Gastien Pt 1

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Gastien Pt 1 Page 35

by Caddy Rowland

  “Don’t be frightened, Gastien. Come over here by me,” he motioned. Gastien stood rooted to the spot, simply staring, heart pounding. “Gastien?” Jean Luc questioned louder.

  Gastien jumped. Somehow he managed to walk over to where Jean Luc was standing at one end of the table.

  “Gastien, from my left, clockwise are Sébastien, Thierry, Rémy, Gérard and René.” They all said bonsoir. Gastien found it odd that they greeted him like it was a business meeting. Jean Luc looked at Gastien expectedly.

  Gastien was determined not to stutter. He swallowed. “Bonsoir.” He met each of the men’s stares evenly, looking soberly from one man to another.

  Sébastien gave him chills. He had mean eyes, plus a cruel look around his mouth. The man seemed to smirk when Gastien looked at him. Thierry looked as nervous as Gastien and was a bit younger than the rest. Rémy, Gérard and René just looked excited.

  Each of their faces, each of their voices, would haunt him for the rest of his life.

  Jean Luc put an arm around Gastien. “Try to relax, Gastien. These men are amis. Why don’t you lead the way over to the buffet? We could all use something to eat.” Jean Luc stepped back to let the others follow Gastien.

  Gastien did not want to eat, but felt he had to or look rude. He tried to bypass the richer dishes, taking just cold meat and fruit, but Jean Luc noticed.

  “Non, non, please Gastien! Don’t insult the cook. You need to eat more than that. Please take some of the warm items.” Gastien obeyed, wondering how he would force the heavy food down.

  Sébastien was right behind him. That man gave him the creeps! All of a sudden, he felt Sébastien’s hand caress his buttocks.

  “Put the plate down, Gastien. I want a better welcome than just a ‘bonsoir’ for the money I’ve paid. I want you to kiss me,” Sébastien commanded.

  Gastien held his buttocks so tightly they ached. Get your hands off of me, he wanted to yell. Instead he calmly said, “Sébastien, don’t you think we should wait until after dinner? The others look quite hungry.”

  Sébastien smiled nastily. “Oh, they are hungry all right, but not for the buffet, chère. I think we both know what they are hungry for.” His voice grew meaner. “Now, put the plate down and kiss me! I want to see if you are as hot as we have heard.”

  Gastien had lost any buzz he had from the hashish when he entered the room. Now, he had to call on that inner survival strength again. Putting down his plate, he drew a deep breath. Gastien turned to Sebastian, placed a hand behind Sébastien’s head, and kissed him on the lips sweetly. Then, he reached for his plate.

  Sébastien grabbed Gastien’s wrist. “Ohhhh, sweetie, you need to do much better than that. Otherwise, I am afraid that I must ask for my money back. You don’t want that, do you?” Sébastien stared stonily into Gastien’s eyes.

  Gastien looked down. “Non.”

  Sébastien squeezed Gastien's wrist harder. “Then kiss me like you mean it!” he spat. “I don’t care if you do, but you better act like it!” Gastien’s wrist ached painfully. He was left with no doubt that Sébastien could break it if he wished.

  Gastien said evenly, “Please let go of my arm so that I can.”

  When his wrist was released, he entwined his arms around the man and kissed him deeply, eyes closed. His wrist throbbed painfully. Sébastien rubbed his crotch against Gastien, while crudely sticking his tongue into Gastien’s mouth. Gastien wanted to gag. But Sébastien held him tightly behind the head and against his hips, exploring his mouth leisurely. Gastien could feel how large Sébastien was against his stomach. It scared him. Finally, Sébastien broke away.

  “That’s better, but not quite what I had in mind. Now use your tongue in my mouth. I am getting impatient.”

  Gastien closed his eyes. Kissing him again, he tried to picture Nath. It was rather hard to do with a damn mustache tickling his face. When he thought enough time had gone by, he backed up. Sébastien was breathing hard.

  “Excellent. Once you get warmed up, you ARE hot. Now, why don’t you walk down the line and welcome everyone exactly like that?”

  Gastien stood without moving, looking sickly at the other men. He could not force his feet to move.

  “DO IT!” yelled Sébastien, causing Gastien to flinch. The other men laughed nervously.

  Jean Luc spoke up, “There is no need to yell at him. He is just nervous. Yelling won’t help him relax. Gastien, you know what you are good at. Please, kiss everyone hello.”

  Gastien could not believe that Jean Luc would ask him to do that, too. He thought he simply had to service them after dinner. Somehow, the kissing on the mouth had always seemed like a worse invasion. He walked over to the others, kissing each of them deeply. He tried not to shudder as they touched his hair, his arms, ran their hands down his back and cupped his ass. They whispered in his ear, telling him how beautiful he was, how much they wanted him. Gastien felt like he was outside of his body, watching as a bystander. Why doesn’t that young man run, he wondered.

  When he came to Jean Luc, Jean Luc simply said “Gastien did plenty of kissing with me earlier. I think I will bypass the kiss and ask him to resume with the buffet.”

  Gastien retrieved his plate. Walking to the table, he told himself that at least no one tried to touch his genitals. That, at least, was something to be thankful for. He sat close to the end of the table where Jean Luc had sat, to his right. Since that was the only place someone had not been sitting at, he figured it was for him. The vin was already poured. Gastien helped himself to a hearty drink from his glass. He knew better than to get pissed, though. If he did not perform well he might lose the money.

  As he waited for the others to join him, Gastien kept thinking about the studio, about his paintings, and about the color. Over and over he planned to himself how the studio would look when fixed up, how colors looked on canvas. Finally everyone was seated and eating. Gastien ate some of the food, almost choking whenever he swallowed.

  The men were talking about various things, but he paid little attention. Once in awhile one would ask him a question about what he painted, where he was from, but he could tell they really could care less about his details. That was just as well with him. The less they knew about him the better!

  Suddenly, Sébastien sat back. He stared at Gastien, a small, cruel smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Gastien tried to act as if he did not realize he was being stared at. Finally, Sébastien spoke.

  “So, tell us, Gastien. How long have you been a prostitute?” The other men stopped talking.

  Gastien met Sébastien’s gaze. “I am not a prostitute. I have never done this with anyone other than Jean Luc.”

  Sébastien looked at him mockingly. “Ah, I see. So, you are doing that for free? You must really like sucking cock!” Sébastien said sarcastically. “Had we known that, we would not have paid. We would have just given you the pleasure!” Everyone laughed, except Gastien and Jean Luc, who was having serious doubts about the wisdom of going through with the evening.

  Gastien blushed. “Non, I do not do it for free. Jean Luc pays me. Look, I only agreed to this evening so that I could own my own studio and home. I simply want a home, just like anybody else.”

  “How heartwarming! But, still, you were paid. In my book, that makes you a prostitute.”

  Gastien looked around the table. All eyes were on him. “Well…I guess so.”

  Sébastien barked out a laugh. “You guess so? Please tell me, what is missing from the equation? I don’t want to call you something you are not.”

  Gastien dropped his eyes. The shame of the truth crawled up his neck to his face. He finally quietly admitted, “Oui. I am a prostitute.” His hand shook as he picked up his vin. It was his second glass.

  “Merci,” replied Sébastien condescendingly.

  Jean Luc interrupted. “I think maybe this is a mistake, gentlemen. I realize now that I was wrong about doing this. It appears to me that this will upset Gastien too much. I am sorry. Let’s just
call this off.”

  The men looked at Jean Luc like he was crazy. Sébastien gave the others a look. Then he said agreeably, “Perhaps you are right. He seems awfully scared. Are you willing to call it off, Gastien? Is it fine with you if we get our money back, no hard feelings?”

  Gastien did not know what to say. If he did not go through the night as planned, the studio would never be his! His eyes implored Jean Luc. Gastien’s body was shaking so hard he looked like he was going to collapse.

  Jean Luc’s heart melted. “Gastien, I will give you the studio. This should never have been done to you. I am very sorry. You mean the world to me!” Jean Luc put his hand on Gastien’s shoulder to try to calm him.

  “Oh, well, you see, Gastien?” beamed Sébastien, “All is well! We get our money back, you get your studio! I would have loved to have gotten intimate with you, but no harm done. In fact, why don’t you go get a bottle of champagne from the cellar, Jean Luc? Don’t be so stingy! Let’s drink to celebrate Gastien’s good fortune! Agreed, everyone?”

  They all agreed.

  Jean Luc reached up and caressed Gastien’s face. “You are safe, Gastien. It is over.” Jean Luc excused himself to go get the champagne.


  A few minutes later, Gastien was feeling funny. There was something wrong. He had only had the one glass of vin, starting a second, yet all of a sudden he was feeling dizzy. He knew if he tried to stand up and walk he would not be in control of his legs.

  “Jean Luc?” Gastien called, frightened. His eyes would not focus well. “JEAN LUC?”

  “Calm down, boy! He just went to get more vin.” Sébastien stood and turned to the others. “Help me move that armoire in front of the doors. Quickly, before he gets back.” The men jumped to block the doors. “I knew Jean Luc would back out. He is so smitten with this little whore that it is disgusting!” He walked over to Gastien. “You look a little woozy, there, Gastien. What do you say?”

  “You put something in my drink!” Gastien slurred.

  “For a stupid peasant, you are quite quick!”

  Gérard said “There is no need to harass him. He has done nothing wrong.”

  “Well, isn’t it true? He is just a peasant. They are throwaways. He is lucky to even get used by us.”

  Jean Luc was now back. He tried the door. It did not budge. “What is going on in there? I can’t get in!” he cried.

  “Shut up, Jean Luc,” responded Sébastien. “We are just going to have a little fun with your whore. We decided we did not want our money back after all.”

  “NON! You can’t do this. This is my house!” Jean Luc cried.

  “And this is your whore. If you want him back in one piece you will shut your damn mouth!”

  “Don’t hurt him! Please don’t hurt him!” begged Jean Luc. This was going horribly wrong!

  “Oh, we won’t hurt him, will we, guys?” They all laughed.

  Gastien was starting to panic. He tried to stand up and swayed. “Jean Luc? JEAN LUC! I WANT OUT! I WANT OUT!”

  Sébastien slapped Gastien across the face, knocking him to the ground.


  Gastien was stunned from hitting the floor. Sébastien hauled him back up.

  “Hold him up,” he said to Thierry. As Thierry held him up, Sébastien pulled Gastien’s shirt off, over his head. He looked at Gastien coldly. “Are you going to take off your trousers, or do you want us to?”

  Gastien gaped at him. “Why would I take off my trousers? I can use my mouth without getting undressed.” Then he stopped, horrified. Non! Oh, mon Dieu, please non!

  Rémy walked over while Sébastien and Thierry each held an arm. Then, Rémy unbuttoned Gastien’s trousers. Gastien was so drugged he could not even kick. Sébastien held a hand over Gastien’s mouth. His trousers came down. His boots and stockings were pulled off along with his trousers and drawers. He bit down hard on Sébastien’s hand. As Sébastien cursed and pulled his hand back, Gastien opened his mouth to scream. Sébastien back handed him hard, making Gastien see stars.

  “Shut the fuck up!” threatened Sébastien. Jean Luc was howling outside the door. He walked over to the door. “Jean Luc, if you don’t shut up I am going to kill this little slut. Do you understand? He is just trash anyway. I could throw him in the river, and nobody but you would miss him.” He could hear Jean Luc weeping. “I will throw you in there too, if you don’t shut up! I don’t want to hear another word from you.”

  Gastien was groaning in pain from the hit he had taken across the head. He looked at the men, begging “Please! Listen to me! I am someone’s son, someone’s father! PLEASE DON’T DO THIS TO ME!”

  Sébastien walked back over to him. “Well, that is very touching! If I were you, I would keep this little escapade a secret then. You would disgust them, I am sure. Even stupid peasants are embarrassed by relatives like you. Now, do you want to bend over and get on your hands and knees, or do we have to make you do that, too?”

  Gastien cried tearfully, “Never! I will never get on my hands and knees for you!”

  Sébastien hauled back his fist, punching Gastien hard in the gut. Thierry released his grip and Gastien doubled over in pain. Thierry used his boot to roughly push him from behind. Gastien crumpled face first to the floor.

  “Well, that was easy,” laughed Sébastien. “Oh, my, look at his back! It appears this is not the first time you have displeased someone, Gastien! If you were man enough to live through that whipping, perhaps you can make it through this night. We’ll see.”

  The color. It’s all about the color, the paints, you better run, all about the studio, the color…

  Gastien was struggling to get his breath back. He could only keep gasping. His mouth was bleeding from where he had been slapped, and the right side of his face ached from the back handing. But nothing hurt as badly as his gut right now.

  “Just look at his lovely ass! It is absolutely perfect,” breathed Sebastian. “An ass like that just begs for a hard bite deep inside it!”

  As the men all laughed, Thierry said huskily, “And I will be glad to answer that plea!”

  “Oui! We all will!” laughed Rémy.

  The five men had drawn cards earlier in the week to see who went first. Sébastien had said he would be last. He was very well endowed. Sébastien was sick to death of hearing from the besotted Jean Luc how wonderful this arrogant little whore was. He planned on giving Gastien a good reaming to remember him by. Sébastien was afraid Gastien would pass out and not be any good to the rest of the men.

  Sébastien motioned impatiently to Gérard. “Well, you get to pop him. Get your trousers undone.”

  “With pleasure, Sébastien,” responded Gérard excitedly.

  Gastien was trying to get up, but his limbs would not work. Sébastien directed, “Each one of us needs to grab one arm or leg and hold him in place on his hands and knees. “René, get the hell over here and grab a leg! Make yourself useful until it is your turn!”

  “NON! PLEASE NON,NON,NON! I DON’TWANTTHIS…..NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” yelled Gastien as the men grabbed his arms and legs. They forced his legs to bend onto his knees. Then, two men each held one leg firmly. Two others held his arms. Gastien’s chest was heaving, he was covered in sweat. “NON! NON, NON, NON! I DID NOT AGREE TO THIS! OH, DEAR GOD, I BEG YOU PLEASE NOOOOOOO!”

  “God does not help whores, chère. You should know that,” purred Sébastien. “You are better off calling on us to not be too hard on you. None of us has much use for peasants, other than to ream them.”

  Gastien could hear Gérard’s boots as the man walked up behind him. He pissed the floor.

  “Oh, Jesus! Move him over. I don’t want to get piss on my new boots!” Rémy said disgustedly. Instead, Sébastien picked up Gastien’s trousers, using them to mop up where Gastien had pissed.

  Gérard knelt behind him. Gastien felt Gérard’s hand’s on his ass. “Damn it!” Gérard spat. He got up and
went to the table, retrieving the butter. Gastien saw him carry the butter over and started to struggle again.

  “Please! Gérard, please…I BEG YOU, PLEASE – NON!”

  Sébastien hissed, “Shut up or you get hit again!” He looked at Gérard. “Encule him!” he commanded.

  Gérard spread Gastien’s cheeks apart, fingering him. Gastien could feel the butter being applied. He was hyperventilating so badly, he thought he was going to pass out. He wished he would.

  Rémy snickered to Gérard, “You better lube that tool up good, Gérard. You will need to be very slippery to break that tight little cul in.”

  All of a sudden, Gastien could feel Gérard at the entrance to his bowels.

  “Oh, lovely Gastien,” Gérard cooed. “Just relax and enjoy it! I promise to break you in thoroughly.” Gérard was breathing hard. “If you stop fighting, it will be easier on you.”


  Gérard sighed. “I AM helping you, Gastien. I am helping you understand that you were made for this.” He caressed Gastien’s hair. “Why can’t you understand that? Ah, well. Either way, I plan on enjoying you very much, sexy one. Very much indeed.” Gérard forced the head of his bite in.


  Gastien felt like his center was being ripped in two. He did not know which was greater, the pain or his shame. Nothing done to him before compared to the emotional pain of this. Gastien fought to keep from losing control of his mind. He had been through so much! This could not take away his sanity! But, oh God, he wanted to just go somewhere safe!

  Jean Luc was sobbing on the other side of the door. He could not take anymore. Afraid that he would call out and end Gastien’s life, he decided to walk away. He did not hear as Gastien called his name over and over, begging Jean Luc for help. Gastien’s calls were met in silence.


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