My Arabian Billionaire (In Bed with a Billionaire): A Desert Sheikh Romance

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My Arabian Billionaire (In Bed with a Billionaire): A Desert Sheikh Romance Page 5

by Marian Tee

  The sheikh’s breath tickled her ear as he whispered, “I can’t.”

  Ah! The sensual slide of air against her sensitive earlobe took her completely by surprise, causing Harper to shiver in acute awareness.

  “I love looking my fill of you, saghira.”

  Harper grimaced. Saghira meant little kitten. Was he saying that he only had to touch her and she would mewl---

  At the same time, she felt his fingers trail her spine, and her body stretched and arched. His fingers went up, threading through her hair, and her head fell back, her lips parting as she mew---

  Her eyes flew open!

  No! Hell no! she was not going to be his saghira, dammit!

  And so she yanked away from him, water splashing about their bodies as she crossed her arms over her breasts and whirled around to face him, growling, “Stop touching me like that, too.”

  But Khalil only gave her a lazy, predatory smile. “Enjoying it too much?”

  “Ye – I mean, no!” Shit. That smile was too sexy, and it was confusing the heck out of her.

  He raised a brow. “Is it a yes or a no?”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she snapped, “because I’m out of here.” She tried to rise out of the water after that, hoping for a quick escape, but of course Khalil proved too fast, and she had only risen an inch before he had hauled her back to the water, causing Harper to tumble down, her breasts flat against his chest.


  “How stubborn you are, qalifa,” the sheikh sighed. “Did I not warn you earlier about leaving without my permission?”

  “Permission?” she choked out. “I don’t need your damn permission---”

  At the same time, Khalil murmured, “I must claim another part of your body as punishment.”

  Punishment? She gaped at him. Was he mad? People didn’t punish other people just because they had left without saying goodbye. Didn’t he freaking know that? She opened her mouth to argue –

  But it was too late.

  The sheikh had already bent his head, cupped her breasts, and took one nipple in.

  Oh. My. God.

  She tried her best to resist the sweet pleasure of his suckling mouth, but it was impossible. It felt too, too good. Oh, so, so good. And before she knew it, her fingers were the ones threading through his silky hair this time, gripping his head hard as she pushed her nipple deeper into his mouth.

  A moan of protest escaped her when he lifted his head, but it turned into a whimper of desire when he moved to suckle her other breast.

  Oh, this felt heaven – and maybe it would be heaven, if only a devil like him wasn’t the one laying a claim to her body.

  By the time the sheikh carried Harper to his bed, she couldn’t keep her eyes open, couldn’t even think of protesting against the liberties he was taking. Three orgasms in a row, she thought dizzily. Was that normal for a man? For a woman?

  When he joined her in bed and hauled her close, she told herself that she could justify letting it happen because she was bone-deep exhausted. She could get mad at the sheikh later, when she wasn’t so sleepy.

  As the sheikh pulled the covers over them, a thought nagged at her about the setup. There was something she was missing. Something important –

  But the thought eluded her.

  Tomorrow, she could – would – think about it.

  But not now.

  Now, she just wanted to burrow in the sheikh’s arms and forget about the world.

  Harper dreamed about the first time she and her father had flown back to America after his hero’s welcome in Ramil. She had never been the popular type, but when she had shown up in school the following Monday, Harper had been shocked at the way everyone was suddenly too nice to her. The boys kept telling her she was cute, and even the popular girls were saying she should hang out with them one time.

  And fool her, she had believed it was like her Cinderella story had unfolded in real life. She had thought that the kids at school had probably seen the press photos from Ramil, and since she had worn her nice dress and some makeup that time, they had finally realized she wasn’t that ordinary after all.

  She really had believed this until the cliché happened.

  Harper was in one of the cubicles when she overheard Talia and her squad entering the restroom in a flurry of giggles. She had been about to step out and say hi when she heard Talia gasp, ‘Oh my God, I still can’t get over the look on her face when we told her we should go hang sometime. Like, for real? She really thinks we want to hang out for her?’

  More giggles had followed.

  ‘Be ready to keep faking it for the rest of the year. Just keep thinking about all those hot sheikhs we can date if she takes us with her.’

  Harper had considered confronting the girls afterwards, but in the end she had let it go. In the end, she had simply allowed herself to change into a grouch, a shrew – someone who said hurtful things first…so that they’d know she was tough, and they couldn’t hurt her.

  Even though it always did hurt.

  Khalil spent the entire morning the next day locked up in his office and doing his best to get as much work done. One taste of Harper’s sweet body was more than enough to cement his plans for her. She would be his queen, and he would let nothing stand in his way.

  Or so he had thought.

  It was a few minutes past noon when the sheikh received a call from Altair, and he answered it right away. “This is unusual.”

  “It is,” the other sheikh drawled.

  Khalil frowned, thinking that it was unlike Altair to be anything other than direct and concise when calling him during official hours. Finally, he asked, “I hope it isn’t bad news?”

  “That depends. What do you think of Ms. Harper Griffiths requesting for permission to leave the palace and fly back to America?”

  Khalil stiffened. “Deny the request.” The sheikh’s tone was steely.

  Altair smiled. So Tarif had been telling the truth. Their Emir Sheikh was feeling something rather special for the American, regardless of whether he knew it or not. “I’m afraid it’s too late, brother. The security chief had already approved the request when I was informed---”

  He heard a click on the other end of the line.

  Khalil had hung up on him.

  Altair put the phone down and, swinging his chair around to face his waiting aide, he murmured, “Keep stalling her.”

  “We could perhaps escort her back to Emir Sheikh’s office---” The younger man’s voice trailed off when the sheikh shook his head.

  “No need to make it easy for Khalil. It’s good for him to have a challenge once in a while.” And for both their sakes, Altair hoped that Harper would challenge the sheikh every step of the way. Few people could bear to accept this, but things that came too easy were never meant to last.

  Chapter Five

  “I don’t understand what the problem is.” Howard’s voice matched the stony expression on his face. Even though he had been retired for almost a decade now, Harper’s father still hadn’t lost the ominously intimidating air that those who had gone to war possessed. It had the younger guards quailing and stammering in his presence, but even so the men managed to stand firm, their loyalty to their duty trumping their fear.

  “My daughter desires to return to America. Why aren’t you allowing her to?”

  “I’m sorry, sir. There’s an…issue.”

  “What issue?” Howard demanded. “Are you saying my daughter is a security threat to your kingdom?”

  Oh, shit. The last time her father had raised his voice like this was a disaster, and she definitely didn’t want it to happen again, and especially not on her account. Placing a calming hand on his arm, Harper said soothingly, “I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding.”

  “Places like this don’t allow for misunderstandings.”

  “No place is imperfect, Dad. You know that. It’s how all the Gate scandals happen.”

  Seeing that Harper’s words were having a mollify
ing effect on the ex-soldier, the guards breathed a sigh of relief, with one adding helpfully, “We have tech on its way, sir. I’m sure we’ll have her cleared in no time.”

  Right, right. Harper wanted to believe that, but something was telling her she would have better chances of waiting for pigs to fly. Beside her, Howard, now having calmed down, started to apologize for his outburst, to which the younger guards vehemently shook their heads. There was no need to say sorry, the boys were quick to stress. And she could see in their starry gazes that it was true. Military heroes were a big deal in the kingdom of Ramil, and it had probably killed the boys to be responsible for something that had pissed Howard off.

  As Howard and the boys chatted, Harper tried to make herself relax as well, but her anxiety levels simply kept increasing. Being surrounded by these larger-than-life marble walls didn’t help, making her feel cooped up, and knowing that this was only the first of several security borders she had to go through before making it to the airport only made it worse.

  If that man wanted to keep her from leaving, he could---

  Harper mentally shook her head. Stop it, stupid. Khalil Al-Atassi could have any woman in his life, so why would he bother with someone like her? They had fun last night, and that was it. This was nothing but a tech issue.


  The stunned exclamations coming from the boys behind her made Harper jerk. Shit. In the corner of her eye, she saw the guards fall on one knee and bow their heads, and she almost wanted to do the same, just so she wouldn’t see who was coming. Or maybe she had nothing to worry about. There were so many sheikhs in the palace today. It could be---

  “Howard.” The voice was soft, deep, and familiar. “What seems to be the problem here?”

  Shit. It was him!

  “A tech issue, it seems like,” her father answered. “My daughter unfortunately has to leave because of an emergency.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. I hope it’s not bad?”

  “No, no. Just something to do with her work.” She could feel Howard throwing daggers at her back as he spoke, and Harper knew she had to turn and face the sheikh like protocol demanded – and before her father had a heart attack at her lack of manners.

  Taking a deep breath, she turned and lifted her gaze to the sheikh. “Your Majesty.”

  “I’m sorry to hear you’ll be leaving us soon.” His tone was gentle, but his dark gaze was not. His eyes promised retribution, and she swallowed hard. Shit. Her body was reacting to his gaze, alright, but instead of shrinking away in fear or bristling in anger, it was foolishly melting, her breasts swelling under the layers of lace and cotton.

  Images blazed in her mind, of seeing his head bent over her breast, suckling her nipple---

  Shit. Why was she thinking about that now?

  When she looked at the sheikh again, his nostrils had flared, and he was looking at her with eyes that glittered even more brightly now. Oh God. Those eyes told her he knew ---

  He knew she was remembering last night, and it had turned her on. It had aroused both of them.

  He murmured something softly in Rami to her father, and as her father answered, she used the time to get her body back under her control. Stupid, stupid hormones! Didn’t it know how dangerous it was to get addicted to someone like the sheikh? Crushing on him from afar was one thing. Actually doing something about it was another. A whole hella lot of another, and---

  “If you’re certain it won’t be a bother?” Howard’s careful tone drew Harper back to reality, and she frowned. What were they talking about?

  “Of course not. It is on the way.”

  “Then I’m sure she’ll be happy to agree.” Howard smiled at her. “Right, Harp?”

  “Umm, right.” She still had no idea what they were talking about, but whatever. She just wanted out of here. “So…I guess I can go now?”

  “Of course,” Khalil said.

  Howard laughed. “I don’t think anyone will stop you this time, since you’ll be flying with the sheikh.”

  She was what?

  But there was no time to protest, with a limousine already rolling down the driveway within moments, and the chauffeur taking her luggage from her hands to stow it in the compartment. Before she knew it, the sheikh had already tucked her inside the limousine, and they were on the way to the airport.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she shrieked. “I don’t want to fly with you!”

  “Then it’s too bad things have already been taken care of, qalifa. You will fly with me. It’s the only way you’ll be cleared to leave my kingdom.”

  Harper stared at the sheikh. “Why are you doing this?” she asked finally. “I really don’t get it.” They had known each other for eight weeks in a span of eight years, and yes, he always paid attention to her, but that was it. And it wasn’t like he had been saving himself for her or anything (like she was). He had even been engaged to another girl, and after Sapphire March he had countless lovers – the Beasts article was proof of it.

  So why now?

  And why her?

  Khalil was gazing at her contemplatively. “I suppose now is a good time as any.”

  A good time for what, Harper wondered irritably.

  “This would no doubt come as a surprise,” the sheikh murmured.

  A surprise? What surprise? Her mind went overdrive, and then suddenly it came to her. “You’re seeing someone,” she said flatly.

  Khalil blinked. “Eafi?” Excuse me?

  “You’re seeing someone, aren’t you? Someone important, and you want me to keep my mouth shut about last night.”

  Understanding came in a flash, and the sheikh said immediately, “No.” He shook his head, exasperated. “In the name of Allah, no.”

  She could see that he meant it, and a tremor ran over her body. It was…relief, and the realization made Harper bite her lip hard. It wasn’t that she cared if he had a lover or not. Okay? She only cared because it meant she hadn’t hurt anyone. That was all.

  “What kind of man you must think of me, qalifa.” His voice was softly chiding.

  Harper felt defensive. “It’s the first thing that occurred to me, and it’s not like I really know you.”

  “What you suggested was dishonorable.” The sheikh’s tone had become silky. “Do I seem like that kind of man to you?”

  Oh. Shit. Right. She hated it when the sheikh won a point over her. “Fine,” she grouched. “Sorry.”

  “Gracious as ever,” the sheikh murmured.

  “I said I’m sorry,” she snarled. “What else do you want, for me to go down on my knees---” She shut up, but it was too late, the words were already out, and she knew it had been the wrong thing to say. But when her gaze flew to his, and she saw the way his eyes were burning, his nostrils once again flaring – maybe, maybe it wasn’t that wrong a thing?

  “A good suggestion,” Khalil said thickly.

  It was.

  And he reached for her –

  And she let him.

  This was crazy, Harper thought hysterically. Wasn’t this what she was running away from? Wasn’t this exactly what she did not want to happen?

  And yet---

  “Kneel for me, Harper.”

  And she did. Oh my God, she actually let him guide her as she half-crawled between his legs and when she fell on her knees, her heart raced, and oh God, oh God – was that moisture she was feeling between her own legs, drenching her panties?

  Was she wet…at the thought of blowing him?

  “Release me.” It was a command.

  And she wanted to follow it.

  Dear God, why did she love being commanded by this damn sheikh?

  She watched her fingers reach for the hem of his robe, pushing it up to reveal the pair of cotton trousers underneath. She then untied the strings to loosen its band and as he lifted his hips, she pulled both his trousers and his briefs down. He kicked them away as soon as they reached his ankles, and when she moved back to kneel between his legs an
d looked at him ---


  The sight of his phallus greeted her. Larger than she could ever imagine, and thicker, oh God, it was so thick, she could only gulp and think weakly that now, she finally understood why they called men’s penises meat.

  She was sure it would fit her pussy. It had to. It was meant to. But would it fit her mouth? Maybe it would if she had a mouth like Angelina Jolie’s, but it wasn’t. She looked up at the sheikh, seriously worried. “I have a small mouth.”

  The words were not what Khalil had expected, and he threw his head back in laughter. He could not remember ever laughing while sporting a raging hard-on, and it only seemed fitting that he would have this moment with Harper.

  Leaning forward, he reached for her face and slowly traced her small Cupid’s bow lips. The feel of his touch on her lips made Harper tremble, and she trembled even harder when she heard him whisper huskily, “You have a lovely mouth, Harper.”


  “My penis will stuff it perfectly.”

  Oh. My. God. Wetness gushed out of her, forcing Harper to press her legs together in an effort to control her shuddering reaction to his words. Who knew she’d be this weak to dirty talk?

  She swallowed hard as he leaned back, and as her heart thundered against her chest, she finally mustered the courage to reach for him. She felt his body go taut at her first touch, more so when her fingers finally wrapped around him.

  As she started to stroke the length of his phallus, he began to murmur instructions in a tight, hoarse tone, teaching her how to pleasure him, telling her to use her other hand to caress his balls. And she did it. Oh God, she loved doing it.

  And when it was finally time to pleasure him with her mouth---

  He held her hair as she bent down, and she felt his grip tighten as her lips closed over the head of his phallus. He was right, she thought dizzily. He did stuff her mouth perfectly, leaving not an inch of extra space. His thickness almost, almost made her choke, but that in itself was a turn-on, too, because it was a constant reminder of how his phallus would feel the next time, when it was her pussy it tore into.


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