Department of State. See U.S. Department of State
design-basis, 169, 173, 184, 270
design-basis accidents, 13, 14, 115, 144, 153, 187, 188
Diablo Canyon Power Station, 34, 98, 115, 128
diesel generators, 8, 10, 53, 167, 168, 169, 214, 250, 271; confidence in, 12, 168, 282n6; malfunction/inoperability, 10, 22, 250–51, 282n6; U.S. emergency use, 175–76, 249
diesel pumps, 19, 66, 95, 169, 214
direct current. See DC power
dirt, 91, 160, 162. See also soil contamination
disasters. See earthquakes; floods; tsunamis
disease, 27–28. See also cancer
disposal and storage of contaminated materials, 163, 164, 243
DNA damage, 27, 28
Dominion, 176
Donald, Kirkland, 68, 89, 278
Dorman, Daniel, 54, 87, 99, 278
dose rates. See radiation levels
dosimeters, 22, 59, 85, 270
drills, emergency. See emergency exercises
drone use, 69, 97
dry cask storage, 83–4, 211, 256, 270
drywell, 5–6, 55, 270–71; breach of, 26, 28, 57, 264; Unit 1, 25, 26, 28, 57; Unit 2, 74, 267; Unit 3, 69
Duke Energy, 185
Dyer, Jim, 139
Earthquake Countermeasures Act (Japan). See Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act (Japan)
earthquakes, 1–5, 9–10, 41, 47–48, 51, 94, 95, 246; aftershocks, 29, 30, 73, 85; assumptions about, 53, 213, 214; consequences foreseen, 211, 217–18, 245; early-warning systems/detection, 1, 3–4, 114–15; effect on pipes, seals, etc., 159; forecasting, 42–43, 44, 52, 229; Franken joke about, 247; magnitude scales, 281–82n1; Niigata, 2007, 19, 42, 50, 225; planning for, 63, 169, 170–71, 201; Sanriku, 1896, 9–10, 52, 54; shutdown after, 5, 114–15; spent fuel pools and, 71; United States, 113, 114, 175–76, 249–50, 253, 287n6. See also Jogan earthquake; Tohoku Earthquake, 2011
economic costs. See bailouts; cleanup costs
The Economist, 178–79, 227
Edano, Yukio, 23, 26, 59, 96, 103, 104, 104, 108, 109, 165, 277; downplays food contamination, 157; as minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, 179, 226–27, 231, 240; on-camera dress, 285n1,
Education Ministry. See Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
elections, 15, 240, 243
electrical cables, 13, 19, 24, 57, 124, 158, 248
electrical grid incompatibility, 282–83n8
electrical outages. See power outages
electricity use and supply (electrical grid), 38, 171–72, 205, 224, 227, 228–29; rates, 179, 227, 289n3. See also electrical grid incompatibility
Electric Power Research Institute, 102
emergency backup systems. See backup systems
emergency cooling, 8, 13, 14, 33, 49, 69, 72, 93, 131, 167, 251, 290n9; “feed and bleed,” 158, 163, 271; FLEX plan, 173, 174, 254, 256; in new reactor designs, 244, 245; policy recommendations, 168–69; Unit 1, 17, 19, 25, 33, 60–61, 122; Unit 2, 17, 97, 122; Unit 3, 65, 66, 122; U.S. involvement/proposals, 98, 100, 101, 189, 197, 199, 255–56; vulnerability, 180. See also emergency core cooling systems; fire engines, pumps, etc.; seawater: emergency use
emergency core cooling systems, 8, 17, 187, 241, 271; Browns Ferry, 248; failure/loss of, 18, 49. See also high-pressure coolant injection system (HPCI); reactor core isolation cooling systems (RCIC)
emergency evacuation. See evacuation of Americans; evacuation of residents; evacuation of workers
emergency exercises, 25, 62, 78, 142, 152, 287n4
emergency generators. See backup generators
emergency planning zone, 129, 140, 215–16, 221, 256, 271
emergency procedures manuals. See manuals
emergency systems. See backup systems
emergency workers, 22, 85, 93, 106, 181, 243; vulnerability, 94, 158, 284n8
energy consumption. See electricity use and supply
Energy Department. See U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
energy policy, Japanese, 47, 108, 165, 171–72, 222–23, 227, 231, 239–40
Energy Policy Act (EPAct), 204–5
Environmental Protection Agency. See U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
equipment, backup. See backup systems
equipment upgrades. See retrofitting
European Union, 224. See also Finland; France; Germany; Sweden
evacuation of Americans, 84–85, 87, 88–89, 92, 108, 129, 132, 134, 138–39
evacuation of residents, 16, 24, 30, 31, 37, 57–59, 77, 117–20, 117, 160–61, 241–43, 285n2; Chernobyl, 46; compensation for, 165, 178–79, 207, 226, 289n4; computer modeling, 80, 87, 207, 215–16; housing and services, 117, 157, 160, 178; long-term status, 230; simulations/ exercises, 152; statistics, 45; Three Mile Island, 141, 148–49. See also evacuation zones
evacuation of workers, 12, 76
evacuation zones, 77, 108, 117, 120, 140, 159, 241, 256; initial expansion of, 30; maps, 119, 242; media steers clear of, 105–6; NRC recommendations, 80, 87, 90, 92–93, 99, 139–40; radiation levels, 178; Three Mile Island, 148; U.S. regulations, 190
Exelon Corporation, 61, 102, 135, 174, 236–39
exhaust stacks, 4, 32, 57, 67, 266
explosions: Chernobyl, 46; effect on pipes, seals, etc., 159; Unit 1, 32, 54, 55–57, 56, 61–62, 71, 93, 122; Unit 2, 74–75, 78, 98; Unit 3, 72, 72, 81, 118, 265; Unit 4, 75–76, 75, 80–82, 88, 91. See also hydrogen explosions
exposure to radiation. See radiation exposure
failure, common-mode. See common-mode failure
fallout, 99, 114, 118, 156, 159. See also cleanup
falsification of reports, 46, 48–49, 50
farmers and farming, 119, 120, 157
fatalities: cattle, 120; Chernobyl, 27, 90; CRAC2 projections, 207, 208, 209, 215; after earthquake/tsunami, 9, 10, 43, 118, 181; Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, 39; “latent” (from cancer, etc.), 28, 84, 190, 192, 207, 208, 211, 213, 216, 219, 220, 256; NUREG-1738 projections, 211; risk assessment, 192; Tokaimura, 37
fault lines, 41, 42, 44, 50, 52, 170, 229
fears, public. See public fears
Federal Emergency Management Agency, 152
Fertel, Marvin, 232
filters and filtering, 17, 28, 267; in cleanup, 164; ventilation, 20, 128, 188, 231, 241, 254–55, 268; of water, 60, 289n8; water used for, 28, 74
Finland, 189
fire engines, pumps, etc., 19, 77, 100, 124, 131, 202, 265; damage to, 72; inadequacy, 29, 30, 97; Unit 1, 19, 30, 33, 57, 62, 65; Unit 2, 73, 74; Unit 3, 66, 69, 96, 97, 121, 122; Unit 4, 136; U.S., 97
fires, 50, 71, 87, 91, 211; Browns Ferry, 248, 250; possibility/threat of, 167, 173, 217, 248; protection from, 239; Unit 3, 99; Unit 4, 81–82, 133
fishing industry, 156
fission, 5, 7, 46, 269–70
fission products, 7, 57, 66, 70, 109, 126–27, 187, 189, 267
FitzPatrick nuclear plant. See James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant
FLEX program, 173–74, 236–39, 254–55, 256, 259, 271, 290n2
flooding, 167, 169, 238; assumptions about, 214, 217–18, 238; in computer models, 219; after dam failures, 183, 184, 248; Fukushima, 10, 13, 124, 137, 141, 159; United States, 174, 175, 176, 249
floodwalls, 185. See also seawalls
Florida, 249
food contamination, 127, 129, 139, 156, 157, 178, 207
foreign relations, Japanese, 125, 131, 160
Fort Calhoun Nuclear Generation Station, 174, 175, 176, 249, 250
France, 102, 125, 164, 245, 247
Franken, Al, 247, 290n1
freshwater, 286n2; emergency use, 30, 33, 57, 67, 135, 137; normal use, 60, 131
fuel assemblies, 5, 48, 57, 70, 83, 84, 266, 271
Fukui Prefecture, 224, 230
Fukushima Daiichi design and construction, 5–6, 7, 8, 51, 52, 53–54. See also Seismic Isolation Building; Mark I containment; spent fuel pools
Daini nuclear plant, 18, 40, 282n7
Fukushima Prefecture, 10, 16, 24, 40, 52, 105, 156, 157, 178, 181, 253; contamination levels, 163; schools, 160, 161, 162
Futaba, Japan, 16, 24, 40, 118
gamma rays, 127
gas, natural. See natural gas
gases. See hydrogen; nitrogen; radioactive gases
gauges, 19, 23–24, 65, 74, 81, 150; calibration insufficiency, 263–64; jury-rigged, 55; lacking, 144
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy, 87, 135, 290; ESBWR, 114, 245
General Electric Corporation (GE), 5, 14, 39, 40, 87, 244, 245, 290n10; collaboration, 102, 132; employees, 48. See also Mark I containment; Mark II containment; Mark III containment. See also GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
General Public Utilities Corporation, 148
generators. See backup generators; diesel generators; portable generators; turbine generators
Germany, 124, 282n8
golf courses, 179
Goto, Masashi, 225
government bailouts. See bailouts
Great Tohoku Earthquake. See Tohoku Earthquake, 2011
ground motion, 1, 3, 44, 50, 114–15, 175
Grobe, Jack, 77–78, 84–85, 278
Hachiro, Yoshio, 179
half-life, 127
Hamaoka nuclear plant, 41–42, 44, 170, 229
hardened vents, 63, 203, 268, 272, 283n4; incorporated at Fukushima, 169, 202; NRC views and actions, 197, 198–99, 235, 254
Hardies, Robert, 54
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 141, 146, 147, 148
Hashimoto, Toru, 230, 231, 277
Hatamura, Yotaro, 108, 226, 277
hazmat suits. See protective clothing
Headquarters for Earthquake Research Promotion, 44, 52
health consequences, 27–28, 108, 127, 158, 219; mental health, 111; NRC views, 205, 211, 213, 216, 219; projected by CRAC2, 206, 207. See also cancer
Hearn, Lafcadio, 282n4
heat sink, 7, 236, 272
Hein, Laura E., 38
helicopters, 1, 21, 30; mitigation from, 83, 90, 95, 96–97, 99, 121, 123–24, 136, 137; radiation on, 68
Hendrie, Joseph, 145, 187
high-pressure coolant injection system (HPCI), 65–66, 69, 264, 265, 272
Hirose, Naomi, 228, 277
Hiroshima bombing, 1945, 27–28, 49
Hitachi-GE partnership. See GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
Holahan, Trish, 129, 130–31
Homeland Security Department. See U.S. Department of Homeland Security
homes, contamination of. See contaminated homes
Hosono, Goshi, 177–78, 277
HPCI. See high-pressure coolant injection system (HPCI)
Hudson Riverkeeper, 209
human error, 94, 133–34, 140, 142–43, 225; Futaba, 118; Sandia view, 217; Three Mile Island, 45, 142–43, 149–50, 188
human life, monetary value, 193
hurricanes, 94, 249, 253
hydrogen, 7, 28, 57, 66, 74, 91, 145, 188, 200, 264, 265, 287n5
hydrogen explosions, 14–15, 56, 61–62, 71, 75–76, 80–82, 91, 122, 219, 266; attempts to explain, 264; positive side effects, 84, 266; prevention, 15, 55, 195, 200, 202; Three Mile Island, 141, 145, 188, 195
IAEA. See International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
IDCOR. See Industrial Degraded Core Rulemaking program (IDCOR)
Iitate, Japan, 118–20, 160, 267
imported fuel reliance, 171, 228–29
Indian Ocean earthquake, 2004, 44, 47
Indian Point Energy Center, 115–16, 208, 209, 214, 287n6, 288n2
Individual Plant Examination (IPE) program, 191, 199
Industry Degraded Core Rulemaking program (IDCOR), 189–90, 196, 205
industry measures, voluntary. See voluntary industry measures
“inerting,” 15, 55, 195, 200, 202
INES. See International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES)
information sharing, 35, 62, 69, 87, 96, 151, 155. See also public disclosure and participation
information withholding, 58, 107, 108, 109, 118, 151–52, 216. See also classified information; cover-ups; secrecy
Ino, Hiromitsu, 225
inspections. See nuclear plant inspections
Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), 61, 102, 131, 151–52
instrument scale problems, 144–45, 158, 263–64
insubordination, 60–61, 86
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 22, 50, 105, 119, 224–25, 228, 268
International Commission on Radiological Protection, 161
International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES), 22, 103–4, 109–10, 272
Internet, 12, 35, 106–7, 109, 110
Investigation Committee on the Accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations, 108, 226
iodine, 62, 118, 125, 140, 146, 155, 157, 256. See also potassium iodide
iodine-131, 71, 126–27, 133, 146, 267–68, 288n9; in California, 128; in milk, 157; in seawater, 156; Unit 2, 159, 267; Unit 3, 158; Unit 4, 133
IPE program. See Individual Plant Examination (IPE) program
irradiated fuel. See spent nuclear fuel
Ishibashi, Katsuhiko, 41, 42, 48, 277
isolation condensers, 8, 13, 17, 18, 22, 25, 264, 282n3
Jaczko, Gregory: adherence to script, 114; at congressional hearings, 92, 182, 183; event monitoring (days 2–4), 54, 61, 62–64, 77; event monitoring (days 5–8), 79, 84–85, 89–90, 92, 93–94, 95, 96, 113, 114; event monitoring (days 9–10), 130–31, 138; management style and resignation, 176–77, 233; mandate for recovery, 166; at odds with fellow commissioners and NRC staff, 172–73, 176–77, 212, 232–33, 245, 288n1; on worst-case scenarios, 130
James A. FitzPatrick nuclear plant, 198–99
Japan Atomic Energy Commission. See Atomic Energy Commission of Japan
Japan Defense Ministry. See Ministry of Defense
Japan Education Ministry. See Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Japanese Diet Independent Investigation Commission, 244–45
Japanese Embassy, Washington, DC, 131
Japanese energy policy. See energy policy, Japanese
Japanese foreign relations. See foreign relations, Japanese
Japanese nuclear plant licensing. See licensing of Japanese nuclear plants
Japanese nuclear plants. See Fukushima Daini nuclear plant; Hamaoka nuclear plant; Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant; Monju nuclear plant; Ohi nuclear plant
Japan Meteorological Agency, 1, 3, 4, 15, 281n1
Japan Ministry of Defense. See Ministry of Defense
Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). See Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
Japan Ministry of Education. See Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization, 16
Japan Nuclear Safety Commission. See Nuclear Safety Commission (NSC)
Japan Science and Technology Agency, 37, 38
Japan Self-Defense Forces. See Self-Defense Forces (SDF)
Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 52
Japan Times, 171
JCO Company, 37
Jocassee Dam, 184, 185
Jogan earthquake, 9–10, 52, 54
Justification for Continued Operation, 185
Kaieda, Banri, 26, 30, 277
Kammerer, Annie, 115, 116, 278
Kan, Naoto, 15, 225, 277; calls for nuclear phaseout, 171–72; disaster response, 17, 22–26, 23, 30–31, 37, 55, 59–61; during earthquake, 1, 15; information withheld from, 58; NSC relations, 109; orders to residents, 30, 76; post-disaster, 23, 26, 170–72, 224, 240, 285n5; Shimizu relations, 67, 76–77, 243; U.S. relations, 95, 96
Kansai Electric Power Company, 230
Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant, 18, 19, 42, 49, 50, 225, 228, 239, 283n2
Katsumata, Tsunehisa, 21, 50, 226, 277
Keidanren, 240
meny, John G., 150
Kemeny Commission, 147, 149, 150, 186
Kennedy, Robert F., Jr., 209
Kobe earthquake, 1995, 3, 44, 47
Kosako, Toshiso, 162, 277
krypton-85, 146
Kurion, 164
Kyoto Protocol, 289n5
land contamination. See soil contamination
Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act (Japan), 42, 43
lawsuits, 41–42, 179, 194
liability protection, 246
licensing of Japanese nuclear plants, 42, 44
licensing of U.S. nuclear plants, 111, 113–14, 170, 175, 184, 205; amendments, 198, 287n3; Fort Calhoun, 175; renewal, 259; Vogtle, 245, 288n1
Limerick Nuclear Power Plant, 214
linear no-threshold hypothesis (LNT), 216
lobbying, 36, 94, 287n1, 290n10
Lochbaum, David, 201, 283n1
Luxat, David, 264
Lyman, Edwin, 94, 95, 288n3
Macfarlane, Allison, 176, 177, 278
Madarame, Haruki, 31, 41–42, 47, 55, 59, 60, 109, 225, 277
Magwood, William, 182, 183, 278
manual operations, 20, 25, 28–29, 31, 66, 201, 251, 284n7
manuals, 20, 251
maps, 2, 45, 98, 119, 126, 242
Markey, Edward, 206, 208, 212, 214
Mark I boiling water reactor, 40, 204
Mark I containment, 5–6, 6, 15, 63, 70–71, 87–88, 186, 195–200, 244, 289n7; dilemmas, 195; at Peach Bottom, 213, 237; retrofitting, 202, 235, 254; ventilation, 19–20, 169, 235, 268
Mark II containment, 15, 70–71, 169, 200; retrofitting, 202, 235, 254, 268; ventilation, 235, 268
Mark III containment, 200, 287n5
McDermott, Brian, 64, 79
McGaffigan, Edward, 209–10, 210, 211, 217
media, 26, 34, 35, 58, 106, 112; antinuclear views, 171; Japan, 1, 46, 47, 58, 59, 67, 105–7, 110, 111, 171, 229, 241; McGaffigan view of, 210; NRC reliance on, 54, 61, 84, 85, 136; United States, 64, 85, 111–16, 119, 146–48, 180–81, 214, 286n1; on contamination, 178. See also press conferences; press releases; television
Mehta, Zubin, 100
MELCOR, 139, 140, 264, 272, 286n3
meltdown, 7, 12, 78, 79, 82, 89, 179–80, 264, 290n9; assumptions about, 130, 132, 187–88; design anticipating, 188, 245; fears of, 136; government belated acknowledgment of, 109–10; not considered in planning, 71, 239; NRC analysis, 195–96; NRC public relations view, 113; prevention, 20, 153, 197, 218; radionuclide release during, 127–28; terrorist-caused (hypothetical), 209, 211; Three Mile Island, 45, 141, 145, 147; Unit 1, 22, 24, 30, 55, 59–60, 62, 64; Unit 2, 78; Unit 3, 66; Unit 4, 82
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