The Unbelievable Mr Brownstone Omnibus 3

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The Unbelievable Mr Brownstone Omnibus 3 Page 55

by Michael Anderle

  “Denounce James Brownstone.” The Silver Ghost brought her blade to his neck. “Your defenses have obviously been exceeded. You won’t survive my next attack.”

  Trey spat on the blade. He didn’t have the angle or strength to get it to her face.

  “Do it, bitch. Trey Garfield ain’t going out on anyone’s terms but his own. Don’t matter what happens to me. James will find you and kill you, and your psycho crusade will be over.”

  The blade advanced until it drew a drop of blood. “You enjoy being a parasite of a different sort, hurting people. That’s all this is. Your improvement is a lie. Tell me I’m wrong.”

  “Fuck you. I wouldn’t mind if every bounty surrendered without any trouble.” Trey ground his teeth over the throbbing in his leg. “You’re the one who thinks she’s judge, jury, and executioner. Even those 25K or the Mafia bitches in this house—you can’t say they’ve done shit to you. At least when the big man took down the Harriken, it was because they’d hurt his dog and kept coming after him.”

  The Silver Ghost inched her weapon away from his neck. “I’m not wrong. You don’t understand. It’s impossible for his kind to be anything other than what they are.” Her voice pitched up. “I’m not wrong!” she screamed and raised the blade over her head.

  Trey closed his eyes.

  I’m coming, Shorty. I’m sorry, brother. I got cocky. I can’t even say I’m going out a hero like you did.

  He waited for the blow. After ten seconds, he opened his eyes.

  “Why?” The Silver Ghost shook her head and dropped her blade to her side. “It’s not…possible.” Her blade flowed back into her arm, and she clutched her head. “You don’t understand. None of you. You’re being tricked. Deceived. It doesn’t matter what he’s like now. He’ll turn on you. Kill you all.” Her head twitched a few times. “Everything I’ve done, I’ve done to protect people. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done to protect this planet.” She backed up several steps, shaking her head. “Don’t you understand? I’ve given up my very soul. The Spirits won’t receive me now that I’ve become this…thing, but I did it all for you.” She laughed. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll destroy Brownstone soon, and then you’ll see. You’ll all see.”

  She turned and leapt onto a neighbor’s roof, then bounded away, house by house.

  Trey groaned and reached into his pocket to grab a healing potion. He downed it and waited for the long seconds to pass as his pain faded and his wounds closed.

  After a few deep breaths, he rushed over to Victoria and fished a potion out of her pocket and forced the contents down her throat. Once her wounds had disappeared, he grabbed an energy potion from another of his pockets and emptied it down her throat.

  A few seconds later, Victoria’s eyes fluttered open, and she sat up, coughing.

  Trey let out a sigh of relief. “You okay, Vic?”

  “That was fucking embarrassing. I don’t think I’ve ever had my ass handed to me so badly.” The witch pinched the bridge of her nose. “What happened? Did you get her?” She looked around the yard for the other woman.

  Trey shook his head. “She left. Threatened the big man and left after another big rant.”

  Sirens sounded in the distance.

  Victoria crawled over to grab her wand, then stood to brush the grass and dirt off her pants. “No, Trey, turns out we’re not ready for level fives. Even ones by themselves.”

  Trey managed a chuckle. “Yeah, I kind of noticed. I’ll call the big man and let him know what happened. Don’t worry. If we got close, so can he.”


  Thomas barked as James stomped back and forth in his living room, his hands fisted. It was hard to tell who had growled more over the last few minutes, the man or the dog.

  “I’m fucking tired of this Silver Ghost. I need to end this shit. Trey and Victoria could have been killed,” James thundered. “And I’m not losing more people.”

  Shay sighed from the couch. “It’s okay, James. They both survived. I’m sure Trey learned his lesson. I get why he thought what he thought. It’s not like I’ve never misjudged a threat, and the important thing is, he and Victoria are still breathing.”

  “Fuck that. I’m not mad about that.” James shook his head. “Sometimes a man has to push himself. I get that. I wish he hadn’t been a dumbass, but it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t know who and what she really is. Maybe if he did, he wouldn’t have gone after her. That’s the problem. This bitch wants a Vax Forerunner, and I want to meet her and show her what a Vax Forerunner can do.”

  “’Sometimes a man has to push himself?’” Shay raised an eyebrow. “Figures you’d say something like that. I should have known, but anyway, we need to focus on what we can learn from what happened.”

  James stopped his angry stomping and crossed his arms. “But if Trey passed along what she said right, then she did something to herself. It almost sounds like she can adapt like Whispy.”

  Shay frowned. “Yeah, they blew a hole in her head, yet somehow she didn’t die. We know she has those nanites. I’m no expert on alien technology, but I’m thinking maybe she did something like you did. You’ve told me how Whispy has talked about modifying you several times. What if she used those nanites to do the same thing? But who knows? Maybe she found some crazy gnome to enchant her or something. I don’t think the how is as important as the what.”

  “Yeah. We know she can regenerate and partially adapt to attacks. She’s an energy weapon who can beat powerful magical shields. That Wendigo nanoform seemed like it could do some of the same things, but I just needed to get a few hits in with Whispy to win. If she’s that dependent on nanites, it’ll be a short fight.”

  “Don’t make the same mistake Trey did.”

  James grunted. “What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not Trey. I’ve got Whispy.”

  “You heard him when he talked about her. He assumed a lot of things because of what happened before, but she was a lot more powerful than he expected. He was going into a fight he expected to win, not a curb-stomp. If she’s ready to take you on and knows what you are, that means she has some hope of beating you. That’s all I’m saying.” Shay shrugged. “A lot of people get cocky and want to take you on, but this woman’s been avoiding you. Now it sounds like she’s ready to stop that.”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” James growled. “She’s fucked with you, me, my city, the cops, and now my people. You’ve tried to talk to her, and Trey talked to her. It doesn’t matter. I’m through worrying about anything but taking this bitch down. I don’t care what her reasons are. If she has a problem with the Vax, she can take it up with them. She’s had too many chances. This shit ends, especially since if what Trey says is right and she’s fucking losing it. It’s only a matter of time until she goes and blows up a stadium or some shit to get me. She needs to die, and fast.”

  “Hey, I’m on your side.” Shay held up her hands. “I’ve wanted to kill the bitch for a long time. I’m just worried it won’t be as easy we hoped, even with Whispy, and I want you to keep that in mind and be careful.”

  James stomped over to his chair and dropped into it so hard it almost tipped over. Thomas barked and rushed over to lay down next to the chair, tail wagging.

  “We stick to the plan,” James rumbled. “Heather and Peyton are doing what they can to bait her to the hospital. I’ll finish her off there once and for all, and this shit will be over.”

  Shay nodded. “What if she doesn’t come tomorrow?”

  “Then I’ll fucking issue a public challenge. I’m sure if I go to the news they’ll eat that shit up. Then I can pick the Salton Sea or something. It’s riskier, but I’ll do what I need to do to end this shit.” James gritted his teeth.

  If only he had blood or hair or something, they could at least try to track her. The police told him the PDA was trying to track her and not coming up with anything, but he wasn’t sure if that meant she had a special technique to block magic or their options were limited in similar ways to

  “There’s another possibility we might consider.” Shay licked her lips, her eyes darting to the side. “Even though I’m not crazy about it.”


  Shay took a deep breath and let it out. “We call the government and tell them what is happening. Either via the Professor and Correk, or maybe Senator Johnston.”

  James frowned. “I thought you were the one who was worried about them coming after me.”

  “I still am, but they have entire projects devoted to preparing for aliens. They might have a few special guns or something.” Shay shrugged. “Doesn’t hurt to have backup.”

  “No. Fuck that.” James let out a dark chuckle. “I’m a fucking Vax Forerunner, right? Some badass alien supersoldier. There’s nothing the government’s going to bring to the table that I won’t be able to do if I’m pissed enough, and I’m really, really pissed right now.”

  Shay nodded. “Then we stick to the plan. Given what happened to Trey, I doubt any more of your people will try to get close to her. Let’s hope we can point her at that hospital for tomorrow night.”

  James had just slipped underneath the covers when his phone rang. He rolled over to pick it up. Unknown number.

  He snatched up the phone and yawned. “Who is this?”

  “Tell me one thing, Vax. When is the invasion?”

  James growled. “It’s you, bitch. What should I call you, Erin or the Silver Ghost?”

  “I’ve come to enjoy the name ‘Silver Ghost.’ It doesn’t matter. The being I was before is effectively gone, but it’s worth it to have become a weapon to fight you.”

  “You won’t fucking listen. I’m not what you think.”

  “A Forerunner? I know you are. I’ve seen it several times.” The Silver Ghost chuckled. “It is…interesting to see how you’ve chosen to wield your power, and it confuses me. I’ve thought about it for a long time. There’s still so much the Nine Systems Alliance doesn’t know about the symbiont-host relationship. The few we’ve managed to capture don’t last that long. When it becomes obvious you can’t escape, the symbionts end it, from what we can tell. Convenient that, but it occurs to me that an invasion at this point would be futile. Some Oriceran would just open a portal, and they’d kick you into the World in Between. Can your technology get you out of that, murderer?”

  James growled. “You’ve hurt a lot of people who didn’t have it coming. I don’t want to hear shit from you about anything.”

  Shay bolted upright and grabbed her own phone. She started furiously tapping.

  “This ends very soon, Vax,” the Silver Ghost replied. “You will die. Don’t even bother with threats about your glorious power. I have no intention of surviving this battle. It will be sufficient that I take you with me.”

  James grunted. “Fine, then maybe we should pick a place where no one will get hurt. You’re the refugee queen and all that shit. You should care more than I do. How about the Salton Sea?”

  The Silver Ghost snorted. “No. Here’s my theory, Brownstone. I think your symbiont is letting you think for yourself until it gets all the information and adaptations it needs, and then it’ll take over. A different strategy for a unique situation. Two linked planets. Still, it’s pathetic in a way. You’re as much a victim as anyone, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a clear and present danger to the planet, and I will kill you.”

  “Fuck you. You can’t win. You’re so fucking afraid of me that you’ve done everything you can not to come at me directly. In that armor, I’m invincible, and you know it.” James snorted. “That’s why you refuse to come to the Salton Sea, you fucking coward.”

  “Do you think you can goad me so easily, Vax?” The Silver Ghost sighed. “I’ve looked thoroughly into your human persona. There are many obvious holes in it, with your obvious lack of empathy and simple understanding. You’re a shell, a monster who has learned to fake human emotions. You know why? Because you were nothing to begin with. You’re just supposed to be a body for your symbiont. But I learned my lesson, and now we can fight on even terms.”

  “Then fight me already!” James yelled.

  Thomas rushed into the room and started barking.

  Shay continued tapping at her phone, occasionally reading a text sent to her.

  “Oh, we’ll fight soon, but this isn’t about honor or ego, Vax. Once your symbiont takes over, all it cares about is victory. I’m not going to give you the chance. I haven’t gone after you directly thus far because all my information suggests your neighbors are innocents, so I’ll wait. Maybe I’ll wait until you’re distracted.” A mocking laugh followed. “If you really want me to come, go hunt more bounties. I’m going to do whatever it takes to gain the advantage over you. I’ve sacrificed my life and very soul to defeat you. Sentry 7921, Shepherd 2nd Class Aiyn Noraz Hal died. I’m the spirit of her vengeance, lingering in this world to finish you off. So wait and wonder, Vax. And know fear.”

  She hung up.

  James dropped his phone before he crushed it by accident. “The bitch wouldn’t bite.” He glanced at Shay. “You talking to Peyton?”

  Shay nodded. “Was trying to get him to trace the call, but you weren’t on long enough.”

  Thomas hopped on the bed and barked.

  James scratched behind his ears. “Sorry, boy. Just some bitch bothering me.” He turned to Shay. “She said something about how she was going to hit me when I least expected it. Even said I should go after bounties.”

  Shay looked down at her phone and quickly typed in a message. “That’s good.”

  “Good? How the fuck is that good? I can’t kill her if she won’t come at me.”

  “As far as the underworld’s concerned, you’re going after a bounty soon who is hiding out in that hospital. From what you told me, Maria’s made sure the cops know the truth, so the only risk we have is other bounty hunters or criminals showing up.” Shay shrugged. “Not optimal, but it’ll be minimal risk of innocent people, anyway.”

  “You’re saying she’s ready to take the bait?”

  “Yeah, I think she is. She leaked too much information to Trey. Whether it’s alien steroids, nanites, or something else, whatever she did is messing with her and she’s running out of time. She can’t wait.” A thoughtful look passed over Shay’s face. “I’m sure she’ll come at you there, so sure that maybe we should consider a trap. Get a few people, set some bombs—that sort of thing.”

  “No. No one else. The AET, Trey, and Victoria all got their asses handed to them. It’s too risky, and I’m not afraid of her. No bullshit. If we try and set traps, she might run.” James curled his hands into fists. “No, it’s got to be clean to make her think she has the advantage. Heather and Peyton have been saying I’m going to show up around sunset, so she might show up earlier, but probably not too early, for the same reasons. If she doesn’t show up, we’ll figure out something else, but otherwise, I figure the best thing to do is drive over there tomorrow and scream until she shows up, then kill her.”

  “I’ll go to Warehouse Three and grab my gear. I don’t have a nice symbiont.”

  “No. I don’t want you getting involved.”

  Shay glared at him. “What?”

  “This bitch is obsessed with me, and I can win. Even if I don’t win, once I’m dead, she’ll either leave or die eventually.” James reached out and stroked Shay’s cheek. “You always bitch about me being stubborn. Some shit is just too much, even for you. I want you to promise me that no matter what, you’ll stay out of it.”

  Shay groaned and averted her eyes. “Damn it, James. You want me to sit there and do nothing while some alien bitch is trying to kill my man?”

  “Yeah, because your man is going to kill her first.” A determined look swept James’ face. “Promise me.”

  “Fine.” Shay crossed her arms. “I won’t go in with you, because you’ll probably just do that paralysis bullshit again like you did the first time we tangled with the Council.” She punched him in the arm. �
�And don’t think I’ve forgotten that.”

  James grunted. “Be pissed all you want. I don’t care as long as you’re safe. Tomorrow night, I’ll make it simple for both of us. Her name isn’t Erin, by the way. It’s Aiyn Noraz Hal.”

  Shay snorted. “Rest in fucking peace soon then, Aiyn Noraz Hal.”


  James took in the setting sun in the distance, the tall LA skyscrapers hiding it on occasion as the F-350 rumbled down the road. He’d spent a lot of time that day thinking about whether he should call Alison and let her know what was going on, but decided against it. She didn’t need to worry, and he was going to win. What good would it do for her to know?

  Shay sat in the passenger seat, frowning out the window, her hands in her lap.

  I’m sorry, Shay. I know you’re pissed, but there are some assholes only I can take on. I need to be focused now, and knowing you’re safe means I’ll be able to take down this alien.

  The whole thing kicked his heart rate up in anger every time he thought about it. The Harriken might have been dicks, but at least he’d done something to them first. It wasn’t like they were hunting him because his dad had killed a Harriken once.

  The Vax probably did something to Aiyn’s people. Maybe her family. Wiped them out, I’m guessing, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not loyal to them, and she’s lost it. This shit ends tonight, one way or another.

  “How does it feel?” Shay asked, still staring out the window.

  “How does what feel?”

  She turned to look at him. “Knowing. You spent so many years not knowing what happened to your parents or what the amulet is, and now you know everything. I know what you told me, but that was before you were going to face down some obsessed alien who sees you as nothing but evil. I just wanted to make sure since you’re benching me—which I’m gonna remind you about for years by the way—that you’re going into this fight in the right headspace, not some brooding shit where you secretly think she’s right about you being evil.”


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