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Gastien Pt 1

Page 19

by Caddy Rowland

  “Four months without sex? With the appetite you seem to have for it? What, you weren’t in prison or something, were you?”

  Gastien threw back his head and laughed. “Non, not in prison. I did nothing illegal. I am an artist, Nath. I was homeless for awhile. No one found me very appealing then.”

  She thought that over for a few minutes. This man had lived on the streets during the winter. Somehow he had not only survived, he was sitting in a restaurant, in new clothes, sipping a glass of vin. Obviously, he was not without a quick mind and good instincts to go with those looks. Definitely not a one night fling like she had imagined. This man would be worth establishing a relationship with, one that benefited both of them sexually. This time she smiled even bigger, as she asked, “Several times?”

  Gastien sighed. “Oui, Nath. As I said, several times. As many as you can take.”

  “And if I am the one to wear you out?” she challenged again.

  This time it was Gastien to raise a brow. “Seriously? Is the lady throwing down the gauntlet?”

  She smiled. “I think, Gastien, that you and I are going to make each other very happy. Very happy indeed.”

  It was his turn to smile again, that lazy half sweet, half cynical smile. “Well. Then, let’s eat. We will both need plenty of energy tonight, I think.” He beckoned the waiter over.

  Nath picked up her menu, showing no emotion. She looked up at the waiter. “I am sorry, but my new dinner companion must have “assumed” that I had already studied the menu and made a decision. I don’t have any idea yet what I would like to eat. Please give us another five minutes or so.” She smiled sweetly at Gastien.

  The waiter bowed his head. “Certainly, Mademoiselle.” He walked away.

  Nath turned her attention once again to the dinner choices. She pretended to be in deep thought about the menu. Indeed, she was in deep thought, but food was not on her mind. She was thinking that Gastien was way too sure of himself and the effect he had on women. He was young and arrogant. If she did not stay sharp he would take control of the whole situation. That did not sit well with Nathalie. She was used to being in charge. He pretends he does not play games, yet he is, she thought. A power game. What fun!

  She sighed. “Gastien, I am sorry. I am really having trouble deciding on what I want to eat. I think I would like the waiter to come over and tell me the fresh specials again. Do you mind?”

  “Non, of course not!” replied Gastien. He did not know yet he was being played. Gastien beckoned the waiter over. “The lady would like to hear your fresh specials again, please.”

  The waiter recited seven different specials. For each, Nathalie made sure she asked at least a couple of questions. Fifteen minutes had now passed since Gastien had decided the first time that they were ready to order.

  “I am sorry to be so indecisive tonight,” she said, feigning embarrassment. “I think what I will do is have a starter course. I do like to have fresh greens, anyway, before a meal comes. Please bring me the mixed greens with oil and vinegar.”

  Gastien stared at her. He thought they would eat quickly and then leave. “Nath, are you sure we have time? Won’t we miss the performance?”

  She smiled at him. “Non, I don’t think so. I think you have your time mixed up. Please, order a starter course so that I don’t eat alone. My treat, of course.”

  Gastien blushed. “I don’t expect you to buy my meal!” He was mortified. The waiter just remained impassive. This was proving to be an interesting night. He had seen Nath many times. While she rarely had male company with her, when she did, she usually ran the show. He had overheard some of Gastien’s antics upon the young man’s arrival. Something told the waiter that the lady was going to teach the young man a lesson in control.

  Nath laughed gently. “Oh, I know you can buy your meal. You could buy both of our meals. I was just offering to be nice, since I am the one who wants starters. Please, do as you wish. I did not mean to embarrass you.”

  Gastien turned to the waiter. “I will have the same salad the lady is having, please.”

  “Certainly, Monsieur. Good choice.” He left quickly to get the salads. He did not want to miss more than he had to!

  Nathalie glanced at the table with Gastien’s friends. “Aren’t those some of your friends you were with last night? Perhaps it will seem impolite if we don’t join them.” She took a drink of vin and then allowed just the tip of her tongue to run across her lower lip. “I so love a good glass of vin.”

  “Non, I don’t think we need to join them, Nath. Stop it!” Gastien growled.

  “Stop it? I was merely being polite. I agree, let’s not join them. This is about you and me, isn’t it?” she said softly.

  Gastien was now getting the idea that he was being played. He decided to say nothing. When the salads came they ate them in silence. Nath ate in tiny bites, putting her fork down between each. Then she would sip her vin or some water and repeat. Gastien was getting impatient. Thirty more minutes had passed.

  Just when he was ready to voice his impatience, she stated, “Well, that is enough salad. Let’s order our dinner, Gastien.”

  Thank Christ, he thought. The waiter took their orders of the featured chicken entrée. It would come braised with a special glaze, along with bread and a medley of steamed vegetables. As the waiter left, Nathalie looked up at Gastien.

  “You look unhappy, Gastien. That disappoints me. A woman hopes a man looks happy when he is on his way to her boudoir! Have you decided I am not desirable?”

  Gastien bit back a retort. He would not let her know she was frustrating him any longer. He sat back. “Non, quite the contrary, Nath. You are very desirable. I am afraid I was thinking about a painting that is giving me some trouble. I am sorry to have been thinking about work,” he said as sincerely as possible, “I promise to focus on you now.” Bitch. She did not need to know how impatient he was getting.

  “Gastien, tell me about yourself. I want to know more about who you are, so that I don’t “assume” anything again.” She laughed softly.

  Gastien laughed along with her. “Oh, Nath, you know enough for now. You know I am a painter, you know that I was homeless, you know that I want you. I know nothing about you though. What about you?”

  Nath played with her wineglass, stroking the stem. Up and down. Then she ran a finger around the edge of the glass. She appeared to be in deep thought. The finger went to her mouth, where she sucked the moisture off of it. Gastien was rock hard. He shifted in the chair to give some relief to the pressure. She looked up.

  “Well, I am the head fashion buyer for Le Bon Marché department store. I also free lance, designing haute couture for various small dress shops in the 9th. I am twenty-three years old, and have been in my position for three years. I am very good at what I do. I travel a lot for my work. They pay me very well for it.

  I come from a well off family. More gentry than bourgeois. I don’t particularly want to marry and settle down, but I do suppose I will one day, since marriages in my class are for cementing money. There is an older gentleman patiently waiting. He understands my taste for freedom, shall we say, and looks the other way. The marriage will be a business deal for both of us, although we do like each other very much. Is that enough?” she asked.

  “For now.” Gastien drank his vin. This woman was from a completely foreign world to him. What did she want with him? “I am wondering what you want with me, though.”

  It was her turn to thrown back her head and laugh. “I thought we had established that. I want you for sex, Gastien! I only hope your hidden assets are as over the top as your looks. How do you measure up?”

  He chuckled. “I have never taken a measuring tape to it, chèri. I think it will do.”

  “Give me your hand Gastien.” He did so and she made him make a fist. “When you hold it in your hand like this, how much of it sticks out?” she asked quietly.

  Gastien was getting harder. “Ah. Well, about this much” and he indicated a good t
hree inches. She looked surprised.

  “Are you sure? Your fist is at least 4 inches. Most Frenchmen don’t sport a seven inch bite, a lucky few can have six, but seven? Are you over estimating? I don’t want to be disappointed later.” Her voice was silky and low.

  Gastien fought for control. “Oui, I am sure. I am aware of what it looks like in my hand. If anything, I am under estimating. But you can measure it yourself later, if you wish. That way it will be official.” He pulled his hand back. He wanted to grab her and pull her across the table, force her to measure it with her smart mouth.

  The waiter had arrived with their food. They both wondered how much he had heard, as they were so intent on their sparring that they were not aware of his approach. He showed no signs of interest, though, so perhaps he had heard nothing.

  They both began to eat. Gastien was not without manners, but neither did he eat slowly. He was hungry, like usual, plus he wanted to get done and get to her bed. But Nath ate slowly. As she ate, she maintained eye contact with Gastien until he would look away. An hour and a half had passed since Gastien had wanted to order.

  Gastien put down his fork. “I am full. I can’t eat another mouthful. Shall I ask for the check?” he asked hopefully.

  “Oh, non! Please, not yet. It is my day off tomorrow. I always have dessert to celebrate. Please, Gastien, be patient with me. I so love my dessert!”

  He wanted to slap her for teasing him. But what could he do? His balls now ached so badly that he thought he would lose his dinner. “Certainly, chèri. Go ahead. We have all night.” And you are going to wish you had not eaten so much when I get inside you. I will give you a dessert… he smiled sweetly.

  She smiled back. “Merci. Waiter? May I please have some strawberries and cream?”

  The waiter could hardly keep from laughing. That poor young man was going to be insane before Nath let him off the hook. “Certainly, mademoiselle.”

  When the strawberries came, she offered Gastien one by plucking it from the glass, then slowly licking the whipped cream from it. As she ran her tongue across the berry, she sighed. “Oh, Gastien, you must taste this. Here. Just nibble so you can fully enjoy the flavor. Like this.” She gently nibbled on the berry while caressing it with her tongue. “You try now.”

  Gastien was not going to be outdone. He captured the berry in his lips, sucking gently. He made a slight growling noise. “Oh mon Dieu, you are right. The juice of it is so sweet…excuse me…” He plucked the berry from his mouth. He slowly curled his tongue out and around his upper lip. “Mmmmm.” Then he took his fingers, pulled the berry apart, and stroked the middle of it with his index finger. “Right in there will be the sweetest,” he whispered. He brought it up to his mouth, letting his tongue slide along the berry’s middle.

  Nath was transfixed. That tongue! That berry! She could just imagine… Nath realized she was holding her breath. She forced herself to exhale slowly. Mon Dieu her panties were soaked! She wondered if it went all the way through her dress. Good thing she had her coat with her. Without realizing it, she made a small mewing noise. Gastien licked the berry along the split middle again. Her lips trembled. Gastien slid the berry in his mouth, forcing himself to chew. After swallowing, he whispered, “Chèri, my balls ache terribly. Do you agree to be finished with this for now?”

  “Oui, I agree, Gastien. Let me take you home with me.” He could see her pulse along her neck.

  “Remember, chèri. The first time will be fast and furious for me. Can you handle it?” he challenged.

  “Oh, I can handle it all right.” She teased, “I am just waiting to see if you overestimated your size or your performance capabilities. Most men do.”

  “I am not most men, Nath.” He looked up and caught the waiter’s eye. “Check, please.”


  They practically ran to Nath’s place, which was not all that far. She had a large apartment there in a chic area of the 6th, above an elegant dress shop. Gastien thought he would bust off his bite walking there, but it managed to stay in one piece as they climbed the stairs. Not a word was spoken. She turned the key, opened the door, and then stepped aside to allow him to enter. She reached toward the gas light on the wall. Gastien stopped her. “Leave it.”

  “Don’t you want to see me naked?” she purred.

  “Later. Right now I am done waiting. Either pull off your under thing and lift your skirt, or I am going to ruin your dress by ripping it off of you.”

  “But – “

  “I mean it. Lift your skirt.” He advanced on her. She quickly lifted her skirt, moving her tap pants to one side between her legs. As she did so, Gastien undid his pants. His cock was more than ready. Even in the dark, it looked like he had underestimated. Nath gasped.

  “Mon Dieu! Gastien, your bite – “

  He silenced her with his mouth. As he fiercely ate her mouth he lifted her off the ground. Gastien planted her back against the door. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he commanded.

  “But the bedroom is – “

  “JUST DO IT!” he snapped. She immediately did so. He reared back his hips and then slid in.

  “Ohhhhhhh,” she panted. “Ohhhhhh, ouiiiiii.” He covered her mouth with his again, taking her savagely. His hands were holding her ass so tightly that there would be marks later. Gastien buried his face in her hair.

  “Oh, Nath!” he gasped. “Oh, oui, Nath…ma bite est en feu pour toi! A few seconds later, he cried, “Je ne peux plus me retenir, et– OH AHHHHH!” Gastien thought he was going to pass out as he hit the top of his climax. Nath held on for dear life. As Gastien came back to the real world, he softened his grip on her backside. As he pulled out, she untwined her legs. Her nipples were fully erect through her dress. Nathalie looked like a wild woman.

  “Oh, chèri. I told you it would be too quick the first time,” he apologized. “I apologize, but it was so, soooo good for me. I will make it up to you within just a little while, I promise. It has simply been too long!”

  Her legs felt weak. She smiled up at him. “It was fast, but don’t worry about any disappointment. I came as soon as you slid it all the way in. I came hard! You did not hear me, as you were too busy with your own need at the time. Mon Dieu! I thought I was passing out!”

  “Me too, Nath!” They both burst out laughing.

  “Well,” she managed, “we make a good couple for sex, of that there is no doubt. Let me grab us a bottle of vin to quench our thirst later. Then, let’s get in the bedroom. I want to see all of you naked, and I can’t wait to show you me.”

  Gastien raised a brow. “You are that sure of your loveliness?”

  “Every bit as sure as you are about your capabilities.”

  “Well, then I have a lot to look forward to. Lead the way. I want to watch you undress first.”

  “Say s’il vous plait, Gastien.”

  “Nath!“ he warned. She looked up at him and gently pulled his face to hers, kissing him tenderly.

  Gastien sighed. “S’il vous plait.”


  She led the way to her boudoir. The bed was high, with rich draping around it. Her bedding was satin. Gastien had never seen a bed that sensuous. He chose to sit on a dark red velvet chaise lounge to watch Nath undress. He could stretch out there, fully appreciating the show.

  Nath lit the gas lights, slowly turning to face Gastien. She removed her dress by undoing one button at a time. There were many buttons down the front. Gastien noticed they were tiny little buttons, covered in silk. He knew it was a good thing he was not undressing her, because he would have probably ripped them right off. They looked hard to manipulate. She let the top fall around her waist, smiling into his eyes. He smiled back, dropping his eyes to watch what happened next.

  As Nath stepped out of the skirt, Gastien’s heart raced. She had on the most elegant underclothing he had ever seen. It was pure silk, a candlelight color. It was not lacey, as she was not a frilly woman. It was sleek, sinuous. He cleared his throat, surprised wh
en his voice quivered. “Nath. Please come over here. I want to feel the silk against your skin.”

  She moved closer to let him slide his hands along the rich fabric. It felt so cool to his touch, yet made him so very, very hot. That contrast itself was extremely sexy. He tried to pull her close, but she stepped gracefully away. As she slowly removed the top and then the bottom of the lingerie, stepping out of them, he was transfixed with the beauty of her body. Sweet Jesus, she was lovely! Never had Gastien imagined that a woman could look so perfect. She could be a sculpture in a museum, he thought, she is physically perfect. The look of her screams of class. Gastien felt like he would dirty her.

  Then, she looked at him in a way that let him know that he was definitely what she wanted. He did not have to worry that he was not clean enough, or rich enough, or suave enough. He whispered, “You are beautiful, Nath. Absolutely, completely, beautiful.”

  Her soft laughter tinkled in the stillness of the night. She moved over to the bed, where she pulled down the heavy red satin cover, revealing satin sheets that matched her lingerie. She climbed up the bed steps, finally sliding gracefully between the sheets. Looking over at him, she said softly, “My turn, Gastien. My turn to watch, while you undress.”

  Gastien suddenly felt shy. He wondered, how does a man get his boots and trousers, his underwear off gracefully? Well, damn it, he was a man. She would just have to know he was not used to being watched while he undressed. Just the same, he decided to take off his boots and socks while seated so that he did not have to jump around like a lunatic during the process. He stared into her eyes, slowly reaching down to take them off. He let each boot hit the wooden floor with a determined thud. Gastien pulled his socks off slowly, leaning his head back, looking down at her in heat. Neither of them could break the stare.

  Gastien stood, removed his sweater, and then unbuttoned his shirt. His fingers felt twice the size as they should have, but he managed without too much difficulty. Then he let it slide off his arms onto the floor.


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