Letting Go of the Pain

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Letting Go of the Pain Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

Sons of Justice 7: Letting Go of the Pain 111

  Mink could not resist. Lauren looked and smelled so good, plus throw in her submissive reaction to them and he had to kiss her. He wanted so much but knew he had to be patient, so he released her lips and watched her slowly open her eyes. She still held on to him, and when she opened her eyes to lock onto his, she exhaled.

  “Something tells me you have a lot of talents, Mink.” She then glanced at the others.

  He stroked her jaw and tilted her chin up toward him.

  “We all have special talents, baby, and there’s no doubt we’ll each be revealing some of those talents to you one by one.” He pressed his lips to hers in a quick kiss.

  “And together, too,” Eddie said, changing the mood completely and bringing things to the next level fast.

  * * * *

  Lauren was so damn nervous. These men were so forward, and the way they looked at her, eating her up with their eyes, made her feel desirable and sexy. It was crazy, but the fears, the anxiety about letting them close was slowly lessening. She had been so high stung and nervous she’d hardly slept last night, and this morning, she decided to cook to keep busy and bake, too. Her sisters found her reaction amusing, but the neighbors were enjoying all the cookies and treats she made and passed out because she smelled up the entire hallway with her baking.

  “We should uncover this and try it,” she said, moving toward the table and uncovering the dip.

  “How about something to drink? We have beer, wine coolers, hard apple cider,” Eddie said to her.

  “Oh, a wine cooler is fine. Thank you.”

  Panther, Mink, and Steve dug into the dip then she took one, too.

  “This is incredible,” Steve said to her.



  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Mink handed her a wine cooler, and they each took a beer.

  “To taste-testing new things,” Eddie said to her, and they clinked bottles, and she wondered what exactly he meant and couldn’t help but to think Eddie meant tasting her.

  She felt her cheeks burn and then she walked a few steps away to look at the landscaping they had and an area that appeared to be an old garden or something.

  “What’s that?” she asked, pointing out toward it.

  Steve approached, along with Panther.

  “That was an old garden that the last guys who lived here must have had,” Panther said to her. She felt his hand on her hip as he pressed close to her. She turned to look at him and Steve.

  “Someone lived here before you?” she asked, holding his firm gaze.

  “Yeah, then they moved on to another position out of the country.” He stared at her lips.

  “Does that happen a lot? Teams being called off out of the country and having to leave Sons of Justice?”

  “Sometimes, but not very often,” Steve told her.

  She looked at him. “Do you guys leave often for missions?”

  Steve immediately looked away as if the question upset him. Was he going to have to leave soon? Were the others? Her train of thought sort of surprised her. Was she starting to contemplate giving these men a chance?


  “We can get called to leave at any time, Lauren. It’s part of the positions we hold here,” Panther told her, his tone of voice firm and authoritative. He intimidated her the most. He had this superior presence about him. Not that Mink, Eddie, or Steve didn’t, but Panther’s was different.

  “Who is like the leader of the four of you?” she asked, even though she had a feeling it was Panther.

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  Panther stepped closer and caressed her hip. “Who do you think is the leader?” he asked, and she felt like passing out the man was so sexy and manly. Her heart was racing.

  “If I had to guess, I would say it was you, Panther, but I get this feeling that all four of you are equal. No one is more commanding or better than the other,” she whispered, and Eddie and Mink moved closer to them.

  “That’s true. We all have different talents and abilities and together make a great team. Panther leads us, makes sure we’re protected and that no harm comes to any of us,” Eddie said to her, and she glanced at him and then looked up at Panther, who was staring at her and stroking her hipbone.

  “Who watches over you, Panther?” she asked.

  “We’re there for one another.” He squeezed her hipbone before reaching up with his other hand and pressing the strands of hair from her shoulder.

  It was getting difficult to think, to process what was happening here. She felt aroused, overwhelmed, yet turned on and attracted to all four men. How could she let anything happen? How bad was it going to be when they hurt her?

  She swallowed hard and refocused on continuing a conversation.

  “Is it like having to do tours?” she asked, even though she was staring at Panther imagining him kissing her. God, he was so hard and sexy. That beard, the big huge muscles, long arms, tattoo of vines and things on his left arm, and the deep, dark expression on his face was a complete turn-on. Could he hurt her? Strike her? Whip her?

  “No, it’s specialized operations. Unique cases that can keep us within the United States or send us overseas,” Eddie said as he and Mink watched their brother-in-arms pull her closer against him. She turned around to face them all, but Panther kept his hands on her hips.

  He stared down at her with such an intense expression she felt a little scared.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “It’s not easy, but it’s something you need to be aware of.” He stroked her hipbone. Her sweater raised higher. Her lips parted as she stared up at him. Her head was barely to his shoulders. Panther towered over her, as did his team.

  “I do? Why?” she replied.

  “Getting involved with men, soldiers like us, will require rules and some training,” he said to her stroking under her sweater a little higher and against her ribs.

  “I thought we were just going to be friends.”

  He pressed closer, and she nearly dropped her wine cooler, but Steve took it from her hand.

  Panther eyed over her breasts in the top she wore as he stroked her ribs.

  “Baby, the thoughts going through my head when I look at you, at your beauty and sexiness, are definitely not ones a friend thinks.” He slowly lowered his mouth to hers. As his words sank in, she debated about turning away and denying the attraction or seeing where this led to. His lips touched hers, and she held on to his hard, muscular shoulders as he plunged his tongue deeper. His one hand slid under her sweater to her back. She felt like she was on fire. His hands, his kisses stung her skin, excited her body. When his large palm slid under her skirt to her ass, she tightened up. He moaned into her mouth, obviously liking that she wore thong panties. His fingers stroked under the string and then gripped her one ass cheek. She pulled from his mouth.

  “Oh God, Panther. Panther, please slow down,” she begged but then rocked her hips as his fingertip hit her pussy. He turned her slightly, and Steve joined in. He suckled against her shoulder. Slid his palm up her thigh under her skirt and pressed it up against Panther’s hip.

  “You’re so damn sexy and beautiful. We aren’t going to hurt you, Lauren. Not ever,” Steve said to her.

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  She gripped Panther’s shoulder tight, her head tilted back. He suckled against her neck as he stroked a finger into her cunt. Her sweater moved down off her shoulder, and Steve was there, kissing her skin and whispering to her.

  “You feel exactly the same way we do. It’s wild, crazy and so deep, Lauren. This isn’t bullshit,” Steve said to her.

  She felt her sweater fall lower and her camisole, too.

  “Goddamn, baby, you’re incredible. Look at her. She’s gorgeous, sexy, and she’s going to be ours,” Eddie said, joining in.

  “Take your time with her. Make her see that we aren’t like any other
men she’s been with. That we aren’t those two dicks that hurt her, betrayed her. Make it so she doesn’t have any doubt that we’re the real deal,” Mink said, and she moaned as her body erupted and she came.

  “Fucking beautiful.” Panther kissed her on the mouth as he pulled fingers from her pussy, only for someone else’s fingers to take their place.

  A hand gripped her shoulder, and then a mouth landed on her neck as another one pressed over her breast and nipple.

  “So hot, wet, and giving. You know this is real, Lauren. Let go and let us in. Let us show you how real men treat a woman,” Eddie added as Mink suckled her left breast and tugged on her nipple.

  Panther still held her up against him, her leg raised against his hip, giving Steve better access to stroking her cunt. She was rocking her hips, completely turned on by their moves, by how the four of them worked together, touching her, talking to her, arousing her.

  “It’s too much too soon. It’s not fair. Not fair that you make me feel this way. I can’t. Oh God I—”

  Panther kissed her on the mouth. She was in tune to everything right now. To how Mink slid his palm to her thigh and ass, squeezing it up against Panther’s hip as he suckled on her breast. On the other side, Eddie was playing with the string on her panties and kneading and squeezing her ass while kissing her shoulder, making the


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  camisole go down on that side. Behind her, Steve stroked fingers into her sopping wet channel as Panther held her cheeks between his hands and devoured her moans, kissing her deeply and tenderly, making her feel even more wild and crazy. It was like nothing, nothing she had ever experienced before, and as he released her lips, she rocked her hips. He held her gaze, his hands cupping her cheeks.

  “Come for us. Right fucking now, you come for us, show us that you feel what we feel and that you want more. That you want more with us,” he commanded, and it was an order, a command, a demand, an example of his character and his position as leader of this team and of her, too. Instead of freaking out at his words, that look of hunger, need in his dark blue eyes sent her over the edge.

  “Yes! Oh God, Panther, Eddie, Mink, Steve, I can’t believe this is happening. I…I…ohhh!” She came, screaming out, thrusting, moaning, and then feeling limp, but they all held her right there between them.

  Mink released her breast so that Panther could hug her tight as Steve slid his fingers from her cunt but not before stroking her anus as Eddie and Mink slid their hands along her thighs, fixed her skirt, and caressed her together.

  “Holy fuck, Lauren. Talk about a home invasion. You just infiltrated the most highly protected, non-penetrable hearts of four men that ever existed, and goddamn, I want fucking more. So much fucking more,” Panther told her, lifting her up into his arms and carrying her over to the outdoor love seat, where he sat down and held her in his arms as she caught her breath and recovered from the most incredible ménage make-out session to ever occur between just friends.

  She giggled as tears stung her eyes.

  They were quiet as she pulled back, feeling like she probably looked like a mess and hoping she looked like a hot mess to them. Her camisole was lowered, her bra straps off her shoulders, deep cleavage exposed, and her heart pounded inside of her chest.

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  “Laughter?” Panther asked, looking insulted or hurt.

  She reached up and cupped his cheek, the beard tickling her palm.

  “I don’t know what the hell just happened, but I’m thinking that the whole friend thing is—”

  “Fucking bullshit,” Eddie stated firmly. She swallowed hard and turned to the right to look at him. He looked so serious and hard. She eyed Eddie over. That tattoo against his neck no longer appeared scary. Instead it was a turn-on, and it brought on questions she wanted and would get to ask him.

  “Exactly, because I think we kind of just screwed up any possibility of us being friends,” she replied.

  “We knew instantly that we weren’t going to be just friends but so much more,” Mink said to her.

  Panther slid his palms up and down her thighs under her skirt all the way to her hips.

  “You got one hell of a body on you, Lauren. I have a lot of ideas about how we are going to spend the rest of the day with you.”

  She gulped and held on to his wrists and stopped him from moving them up and down her thighs to her hips. She couldn’t concentrate, and she needed to gain some control here. This was all so different, like nothing she had ever experienced before. She held his wrists.

  “I think we reached capacity of levels to fool around and explore on a first date.”

  “Oh, baby, we sure the fuck didn’t.” Steve caressed her hair, gave it a yank, and leaned down to touch his lips to hers.

  She closed her eyes and relished his sexy response and how easily he had control over her, but when the hand cupped her one breast and pushed the camisole down lower on her left side, panic sank in fast.

  That was the side her burn mark was on.

  She pulled back and wiggled to get free.

  “No. Don’t move. What’s wrong?” Panther asked. She pulled her camisole up and then her sweater and fixed her top.


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  “I think we should stop.”

  Steve caressed her hair. “I don’t.”

  She swallowed hard and forced the tears away as best she could.

  Eddie reached down and cupped her cheek and jaw. He stared down into her eyes.

  “Tears? Are we scaring you? Are you thinking that we could push ourselves on you?” he asked, sounding not only offended but concerned.

  She covered his wrist with her hand as she reached up and held his gaze.

  She needed to be honest. She’d spoken to her cousin and her sisters, and they were right. They said that she would know if she cared for these men and wanted more of them or if she couldn’t let go of the pain in her past for them because the connection wasn’t strong enough. It was beyond strong. It would be impossible to deny these feelings and not want these four men in every way. But not today. Not after one date, hell, a twenty-damn-minute conversation on their back patio. Jesus, what the hell is going on here? This can’t be normal.

  They were silent, but none of them pushed. They just surrounded her like this.

  She took a deep breath, looked at all four men, and exhaled. She held Eddie’s hand and cupped Panther’s cheek then reached out and took Mink’s hand as Steve kept his hands on her shoulders and squeezed. She exhaled, looked back up at Steve, and then back toward Panther.

  “Honesty is key I’m told, so here it goes.”

  She licked her lower lip, and Panther squinted and watched her tongue. He was so manly, sexy, and strong. She could feel how thick and hard his leg muscles were, and her pussy was wet and throbbing just from sitting on his lap, feeling Steve’s hands caress her shoulders and having Eddie and Mink touching her at the same time.

  Her chest tightened, and her face heated.

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  “I like this. I like how close we are, just like this, and I feel so much as you all touch me together. I like how the four of you work together, surround me together, make me feel protected and special and like nothing else matters. Not the past, not the expectation of fears brought on by my past.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Eddie said to her.

  “Good and bad. Good because I get a feel of happiness that’s foreign to me and bad because my mind, my body, and the emotional and physical pain I experienced forces its way to the present. Makes me question your words, your actions, and reminds me that I’m not a good judge of character. I’m not in control of my gut instincts, and with the four of you, all the fears, the insecurities, the weakness come flooding back because the four of you are super capable.”

  Panther gripped her hips and stroked her hipbones.

  “Sweetie, we are
hardcore, capable soldiers, and, yes, people who have a clue fear us for those capabilities, but we’re good men. Men who will put you first and who will not betray the trust you put in us and in this relationship.”

  “How do you know? How can you be sure that you won’t snap?

  That I won’t say or do something that angers you and then you’ll strike?” she asked as a tear fell.

  Steve pressed up against her back and squeezed her shoulders.

  “Those two dicks you were in a relationship with did not deserve to have you as their woman.”

  “What did they do to you, baby? How did they break you down so terribly that you can’t see what’s right in front of you and how real, how honest and true we are being?” Eddie asked.

  She looked up at him. “What didn’t they do? What didn’t I do wrong? I don’t know how it happened. I just tried so hard to be what they wanted and needed, but it was never enough. Everything I did caused me pain and a reaction in both of them that scared me so much. I can’t explain it.”

  “They’re dead though,” Steven replied.


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  “Thank God they are because, if they weren’t, I surely would be by now.”

  Panther squinted and then cupped her cheek.

  “It was that bad? They abused you on a regular basis?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “No one was there to help you? Not your sisters, your uncle, cousin, any family, hell, the cops?” Eddie asked. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “It was in a matter of months that the abuse started and progressed. By the time Thylane and I were held hostage, Logan and Connor had already broken me down. The fear I had of them…” She shook her head and tried to ease up off of Panther’s lap.

  He held her steady. “Stay right here. With us surrounding you, protecting you even from the memories of that abuse you sustained.

  Go on, we want to understand and know more.”

  “I don’t talk about it. It’s been three years, Panther. Three, and I still have nightmares. I still think about the things they said and did to me to make me weak. I compare every man, ever soldier to them.”


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