This Could Be Us But You Playin' 2

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This Could Be Us But You Playin' 2 Page 17

by Cachet

  “Did you just say what the fuck I think you just said?” Dominique asked, even though she already knew the answer. Tiffany turned around and matched her evil stare.

  “It depends on how much you heard,” she replied, wearing a smirk.

  Deondre moved off the car. “Nikki, let me explai—”

  “No, you don’t have to explain shit to her,” Tiffany butted in. She went over to where he was and grabbed his arm. “Shit, she knows now. Ain’t no need to fake it.”

  “How could you?” Dominique cried unable to move. She was too stuck, and still couldn’t believe what was happening.

  “It’s not what you think.” Deondre snatched his arm away from Tiffany and rushed over to were Dominique was standing. When he got close enough, he attempted to touch her, but she took a step back.

  “Don’t you fucking touch me!” Dominique screamed before she hauled off and punched him dead in the face. “Don’t you ever put your fucking hands on me ever again!”

  “Dre!” Tiffany yelled, trying to get his attention. “Dre!”

  “What?!” he roared. “Stop calling my fucking name!”

  Tiffany looked at him like he was crazy. “Excuse me?” Placing her hands on her hips, she shook her head. “Are you really about to try to play me right now?”

  “Gone, Tiff. I ain’t time for your shit today,” Deondre said, as if he hadn’t just gotten caught with her. Dominique just stared at the two dummies while they went back and forth with one another.

  “You wasn’t saying that when you were fucking me earlier,” Tiffany snapped. “You wasn’t saying that when you were telling me how much you love this good pussy, where you Dre?”

  “Look, Nikki, I don’t know what she’s talking about,” Deondre pleaded completely ignoring Tiffany, who was still spilling the beans. “You gotta believe me.” Without saying a word, Dominique turned and headed back into the house. As she walked away, she could still hear Tiffany talking shit.

  “Now you wanna run to her like a little puppy? What happened to all that shit you were talking, Dre?” Dominique could hear her voice get closer as she made her way to the kitchen. That only meant that Tiffany was following close behind them. Dominique wasn’t sure if Shanice was behind her as well, but if she knew like she did, she had better stay her fucking distance. “You told me you were through with her after she left you high and dry after your uncle died? You said that it would be me and you.” Dominique had heard enough; she reached into the kitchen drawer and grabbed the biggest knife she could find.

  “Tiffany, would you shut the fuck up!” Deondre turned and yelled. When he looked back in Dominique’s direction, he watched in horror as Dominique lifted the knife she was holding up in the air.

  “You stupid piece of shit!” she screamed, swinging her arm swiftly. The sound of the blade cutting the air could be heard.

  Deondre was able to block the first one, but when he took a few steps back, he ran into Tiffany and they both fell backwards onto the floor. Dominique smirked when she saw that he had nowhere to run. With a deranged and demonic look in her eye, she raised the knife again. This time when she brought it down, she did not miss. Deondre screamed like a bitch when the sharp stainless steel object punctured his right thigh.

  “You fucking stabbed me!” he yelled. When Dominique turned the knife in his wound, he reached down to grab his leg as D.

  Blood gushed out, but not even that stopped Dominique, who lifted the knife and brought it down once again; this time, stabbing a little lower towards the knee.

  “Ahhhh!” he yelled again.

  Tiffany was crying hysterically as she squirmed trying to get up and get away, but Deondre was lying on her legs and too heavy for her to move. She knew she had to get the fuck out of the house and to safety before she got stabbed as well. Tiffany had never seen her sister so angry and knew that if she didn’t mind stabbing the father of her child, she wasn’t going to show any leniency with her sister; coincidently, the same sister that had just confessed to sleeping with her man. When Dominique took a few steps in her direction, Tiffany threw her arms out.

  “Nikki!” Shanice screamed when she saw her lift the knife again. “Come on, it ain’t worth it. They ain’t worth it,” she told her. “I know it’s fucked up, but don’t do this.”

  Dominique stood there with the knife still clutched in her hand. As she looked down at a bleeding Deondre, she weighted her options. While she didn’t think that Shanice should have been saying anything to her because she was just as guilty as they were. Dominique started to go over and stab her ass as well. Cut her up real nice and teach her how bad things can turn out when you lie, cheat, and betray the people who love you the most. Shanice must have noticed the way Dominique was looking at her because she took a step back, like she was preparing to haul ass. Dominique was two seconds from making her way towards her, but she realized that as much as she hated Shanice at that moment, she was right. Why was she willing to fuck her life up behind people who clearly didn’t give two shits about her? She had DJ to worry about, and at that moment, he was the only thing stopping her from turning her kitchen into a full on crime scene.

  Deondre had slept with both her sister and her best friend without a second thought. He laid up in the bed with every night and professed his love to her, when all along he was doing her dirty. He had even gone as far as asked her to marry him. That confused the hell out of Dominique because if he wanted to fuck around, why try to keep her tied down? It wasn’t like he was messing with women across town that she didn’t know. He was fucking her best friend and her younger sister. The fact that both Shanice and Tiffany were pregnant at the same time, let Dominique know that he didn’t even protect himself. At the very least, he could have wrapped up to prevent her from catching anything, but he couldn’t even do that. Why, because he didn’t give a damn.

  Dominique looked down at him as he gripped his thigh and squirmed around on the floor. She thought about stabbing his ass again. This trifling mutha’fucka has two babies on the way at the same time. A thought entered Dominique’s mind. She shook her head from side to side, trying to knock it from her head. No, it can’t be, she told herself. I’m not going to believe that. Not all this time. She looked towards Shanice again and then back down at Dondre.

  “So, you’re Lamar?” she asked. Dominique brought the hand she was holding the knife in up to her face. She wiped away the freshly fallen tears, as she smeared Deondre’s blood across her cheek. “Deondre Lamar Godby,” Dominique laughed. With the streak of blood on her face and the knife in her hand, she looked like a mad woman. “Y’all mutha’fuckas have been playing me all along. All these years you’ve been fucking around behind my back.” She raised the knife and pointed in Shanice’s direction. “You made me your daughter’s Godmother.” Dominique cried when everything finally hit her. Things were must worse than she originally realized. “I was in the fucking delivery room when you gave birth to London, and all along you knew she was Deondre’s. That’s why you never let me meet your baby daddy. I already knew the mutha’fucka, because he was my man.”

  Dominique started to feel sick. When she felt the vile coming up her throat, she gagged, and tried her best to keep it down. I have to get the fuck outta here, she told herself. I have to leave before I kill them mutha’fuckas. With the knife still in her hand, she stepped around Deondre and rushed towards the door. Shanice must have thought that she was on her way to stab her because she took off down the stairs and across the street. You better run bitch. Tossing the knife into the passenger seat of her rental, Dominique climbed in the car, started the engine, and peeled off down the street.

  She hit the gas pedal and accelerated down the street. The sound of police sirens were in the air. Dominique wasn’t sure if they were on their way someplace else or headed her way. Either way, she was trying to get the fuck out of dodge. When she made it to the end of her street, she turned and headed towards the highway with her mind racing. Once she stopped at the light, she c
aught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror. Picking up the bottle of water that Shanice had been drinking, she reached into her purse, grabbed a few napkins, and wet them. When she was finished, she wiped the now dried blood off her face. Dominique knew that if she got pulled over for speeding, or pretty much anything, the officer would no doubt question her after seeing it. Seeing as though she had just stabbed a man, twice, she wasn’t trying to get hauled off to jail behind it. While Deondre deserved that and more, Dominique knew that it was still against the law.

  A few hours later, Dominque was still driving. With a half a tank of gas still in the Charger, she continued to ride around aimlessly. She had been ignoring calls left and right. If it wasn’t NiChia calling, it was her grandmother. She figured that they had both heard about what had gone down and wanted to check up on her. Unfortunately, for them, Dominique wasn’t in the mood to talk. She hadn’t completely wrapped her head around the events that transpired earlier that day, and because of that, she knew that she was in no shape to tell it to someone else, especially when she didn’t even know everything herself. All she knew was that she felt like a fool. For years, Deondre had been playing her. London was three, so that meant for at last four years, he’d been fucking with Shanice and who knows who else. The fact that their daughter was older than her son was what really had Dominique sick to her stomach.

  She couldn’t understand for the life of her why, if Deondre was fucking with Shanice and they already had a baby on the way, why didn’t he just be with her. Why try to make things work, if he was already making a family with someone else? As Dominique continued to drive, she began to get angrier and angrier. She remembered when Shanice called and told her that she was pregnant. She bragged about how her child was going to be so spoiled. When Dominque inquired about who the father was, Shanice simply told her that his name was Lamar. Never had she put two and two together, and think that Shanice may have been talking about Deondre. The fact that her so-called best friend had used his middle name let Dominique know that Shanice was bold and didn’t really care if she figured it out or not.

  Every time they talked about Deondre, and Shanice would tell her to leave him. She was only looking out for herself. All she wanted was her out of the picture, so that Deondre could run to her. It all made since now. Them never really wanting to be around each other. The fact that Deondre was dead set on his dislike for NiChia. It was all because she didn’t like Shanice, and Shanice didn’t like her. That was why he wouldn’t budge when it came time to bond her out of jail after their fight. He was pissed because NiChia had beat the shit out of his baby mother.

  Then, it was her little sister, Tiffany. Dominique’s blood. One of the people that she loved the most in this entire world. She allowed the feelings that she carried for years to cause her to stab her sister in the bag. Tiffany didn’t give a damn that Dominique had opened her door to her. She could have easily been sent back to Monique’s house to deal with all the bullshit that came along with that. Tiffany was an ungrateful brat, and she wasn’t any better than Deondre or Shanice. It had only been a few weeks since she’d moved in with them. The fact that Tiffany was already pregnant told Dominique that she and Deondre didn’t waste time. Since neither she or her sister rarely left the house these last few weeks, that let Dominique know that she and Deondre had been fucking right under her roof; no doubt while she slept in the next room. While Deondre and Shanice was a blow, Tiffany fucking with him hurt Dominique’s heart. She cried while she wondered who was the first to come on to whom. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t pay attention to the light changing.

  Blurp Blurp

  Dominique heard right before flashing red lights pulled behind her. She continued to drive, hoping that the squad car would just go around, but when the officer pulled alongside her and motioned for her to pull over, Dominique knew that she was fucked. After signaling that she was moving to the side of the road, Dominique pulled a slow stop. She glanced up at her face one last time to make sure that there wasn’t any blood that she may have missed earlier, before she put the car in park. Moments later, a tall black officer tapped on her window with his baton. Dominique smiled nervously as she rolled it down.

  “How can I help you, officer?” she asked in the sweetest voice she could muster.

  “You ran the light back there,” he told her.

  “Really?” Dominique sat up and looked behind her. “I didn’t even realize it. My mind had been gone lately. It was really a simple mistake,” she said, trying to downplay it. At that moment, she would have said anything to get out of the officer running her name. Dominique was sure that, by now, Deondre had called the police.

  “License and registration please.”

  Dominique leaned and grabbed the rental car paperwork out of the glove compartment. Once she had it, she reached into her purse, opened her wallet, and took out her ID. When she did this, she caught a glimpse of the bloody knife sitting in the passenger seat. Dominique wanted to scream when she realized that she had forgotten to get rid of it. She placed her purse over it in a way to conceal it from the officer, before she turned back to him. After handing her paperwork, Dominique watched as he turned and walked away, headed to the patrol car. While she waited for him to run her name, Dominique said a silent prayer. She knew that she could not afford to go to jail and hoped like hell that everything came back clear; at least for now. A few minutes later, her heart dropped when she saw that a second squad car had pulled up. This time it was a female officer.

  Oh shit!

  Dominique quickly grabbed her purse and rummaged through it, looking for her phone. When she found it, she scrolled down to NiChia’s number and hit send. It rang twice before she picked up yelling.

  “Girl, what the fuck is going on? Deondre’s momma done call grandma and told her that you stabbed him! She was talking shit about you going to jail. The police done came by and everything.”

  “So, Dre is okay?” she asked out of habit. She really didn’t care if he was alright or not, at long as she didn’t get into trouble behind it.

  “Shit, I don’t know. She didn’t say. Plus, that was hours ago. What the hell is going on—”

  “Peanut!” Dominique yelled, cutting her off “I need you to listen to me. I’m about to go to jail.”

  “Why? What the fuck is going on and where are you?” NiCiah asked.

  “I’ve been driving so long; I don’t even know,” Dominique admitted. When she saw both officers coming her way, she spoke quickly. “They are about to take me right now. The name on the side of the police car says, Lowndes County. L-O-W-N-D-E-S. I don’t know which city that’s in, but let Grandma know so that y’all can find out where they are taking me.”

  “Talk to me, Nikki, what’s going on? You’re scaring me,” NiChia pleaded. She was on the verge of tears. “Why are they taking you to jail? Why did you stab, Dre?”

  “I can’t explain all that now. Just tell grandma what I said. They are coming. I gotta go, Peanut. Give DJ a kiss for me,” Dominique told her before she hung up the phone.

  “Dominique McDonald,” the male officer said as he stood by her door. “I’m going to need you to step out of the car.” Doing as she was told, Dominique opened the door and got out. When she did, the male officer shoved her against her car and started to pat her down. Once he saw that she didn’t have anything, he began to Mirandize her. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney…”

  The officer continued to talk, but Dominique didn’t hear much more after that. Her mind was more focused on going to jail. With her wrist handcuffed, the male officer ushered her over to his squad car and placed her in the back seat. Just then, a tow truck pulled up. Dominique watched as the officer said a few words to him, before he went back and assisted the female officer in searching the Charger. Tears rolled down Dominique’s face when she saw them emerge with knife that was covered
in Deondre’s blood. She knew that if she wasn’t fucked before, she damn sure was now. As the tow truck driver pulled her car onto the back, thoughts of her DJ danced around in Dominique’s mind. How could she raise her son from prison? What would he think after finding out that she was in there because she had stabbed his father? All these questions began to overwhelm Dominique. When the officer climbed back into his car, he started the engine and they pulled off. With the fear of the unknown, Dominique could only ask herself one question.

  What the fuck have I done?

  To Be Continued…

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