Fenrir (Scifi Alien Dragon Romance) (Galactic Mates)

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Fenrir (Scifi Alien Dragon Romance) (Galactic Mates) Page 5

by Luna Hunter

  “Shh,” Fenrir says. “Look.”

  The animal’s coat is so white it nearly seems to glow in the morning sun. It enthusiastically laps up water, without a care in the world, dipping its antlers in the clear pond.

  A fire-red bird lands on the animal’s antlers and dips its small beak into the water, and I can’t help but aww out of sheer cuteness.

  Unfortunately, this has the side-effect of alerting the two animals to our presence. The dadyr raises its head instantly, its brown eyes opened wide. A second later it jumps away into the bushes, speeding off.

  “Sorry,” I say.

  “No matter.”

  Fenrir steps into the clearing and sits down on a rock by the water’s surface. I take advantage of this moment and slip my boots off and dangle my naked feet in the cold water. The showers on the Rusty Weasel or the little container homes we’re in now are nothing compared to a real, genuine bath, and there’s nothing like this back on Earth. Nothing a girl like me can afford, anyway.

  I kinda want to strip down and bathe myself entirely in the pond. Maybe later.

  I notice from the corner of my eyes Fenrir is staring at me, his big, ruby eyes focused on me and me alone.


  “You look stunning.”

  “Me? Like this?” I say, gesturing at my beige overall and my unkempt hair. “I look awful.”

  “No,” Fenrir says decisively. “You look stunning.”

  “I thought you hated us mennir. Us humans.”

  Fenrir frowns. “You understood every word of my conversation with the Jarl, didn’t you?”

  “Every word,” I say. “Especially the ones about you considering us unworthy of even the slightest bit of attention.”

  Fenrir curses in Falurian. “I was rash,” he says.

  “Sure sounded like you meant every word.”

  “I did. At the time.”

  “What made you change your mind?”

  “I haven’t. Yet.”

  “Then why are we here?” I say, gesturing at the clearing. “Why did you want to see me so badly?”

  Fenrir stares straight at me, and my heartbeat rises instantly. Those visions flash before my eyes again, in the blink of an eye, so fast I barely have time to process them, to distinguish them from mere thoughts alone. I see mountains, I see ice, and snow as far as the eye can see, I see myself holding a little baby boy, and I see Fenrir, naked, atop of me, his chiseled body covered in scars, my hands resting on his chest as he…

  The moment is gone before I know it. Fenrir is still watching me, and my feet are still dangling in the water. It must be because of this light fever I can’t seem to shake, or perhaps because I’m hungry. I shouldn’t have skipped breakfast this morning, but I was too nervous about meeting the Falurian warrior that I couldn’t swallow a single bite.

  “Do you feel it?”

  “Feel what?” I ask.


  I stare at the warrior in silence. How does one feel fate itself? I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear as I feel the heat in my cheeks rising.

  “How does that feel?”

  “Like this.”

  Fenrir holds out his open palm for me. I hesitantly place my hand on his. His hand is much larger than mine. The moment we touch I feel a genuine spark course through my veins, and my already high heartrate seems to double. For a second I feel like I’m going to faint, and I quickly pull my hand back.

  “W-what was that? What did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything. That was fate.”

  “Well, I didn’t like it.”

  “You lie,” Fenrir says calmly. “Why? Do I frighten you?”

  “What do you think?” I say. “You’re a tall, broad, alien warrior with wings, who hates humans, and who can snap me in half if he wants to. You’re wearing full armor. You’re pretty scary.”

  “I am protective of my homeland, yes. This I admit. However, I do not hate humans. I did not consider them worthy of admittance to Freya, our sacred mountain. There’s a difference.”

  “Doesn’t feel like one.”

  “As for my armor…”

  Fenrir stands up and loosens the straps on his armor. A second later he removes his chest-piece, exposing his dark-red and heavenly scarred chest. I can see every single muscle in his gorgeous body. Everything is perfectly defined.

  And the scars are exactly like the ones I just saw in my brief vision.

  “These are from my training,” he says as he gestures at his scars.

  “W-what are you doing?” I stammer as he continues undressing.

  “I want to show you there’s nothing to be afraid of,” he says as he kicks off his boots and pulls his trousers down. Just like that he’s standing in front of me totally and completely naked.

  I can’t suppress a gasp as I take in his perfect form – every last inch of it. His hard-rock abs lead down to the biggest cock I’ve seen in my life. It’s just as red and intimidating as he is, but with small ridges along the side. Like a mountain I can’t wait to climb. Subconsciously I lick my lips. It’s been so long since I had a real taste of manhood… and Fenrir is more man than I’ve ever seen in my life.

  No Abby, what did we promise ourselves? No putting out on the first date. Get it together!

  I cover my face with my hands, but still peek through the cracks in my fingers at Fenrir’s amazing body.

  “What is the matter?” he asks, surprised.

  “You’re naked,” I say. “Why, in heaven’s sake, are you naked?”

  He raises one eyebrow. “I wanted to show you there is nothing to be afraid of.”

  Judging by the size and thickness of that cock of yours, there’s plenty to be afraid of, you clueless alien.

  “Do you want me to retract my wings as well?”

  “You can do that?”

  Fenrir nods. “At will, yes.” He stretches his arms above his head, roars, and a moment later his wings have seemingly disappeared. He turns to show me his naked back, and it looks completely normal.

  Well, normal. It’s broad as hell. Muscled. And his naked ass looks downright sculpted by the gods. I can’t resist running my hand across his back, and I instantly feel that familiar spark shoot through me again.

  “How is that possible?”

  Fenrir looks over his shoulder at me. “You don’t know? I figured that’s why you humans came here.”

  “Know what?”

  The alien warrior steps into the cold water of the pond, sinking in all the way to his neck. The water is quite clear, but I can’t see every single detail of his naked body anymore. I’m simultaneously relieved and disappointed. At least I can focus on the actual conversation we’re having now.

  “The power we Falur have. I figured our shapeshifting and healing powers we’re common knowledge by now.”

  “You’re w-what now?” I stammer. Shapeshifting? Healing powers? Is he pulling my leg?

  “Are you certain you don’t know?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “But you speak Falurian. Did they not teach you this?”

  “I know everything mankind knows about the Falur,” I say somewhat defensively. “And that’s your syntax and your vocabulary… and little more.”

  Fenrir raises his eyebrows in surprise. “I had no idea. Well, it’s time you learn, regardless. Get in the water with me and I’ll tell you.”

  “I don’t have a bathing suit,” I protest.

  “Neither do I.”

  “You’re crazy,” I say. “I’m not stripping down naked in front of you.”

  “Why not?” Fenrir says. “There’s no one here.”

  “Except you.”


  “I’m not doing it.”

  “So you don’t want to know my kind’s deepest and most well-guarded secrets?”

  Argh. I desperately want to know what he’s on about, but I’m not about to strip down naked for it!

  “You’re incorr
igible,” I say, crossing my hands over my chest.

  “I won’t look,” he says. “Promise.” He turns his broad shoulders towards me. “Come, get in. The water’s fantastic.”

  …oh, what the hell. I’m allowed to be a little naughty for once, and the clear pond does look incredibly inviting.


  “I promise,” Fenrir says again. “On the mountain, the flame, the clan, whatever you want. I promise.”

  I slip the beige overall down my shoulders and step out of it. A second later my panties and bra come off, and I stand there, on the edge of a pond containing a naked Falur warrior, absolutely butt naked myself.

  I must be out of my mind.

  I lower myself into the pond, the cool, clean water washing over me. Fenrir was right – this feels downright glorious. Around us birds are chirping, and the sun comes over the trees to shine down on us directly.

  This moment couldn’t get any better.

  Well, now that I think about it, there’s one thing we could do…

  “How’s the water?” Fenrir asks.

  “Amazing,” I say. I glance down to see if my naked body is showing, but although my form is visible, the warrior can’t see every last detail.

  Unless those fire-red eyes of him can see a lot more than mine. A shiver runs down my back at that thought.

  I feel like I’m going crazy. On one hand, I don’t even know this man. I’ve just gotten my heart broken by my ex-boyfriend, and every single brain cell is telling me to take it slow, to put my guard up, and let no one in. On the other hand, my body yearns for Fenrir’s touch. Whenever his eyes land on me, butterflies fill my stomach. It’s like a force of nature is pushing us both towards each other.

  And I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to resist. That thought both excites and terrifies me.

  “So tell me,” I say. “Tell me everything.”

  Fenrir’s eyes are locked onto mine, and for a second I fear he’s going to demand a kiss or more before he’s going to explain what he was talking about…

  “Fine,” he says. “You’ve earned it.”

  I’m relieved. I think.

  “We are shape-shifters,” he explains. “We can change forms. From what you see now, into a dragon.”

  “A dragon?” I stammer. “Like the one I saw in the mountain?”

  “Exactly. That was one of our clan’s men.”

  I can barely believe what he’s telling me, but now that I think about it, there were two Falur warriors at first… and then there was only one, and one giant, red dragon…

  “H-how is that possible?”

  “Because of our healing powers,” Fenrir says. “Most of our wounds heal nearly instantaneous. It is only our wings that are our weak point – those heal very slowly.”

  “That’s amazing,” I say, at a loss for words.

  “I’ll show you my other form one day… but not now, not here.”

  I reflect on this information for a moment. Vilmar, the Falurian ambassador, did warn me that the Falur on Audur were more feral and animalistic than the ones on the Observer, but I had no idea that this is what he meant. I just thought he meant they have wings! I was already intimidated by Fenrir to begin with – and now I know he can change into a motherflipping dragon?!

  “Why are you telling me this?” I say.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why did you take me here? Why are you telling me all of this? I’m just a human visitor, and you were clear you didn’t want us here. I don’t understand what has changed…”

  Fenrir wades towards me in the water, until he’s only inches away from me. Our naked bodies are perilously close, but I do not move. His beautiful, radiant eyes are locked onto mine.

  “You are here because of fate,” he says, softly.

  I can almost feel the pull of fate as a sudden gust of wind pushes me forwards, urging me to press my lips against Fenrir’s. I only manage to resist at the last possible moment, to my body’s disappointment.

  “Explain fate to me,” I whisper.

  “Soon,” Fenrir says. “Soon.”

  He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, resting his hand on my cheek. His thumb traces the line of my cheekbone, and he studies my facial features with what I can only describe as admiration.

  “You are beautiful, Abigail Snow,” he growls in that low voice of his. “A wonder of creation.”

  “I’m no wonder, I’m just me.”

  “You’re more wonderful than you know.”

  I close my eyes and lean my head back, a smile on my lips. Some old-fashioned flattery is exactly what I’m in dire need of. If he kisses me now, I’m not sure I’d even stop him…

  “Get out of our woods. This is Clan Oskar territory.”

  Harsh, angry voices ruin the moment. My eyes snap open to find three Falurian men glaring at us from the other side of the clearing. They are wearing armor similar to the ones I’ve seen on the mountain, except these are green rather than red, and there is a symbol of a tree on their chest, rather than a flame.

  “Clan Oskar,” Fenrir mutters under his breath. “Hold on.”

  Fenrir jumps out of the water as if it were nothing and shields me from their view, his naked form dripping with water.

  “This lands is free for all to roam,” Fenrir says sternly. “Clan Oskar’s domains doesn’t start for another mile. Leave us be, or I’ll drag you in front of the council myself!”

  “If it isn’t Fenrir? Jarl Dagur’s pup? Tucked in your wings like a child, have you? And what’s that you brought with you? A mennir?”

  The three men laugh, and I lower myself into the water as far I can, my face bright red with anger. I regret being so damn naked at this moment.

  “You watch that tongue of yours, you cur, or I’ll cut it out myself,” he bellows. He takes a few step forwards and the three green-clad men all take a step back.

  “Come,” their leaders says. “Let’s leave the rassin to his toy.” I breathe a sigh of relief when they disappear back into the thick forest.

  Fenrir turns back to me, still naked. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

  “Who were they?”

  “Clan Oskar’s men. There are many different clans across all of Audur, and as you just saw, we don’t all see eye-to-eye.”

  “Does it have anything to with my human presence on your world?” I ask.

  Fenrir grim expression doesn’t change. “Doesn’t matter now,” he says. “Let us return to your camp.”

  I agree – the three boors have thoroughly ruined the mood. Fenrir straps his armor back on while I slip back into my overall. I’m still wet, but luckily I have plenty more of the unsightly outfits to wear. We spend the trek back in silence – I can tell something is weighing on Fenrir’s mind.

  Once the camp is in sight, Fenrir grabs my hand.

  “I have to go. I will return for you tomorrow.”

  I nod. “I’d like that.”

  A smile appears on the Falurian’s face. “Good.”

  With a heavy flap his wings appear again, and with a jump in the air he flies off. I watch him fly ever and higher, until he’s so small I can barely see him.

  I don’t think I’ll ever get used to dating a guy who can literally fly away at a moment’s notice.

  Nathan’s waiting for me back at the camp, resting against my door, as giddy as a teenager. He fires his questions at me with a rapid pace. “What did you do? How was it? And why in the blazes is your hair wet?”

  “It was fun,” I say. “We walked. And swam. And that’s it.”

  “Come on,” he pleads. “There’s more to it than that. Don’t leave me hanging.”

  “Right now I need a shower,” I say with a shiver. “I’ll tell you all about it during dinner, okay?”


  I haven’t even made sense of everything that happened, everything that I’m feeling myself… how am I supposed to explain them?!



>   I SOAR THROUGH THE SKY. I cut through the clouds, rising higher and higher, before dropping down and speeding down towards the planet’s surface.

  Normally this gets my adrenaline pumping. Usually it makes me feel free of all the stress that comes with being the heir to clan Dagur, of being an elite warrior that everyone looks up to.

  Not this day. Not this week, for that matter.

  Ever since I laid my eyes on Abigail, my life hasn’t been the same. According to healer Janssen, she is my elska. My mate. This means the attraction we feel will grow ever stronger, until it consumes us both. It means fate itself has decided we are a perfect match.

  Fate can be cruel.

  We couldn’t be more different. I am a Falurian warrior, a member of the Magni, sworn to put my kind, my planet, and my clan first. Abigail is an outsider, a human.

  The unwelcome meeting with the clan Oskar russins was a painful reminder that she’ll never be accepted by the other clans, clan Oskar first and foremost. I can’t even blame them for their shortsightedness, as I sided with Oskar in the argument in the throne room. If I truly make her my mate, will I be dooming my own clan to war? Will I be giving my opponents the fuel they need to lead an uprising, to challenge our position? Will I be responsible for ending decades of peace?

  I don’t want to choose between my mate and war, but fate has already put me on that path.

  Deep down, I know I have already made my choice. I will not resist the bond. I will not sentence Abigail to madness or death. She’s beautiful, intelligent, witty, and innocent. Already she has disproven many of my preconceptions regarding humans, and I imagine she will disprove more of them with every moment we spend together.

  However, the most difficult task still lies in front of me: making her accept the fated bond. I considered just blurting it out, but I fear she would reject it. She didn’t know a thing about our shifting powers, so I’m certain she’s not familiar with fate – and what can happen when you reject your destiny.

  I need her to embrace it. Fully. This means I have to make her fall in love with me. Her life depends on it.

  The miners camp is already in my sights. I swoop down, my heartrate rising with every passing second, and land right in front of her door. Before I can knock it opens, and I’m treated to wonderful sight.


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