Condemned: Complete Series

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Condemned: Complete Series Page 9

by James, Gemma

  The heat flaming between my thighs was undeniable, unbearable, and I whimpered when those strong hands drifted over my stomach and smoothed down my legs.

  “I’ll have to buy you a shaving kit.” He caressed behind a knee. “I want to shave these legs.”

  A shiver traveled along my skin from head to toe, contradictory to the hot shower. He worked his way up my body and tilted my head so the water sluiced over my face and hair.

  “Soap’s gone. You can open your eyes now.” His gaze transfixed me, capturing me in green depths from which I’d never return. “Raise your arms.”

  Later, I might question why I did it without hesitation. I brought my arms up and held them high. I didn’t think about disobeying, especially when he dropped to his knees and licked his lips, his gaze on my pussy.

  “Spread your legs.”

  Holy hell. Sucking in a breath, I widened my stance. He wrapped his arms around my hips, hands clutching my ass, and pulled my pelvis toward his face. But he didn’t put his mouth on me. Not yet. He took his time, languid gaze roaming past belly and breasts before settling on my face.

  The sight of Rafe naked and on his knees, dark hair plastered to his forehead and drops of water hanging on his lashes, was the most gorgeous view in existence. Reality was far better than the dream.

  Except for the part where he’d kidnapped me.

  “What do you want from me?” I whispered, confused because he was being so gentle. He’d shown me nothing but cruel detachment since he’d taken me…until I’d fallen into the river.

  A violent tremor raced through me, and that night came rushing back; the freezing water closing over my head, the realization I was going to die. Something else broke through the fog that had blanketed me for the past couple of days. Him. The way he’d reacted, how he’d been furious and punishing but also fearful of losing me.

  It dawned on me that my almost drowning had rattled him, and I wondered what it meant.

  His gaze held mine, unblinking as water streamed down his face. “I want many things from you, but right now I want to taste you.” He leaned forward, and I thought I’d pass out when his tongue slid between my folds.

  “Oh God, Rafe.”

  His fingers dug into my ass, and he let out a long groan that vibrated straight to my core. I balled my hands, struggling to keep them raised, and let my head fall back against the tile. My body sang for him, quivered and ached with the mere brush of his lips, the teasing scrape of teeth. My breaths burst out in short gasps, and I closed my eyes and let the water wash over my forehead and cheeks as an orgasm built. I was so close. Two more strokes of his tongue, and my toes would curl. I’d slide to the floor in completion, limbs as fluid as the water beating down on us.

  He jerked back and looked up at me, a hard glint in his eyes.

  “Don’t stop.” I thrust my hips toward him, a silent plea for him to finish. He rose and held my face, mouth hovering an inch from mine as our eyes locked, and licked the water from his lips.

  My jaw slackened, and I felt the spray from the shower misting on my tongue. He was going to kiss me. I was sure of it. “Rafe,” I whispered, aching to taste him. Just once.

  He pulled my arms down. “Wrap your hand around me.”

  I closed my fingers around his erection, and my palm glided over silky smooth skin. His breath shuddered out with every stroke and mingled with mine in a frenzy of want and need. The air between us grew moist and warm from the steam of the shower.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, his forehead falling against mine, “that feels incredible. Keep going.”

  Mindlessly, I rubbed him and watched in wonder as he lost himself to my touch. With each groan and sigh that erupted from his beautiful mouth, my own need bloomed out of control.

  “I want you so much,” I said.

  He let out a growl and stilled my movement. “You’re not getting off.”

  If he intended to drive me mad by using my desire for him as a weapon, then he’d have no problem succeeding.

  Rafe had turned into a cruel son of a bitch.

  “Get on your knees, sweetheart.” How I hated that endearment coming from his lips. He said it with scorn, made it sound like an insult. Hands gripping my shoulders, he pushed down hard until my knees buckled.

  The thought of sucking his cock shouldn’t excite me so much. Shit, I was in big trouble. He was toying with me, making me hot and wet for him, and leaving me with no end in sight.

  He angled my head back, his touch somehow gentle despite the iron-like hold he had on me. I opened my mouth, my heart thudding in my ears as he pushed his cock inside.

  “Fuck. I haven’t had a woman suck me off in eight years.”

  His admission filled me with a sense of power. I’d be the one to bring him pleasure after all this time. I closed my lips around his shaft and peeked up at him, needing the connection, but he avoided eye contact. He tipped forward, palms slamming against the tile, and his chest rose and fell shallowly, biceps rippling, tattoos a dark sheen underneath the water.

  He grunted with each thrust, and his essence infused my tongue with the heady taste of him. I wanted him inside me so badly—a desperate need I was certain would destroy me.

  You’re not getting off.

  Eventually, he was going to fuck me again.

  And eventually, I was going to break from frustration.



  Holy shit. Her mouth was heaven. Hot, almost too damn hot, and tight around my dick. She took her time with the tip, rolling her tongue in circular motions before licking down the underside. My head dropped against the tile, and my mind shattered, thoughts lost to the roar of the water. I couldn’t look at her, didn’t want her to see how completely unglued I was.

  This spitfire of a woman, a woman I had every reason to hate, made me question everything.

  Damn, it’d been too fucking long since I’d had a woman on her knees pleasuring me. I tried convincing myself that was the only reason for the intensity in my groin, that it had nothing to do with who was sucking my cock, but that didn’t fly. I thrust my hips forward, needing to go deeper. Faster.

  She edged back and made a gagging noise, but I shoved my hands into her wet, tangled hair and growled. No way in hell was I letting her pull away. She was going to swallow my load, every last bit of it. I expected her to fight me, but instead she did something that stunned the hell out of me; she fondled my balls in her warm palm and moaned. Fuck, Alex getting off on sucking my cock was fucking amazing.

  I glanced down and found her gaze trained on me as her lips slid along my shaft. Hot damn…she was good at this. The sexiest thing about her eyes was the genuine need in them. She wasn’t putting on a show or giving me a fake sultry stare like other women used to. She took me deep in her throat and gagged, but she didn’t retreat.

  “Alex…” I hissed in a breath between clenched teeth. “That. Keep doing that. Almost there.”

  She gagged again, and that was my undoing. Thank God for small favors. I curled my fingers in her strands, holding her immobile, and pushed deeper. I wanted as deep as possible—wanted her helpless because up until then, she’d held all the power.

  My mind disconnected, floating where only liberation existed, and I ground my eyes shut, groaning as my release spurted down her throat.

  She finished swallowing, and reluctantly, I let her pull those amazing lips from my shaft. Her needy expression was almost too much, and when she placed a tender kiss on the tip of my cock, something inside me wanted to crack. I almost did. She was bringing me back from the brink, bit by bit, and only the reminder of the hell she’d put me through kept me on course.

  She whispered my name, a question in her tone.

  “Quiet,” I said, not ungently, but I seriously needed a few seconds to collect myself. Damn it, my dick was still hard. I hated that I didn’t have a handle on my control, but I guessed that was to be expected after going so long without sex, and fucking her twice wasn’t enough.
I suspected it would never be enough with her.

  I was this close to taking her to bed, and if I had my way, we wouldn’t leave it for at least three days.

  I couldn’t do that. Giving her exactly what she wanted, which ironically was me, wasn’t what I intended to do. Maybe someday, after she came clean with the truth, we could really work past our problems and find a fucked up version of normal.

  Our normal.

  I didn’t see that happening for a while. Too much of me still hated her…but too much of me still wanted her. How more messed up could I get?

  I shut off the water, stepped from the shower, and grabbed two towels before handing her one.

  She wrapped her body in soft green terrycloth. “Can I please have my clothes back now?”

  “No way.” I ran my gaze up and down her body, taking in her long legs, the gentle swell of cleavage, and the curve of her waist. Even obscured by the towel, she was the definition of fuckable. “I like knowing you’re naked and accessible at all times. If I tell you to bend over so I can fuck you, I don’t want clothing in the way.”

  She wouldn’t look at me as she finished drying her skin, then, with her lower lip caught between her teeth, she slowly let the towel drop. “I’m ready.”

  Somehow, I guessed there was a double meaning to those words. I’d bet the deed to this island she was still wet and throbbing for me, which was how I wanted her. In fact, I wanted her in a constant state of arousal. My cock twitched at the thought. Playing this game with her could be more fun than I imagined.

  I quickly dressed and led her down the ladder and into the kitchen. Grabbing a beer from the fridge, I settled at the table and popped the cap. “Start dinner.”

  She seemed lost at first, her gaze veering in my direction every so often as she perused the kitchen. I wondered if she even knew how to cook, considering her spoiled upbringing included an on-demand chef and a housekeeper. I didn’t feel obliged to give her any pointers. I rather enjoyed watching her flounder. If she wanted to stay out of trouble, she’d figure out how to make something edible. After five minutes of opening and closing the cupboard doors, followed by the fridge and freezer, she settled on baking chicken.

  She bent over, her perfect ass aiming straight at me, as she slid the pan into the oven, and by the time she shut the door, I had a raging hard-on again. My body wanted her constantly, and I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing her, mid-stride, and settling her on my lap. I pushed her legs apart until she straddled me, and she had to realize exactly what I needed from her. Wrapping a hand around the back of her neck, I drew her close, aching to taste her lips, but I stopped before we connected.

  Kissing was intimate. Kissing usually fucked everything up by bringing feelings into the mix. But hell, she smelled amazing—a mixture of soap and something that was one hundred percent Alex.

  Her stomach rumbled, reminding me that she was supposed to be finishing dinner, not sitting on my lap, tempting me to fuck her or do something as asinine as kiss her.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” she said, head falling back and eyes drifting shut. A frustrated sigh escaped her lips.

  She was driving me crazy. I grabbed her hips and pulled her snug against my cock, and the only thing keeping me from fucking her was my own damn clothing. Maybe we should both walk around naked. I rubbed against her, and the rough texture of my jeans created friction on her clit.

  She moaned, her head falling to my shoulder, tits smashing against my chest as she clung to me. “I can’t take much more of this.”

  “If you tell me why you lied, I’ll make you come so fucking hard, you’ll forget your own name.”

  With a shudder, she tangled her hands in my hair, fingers clutching in desperation. “You’re evil,” she groaned. If her touch didn’t feel so good, I would have trapped her hands behind her back.

  “Tell me, sweetheart,” I said, my lips brushing her ear. “Tell me what I want to know, and I’ll put you out of your misery.” I gripped her nape and scraped my teeth across her throat. “But if you keep up this bullshit, you’re gonna learn what the female equivalent of blue balls is.” I rubbed against her again to make my point. She trembled in my arms, and I felt the dampness from her pussy seeping through my jeans.

  “You were right the other night,” she said. “I was young and selfish. I couldn’t handle you rejecting me.”

  Now that she’d said the words, they didn’t ring true. I’d known she had a thing for me, but would she really sink so low as to ruin my life because I wouldn’t touch jailbait? I wasn’t sure why I hadn’t considered it before, but something else was going on…something she was hiding. I pushed her to her feet, gave her a dark smile when she pulled that lower lip between her teeth, and reached for the button on my pants. Her gaze settled on my lap and never strayed as I inched down my zipper. I freed my cock, grabbed her hips and twirled her around, and pulled her onto my shaft.

  She was so fucking wet.

  Wrapping both arms around her, I brought a hand up and circled her throat. Our bodies slapped together in a crazy rhythm that tilted me closer to the edge with each thrust.

  “You’re lying to me.”

  “I’m not,” she bit out with a groan, and it was such a torturous sound one would think I was beating the shit out of her instead of fucking her.

  I flexed my fingers. “Tell me the truth and I’ll let you come.”

  She remained silent, and I wasn’t sure if she flat-out refused to talk, or if she was scared to. Either way, I’d find out the truth, and I wouldn’t stop pushing until she told me. I nibbled her neck, eliciting a moan from deep in her throat. I increased the pressure of my hand and held her to me when she started thrashing.

  I needed this, needed those few heightened seconds as she fought for survival while I spilled into her. I was doing just that, her body going limp in my arms, when Jax walked through the door. “Damn, man. You didn’t tell me tonight was dinner and a show night.”



  I slept in Rafe’s bed, and for the first time since he’d kidnapped me a week ago, I actually slept. Really slept. Most surprising was how he liked to cuddle. I remembered the way he held on to me the night I tried to escape, but I thought he’d done it to keep me from taking off.

  Now that he knew I had no intention of leaving the cabin, the way he held my body all night—one palm on my breast while the other wedged between my thighs—I realized this was how he liked to sleep. But what I found even more surprising was how I got any sleep at all, considering the placement of his hands.

  So was the way in which I awoke, with his fist clamping around both wrists and his erection pushing into my mouth.

  I opened my eyes and found him straddling my chest, dark hair tumbling onto his forehead as he gazed at me. Well-defined muscles rippled underneath black lines of ink. His body was a masterpiece, God’s finest art, and those green eyes…I’d never tire of losing myself in them. I hadn’t outgrown him at all, not during the last eight years, not even now that he’d kidnapped me and revealed the darkness festering inside him.

  Part of me craved his sinful obsidian desires.

  He pulled out and plunged back in, and I rolled my tongue around the tip, tasting the musky salt that signified his need. He braced himself upright, one hand on the headboard, and pushed deeper. I loved how smooth and solid he was in my mouth. I always gagged while giving head, but I wanted to take him all the way in, deep in my throat, and I didn’t give a shit if I gagged or not.

  He stilled with a shudder, and his lids drooped, though his eyes never left mine, never stopped giving off their hypnotic vibe. “Do you like sucking me off?”

  His husky voice doused my skin in a blissful chill, and I tingled all over, tightening my lips around the base of his cock.

  “Fuck, Alex, you’ve got the hottest damn mouth.” He started moving again, a slow, torturous pace—torturous because the longer he took, the more I wanted him filling someplace else.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous, curls everywhere, those lips wrapped around my dick.” He tightened his hold on my wrists. “I could get used to waking you up like this.”

  Oh God, so could I, if he’d only let me come. I clenched my thighs together, but it did nothing to relieve the ache that had throbbed since last night, since he’d choked me into unconsciousness.

  He increased the pace, and the taste of him intensified, as did the pressure on my wrists when he edged back and pinched my nose. I flailed in a panic, legs kicking, and tried to pull free of his erection, but he shoved it down my throat and smothered me.

  Our gazes crashed together, and my pulse pounded in my temples, ticking away the seconds.

  “Trust me, I won’t kill you, but I can do this all day. Thirty more seconds, and your lungs will ignite. Blink twice if you’re ready to tell me what you’re hiding.”

  I didn’t flutter an eyelash. Thing was, I did trust him. He wouldn’t kill me. He wouldn’t. My body was fast forgetting that though as I struggled for air, as my lungs burned for it.

  He pulled out, and I sucked in a gasping breath before he pushed in again, deep down. “How long do you wanna play this game?”

  I told myself not to panic and resorted to using the only weapon I had—my mouth. I added suction and swirled my tongue, flicked and darted until his hips thrust in abandon. I couldn’t breathe, but I didn’t care because I was about to send him over the edge, I could already tell.

  “Fuck,” he said with a growl as he came. He let go of my nose, and I almost choked as he spilled down my throat. He yanked out, and some of his cum spurted onto my lips and chin. “You play dirty.”

  “Not nearly as dirty as you!” I said, still gasping for air.


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