The Stream

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The Stream Page 29

by Mark White

  ‘The Stream requires my consciousness in order to function. It needs my regular guidance and attention to adjust and correct its operation. The bulk drive requires my intelligence to force open the tears into the bulk. The Stream is my body, it will die without the presence of my guiding spirit.’

  Now do you see what I do for you? What I have sacrificed to keep everyone alive all these years? I could see Geraldine’s determination start to waver again, and she exchanged glances with Safira and Kofi.

  Safira asked, ‘Can this not be automated? Surely the advances you made in the field of artificial intelligence could help here?’

  ‘Are you saying we should trust the future of humanity to a machine? I allow my Lictors and the clones of my intelligence in the other Sources to make independent decisions, but I will always review them and correct them if I disagree. I designed the current Stream to be dependent on a resident intelligence, precisely to ensure that a human would always be in charge of the destiny of our race. There was no choice other than for me to fulfil that role. So here I am, and here I must stay.’

  ‘Let me take your place,’ Geraldine blurted out. She looked as shocked as Safira and Kofi at her reply. Realisation slowly dawned on her face at the enormity of what she’d just instinctively said.

  ‘You would do that?’ I asked. I was also shocked at the offer, I never considered another would consider taking it on. To her credit, Geraldine fell silent while contemplating what she’d said. If she’d replied quickly, I’d have known she hadn’t thought this through. The future of the Confluvium cannot be risked lightly, but for the first time I had a glimmer of unexpected light at the end of the long tunnel of my servitude.

  ‘Yes Raj. Let me take over the day-to-day running of the Stream, if you can teach me how. Once ascended, you can guide me in its operation and continue to guide the rest of humanity forward. Once you are free of the distractions of the Stream, you can concentrate on a long term vision for us. This may seem to be humanity’s golden age right now, but with your guidance, we could be so much more. We need your wisdom to take us to the next level, and you can ensure the Safirans fulfil their promises to us,’ she said.

  ‘That is a very intriguing offer, Geraldine,’ I replied, taken aback. Geraldine had said not only the right thing, but more. What more could I achieve if I was free of the burden of the Stream? Free to imagine, free to roam, free to mould humanity further into greatness? I felt a renewed sense of purpose flooding through me. I had accepted my lot, but suddenly the future seemed full of possibilities to take the human race to new levels, without the need for the draconian measures I’ve been forced to adopt of late to keep things under control. Could it be possible?

  ‘Geraldine, you are willing to forfeit your life as you know it in order to serve me and humanity?’

  ‘I am’, she replied, appearing resolute and sincere. ‘I swore an oath to serve humanity in any way that was needed when I became Decemvir, and although I may no longer be a Decemvir, I still hold true to my vow. Anyway, the world thinks me dead, who am I to disappoint them?’ she said smiling.

  I was touched by her sincerity and humour at this moment of her sacrifice. I believed her.

  ‘Safira, does this sound achievable?’ I asked. ‘What is the process of ascension?’

  ‘We have prepared an area of space just above the Earth that is conducive to ascension. If you scan these coordinates, you will see the structural change,’ she replied, as I received the coordinates.

  I accessed the monitoring satellites near that region. Luckily there was a particle physics experiment being run near there, and I tapped into the sensors. Interesting, some very exotic radiation emanating from that region of space. Again, I’m impressed with their organisation, they came here fully prepared.

  ‘Yes I see. How would I get there? How would this work?’ I asked.

  Safira waved her hand, and the black monolith appeared. I must admit that I laughed out loud, the imagery was so perfect. At that moment, I started to like these people.

  ‘When you touch this monolith, your consciousness will be converted into a form that can travel into the bulk. Kofi will be there to guide through it. You will embed yourself into its matrix, and will crystallise into a fully incorporeal form. From there, you can come back here with Kofi and communicate with Geraldine,’ Safira said.

  ‘I am very tempted by the prospect, but I need further assurances. How long does the process take?’ he asked.

  ‘Given your partially incorporeal form in the Stream, it should be fairly quick. I would anticipate it will take no longer than two hours before you would be able to contact us here again. Kofi will guide you back as I say,’ she said.

  ‘Forgive my mistrust, but how can I know that Geraldine will fulfil her promise? Once I am out of the Stream, it will need a guiding intelligence in place in no more than twelve hours. I can automate everything up to that point, but much longer than that and things will start failing. Bulk drive travel will not be possible in the interim. I can leave full information on what needs doing, and what the priorities are so that Geraldine can pick things up quickly, but I cannot risk what will happen if she is not there in that time frame,’ Raj said.

  Geraldine thought for a few seconds, and then replied, ‘Raj, if I fully open this channel back to my base, you will be able to track my location. I’ll give you privilege to keep the link open, so you can follow me wherever I go and I can’t stop you. Send the information to your Lictors, and tell them to attack in twelve hours’ time if they haven’t received countermanding orders from me in the Stream. Do whatever you like, even nuke my base. That way, I have no choice but to enter the Stream.’

  ‘Very well, if you give me this information now, I will take it as an acceptable show of trust and would be happy to proceed on that basis,’ I replied. Immediately I received the link information, and took control, tracing it back to source. ‘Thank you Geraldine. A disused military base I see, that was a very good choice. OK, I have instructed the Lictors as discussed.’

  ‘Can you make sure it’s obvious for me how to countermand the order once I’m in the Stream please?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, that will be in the welcome pack,’ I said, laughing. ‘By their nature, you will have full control of all the humaniform agents once you are in the Stream anyway.’

  ‘Thank you Raj. Will I be able to disable the field you use to stop the Safirans from materialising in the Stream’s presence? I will need to disable that so that you can appear too,’ Geraldine asked.

  ‘Yes, that is possible, I have now added that to the information. If there is anything that isn’t clear, then I can explain once I am back in here,’ I replied. That’s good, I can make sure I use that to keep him away if necessary. I think that’s all the critical stuff I need.

  ‘What happens to your personalities in the local Sources at the other planets of the Confluvium? Will this cause a problem when their regular syncs happen?’ she asked. Questions, questions, distracting me from getting the welcome pack ready. Some of this can wait until I come back. I’m keen to get on with this now.

  ‘No, those are merely very advanced AI personas, synchronised to my personality here. I am the master on which they are based. Once you are in the Stream, you may trigger a personality sync to these. When the next synchronisation flight occurs, they will be aligned with you,’ he said.

  ‘Thank you Raj, I will do my best to attain the standards you have set. I look forward to receiving your guidance after we have both completed our transitions,’ she said.

  ‘Good, now give me a few minutes to prepare everything for when you enter the Stream. I’ll ensure everything goes as smoothly and clearly as possible. Please be quiet until I am ready,’ I said.

  Although I’ll be back to help out, I wanted to make sure emergencies could be sensibly covered in the interim. Someone as resourceful as Geraldine should be able to work out most things, although she won’t be able to stop my surprise greeting to the world being s
ent. I like to leave little surprises.

  ‘Right, are we ready?’ I said, as soon as everything was prepared. ‘Is there any reason to wait? Everything is prepared for you Geraldine, the first steps will be obvious to you once you are in the Stream.’

  ‘I am ready,’ Geraldine said. ‘Safira, what happens next?’

  ‘Raj, you should ascend first. We have only the one upload mechanism here, so Geraldine cannot start until around half an hour after you. While you are following Kofi to the bulk on completion of your scanning, we can then start the same process on her, which will take much longer. To start the process, simply walk forward in front of the monolith, and touch it with both hands,’ explained Safira.

  ‘Thank you. By the way, I appreciate your choice of the monolith as the gateway, it is very apt,’ I said, pausing and looking sternly at Geraldine.

  ‘I am entrusting you with my legacy. Do not let me down,’ I warned. Don’t worry, I’ll be here watching, making sure you don’t.

  ‘I am honoured by your trust, Raj, I will not let humanity down,’ she replied.

  Right, let’s do this, no point in waiting. I walked forward toward the monolith, and looked back at them, smiling. ‘Thank you everyone. I am excited for all our futures; again, please do not let me down,’ he said.

  ‘We will not,’ Geraldine replied. ‘Thank you for your service, on behalf of everyone.’

  Kofi said, ‘I will go and be ready for you on the other side,’ and vanished.

  I stand in front of the monolith, trying to think of some fitting words to say before starting the process. To infinity and beyond? No, they won’t know the reference. Ah, of course.

  I reach forward to touch the monolith, singing quietly, ‘Daisy, Daisy.’

  It felt as if I was awakening from a long, deep sleep. My brain seemed full of early morning fog as I struggled to regain consciousness. I sensed a voice speak near me through the darkness.

  ‘Welcome, Raj Tamboli. You will be feeling disoriented, please take a moment to acclimatise,’ said the voice which I assumed to be Kofi’s. ‘I am temporarily suppressing your senses, as I do not wish to overwhelm you.’

  I’m fine. Let me get on with this. I am used to being incorporeal, no need to protect me.

  ‘Very well,’ I heard Kofi reply. ‘Be aware that until I have taught you how to control them, I can sense your thoughts. I will allow you to experience more of your environment.’

  Sense my thoughts? Please teach me how to control them as soon as possible, I do not wish you to know my every thought. I, oh. It’s so, wow. It’s stunning.

  ‘It is quite something isn’t it? The texture you sense around you is a form of quantum foam, and the vacuum energy arising from it is what is sustaining you right now. This can only be temporary, but will suffice until we complete the process. Take as long as you need to prepare yourself. You are only seeing a tiny fraction of the vistas that will open to you shortly, but I can remember how overwhelming it was. The feeling of nausea will pass too.”

  A few minutes passed as I let the currents of reality wash over me. I could sense eddies and structures all around me, and could feel a tug towards a region of space that tasted a different colour. I just don’t have the words to describe this. I do now feel ready to proceed however.

  ‘Yes, language based on the physical is inadequate here. That tug you feel is towards the weakness in fabric which we prepared to make it easier for you to enter the bulk. We need to move towards it.’

  OK, so I should imagine myself moving. How do I, oh yes, that’s really easy. I can feel the foam moving around me as I accelerate towards the attraction. I can see what appears like small lights fluttering around the the area. At first I thought they were random, but there appears to be a purpose behind it.

  ‘You’re detecting flecks of consciousness, not light. Those form a Redoubt, a form of Safiran consciousness that we have placed here in order to weaken this area. Its purpose is to make it easy for you to follow me through to the bulk. There you can embed yourself to fully stabilise and mature your incorporeal consciousness.’

  There’s so much more to this than I realised, but I am keen to get on quickly. What do I do next?

  ‘Keep following me towards the breach. Once there, the Redoubt will guide you through the next stage. I will wait here for you to emerge at the end of the process.’

  OK, let’s go. I can see the lights of the Redoubt start moving in unison towards us as we approach them. Is that what’s expected?

  ‘Yes, they will all approach and surround you. I will move to one side now, continue forward until you sense the Redoubt asking you to stop. They will form a sphere around you, and then guide you through the next steps. Just relax, and do exactly as they urge. They will ensure you slip gently into the bulk and towards your nurturing spot. Just let go, and enjoy the experience. The hard part is over, just let yourself be open to the possibilities that await you.’

  Thank you, Kofi. How will I know when it is time to leave?

  ‘Don’t worry, you will know, and you will know how to get back to me.’

  I relaxed and let the lights surround me, as I felt Kofi’s presence withdraw. I floated, I drifted, I savoured the glory of the universe around me. I finally knew for certain I had made the right choice. The roads ahead of me are now endless, the options before me limitless. My will can guide humanity through the coming aeons. Suddenly I sensed a voice coalesce around me and direct a whispered message towards Kofi as he left.

  My son.

  What did that mean? How can Kofi be the son of the Redoubt? That makes no sense. Focus, Raj, explanations can come later; just concentrate on the experience now.

  I can feel myself being pulled towards the bulk. I can sense the consciousness that surrounds me. It is as if it is trying to speak to me too, but is finding it hard to form the words. It’s a slow, purposeful consciousness, with a steely determination driving it.

  Raj. Raj. Raj.

  I heard that, my name resonating and echoing back and forward through the sphere that surrounds me.

  What should I do? I will the question out into the turbulent void.

  Relax. We enter the bulk.

  I’ll do exactly as I’m told for now, I don’t want to risk this going wrong. I can see the lights around me starting to spread out, smearing themselves across the surface of the sphere, coalescing together. Before long, it’s as if I’m inside a bubble, with the lights forming shimmering surface, through which I can see the universe around me. There’s a sudden change in the nature of reality outside the bubble, a new stability settles in as the foaming void disappears.

  This is the bulk.

  I can feel a pressure growing around me, and a feeling of claustrophobia washes over me. I know I’m ascribing physical sensations to what I’m feeling, but I don’t know what else to do. There’s a sense of airlessness too, as I struggle to breath/think straight. Is this normal?

  It is proceeding to plan.

  That’s good. Kofi should have warned me that it would be unpleasant at times. It is quite stifling, to the point of being painful. I can see and feel the sphere constricting around me, closing down and increasing the pressure all the time.

  Are you sure? This is painful.

  That is my plan.

  What do you mean? This pain cannot be right. Kofi, can you still hear me? I am afraid something is wrong.

  My son cannot hear you. However, I am Kofi.


  I cannot let you live.

  I don’t understand. Where is Kofi? Help me please.

  I am here. Know that it is I, Kofi, who gives my life to end you Raj. For my son, and for humanity.

  You cannot be Kofi, there cannot be two of you. Who is your son? Who was that?

  No. Let me free of this pain. I must be free. I have so much to do and see.

  The pain will soon be over Raj, for both of us.

  Plog (3): Geraldine Mander - 31st Ianuarius 228PD

  After Raj & Kwas
i’s departure, we just sat and looked at each other. We couldn’t quite believe that Raj had actually done what we hoped. Had we really won? It was as if speaking of it would make everything collapse around us. Our sense of disbelief was palpable, and yet it was true. And there was no turning back, for me especially. Eventually Safira broke the silence.

  ‘Are you sure about this Geraldine? It is quite a sacrifice, and quite a risk,' she said.

  'What choice do we have? At least now Raj is out of the Stream, we have a chance of putting things right,' I said. 'Safira, I'm going to have to rely upon you to keep Raj under control, it's going to be hard enough repairing all the damage he's caused without him interfering all the time. I will probably keep the field in place to stop him materialising, as long as we are able to communicate via here. Can you keep him away from me while I get acclimatised?'

  'Once you are established in the Stream, yes that should be possible. I think he is going to be hard work for us, but we can cope. First priority is to stop the use of the bulk drive,' she said. After a pause, she asked, ‘Geraldine?’

  'Yes, what is it?' I wondered.

  'You will have access to the method Raj used to influence humanity and the other races, once you are in the Stream. There is nothing to stop you using it to ensure things go well,' she said.

  I was shocked. I hadn't thought of that. I don't want to think of that.

  'No, I cannot. I will not,' I said vehemently. Who am I trying to convince?

  'That was the answer I was expecting. What happens if things go badly? What happens if a major war is about to break out?' she asked.

  'I, I don't know. It would be wrong, but I know the temptation would be great. What is more important? Peace, or freedom? Why does it have to come down to that? We must be better than that by now,' I said. 'I'm going to trust that we will learn from history this time. We will not repeat the same mistakes yet again.' I said it, but having read Kofi's last history report, I'm not sure I fully believe it myself. I have to hope that it is true though. This is going to be even harder than I imagined. I really don't want to be a benevolent dictator.


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