. “Valentina, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” Officer Donavan left, following Arlo out of the room.

  Valentina fingered the business card, took a long stare at it and then turned to leave.

  “Where are you going?” Roman asked.

  “To get started on tracking these dirt bags down,” she retorted before leaving the room. “And,” she pointed to Madison. “Don’t think I have forgotten about your show. Everything will get done. Don’t worry.”

  Silence filled the room in her absence. The seriousness of the situation finally settled on her shoulders. Roman wasn’t just doing this

  Chapter Ten


  Roman hated fucking bad feelings. He sensed Valentina was a little too enthusiastic about seeing Ryan, and Pop had just ruined his breakfast with the one person in the world he wanted to spend time with, Madison. This wasn’t the dark ages and if Pop thought he would succumb to his arrangement of marriage to Layla Rinaldi, he was mistaken. Roman had come far in his twenty-eight years, and wouldn’t be told who to marry.

  Roman glanced at Madison, who’d poured her third cup of coffee from the thermos and currently had both her hands wrapped around the warm mug. He couldn’t help but be elated that she was here. It was bullshit what happened to her place, but it made for a fortuitous situation for him. Selfishly, this was his chance to win her over and keep her within arm’s reach.

  Rising from the kitchen counter, Roman retrieved a laptop with one hand that had been lying on a side table.

  “Here.” He placed it in front of her. “You need to replace the gowns that were damaged. That event is going to be here soon. You need to be ready for it.”

  Madison stared down at the search engine in awe.<
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  Roman placed an American Express card in front of her. “Order whatever you want. I’ve got it. The shop is being worked on as we speak. You should be up and running in a week.” That should give me plenty of time, he thought to himself.

  “I can’t take your money. It’ll cost a ton to replace those dresses and accessories.”

  Roman shrugged. “It’s not a concern. Spend what you need to.”

  Gauging the look on Madison’s face, he wasn’t sure if she was horrified, stunned, or grateful. Damn, he didn’t understand women sometimes. Then an amazing thing happened. Her face softened and she seemed appreciative.

  “I’ll pay you back as soon as we collect the insurance money. The shop needs to get back on its feet. But…I will pay you back.” Her voice was soft and hinted of defeat. Roman didn’t like it. His spit-fire Madison wasn’t shooting daggers at him or refusing to comply. But this softer side had its appeal too. He couldn’t help himself. She was too tempting. Madison began typing away to her suppliers and Roman risked it. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulled her in slightly, and kissed the top of her head.

  “Anything for you,” he whispered before he snatched his cell phone off the counter and went to his office to work on other problems.


  Madison held the credit card in her hand and spun it around as she sat at the counter. Royal Distributor’s website lit up on the laptop screen that Roman loaned her. The company was her largest supplier of gowns, so hopefully they could replenish her stock quickly. She wrestled with the situation. He’d given her his credit card to restock her shop. He was right. If she didn’t order what she needed now, it would never be delivered in time for the bridal show. Time was not in her favor. Madison remembered every gown she had ever sold or bought. The image of the destroyed dresses, veils, and jewelry snapped across her mind including the man’s face who’d violated her place of business and hurt her friend. A tickle of fear crept up her back. Nothing made sense.


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