The Initiative: Book One of the Jannah Cycle

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The Initiative: Book One of the Jannah Cycle Page 27

by D. Brumbley

  “That’s gonna be incredibly weird. I’ve had my preventative in since I was twelve.” He shook his head and looked down at himself as if he could see it through his clothes. “Gonna be very, very strange to be without it.”

  Mercury completely agreed. “Mine has been in since I was fourteen, after I had my first menstruation. It’s been a very long time.” She looked up into his eyes as soon as he lifted his gaze. “That makes you feel a bit dangerous, knowing that you could impregnate me. That usually requires government permission.”

  Orion grinned as the buzz in the room began to settle down, those who wanted to express an opinion to their neighbors having already done so, and all eyes turned back to the front of the room for whatever additional revelations may be forthcoming. “I’m comfortable with being a little dangerous. But only a little.” The glint in his eyes was wicked as he leaned down to kiss her again, but the officers on the stage started talking again, so he turned his attention back to them.

  Dr. Santos continued when the crowd quieted down, still pleasant and smiling as ever. “Another item that we needed to discuss as a priority matter- we need a group of volunteers to go with us down to Earth to retrieve the Earth-born Initiates, so that you may all enter your training at the same time. We came to the conclusion that it would be best to have volunteers along from their initiate group so that you have a chance to meet each other and interact. We’ll need pilots, crews, and medical personnel so that they can all be examined and receive their initial treatment before leaving Earth. Also, travel into space is often very difficult for people leaving Earth, so illness will need to be seen to as they make their ascent.” She looked around the room. “Please consider volunteering, but I won’t take a count now. Those of you interested can approach me after the meeting is over and I will make the proper arrangements for you.”

  Orion turned to Mercury again and met her eyes as he shrugged. “I’ve never been down, have you?”

  She shook her head, but she hadn’t originally intended to volunteer her services. She had her own patients that still needed her, even though she knew that once the project was in full swing, she would never see her patients again. “Do you want to go down?”

  “Might be the last chance you or I ever get to see Earth up close and actually walk under the sky.” He shrugged again as he thought it over. “Seems like a shame to go off to another planet without ever actually setting foot on our own.”

  “You’re right.” She nodded and gripped his hand. “Walk under the sky. You are much more romantic than I know how to be.”

  “Wait until we’re cleaning out my unit and you run across my stash of early adolescent love poetry. It’s horrendous, but what it lacks in quality, it makes up for in quantity.” He chuckled, but looked back at the stage, since the officers were continuing to answer questions.

  “No,” Vance was saying, “you’ll receive your initial assignments when the Initiative meets for the first time as a full body on Arm Two, as well as your matching assignments. From there, the full body will proceed with identifying training needs, finalizing the details of colonization planning, and establishing internal organizational structure. One word on this,” he turned to look specifically at the military section of the room. “Those of you who are members of our military, you will retain the ranks you currently hold within Consortium Aviation, but in addition, you will be the military arm of the Jannah colonization initiative. As such, new ranks and new command structures will be determined. You will be expected to take on greater responsibilities within this structure as you are found fit. Be advised.”

  “Ooooh.” Orion said with a chuckle beside her. “Admiral Al-Jabbar. Has kind of a ring to it, don’t you think, baby?”

  “Is that what you want me to call you now?” She teased as she smiled at him, though she knew how hard he had worked to obtain his current rank and she knew he wouldn’t stop working hard. “Admiral?”

  “Only if I earn it. Even then, I think I still want you screaming out Orion in the bedroom. It’d feel like I’m abusing my authority to fuck a subordinate.” He chuckled and kissed the side of her head. “Maybe scream it out a few times. Could be fun.”

  “I’ll try to keep that in mind.” Mercury laughed softly and turned her attention back to the stage, but it seemed like everyone was focused questions instead of listening to a planned speech.

  The barrage of questions was instructive, but frustrating when questions were repeated or restated in slightly different ways until finally the Initiative leaders shut them down. Everyone was released with the promise of a meal provided, which turned out to be sumptuous and plentiful enough that the room fell nearly silent as people fell to their meals. Orion had a better view of the crowd on account of his height than nearly anyone else, but he kept one arm around Mercury’s shoulders as they picked their way along the line with the food. Having access to so much food and so openly was incredibly strange to him, but he imagined it was what life would be like on Jannah as well, once things were up and running. There was no reason to limit things if they could be grown on a farm next door. “I’m looking around for the rest of the medical personnel, but I don’t see anybody who looks like your friend you told me about. Just that one short guy with a pediatric designation.”

  Mercury shook her head. “I got a message from Greg last night. He wasn’t accepted.” The thought made her sad for her friend, since she knew how much Jannah had meant to him. It meant a lot to most people she knew. “I told him I was sorry to hear it, but that things were going well with you and I. I think…” she realized recently that she wasn’t the best at reading other people’s intentions, but Greg hadn’t been subtle about his opinions where she was concerned. “I think he was trying to suggest that I could stay here in orbit with him, if things between us weren’t going well. I’m sure he was disappointed to find out that they are.”

  Orion returned the kiss and licked his lips afterward, enjoying the tang of the fruit they’d enjoyed. “I can see him feeling bent out of shape about it. It’s always rough to have a friendship get destroyed like that. On the other hand, I sympathize. Have to give the guy credit for having the good taste to know an amazing thing when he sees it. I can’t be mad at him for pursuing you, only for doing it if you flat out told him not to. What did he say when you told him you were gonna get matched in the first place?”

  “The same. He hoped it wouldn’t work out. And to be honest, I didn’t think it would.” She lifted her hand and traced his jaw lightly. “I thought that you and I were too different on based on the data. And I’ve always believed that I would be better off marrying another doctor.”

  “So you could go to work and bring babies into the world all day long, then go home and talk dirty to each other about randomized controlled trials and birthing statistics by demographic cohorts?” He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her heatedly, wanting to make sure he brought her back completely to being focused on him in the wake of discussing her doctor-friend. “I’m completely on board and supportive of you doing everything to be the amazing doctor I know you are, and I don’t mind feeling lost when you start really getting into it. I’m just glad to be a distraction.”

  Mercury kissed him again, but she took her time in quiet thought before she met his eyes and spoke again. “I’m beginning to think that even though my life’s work is being a doctor, that maybe it was narrow-minded of me to think that something else or someone else couldn’t be equally as important to me.”

  “Really? What was it that expanded your thinking, do you think? Was it…” he leaned in to whisper against her ear through her hair, with his arm around her shoulders, “that first time in the shower when I had your legs shaking so hard you couldn’t stand up for about fifteen minutes? Or was it after that?”

  Mercury blushed and turned her face toward his so that no one else could see her cheeks go crimson. “Orion.” She tried to sound threatening, but there was nothing behind it. “I’m not marrying you for your sexual prowess
, thank you very much. That’s not what is equally important to me. You are.”

  Orion still gave a single low laugh, and reached up to caress the blush on her cheeks before he moved to kiss the blush once with a strangely chaste touch, considering the image that had put the heat in her cheeks. “Just wanted you to know that I’m glad your thinking has expanded a bit, that’s all. I’m very much looking forward to you being the center of my universe.”

  She shook her head. “You’re trouble, Orion Al-Jabbar. You shouldn’t talk about such things while we’re here. That’s not fair.”

  “If you wanted fair, baby, you should’ve asked the matching program for a judge. Fair I am not. But even if I play dirty, just remember how much you like it when I play.” He kissed closer to her neck, but then slid down into his seat as the officers tapped their microphones to get everyone to settle in for the rest of the meeting.

  The rest of the meeting went smoothly, and everyone seemed like they felt positive, though Mercury felt uneasy. She was quiet as they walked through hallways to get to their temporary unit, and only once they were truly alone again did she say anything at all. “What do you think?” She ran her fingers through her hair to distract herself. “They didn’t say anything else about the accident, and…it makes me worried.”

  “I was really surprised nobody asked much.” He sat near the door to take off his boots, but he was still glancing up at her as he worked at them. “I thought somebody would, but I guess everyone collectively knows better. I think that aspect of it worries me even more, even if I also have to admit that I’m part of the problem, since I didn’t ask either.”

  Instead of taking off her own shoes, Mercury actually knelt down next to Orion to help him unlace his boots, since helping him made her feel better than doing nothing at all. “Do you still think we should be a part of this? To go to Earth too?” She wasn’t looking at him at first, but then she looked up to look into his eyes. “I felt so happy when I got my acceptance. I don’t like feeling uncertain about it.”

  “Neither do I.” He was surprised when she stepped in to do something like helping him with his shoes, but he let her do it, and remained sitting when she was finished to pull her into a brief kiss as she knelt between his knees. “Right now, here’s how I’m seeing what’s going on. We know there’s more to what’s happened than they’re telling us, which means there’s almost certainly more to Jannah and the rest of the Initiative than they’re going to clue us into by choice.”

  When she was finished with his boots, he turned the tables on her and began undoing her jumpsuit for her. “So we’ve got two choices. Stick with the opportunity we’ve got, or walk away from it. Walking away means we won’t be involved with whatever happens and we’ll have to stand back and watch as things unfold, however they’re gonna go down. Sticking with it means being a part of it and having the chance to maybe help things as they come along. A big part of me wants to say we’ll just step away, go back to Seven. I can fly jumper carriers the rest of our lives. I’d be happy with that, it’s not a bad life. But I’m not known for choosing the sideline when there’s a chance to be in the middle of things. That usually gets me in trouble, but it at least puts me in a place to be in the right kind of trouble when the time comes. Plus, I know how much this opportunity means to you too. You’ve been working for it just as long as I have. If there’s a chance that it can be what we both wanted it to be to begin with, I think that’s worth taking. But I want to hear what you think about it.”

  He could see the wheels turning behind her eyes but she didn’t say anything until she shrugged out of her jumpsuit and sat down on his lap. She heaved a sigh before she spoke. “I still want to do it. I still believe that even if we aren’t being told everything, there has to be a good reason for it. Even if I wish they would tell us.” Mercury kissed him gently again before she pressed her forehead to his. “I want to go to Jannah and I want to go with you.”

  “I’m less optimistic about why we aren’t being told everything.” He sighed, but nodded against her forehead as he put his arms around her waist. “Alright, then. We’ll fly across the galaxy with these crazy bastards and do what we can to be a part of a new world. And we’ll handle it together.” The kiss they shared was deep and warm, sealing the decision they had made, but it was sedated, almost solemn, the kind of kiss that closed one door and opened another, both filled with possibilities rather than certainties.


  Anna was again in Logan’s house, off in a quiet wing attempting to get ready. All she could do, though, was stare at herself in the full-length mirror and think about all the things that were about to change. They told their families about their acceptance to Jannah, and no one was happy about the idea that they might be leaving. Anna and Logan told their families that they hadn’t yet made a decision, even though she felt as though they were still leaning toward getting on the ship and going, no matter the risks. The promise of a new world with a brighter future for everyone she loved was too much to ignore.

  Anna glanced over at the simple, white, summer dress hanging up nearby, knowing that even though she’d asked for privacy, her younger sisters, Larissa, and Liam’s girlfriends would all descend upon her soon to help her get ready. The thought of all the attention and the makeup made her want to lock every door around her, but she wouldn’t deny them the chance to enjoy themselves. Weddings were a cause for celebration, and everyone deserved to enjoy them, not just the bride and groom.

  Instead of grabbing a brush and getting started with her hair, she grabbed a robe and tugged it on quickly and then snuck out. She tiptoed through the house to get to Logan’s room, since she desperately wanted to see him. All day she’d been forced to deal with wedding prep, and all day he’d been pulled a different direction. She just wanted to see him before she had to share him with the rest of the world all over again. When she found his designated room, knocked lightly on the door, listening closely. “Logan?”

  She felt rather than heard his heavy footsteps as he got to the door, but it eventually opened a crack. “Are you as interested in some bad luck as I am right now?” She could tell from Logan’s voice that he was smiling, and there was no other sound in his room. It seemed he dismissed everyone he’d been dealing with the same as she had, for the time being.

  “I think it’s only bad luck if you see me in my dress, and considering I’m only wearing a robe, I don’t think it counts.” She whispered through the crack in the door. “Let me in, please? I really want to see you.”

  “I’ll take it.” He opened the door wider to let her in, keeping his voice down even though they were the only people in the wing. Everyone else was outside getting bossed around by Larissa, Liam, Ben, and Susan.

  Logan was still in his boxers, but he’d obviously showered recently, since his hair was still damp and the scent of his soap still lingered. “You doing alright?”

  Anna looked him up and down openly, groaning at the sight of him in his boxers. “Feeling a little better now, thanks.” She gave him a weak smile before she stepped up to him and reached out to run her hand over his bare chest. “We should have just eloped in St. Louis. This is all too much for me.”

  “I think you’re right. I’ve never been a big fan of being the center of attention.” He pulled her in to hold her against his chest for a while, sighing at how much better a place the world was when he had her close. “I think all three of Liam’s girlfriends are trying to out-wedding-decorate each other so as to get the guy to buy a clue. And if I see Larissa and Cory shoot each other one more meaningful glance, I’m going to gouge my eyes out. I realize I don’t have much room to talk since I’m the one who arranged it, but she’s still my little sister.”

  That made Anna smile. “They’re so cute together, though! I feel like quite the matchmaker. I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner. I know he’s still a bit heartbroken over the other girl from across the world, but I don’t think that’ll last much longer. Your sister is so pretty and kin
d, and she cooks better than anyone I know.” She hugged Logan tightly and sighed against his skin. “Are you nervous?”

  “About being your husband?” He shook his head against her hair. “Nah, you don’t scare me. Am I nervous about standing in front of a hundred people and then jumping on a shuttle next weekend to leave this planet possibly forever? Yeah, some of the nervous from those things is definitely hanging around.”

  Her smile faded and she held him even tighter. “I think they’re still hoping we’ll say we’re not going. But I still think we should.” She stepped back to look up at him, then grabbed his face and pulled him in for a rough kiss. “I’m nervous about standing up in front of everyone too. But I can’t wait to see a ring on your finger that means you belong to me.”

  “You don’t need the ring on my finger to know that.” He said before he returned the kiss, his hands nearly closing completely around her waist as he pressed her against him. “I woke up this morning missing you. Then I walked out and saw everybody working on setting up chairs in the hall and getting decorations started and I couldn’t help feeling like this is both our wedding and our way of saying goodbye.”

  “It is. But it’s not goodbye forever. I refuse to believe I won’t ever see them again.” She paused and tried not to wince at the pain of the thought that she couldn’t refuse the idea for everyone. “Except maybe my father.”

  Logan nodded against her forehead. “I’m glad he’ll be here, though. He told me the other night when we were down there that it was all he wanted. Seeing you and Ben married and happy. He knew if he could get the two of you that far, you’d take care of the rest of your brothers and sisters between you. Which is what you’ve been doing.”

  “Except now I’m going to leave, and it will be all up to Ben. He’ll have to take care of the rest of them and my dad. That’s not fair.” She knew Ben could handle it, he’d been the ‘oldest’ child all along. He was organized and bossy, and though Anna was plenty bossy, she wasn’t like Ben. “I want him to worry less and now he’ll have to worry more. But if we get to Jannah, if we can get everyone there…he’ll get to live a long life with Susan and his children.”


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