Letting Go of the Pain

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Letting Go of the Pain Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Shit, that ain’t going to happen. We’ve always put women and children first, and our country,” Mink stated.

  “What can we do to help you? What would make a difference and help with healing?” Panther asked.

  “To be treated normal and not like I could lose my shit.”

  “You do lose your shit though,” Eddie said, and they chuckled.

  “He nearly took my head off in town tonight when I caught him talking with Thylane’s cousin, Lauren. Gorgeous aqua-blue eyes, long brown hair, and sweet as could be. She even smelled good, too.”

  Mink took a slug from his beer.

  “Lauren? The one working at the café?” Eddie asked.

  “Shit, what’s this all about?” Panther asked Steve.

  Steve looked at him. “Nothing.”

  “Nothing my ass, you were walking her to her car, both carrying bags from the clothing store, and she looked scared when I showed up,” Mink said.

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  “How is she doing? I mean I didn’t know you two were friends, but Finlin told me she was there in the first hostage situation with Thylane,” Panther told him.

  “Damn, she was a part of that?” Eddie asked.

  “Maybe that’s why she’s so shy and looked scared,” Mink said.

  Steve walked over to the refrigerator and took out more beers and passed them around. “It’s more than that.”

  “What do you mean?” Eddie asked.

  “She’s had some things happen in her life. All I did was walk her out so she wouldn’t be heading to her car alone. It’s what men do around here,” Steve said.

  “Men who either want to court a woman or take her to bed,” Mink said and held Steve’s gaze.

  “Don’t fucking say that. Not about her. Never about Lauren,” he stated firmly.

  Eddie whistled low. “What the fuck is going on?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Just leave it be,” Steve said, and they dropped it. Mink looked at Panther and then Eddie.

  “Getting involved with a woman right now would not be smart at all,” Panther said to him.

  “No one is getting involved with any women,” Steve said and then took an extra long slug from his bottle of beer.

  “Fucking one, especially one connected to our friends, wouldn’t be smart either, Steve,” Panther added in that commanding, leader tone that always pushed his point through.

  Mink wondered if that would work here, and with Steve’s current demeanor. He didn’t want them to fight. Steve was right. There was something different between all of them and maybe even Mink was sensing it, too.

  Steve glared at him. “She isn’t some piece of ass. She’s a nice person, and like me, she wants to be left alone. The right thing to do was to walk her out.”


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  Mink had this funny feeling in his belly. Lauren was a very attractive young woman. Only in her twenties, sweet, shy, one hell of a body, but reserved. His gut clenched, and his mind began to wonder if Steve did like her, and then Mink wondered what she was like.

  “We need to talk about what’s going on and the danger that we all could be in,” Panther said to him.

  Steve narrowed his eyes at him. Mink was grateful for the change of subject and dismissal of his own thoughts toward Lauren, a mystery.

  “Is that my cue to leave?” Steve asked.

  “Fuck no. Cut that shit out, Steve. You’re part of this team and this family. A family we need to keep close knit. I’ve contacted Rossi.

  He and his team are doing what they can to try and get info on Pachessa and Lambert. So far nothing is popping up. I also put a call into Jed and Jaret Holmes. I know this is their hometown, and they understand the seriousness of what’s happening here. That any men associated with Pachessa or Lambert could be looking for us,”

  Panther said to them.

  “What the fuck went down?” Steve asked.

  Panther looked at him. “We’re going to go over everything. I want you up to speed and diligent in keeping your eyes open and looking for any signs of trouble.”

  Steve pursed his lips. “So like what? I’m back in now?”

  “You were never out,” Panther replied straight-faced.

  “Never,” Eddie added

  “Family always,” Mink said, and they nodded.

  It seemed to ease Steve’s mind a little, but not Mink’s. They all needed to be at a hundred percent and aware of what was going on around them. They couldn’t have distractions, and he was still concerned over Steve’s emotions and behavior. He had always been tough, distant, closed up, but this was worse. He hoped his brother-in-arms didn’t crack or lose his shit. He would make sure he kept close to him, just in case Steve needed a little backup.

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  Chapter Three

  Getting back into a good exercise routine was supposed to be beneficial, but right now, Lauren was regretting this run. Six miles there and six miles back and she was feeling the burn. In fact, she knew if she continued to run she was going to feel like shit for work in the morning. The sun had set, the temperature cool, but she was losing light. Why had she decided an evening run would be good? Oh yes, because she looked at herself in the mirror after her shower and could tell she’d lost muscle, and tone, which would easily return if she got back into running and maybe even weight training. She was going to look into that, too, as soon as she got a few paychecks and felt at ease in her new life here in Repose.

  As she came to the long vacant road with nothing but fields on either side, she felt a bit uneasy. Now that it was getting darker, she needed to haul ass or she might wind up in pitch-black roads the last two miles.

  Sure enough, she had no choice but to slow down as the cramp hit her calf and the Charlie horse set in. She fell forward, her leg giving out, just as headlights and the sound of a diesel engine roared from behind her. The lights illuminated the roadway, and her, but it was too late as she fell and hit the ground. She heard tires squealed to a stop, and panic set in.

  All she could see was a tall figure because her calf was burning such a pain she had tears in her eyes.

  “Are you okay? What the hell are you doing out here in the dark?”

  Mink? Holy crap.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The deep, hard, vicious tone attacked her senses. She went from feeling pain in her calf and her hip from the fall to fear. Complete, utter fear. She stared up at Mink, Steve’s brother, saw his angry expression, and she swallowed hard as tears fell.

  “I, um, fine. I’m fine,” she stuttered.

  She felt his hand on her shoulder as he bent down and took a deep breath and released it.

  “Jesus, you aren’t fine.”

  She looked up at him, their gazes locked, his cold-as-ice deep blue eyes looked her over, and she realized in this position that her breasts were pushed up, the top tight against her body indicating how thin she was but also that her belly was exposed, and, of course, her thighs, as her shorts rode up to her crotch. She was on her side, thigh bare, ass cheek, too, apparently as he eyed her over.

  “What hurts most?” he asked.

  “I got a cramp and fell, landed on my side. I’ll be okay in a minute. Really.”

  She saw the long, intricate tattoo on his bicep and forearm as he reached over and placed a palm on her calf. She jerked and then cried out.

  “Stop moving. Did you stretch before you went running?” he asked and eased his palm up and down her calf.

  Her whole entire body heated up, hell, her pussy spasmed, her lips parted, and she felt like moaning. Holy shit, she couldn’t believe her reaction to him, and shit, he was Steve’s brother. Shit, she thought of Steve, too. Why? Oh God, please.

  She tried pulling her leg up, and he squinted and gripped it.

  “Take it easy. I’ve had this happen to me before years ago when I hadn’t been running for several months and then got
back into it. I ran for way longer than I should have after being out of it for a spell.” He continued to caress her calf.

  She could have moaned it felt so good. His hand was super big, so much so that he could wrap his hand around most of her calf. It

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  indicated how much bigger he was, and capable. Jesus, she wasn’t stupid. The man was beyond a typical military soldier. He was a member of Sons of Justice. Top of the line, cream of the crop, toughest of them all, and here she was with more skin exposed than she wanted and feeling aroused, turned on, and scared shitless. She started to feel her body shake, and her voice quivered. She was scared of him, of his capabilities, just like she was of Steve, or any other soldier.

  She looked around them. No one was driving along. She hadn’t seen anyone her entire run. Why had she chosen this route? Why did it seem like darkness was coming on faster?

  “Ease up. Let’s see if you stand on it and put pressure down on your foot if it still cramps up.” He started to get up, reached out his hand for her to take, and she put her hand in his and cringed as she went to stand. Not only did her calf hurt but her hip, too.

  “Fuck, it’s a bad one.” He gripped her hips, and she grabbed onto him and gasped.

  “You’re hurt on your hip?” he asked, scowl on his face. He lifted her with little effort and set her straight, but as she went to stand, she had to grip onto him for support.

  “Ouch. Oh no, what the hell did I do?” she asked, tears in her eyes. He smelled so good and his hands incredible, strong, masculine against her hips.

  “Okay, let me lift you up into the truck.”

  She grabbed onto him. “No. Why?” she quickly asked him.

  “You’re hurt, and you can’t even walk. It’s a good three miles to your place, and you’re running out of light. You’re fucking lucky I came along, that I needed to run into town for milk.”

  “Milk?” she asked.

  “Yes, milk. We do drink it,” he snapped at her, and she swallowed hard. He looked her over and then bent, swooped her up into his arms, making her gasp, and he carried her to his truck. Her hands gripped his arm and hit steel. Absolutely fucking steel. He was solid as


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  anything, and Holy God, her body’s reaction had to be from lack of male contact. It had to be. She flushed and wanted to disappear from this situation. Why me?

  “You’re light as a feather,” he said, but it sounded like he wanted to add more to that sentence as his eyes gazed over her breasts.

  She was well endowed, and she knew men looked at her chest first. Not that she was really used to it, but they were an asset as well as sometimes a burden, drawing attention from the wrong kind of men. He held her in his arms and then with one arm as he reached out and opened the passenger door. He placed her on the seat, and she fell back, losing her balance. He wound up between her legs, his palm sliding up her one thigh to her hip, holding her in place, as his other hand held on to her other thigh. She went to sit up and was face to face with him. His cologne smacked against her nose, making her inhale, and then, as he removed the one hand from her thigh on the left, she felt the loss of his hold, his warmth on that side, but then his palm cupped her cheek.

  Their gazes locked. His dark blue eyes, perfectly tanned, shaven skin, and superior expression, never mind muscles, left her speechless.

  “Don’t be scared. Be relieved that it was me who came along and not some guy or guys who could take advantage of a beautiful young, injured woman in your position,” he said, sounding like he half reprimanded her and half flirted.

  “I’ll be okay.”

  He shook his head at her. “With me yes, you will be.” He slid his thumb along her lower lip, and Holy Mother, she nearly moved her tongue and licked his thumb. Erotic thoughts snapped into her head, and she wanted to kick herself for thinking the thoughts, never mind for being so accepting to this man’s touch. She was shaking she was both so scared and aroused at the same time.

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  She moved again and felt her calf ache, and she reached for it. He moved his hand from her cheek and then looked down at her leg and started to caress the calf.

  “Okay. I’ll look at your hip in a minute. Let me see if I can help with the cramp.” He started to massage her calf with both big, hard, callused hands, and she leaned back, tightened up, and clenched her teeth and her eyes.

  “Easy now. Try to relax the muscles.”

  She nodded and breathed through the pain as he massaged softly and then must have felt the muscles begin to loosen, as he increased the pressure, massaging deeper, firmer against the muscles.

  “Oh.” She moaned, and he chuckled. His warm breath hit her face.

  Her eyes popped open, and he stared at her, at her chest, her lips and eyes, smirking.

  “Feels good, does it?” Mink asked.

  She worried her bottom lip and nodded. “Thank you. I’m sorry for snapping at you. I guess I’m just embarrassed.”

  He caressed her thigh softly, rubbing up and down it, then used his other hand to hold on to her knee and leg. His jeans were against her inner knees, and he stared at her lips.

  “Getting better?” he asked her. She nodded.

  “You shouldn’t be out this late jogging all alone. It isn’t smart.

  Don’t you have someone who can go with you?”

  “I didn’t ask anyone.”

  He caressed some more, and she wiggled and then had to gain control of this situation. She covered his hands with hers and was shocked at feeling an even stronger attraction.

  “I’m better I think. Let me down so I can see how it feels.”

  She hoped he would release her, and she would be able to run back home. He slowly pulled her forward, eased her body down the front of him, and his hand grazed her ass as she stepped down and her feet reached the pavement. “Ooh, shoot, it feels so tight.”


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I figured as much, and your side? How is that?” he asked, reached for her shirt, lifted it up, and bent a little.

  “I’m okay. I’m sure it’s fine.”

  He cursed. She tightened up. And his other hand went to her thigh.

  Heat filled her body all over again.

  “It’s going to be bruised I think.” He stroked the skin, his thumb grazing her rib cage, and she stared up at him, shocked at the series of events.

  “You’re too beautiful to have any bruises,” he said, stroking her skin.

  She stared at him.

  “I appreciate the compliment, but these things happen. It will heal.” She tried to gain some control here. “I think I’ll be okay now, Mink. Let me down and I’ll walk back.” She went to move, and he gripped her thigh and her hand.

  “Not happening. I’ll drop you off at home. It’s on my way, and the distance is too long from here. Come on, get in.” he said and stepped back. She slid into the seat, and he gave her a wink. “Seatbelt, doll.”

  She reached up for it, his eyes lingering on her chest, and then he stepped back and closed the door.

  He hurried around the front of the truck, and she inhaled the scent of his cologne and the air freshener he had in the truck, which was exceptionally neat.

  He got in, filling up the big driver’s seat made for a big man like Mink. She looked down at her seat, feeling like she couldn’t take up half of it. It was made for tall, big men. She thought about Steve.

  Holy God, this wasn’t good at all.

  He put the truck in drive. That tattoo along his arm stood out in black and red colors, and the muscles flexed as he drove and held the steering wheel.

  “So how long were you planning on jogging for before the cramp kicked in?”

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  “Twelve? Do you do it often?”

  “Nope. I was just getting started again

  “Ahhh, so you overdid it. Not too smart, but typical.”

  “Typical?” she asked, feeling a little insulted.

  “Yup. Done the same kind of thing myself a time or two and regretted overdoing it.”

  “Really? Like with what?” she asked.

  “Uhmm, well, obstacle courses, weight lifting, and oh, the latest one, box jumping.”

  “Box jumping?” she asked and turned slightly in the seat.

  He glanced at her thighs and then back to the road. “Yeah, a bunch of us kept stacking up boxes in the gym on base making them higher and higher. One of the guys was egging me on, and I added three more, did it once no problem but could feel my legs all jiggly. I decided when they left the room that I would test my abilities higher, and when I jumped up, my foot slipped, my leg went weak, and I fell right on my ass.”

  “Oh no, did you get hurt? Did anyone see?”

  “I was hurting, but thank God no one saw. They never would have let me live that down. I was embarrassed.”

  “Kind of like me and you coming along just as my leg gave out and I fell. I must have looked like such an idiot.” She ran her fingers through her hair, pulling her ponytail back.

  “Honey, I have to be honest, you looking like an idiot was not what I was thinking.”

  “No?” she asked.

  He looked at her again then back at the road.

  “I’d better not say. You don’t know me well enough yet, and I can sense how nervous I make you. Just know I’m glad it was me that came along on that road and not some other man or men. You need looking after, sugar.” He pulled onto the side street where the apartment building was. She didn’t dare tell him she didn’t need


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  looking after or admit that he was correct. He did make her nervous.

  Instead she waited for the truck to stop, and when it did, she undid her seatbelt.

  “Hold up.” He turned off the ignition and got out of the truck. He opened her door, and when she went to get out, he reached for her.

  “I can do it, Mink,” she said to him, and he held her gaze, his eyes narrowed.


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