The Politics of Truth_Inside the Lies That Put the White House on Trial and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity

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The Politics of Truth_Inside the Lies That Put the White House on Trial and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity Page 53

by Joseph Wilson

  neoconservatives in

  Office of African Affairs

  Wilson directs

  and Saddam Hussein

  and Sudan

  and uranium allegations

  National Security Decision

  National Security Strategy Statement, 1996

  National Transportation Safety Board


  in Bosnia

  France seeks to rejoin

  as mechanism for military coordination

  Natsios, Andrew

  natural resources, in Africa

  Nazi Germany

  Nazism, compared to Zionism

  NBC (National Broascasting Company)

  Meet the Press. see Meet the Press (NBC)

  Near Eastern Affairs


  as government cult

  and religious right

  subversion of intelligence process

  neoconservatives, push for invasion of Iraq

  creating illusion of public support

  Krauthammer, Charles


  motivations for

  Wilson responds

  nepotism, allegations of

  Netanyahu, Benjamin

  New World Order

  after Desert Storm

  New York Post

  New York Times

  offices of

  New Yorker magazine

  News Sunday (FOX)



  NGOs (non-governmental organizations)


  air travel to

  American Embassy

  communications system, outdated

  culture of

  burial customs

  and food


  gold mining

  in first Gulf War


  importing goods to

  John F. Kennedy Bridge

  mines, uranium, location

  mining industry

  National Museum

  political history

  relations with neighboring countries

  relations with United States

  as source of uranium

  U.S. embassy

  uranium mining industry


  Wilson assigned to

  Niger River


  Nigeriens, character of

  Nightline (ABC news program)

  town meeting, “War in Iraq: Why Now?”

  Nimrud, Iraq

  Nineveh, Iraq

  Nixon administration

  enemies list

  Nixon Center, Washington

  no-fly zones, in Iraq

  Nobel Peace Prize

  NODIS (classified information code)

  Nonproliferation Center, CIA

  Nored, Vern

  North American Association of Pakistani Physicians

  Novak, Robert

  calls Wilson

  names Wilson as hero


  reveals Valerie Plame’s CIA status

  motivations for

  in Washington Post

  NOW with Bill Moyers

  NPR (National Public Radio)

  nuclear weapons

  Iraqi program uncovered

  monitoring, worldwide


  Obasanjo, Olusegun

  Obiang, Teodoro

  Office of Special Plans, DOD

  Ogata, Sadako

  oil industry

  in Africa



  Equatorial Guinea


  and United States



  and funds for reconstruction

  and Kuwait invasion

  Middle East

  dependence on

  United States gains control

  in Nigeria

  Republic of the Congo

  Okcun, Ahmed

  Old Executive Office Building (OEOB)

  O’Neill, Paul

  O’Neill, Tip


  Operation Desert Shield. see Gulf War I

  Operation Desert Storm. see Gulf War I

  Operation Northern Watch. see Operation Provide Comfort

  Operation Provide Comfort

  oppression, by governments

  United States. see also Bush, George W., administration

  O’Reilly, Bill

  O’Reilly Factor, The (FOX)

  Organization of African Unity (OAU)

  Sassou Nguesso heads

  organized crime, in Africa

  Oslo peace process

  Otchis, Susan

  survives gangrene

  Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

  Owens-Kirkpatrick, Barbro

  meets with Wilson


  Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)


  consequences of Bush disengagement

  Panorama (magazine)


  Patrice Lumumba University

  Patriot Act

  PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)

  Peace Corps

  in Africa

  in Burundi

  in Ghana

  in Sao Tome

  peacekeeping, in Bosnia.

  see Bosnia

  Pell, Claiborne

  Pena, Jeanette


  on September 11, 2001

  Pentagon Papers

  Perisic, Momcilo

  Perle, Richard

  “A Clean Break: A New Security Strategy for the Realm”

  “Thank God for the Death of the U.N.”

  Persia. see Iran

  Persian Gulf


  Phelps, Timothy (Newsday)

  Philadelphia Inquirer

  Pickering, Thomas

  Pike Place Market, Seattle

  Pincus, Walter (Washington Post)

  Pinto de Costa, Manuel

  Plame, Valerie

  CIA status revealed

  consequences, for Valerie

  Wilson voices shock

  has twins

  marries Joseph Wilson

  photographed, for Vanity Fair

  portrayal, in the media

  refuses press contact

  reveals CIA employment

  Point-Noire, Congo

  Poland, communists overthrown

  Polish embassy, in Iraq

  political careers, of author’s family

  political will

  politics, nature of

  Pollack, Kenneth, The Threatening Storm

  Pope John Paul



  colonies of

  postpartum depression (PPD), Valerie suffers

  Powell, Colin

  addresses United Nations


  on Middle East peace

  Powell doctrine

  Prendergast, John

  presidential campaign, 2004

  as opportunity for debate

  presidential election, 2000

  campaign promises, of George W. Bush

  as perversion of democratic process

  smear tactics

  press, intimidated by Bush administration

  Pressler, Larry

  Pretoria, South Africa

  Price of Loyalty: George Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O’Neill (Suskind)

  Priest, Dana (Washington Post)

  Primakov, Yevgeny

  Project for the New American Century

  “Rebuilding American Defenses”

  prostitution, international

  pseudo-foundations, neoconservative

  public support, for Wilson and Plame

  al-Qaysy, Riyad

  Qhadafi, Muhammar

  Quayle, Dan

  radio broadcasts, in Gabon

  Ralston, Joe

/>   Rangel, Charlie

  Rania, Iraq

  Rather, Dan (CBS)

  Rawlings, Jerry

  Reagan administration

  Iran-Contra scandal

  relations with Republic of Congo

  and Saddam Hussein

  and Soviet Union

  speaks out against Saddam Hussein

  Reagan, Ronald

  “Rebuilding American Defenses” (Project for the New American Century)

  reconstruction, of Iraq

  Record, Jeffrey

  Reed, Joseph Verner

  refugee camps, in Zaire

  registration, Iraqis compel

  Rehm, Diane (NPR)

  Republic of the Congo. see Congo, Republic of

  “Republic or Empire” (Wilson)

  Republican National Committee

  Republican National Conventions

  Republican party, support for invasion of Iraq

  Reservists, military, in Iraq

  resolution 1441

  article 10

  effectiveness of

  purpose of

  Retain Our American Rights (ROAR)

  Revolutionary United Front (RUF)

  Rice, Condoleezza

  admits responsibility

  denies importance of uranium allegation


  Rice, Susan

  Rich, Marc

  Ridenhour, Ron

  right-wing groups

  evangelical Christians

  Robben Island, South Africa

  Robinson, Edward G.

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Rodrigues, Manuel Anexandre

  Rolf, James “Sunny Jim”

  Rolf, Thomas

  Ron Brown Commercial Center

  Ron Ridenhour Award

  Rosenman, Amy

  Ross, Chris

  Roth, Richard

  Rove, Karl

  and frog-marching comment

  public anger towards

  Rowanduz, Iraq

  Royce, Ed

  Rubin, Trudy (Philadelphia Inquirer)

  Rumaillah, Iraq


  Rumsfeld, Donald

  call for dismissal

  Old Europe vs. New Europe comments

  Russert, Tim (NBC)

  Russia. see also USSR

  relations with Iraq

  seeks normalization of Iraqi relations

  Ruzizi plain


  civil war

  Clinton visits

  al-Sabah, family

  Sadat, Anwar

  Safwan, Iraq

  Sahaf, Mohammed Saeed al

  Sahara Desert

  advancing of


  Sahel region, of Niger

  Said (Egyptian driver)

  Saigon, evacuation of

  San Francisco Chronicle

  San Francisco Yacht Club

  San Jose Mercury News


  on Iran, violated

  on Iraq

  effects on citizens

  regime weakened by

  violation of

  on UNITA

  Sanders, Robin

  Santos, Jose Eduardo Dos

  Sâo Tomé and Príncipe


  and Voice of America radio

  gains independence




  as Portugese colony

  Sapeurs (the Society of Trendsetters and Elegant People)

  Saro-Wiwa, Ken

  Sassou Nguesso, Denis

  and Angolan war

  and Chester Crocker

  Saturday Night Live

  Saudi Arabia

  mutual defense pact, with Iraq

  relations with United States

  used as U.S. military base

  Savimbi, Jonas

  conservatives support


  Sawyer, Diane (ABC)

  Sawyer, Forrest (CBS)

  Schieffer, Bob

  Schlesinger, James

  Schoeneman, Randy

  Schumer, Charles

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Schwarzkopf, Norman

  Schweitzer, Albert

  Scowcroft, Brent

  A World Transformed

  Scroggins, Deborah, Emma’s War

  Seattle, Washington

  Secret Service

  “Seeking Honesty in U.S. Policy” (Wilson)

  Semple, Robert (New York Times)

  Senate, debates resolutions on Iraq

  Senate Foreign Relations Committee

  Senate Intelligence Committee


  September 11, 2001

  as justification for invasion of Iraq

  as justification for neoconservative agenda

  sympathy of other nations

  Sequim, Washington State


  sex scandal, Clinton

  sexism, of Plame’s outing

  Shah of Iran (Mohammed Reza Pahlavi)

  Shalikashvili, John

  Sharma, Anita

  Sharon, Ariel

  Shatt al Arab river

  Shelby, Richard


  Shipley, David (New York Times)

  Sierra Leone

  civil war

  evacuation of foreigners

  Simes, Dimitri

  Simon, Paul

  Simpson, Alan

  Simpson, Dan

  sixteen words (George W. Bush). see also State of the Union Address, of January 28, 2003

  Sixty Minutes

  Skoden, Emil

  Slater, Rodney



  Smalto, Francesco

  smear tactics. see also intimidation tactics

  2000 campaign

  “soft on terrorism” accusations

  socialism, in African countries

  Societe des ambianceurs et personnes elegantes (Society of Trendsetters and Elegant People)



  South Africa

  and Angolan war


  Clinton visits

  as producer of uranium

  relations with United States

  economic sanctions

  relations with United States, under apartheid

  Southern Baptist Convention

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

  Soviet Union

  and Angolan war

  and Cuban missile crisis

  embassy in Iraq

  relations with Iraq

  relations with Niger

  relations with Republic of Congo

  relations with the Republic of Congo

  relations with United States

  assessing threat

  Soweto, South Africa


  Specter, Arlen

  Stabenow, Debbie

  Stahl, Leslie (CBS)

  Stanley, Henry Morton

  Stark, USS

  Starr, Ken

  State Department

  admits uranium documents forged

  approves Wilson’s trip to Niger

  Bureau of African Affairs

  Bureau of East African

  Bureau of East African Affairs


  Disarmament, office of


  list of inconsistencies, in Iraq WMD report

  love of intrigue

  Middle East Bureau

  and neoconservative cult

  and relations with Africa

  stalls video distribution

  task force, in Washington

  and U.S. embassy in Sudan

  and uranium deal allegations

  State of the Union Address, of January 28, 2003

  Status of Forces agreements

  Steinberg, Don

  Stevens, Cat (Yousef Ibrahim)

aw, Jack

  Stuttgart, Germany


  relations with United States

  Sudan, U.S. embassy in, closed

  suicide bombers

  Sulaymaniyah, Iraq

  Sullivan, Leon

  Sullivan, Louis

  Sullivan Principles

  Sunday Times (London)

  Sunni Muslims

  Sununu, John

  Suskind, Ron, The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O’Neill





  Tanganyika, Lake


  Taylor, Charles

  Tehran, Iran

  telecommunications industry, African

  telephone communications, from Iraq

  temporary duty (TDY)

  Tenet, George


  and attacks, on exposed CIA operatives

  failed nations as breeding ground for

  intelligence operative exposure as

  as justification for invasion of Iraq



  September 11, 2001. see September 11, 2001

  spurred on by chaos in Iraq

  support for, in Sudan

  terrorists, links to Saddam Hussein, unproven. see also al Qaeda, links to Saddam Hussein

  “Thank God for the Death of the U.N.” (Perle)

  Thanksgiving, in Iraq

  Thatcher, Dennis

  Thatcher, Margaret

  theocracy, of religious right

  Theros, Patrick

  Thibault, Steve

  Thielman, Greg

  Thistlewaite, Susan

  Thorne, Greg

  Threatening Storm, The (Pollack)

  Tigris River

  Time magazine

  Tirana, Albania

  Today Show


  town meeting, Seattle

  Trovanda, Miguel

  Truman administration

  Truth-telling award, Wilson receives

  Tudjman, Franjo



  embassy in Iraq

  Operation Provide Comfort

  relations with neighboring countries

  relations with United States

  Turkish Intelligence Service

  Turner, Philip

  Tutsi people

  Tutwiler, Margaret

  Tuzla, Bosnia

  Twaddell, Bill

  Tyson, Cicely

  U.S. Air Force, Air War College

  U.S. Army War College

  U.S. News and World Report

  UCLA Medical Center


  Clinton visits

  Um Qasr, Iraq

  Uncovered (documentary)

  unilateralism, of Bush administration

  and reconstruction

  UNITA movement

  conservatives support

  sanctioned by U.N.

  United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.)

  United Nations

  and ACRI program

  and Angolan war

  commissioner for refugees

  inflammatory speech by Congolese foreign minister

  investigates human rights violations

  Iraqi efforts to sway

  and military actions

  Peacekeeping Operation


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