2 Vampires, Warlocks, And Exes

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2 Vampires, Warlocks, And Exes Page 11

by Laura Lee

  “A Maybach, Leo? Really?” I asked. “Isn’t that a little excessive?”

  He smiled. “When will you ever learn, my dear? Only the best.”

  As I was stepping off the ladder I teased, “You know, your über wealth is a little disgusting at times.”

  He chuckled as he helped me into the car. “Disgusting, maybe. Convenient, definitely.”

  When we got into the car the driver asked, “Sir, where to?”

  Leo looked at me, raising his eyebrows. “My pet, where would you like to go?”

  I thought about it for a moment. “My apartment.”

  “Very well,” he said. “Richard, please take us to the lady’s residence.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Richard replied as he started the ignition.

  I looked at Leo quizzically. “Doesn’t he need my address?”

  He smiled. “No, my dear. It’s his job to know.”

  Shaking my head, I propped the foot rest up and leaned back as we pulled out of the airport.


  We got to my apartment and pulled up right in front of my building. I stepped out of the car, intending to go inside but Leo grabbed my arm as I reached the first step.

  “Stop,” he commanded.

  Confused, I asked, “Huh? Why?”

  He narrowed his eyes at the door. “Something’s wrong. Do you smell that?”

  I inhaled deeply. “Smell what?” I asked. “I don’t smell anything.”

  “Do not move,” he instructed as he walked up the last stair to my door. He turned the knob. It was unlocked.

  “What the----” I started to say.

  Leo’s fangs extended. “Karli, get back in the car. There’s blood in there.” He ducked inside.

  “What?!?” I shrieked. Without thinking, I ran up all six stairs and followed him in.

  Holy fuck. Chad was lying on the couch, very pale, with twin puncture marks on his neck. “Omigod…is he?” I asked.

  Leo felt his neck. “No, he’s just unconscious…but he’s quite weak. He’s lost a lot of blood.”

  I ran up to him and gently stroked his cheek. “Dammit, Chad, why did you have to let your dick lead you into this mess?” Despite everything he’d done to me, I’d never wish this on him. “Leo, you need to call an ambulance.”

  I looked up and saw the phone to his ear. “Already on it,” he replied.

  I looked down and saw something in Chad’s clenched fist. I managed to pull out the crumpled piece of paper. I didn’t need to read it to know who it was from.

  Welcome home my dearest Karli. I’ll be seeing you soon.

  Love, M.

  I dropped the note. “Omigod.”

  Leo picked it up and read it. “Karli, go to the car,” he said. “The police are already on their way, but I think we should call Vance as well. We can wait for him outside.”

  I just stood there in shock staring at poor Chad. Leo grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. After depositing me in the car, he shut the door and pressed the send button on his phone.

  He joined me in the car after hanging up. “Vance is only about ten minutes away. He will be here shortly.”

  “Omigod, Leo,” I said. “Why would she drag Chad into this?”

  “It appears that Maria has finally reached the point of no return…she was clearly trying to send you a message.”

  “Why?” I asked. “Wasn’t kidnapping me and Erica enough? Hasn’t she caused enough harm?”

  He grabbed my hand. “My sweet, despite Vance’s beliefs, Maria has never been a saint and she’s always had a penchant for drama. This is likely one big game to her.”

  “What a crazy bitch,” I muttered.

  “Agreed,” Leo added.

  The ambulance arrived and Leo exited the Maybach to lead the paramedics into my living room. A few minutes later, Vance showed up and pulled open the car door. “Karli, are you okay?” He moved towards me, but I scooted away from him. Seeing him again just brought the memories of him and Maria flooding back.

  I tensed. “I’m fine. Chad’s not…he’s lost a lot of blood. The paramedics are in there with him now.” I shoved the wrinkled note into his hand. “Here, you might want this.”

  He opened the note, read her message, and scowled. “Jesus Christ, she’s gone off the deep end.”

  “You can say that again.”

  Vance shifted to the side as Erica poked her head in.

  “Karli, are you okay?” she asked. “What happened?”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  She straightened and looked at Vance, who immediately looked away. “Um, we were just heading to dinner when Leo called,” she said.

  I assessed them carefully. Eri was wearing a little black, strapless dress. More specifically, her “I wanna get laid” little black dress. Vance had on a pair of black slacks with a crisp, blue dress shirt with the top button undone. Were they on a date?

  I glared at both of them. “Wow, you two sure move on fast.”

  Erica caught on to my accusation quickly and returned my glare. “Excuse me?” she said. “I certainly hope you’re not thinking what I think you’re thinking. Because if you’re thinking what I think you’re thinking, that’d make me a really shitty friend and I know I’m not one of those.”

  Vance looked confused. I felt him trying to push into my head but I was successfully blocking him. “What happened here, Karli?” he interrupted. “Where’d you find Chad?”

  I gestured towards the front door. “Just inside the door. On my couch.”

  He looked at Erica. “Stay here with her. I’m going inside.”

  “Okay,” she replied. She scooted in the car and shut the door. “Are you all right? Is Chad gonna be okay?”

  “I don’t know,” I answered. “I hope so. What were you doing out with Vance? You two seem awfully dressed up.”

  She looked down at her dress. “I know what you’re thinking, but don’t. I don’t have many things at his house. I had to get my stuff out of my place pretty quickly. It was the only dress I had. We were going out to dinner. As friends.” She sighed, blowing a hair out of her face. “Karli, I’ve been crying my eyes out day after day since the warehouse. Vance has been really upset too. We both agreed that we needed to get out of the house for a nice dinner so we could have some semblance of a normal life. That’s all. Quite frankly, I’m extremely offended that you would even entertain thoughts of me betraying the girl code. I know what he means to you. I’m not an idiot, for Christ’s sake.”

  I echoed her sigh. “I’m sorry, Erica. I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything. It’s just been a really shitty couple of weeks. I have no idea how I even got to this point again!”

  “What point?” she asked.

  “Having another crazy chick out to get me. Seriously, what the hell?” I looked down at Eri’s clasped hands and noticed a diamond still sparkling on her ring finger. I grabbed her left hand. “How are you doing, Eri? Really. I’m so sorry I didn’t call more while I was gone.”

  “It’s okay,” she sobbed. She looked up as she wiped a tear away from her eye. “K, I know it’s fucked up after everything he’s done, but I still love him. I’m heartbroken. I don’t know how to go on without him.”

  I pulled her into an embrace. “Oh, honey, it will get better. I know it hurts now, but it won’t feel so bad down the road.”

  She pulled away from me, sobbing even harder. “You don’t understand, Karli. There’s more. I’m late.”

  “Late for dinner?” I asked, my confusion clearly coming out in my tone.

  She shook her head. “No, Karli…late, late. As in, for my period. I think I’m pregnant.”

  Oh shit. “How late?”

  She hung her head. “Five days.”

  “Have you taken a test?” I asked.

  She looked up. “No, I couldn’t do it. I don’t think I can handle the answer either way. Part of me wants to write Jake off forever, but another part of me wants a piece of him forever.” She smacke
d the heel of her hand into her forehead. “God, I’m such a moron!”

  I moved her hand away. “No, sweetie, you’re not. Look, we can go to CVS first thing in the morning and get a test. I’ll be there with you the whole time.”

  She sniffed. “Okay, that’d be great, Kar.”

  Movement out the window caught my attention. I looked over and saw Chad being wheeled out on a stretcher. I ran out of the car to the gurney. “Hey, Kar,” he said sleepily.

  “Oh thank God, you’re awake!” I exclaimed as I grabbed his hand. “Do you remember what happened, Chad?”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, a little. Maria invited me over. She said she had talked you into…” He looked away. “Nevermind.”

  “Talked me into what, Chad?”

  “Uh…a threesome. Guess I should’ve known something was up, huh?” He attempted a laugh, but wound up coughing.

  “A what?!?” I shouted. “Omigod, Chad, you’re such a pig! I swear one day your dick is going to get you killed!” Okay, I knew it was a bitchy thing to say and the look on his face confirmed it.

  “Gee, Kar…tell me how you really feel,” he snapped.

  I blushed. “Look, Chad, I’m sorry. I really wouldn’t---”

  “Excuse me, ma’am,” the paramedic interrupted. “He really needs to get to the hospital.”

  I stepped aside. “Oh, of course. Sorry.”

  Erica joined me as they loaded him into the ambulance. “Where are you going to stay?” she asked. “You can’t stay here. You should come back with me to Vance’s.”

  I shook my head vehemently. “No, Eri. I can’t. I can’t even look at him without getting nauseous. I think I’m just going to go back to Leo’s.”

  Erica looked sad. “Well, I guess you couldn’t be in a safer location considering nobody knows where the hell he lives. Vance placed wards around his house though if you ever change your mind. No uninvited guests would even make it up the driveway.”

  “Thanks for the offer. I’ll just meet you in the morning, okay?”

  “When and where?” she asked.

  “At Leo’s club. In his office. I’ll be there by nine. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Vance and Leo returned from inside just then. Vance turned to Erica and said, “Erica, I’m sorry but I’m going to be tied up for quite a while. Tara should be here any minute. We’re going to stay with Forensics and then head back to the station.” He looked at Leo. “I don’t suppose you’d mind taking her back to my place?”

  Leo took Erica’s hand and kissed the top. “Of course not.”

  Erica blushed and said, “Wow, K, you weren’t kidding. His touch does make you shiver in a good way.” She realized her faux pas and looked at Vance. “Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to blurt that out.”

  Vance’s jaw tensed as he glared at Leo, who looked amused. Vance walked up to Erica and framed her face with his hands. “You be careful, okay?” he said to her as he pulled her in for a bear hug.

  “Okay,” she replied with a little twinkle in her eye.

  Huh? Okay, seriously what was going on between those two?


  The investigators had sealed my apartment up as a crime scene so Leo and I went straight back to his place.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked when we finally got downstairs.

  “Not really,” I replied. “I suppose I should try eating something though since I haven’t had anything all day.” I looked down the long corridor. “This place is a maze.”

  Leo chuckled and grabbed my hand. “Follow me, my love.”

  He led me down the long polished stone hallway into the grand hall where he’d confessed all of his sins about Maria. I didn’t think this room would ever fail to amaze me. It was just so large, like nothing I’d ever seen in someone’s home before. It reminded me of something out of a book. Speaking of books, I needed to get my ass back in Leo’s library ASAP.

  He took me to the far right and through a large, stone archway. All of a sudden, we were standing in probably the most luxurious kitchen I’ve ever seen.The pine cabinets stretched throughout the entire width of the room in a giant U-shape, with a large island in the middle. They were topped in golden marble with matching tiles covering the floor. On the back wall was a ceiling height hearth, with a commercial grade stainless stove/oven combo beneath it. The backsplash consisted of a beautiful tiled depiction of a small village overlooking the sea, lined with white buildings, some with bright blue domed roofs. I knew without a doubt this was Leo’s childhood home in Greece. This room was simply breathtaking. Even the most discerning chef would be honored to cook in here. “Why in the hell would someone who rarely eats food and never has guests even bother building something like this?”

  He shrugged. “Because I enjoy cooking and as you know, I will not settle for mediocre.”

  Huh? Who’d ever heard of a vampire who cooks? “I’m sorry; I don’t think I heard you correctly. Did you just say you enjoyed cooking?”

  He nodded. “Yes, my love. I did. I learned to perfect my craft many years ago while I was waiting for countless sunsets. Just because I don’t eat very often, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the process involved in creating a masterpiece. I make food for the staff upstairs.”

  Wow, who would’ve thought Leo would be so domesticated? “This is weird. Are you ever going to stop surprising me?” I asked.

  He led me to a stool and sat me down. “I certainly hope not,” he said with a smile.

  I sat drinking a delicious Chardonnay as I watched Leo work. He was preparing butternut squash ravioli with a white cream sauce. From scratch. Pasta included. I was awestruck by how comfortable he was in the kitchen. He seemed more content than I’d ever seen him. He seemed so normal. Well, let’s face it; Leo will never be anything less than extraordinary, but seeing him so at ease with domesticity made me see a different side of him. Dare I say someone with whom I could build a life? This man in front of me was not the playboy that I’d become accustomed to: an owner of several establishments who’d participated in acts of questionable morality. This was a man who would give up that lifestyle in a heartbeat for his chance at love, and family. He would give anything to provide an honorable life for them—a life that his father, of whom he spoke so lovingly, would approve of. Wow...who’d have thought?

  He smiled as he placed the dish in front of me. “Bon appetite, my love.”

  I took a bite and was instantly in culinary heaven. “Oh man, Leo. I didn’t think it was possible, but this tastes even better than it looks!”

  “I’m glad you approve.” He winked.

  I continued eating until my plate was completely clean. You’d think I’d be self-conscious with Leo watching me the whole time but I wasn’t. We just sat there in comfortable silence. Unfortunately, the peace did not last long. My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Vance so I let it go to voicemail. Instead of leaving a message, he decided to dial Leo instead.

  “Don’t answer it,” I pleaded.

  “My dear, I must. He could have important information.”

  “Fine,” I huffed.

  “Yes, Detective?” Leo answered on speaker phone so I could listen.

  “Leo, I need to talk to Karli.”

  “I’m sorry, Vance, but Karli is…indisposed. I’d be more than happy to relay a message if you’d like.”

  Vance sighed. “That’s bullshit, Leo. I know she’s there.”

  Leo looked to me for guidance. I shook my head. “Again, Detective, she’s indisposed. If you have something important to say, I assure you I will pass the message along.”

  “Fine,” Vance snapped. “Tell her that Forensics is done with her apartment, but she’ll need to stay at a safe house for a day or two while I get a security team in place. Where are you? I’ll come by to pick her up.”

  “Vance, she’s at my home and I assure you she will be safe with me. If need be, I will worry about procuring additional security.”

�Dammit, Leo, this is a police matter! Quit pulling your alpha male bullshit!”

  “First of all,” Leo chided. “Have you looked in a mirror lately, Detective? Secondly, Karli has every right to hire personal security. She’ll need someone with superhuman strength to be any match for Maria. I have a few vamps who can watch her at night, and some weres during the day. She’ll have ample protection without your assistance.”

  “Have you lost your mind?” Vance shouted. “She should not be around anymore vampires. Did you forget about the effect that her blood has on your kind? I have plenty of weres and warlocks on staff to protect her.”

  “I most certainly have not forgotten how enticing her blood is. I will never forget. But seeing as she is not yet immortal, another vampire would not be able to detect her heritage. Besides, the three days of the full moon start tomorrow so your weres wouldn’t be able to protect her at night. They’ll be too busy chasing rabbits or whatever they do when they shift.”

  “What if she gets hurt? What if she bleeds?” Vance asked. “I don’t trust any of you bloodsucking bastards to be near her.”

  “Karli would never get hurt on my watch,” Leo countered. “Can you say the same, Detective?” Ooh, ouch. I didn’t think Vance was going to like the reminder of Roxy’s attack while his guards had been watching me—the attack that cost one of them his life.

  Fed up with their pissing match, I finally piped in. “Oh, stop it, you two!” I screamed while grabbing Leo’s phone. “Vance, I am perfectly safe with Leo and if I decide to go out, it’s my right! And I can choose whether or not I want another vampire to accompany me. I don’t know why you’re even concerned.”

  “Dammit, Karli, I knew you were there!” Vance shouted. “And me not being concerned is a load of crap! I love you. How could I not do everything in my power to protect you?”

  “I think you need to look that word up in a dictionary, Vance.”

  “Karli, that’s bullshit, and you know it.”

  I sighed. “Thanks for everything, Vance, but no thanks. Just let me know when I can go back home, okay?”


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