Omega Taskforce Series: Books 1 - 3: A Military Sci-Fi Box Set

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Omega Taskforce Series: Books 1 - 3: A Military Sci-Fi Box Set Page 1

by G J Ogden

  Omega Taskforce

  Books 1 - 3

  G J Ogden


  About this book

  More by G J Ogden

  Book 1: The Emissary


  Chapter 1

  Cold hearts and dark thoughts

  Chapter 2

  Another day in the fleet

  Chapter 3

  Food for thought

  Chapter 4

  Griffin Delta Zero Four

  Chapter 5

  She’s one of our own

  Chapter 6

  We stand and fight

  Chapter 7

  Combat landing in ten

  Chapter 8

  Thanks for the assist

  Chapter 9

  Void Colony Vega Two

  Chapter 10

  The bank vault

  Chapter 11

  Secrets revealed in darkness

  Chapter 12

  McQueen to the rescue

  Chapter 13

  A two-horse race

  Chapter 14

  Nobody likes a sore loser

  Chapter 15

  I’ll take a twenty-seven

  Chapter 16

  Any upgrade is worth it

  Chapter 17

  A surge into the unknown

  Chapter 18

  A dark new discovery

  Chapter 19

  High risk, high reward

  Chapter 20

  A place in the new order

  Chapter 21

  Execute maneuver “breakout”

  Chapter 22

  A rapid getaway

  Chapter 23

  Colony Hera 4ML

  Chapter 24

  The Marshall of Vega 4ML

  Chapter 25

  Unexpected blood sports

  Chapter 26

  One good fight deserves another

  Chapter 27

  Hope Rises and falls

  Chapter 28

  Surge at two-fifty

  Chapter 29

  A surge too far

  Chapter 30

  The rise of the queen

  Chapter 31

  Diplomatic relations

  Chapter 32

  The razor’s edge

  Chapter 33

  Time to reflect

  Book 2: Void Recon

  Chapter 1

  We stand with the emissaries

  Chapter 2

  A race against time

  Chapter 3

  Alight at the next stop

  Chapter 4

  Special investigations branch

  Chapter 5

  Suspicion and fear

  Chapter 6

  A rude awakening

  Chapter 7

  An old friend returns

  Chapter 8

  Leaving the gate open

  Chapter 9

  A strange knock at the door

  Chapter 10

  Star system Omega Four

  Chapter 11

  Worrying is for admirals

  Chapter 12

  The Oasis Colony

  Chapter 13

  The mystery of Fardepp-Neyn

  Chapter 14

  There are always twelve

  Chapter 15

  A game of hide and seek

  Chapter 16

  A Graves decision

  Chapter 17

  Knowledge is a dangerous thing

  Chapter 18

  Unwanted guests

  Chapter 19

  Slaying a goliath

  Chapter 20

  Upper body strength

  Chapter 21

  People are like music

  Chapter 22

  The ambassador ship

  Chapter 23

  Fleet Gatekeeper Halberd

  Chapter 24

  A table for two

  Chapter 25

  An alternative route

  Chapter 26

  The east viewing gallery

  Chapter 27

  The west viewing gallery

  Chapter 28

  Sting in the wasp’s tail

  Chapter 29

  Emissary of the Sa’Nerra

  Chapter 30

  An order and a directive

  Chapter 31

  The battle for G-sector

  Chapter 32

  An unexpected ceremony

  Chapter 33

  Captain Vernon Wessel

  Chapter 34

  Unofficial orders are orders

  Book 3: The Exile

  Chapter 1

  Here we go again

  Chapter 2

  The courage to act

  Chapter 3

  The battle titan

  Chapter 4

  Intense dreams

  Chapter 5

  A brief moment of respite

  Chapter 6

  Justice versus the law

  Chapter 7

  Clanging balls of steel

  Chapter 8

  What lies beneath

  Chapter 9

  The ghosts of fleet’s past

  Chapter 10

  Judgement time

  Chapter 11

  Between duty and humanity

  Chapter 12

  Thrace colony in the void

  Chapter 13

  Uninvited guests

  Chapter 14

  Reluctant saviors

  Chapter 15

  The crazy old man

  Chapter 16

  A moment of weakness

  Chapter 17

  New discoveries. New questions.

  Chapter 18

  A gateway to the unknown

  Chapter 19

  The good homewrecker

  Chapter 20

  A taste of its own medicine

  Chapter 21

  A duel in Sa’Nerran space

  Chapter 22

  The prognosis

  Chapter 23

  Permission to speak freely

  Chapter 24

  Relics of the war

  Chapter 25

  Those we leave behind

  Chapter 26

  The unique warrior

  Chapter 27

  I hope he’s worth it

  Chapter 28

  A necessary evil

  Chapter 29

  A very important patient

  Chapter 30

  Fortune and providence

  Chapter 31

  A mutineer and a friend

  Chapter 32

  Blood and port wine

  Chapter 33

  An ignominious end

  Chapter 34

  An unexpected assignment

  Chapter 35

  An uncertain future

  More by G J Ogden

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2021 G J Ogden

  All rights reserved.

  Published by Ogden Media Ltd

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  Cover design by Laercio Messias

  Editing by S L Ogden

  About this bo

  This is a compilation of the first three books in the six-book Omega Taskforce military sci-fi series by G J Ogden.

  Book 1: The Emissary

  Book 2: Void Recon

  Book 3: The Exile

  Books four, five and six are available to buy individually and will be made available as a compilation, available late September 2021.

  Book 4: Obsidian Fleet

  Book 5: Dreadnaught

  Book 6: Than Vanguard

  More by G J Ogden

  If you like Omega Taskforce then why not check out some of G J Ogden’s other books? Click the series titles below to learn more about each of them.

  Darkspace Renegade Series (6-books)

  If you like your action fueled by power armor, big guns and the occasional sword, you’ll love this fast-moving military sci-fi adventure.

  Star Scavenger Series (5-book series)

  Firefly blended with the mystery and adventure of Indiana Jones. Book 1 is 99c / 99p.

  The Contingency War Series (4-book series)

  A space-fleet, military sci-fi adventure with a unique twist that you won't see coming...

  The Planetsider Trilogy (3-book series)

  An edge-of-your-seat blend of military sci-fi action & classic apocalyptic fiction. Perfect for fans of Maze Runner and I am Legend.

  Audiobook Series

  Star Scavenger Series (29-hrs) - click here

  The Contingency War Series (24-hrs) - click here

  The Planetsider Trilogy (32-hrs) - click here

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  Book 1: The Emissary



  October 17th, 2317. That was the day humanity’s first inter-species war began. They were called the Sa’Nerra, named after the sound of their waspish breathing, but what they called themselves, no one knew. Their language of sinister rasps and wheezes was indecipherable to human minds, despite all attempts by United Governments' scientists to translate it. It was a haunting noise that once heard was impossible to forget, like the sound of a medical ventilator struggling to keep a person alive in the dead of night. Yet, while the Sa’Nerran language was impossible to understand, the intention of the alien race had been clear. War.

  The discovery of Aperture Engineering in 2203 had allowed for the establishment of vast tunnels through space, extending sometimes by hundreds of light years. Decades of interstellar expansion followed the discovery, seeing humanity grow into the stars, creating hundreds of new colonies and outposts. But humanity burrowed too deep and too fast.

  The first ship to happen, by accident, upon Sa’Nerran space was destroyed without warning. The second sent to make peace was intercepted and obliterated with equal disdain. Then they came in force. Relentless, single-minded warriors who wanted nothing but destruction. Humanity had disturbed their nest and now there was no going back.

  Fifty-four years later, the United Governments Fleet was on the brink of victory. Then everything changed. The Sa’Nerra tapped into the neural implants engineered into every human at birth, allowing the aliens to control Fleet captains and crew like puppets. Ships were captured, colonies were lost. Hundreds of thousands of people were “turned”. The Sa’Nerra had flipped the war in a matter of years.

  United Governments' scientists raced to find a solution. Early efforts focused on finding ways to remove or deactivate the neural implants. All such attempts met with catastrophic failure. Human brains had simply become dependent on the technology, to the point where they could not function without it. The use of neural implants was immediately banned, so that future generations would not be susceptible to this critical weakness. However, the fact remained that every man and woman in the Fleet was vulnerable, and there was nothing the United Governments could do about it. The Sa’Nerra had discovered a critical weakness; a weakness for which there was no defense, and the aliens wasted no time in ruthlessly exploiting it. Victory for the United Governments Fleet now required new tactics. Desperate tactics. Some might even say inhumane tactics.

  January 20th, 2370. The Omega Taskforce was established in secret by Fleet Admiral Natasha Griffin. Under the cover name, 'Void Recon Unit,' these black ops vessels were charged with doing the Fleet’s dirty work, without oversight or interference from the United Governments. Omega Taskforce ships were staffed by crew sourced from throughout the fleet, via a macabre and brutal trial called the Omega Directive. These ships and their elite Omega Captains and crew were ordered to do the unthinkable. Kill without question or remorse, even when this meant killing their own people. Those 'turned' by the Sa’Nerra were an ever-present threat that had to be eliminated, by any means necessary.

  They say space is cold. But the heart of an Omega Captain is colder still.

  Chapter 1

  Cold hearts and dark thoughts

  Lucas Sterling followed Commander Ariel Gunn onto the bridge of the Fleet Dreadnaught Hammer, plasma pistol raised. The door hammered shut behind him, trapping the rest of their forces outside. Sterling cursed, but remained focused, aiming and firing at the Sa’Nerran warriors who had taken control of the ship.

  “It’s just us two!” Sterling called out to Gunn over the rasp of his plasma pistol. Two warriors dropped, but more moved in front of the conn, forming a shield in front of Commander Welsh. The neural implant on the side of Welsh’s head displayed the tell-tales signs of Sa’Nerran neural corruption. The alien race was controlling the Commander like a puppet, and using her to steal the Hammer. As Fleet’s sole remaining Dreadnaught, its loss or capture would lead to certain defeat at the hands of the Sa’Nerran race. The Omega Directive was clear in this situation. Commander Naomi Welsh had to die, and Sterling was the one who had to kill her.

  Gunn darted along the left-hand wall of the bridge, shooting two Sa’Nerran invaders before being pinned down. A plasma blast ripped past Sterling’s head, but he didn’t flinch, shooting the attacker in the torso then diving for cover as more plasma blasts tore through the air. Sterling returned fire, driving the aliens back and giving Gunn an opportunity to advance. She moved toward the conn, killing another two warriors, but the final Sa’Nerran invaders were still trying to shield Commander Welsh.

  “They’re protecting her,” Sterling called over to Gunn, who was pinned down on the far side of the bridge. “I can’t get a clear shot!”

  Sterling assumed the Sa’Nerra must also have known that without their human puppet, they would lose control of the Fleet’s largest and most powerful capitol ship. The aliens seemed willing to sacrifice themselves in order to ensure the ship surged through the aperture into the Void between Fleet and Sa’Nerran space. If that happened, Sterling knew the Hammer would be lost. The Sa’Nerra had planned the assault meticulously and would have ships waiting to escort the giant vessel back to Sa’Nerran space. The Hammer would then be turned against them, and eventually used to batter Earth from orbit until humanity’s home was nothing more than a wasteland.

  Sterling glanced at the viewscreen and saw that the aperture was fast approaching. Despite plasma bolts flashing all around him and consoles erupting into sparks and flames, he had no choice but to press the attack. Charging forward, he unleashed a flurry of plasma fire at the remaining alien warriors. The Sa’Nerra returned fire and he took a hit to the shoulder, but pushed on through the pain. Gunn also advanced, catching the Sa’Nerra in a crossfire. Sterling took another hit, but his combat vest absorbed the bulk of the energy. Even so, his chest burned and the pain threatened to overwhelm him. Clamping his jaw down hard, Sterling continued to fire until all the Sa’Nerran warriors were dead. All bar one; a final alien warrior remained. It stood behind Commander Naomi Welsh, its long, leathery fingers wrapped around her neck, and a plasma pistol pressed to the side of her head. Sterling could hear the alien’s raspy breathing, faster and more labored than usual. Yet he could determine nothing about the alien’s state of mind from its round
, yellow eyes, and unyielding expression. The Sa’Nerra were simply unreadable. If they felt anger or joy or misery or pain, it was not possible to discern such emotions from their faces. They simply killed without compunction, just as Sterling had to. By holding Welsh hostage, the alien being must have believed that Sterling’s basic human emotions would cause his resolve to break. Yet if the alien warrior believed for one second that he would not shoot, it was sorely mistaken, Sterling told himself.

  Sterling gritted his teeth and aimed his pistol at Commander Naomi Welsh’s head. He knew her and she was well liked on the ship. More than that, she was Gunn’s friend. The fact he had to kill her was a bitter pill to swallow, but he reminded himself that the Naomi Welsh he knew was already gone. The Commander’s eyes were glassy and vacant, like all of the other 'turned' humans Sterling had seen. Yet they were also staring straight at him. Part of him wished Naomi Welsh would look away, but the soldier in him preferred it this way. He was not ashamed of what he was about to do. It was repugnant, even callous, but also necessary. Sterling swallowed hard and was about to squeeze the trigger, when Gunn jumped in front of him and blocked his shot.


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