Alpha Rising

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Alpha Rising Page 26

by Quinn Loftis

  “Don’t give up, Perizada. I have given you the responsibility that you have, not because I think you can do it on your own, but because I know you know that you cannot.”

  “Pack, it’s not just for wolves,” Peri said with a teary smile.

  “It is not,” the Great Luna nodded.

  “And you…” Peri said. “You hear us when we call.”

  “Always. And I will always answer.”

  Peri felt the Great Luna’s warmth fade, and then Peri was standing in the driveway of the Colorado pack mansion again. She looked up and saw that all the eyes of her group were on her.

  “Great Luna?” Elle asked.

  Peri nodded.

  “Are you alright?” Lucian cupped her face in his hand.

  “I know how to save the pups, girls, and Costin,” she said in answer because that seemed more important than how she was freaking out inside. Lucian took her hand, and they started walking toward the door of the mansion with Sorin, Elle, Wadim, Zara, Adam, Crina, Chris, and Cindy right on their heels. Peri took a deep breath as Lucian knocked on the door. She had to prepare herself for seeing Fane. But she wasn’t sure that it was possible, not when her own heart was still crushed.

  The door opened and Dillon, the Colorado pack alpha, stood there, not at all surprised to see them. “I was expecting someone, but I wasn’t sure it would be you,” Dillon admitted. “You’ve been MIA for a week.”

  “It wasn’t because I didn’t want to help,” Peri said. “Unfortunately, evil villains don’t coordinate their attacks so that it’s convenient for the good guys.”

  “Where is my nephew?” Lucian asked, obviously not in the mood for small talk.

  Dillon stepped aside. “Come in. He’s in the main living area.”

  Peri wasn’t sure what she was expecting to see, but Fane, standing, stoically calm, his eyes looking out the large window into the beautiful mountains behind the house, was not it. There was no destruction to the room … unless they’d magically cleaned it up. Decebel was standing a few feet away, his back against the wall but his gaze on Fane. Or at least they were until their group entered, then Decebel’s eyes shifted to them.

  Sorin moved before anyone could speak. He walked straight to Decebel, and they embraced like brothers. Soft words were spoken and pats on the back given before they released one another. Then Sorin walked over to Fane. He stood a step behind him and bowed his head. Peri could see the pain and sorrow in the rigidness of Sorin’s shoulders. He wanted to embrace Fane in the same manner, but Fane was no longer Sorin’s charge to protect. He was now his alpha.

  After a few tense moments, Fane slowly turned. When his gaze roamed over the room, every wolf dropped their eyes, and some even had to lower their heads, under the power of Fane’s wolf. His eyes were glowing brighter than Peri had ever seen them.

  “Alpha,” Sorin said as he lowered his head even more.

  Fane looked down at him, and Peri got a glimpse of the love Fane felt for Sorin. Even his wolf held deep affection for the older male. “Are you alright? Your mate?” Fane asked.

  Again, it was not what Peri had been expecting. Fane reached out, lifted Sorin’s head, and turned it from side to side. Any bruising or cuts had now healed, as the Canis lupus recovered quite quickly as long as the wounds weren’t bad.

  “I am relatively unscathed, as is my female.” Sorin’s voice was tight, and Peri could tell he was holding back his emotions. “Fane, I’m…” Sorin stopped as his shoulders began to shake.

  Fane pulled his long-time protector to him and hugged him, pressing his hand to the back of Sorin’s head so that his forehead pressed to Fane’s shoulder. Fane then spoke in the language of his people. “The pain is great. But the time to mourn has not yet come.” The strength in his voice was that of his father’s. Fane had not crumbled under the weight of his parents' deaths.

  Peri glanced over at Decebel. The beta, if that’s what he still was, looked at Fane with pride shining in his amber eyes. He must have felt Peri’s gaze because he shifted his eyes to hers. He gave her a nod that made it clear he felt Fane was ready. This was not the boy from a year ago, or even six months ago. This was the man who’d grown into the alpha his parents had been raising from the day of his birth. This was the man who’d held fast in the face of adversaries. He’d confronted loss, turmoil, grief, and brokenness. But with the help of his parents, his pack, and his mate, he’d endured, and the result of all those trials was standing before them now—strong, powerful, determined, and ready to lead.

  When Fane released Sorin, he walked over to his uncle and embraced him as well. Lucian didn’t hesitate. They were about the same height and build, though Lucian’s blond hair was a stark contrast to Fane’s black locks. They gave manly back pats, and then Fane moved on to Adam and then Crina, who openly cried. Fane grasped both of the she-wolf’s shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. She held his gaze for a few seconds but then dropped hers.

  “Be strong, Crina. You’ve been mentored by the strongest she-wolf we’ve ever known. They prepared us for this, though we never thought the day would come when we’d face the evil of the world without them. We can and will do this.”

  “Yes, Alpha.” Crina wiped away her tears. She lifted her chin and stood a little taller, and Peri watched as her pain morphed into the same determination Fane exhibited. He was standing taller, his shoulders were pulled back and his piercing blue eyes were fierce. Peri could practically see him settling into the mantle that had been placed on him.

  Next, Fane hugged Wadim and then looked at Zara. “I am thankful that you have joined our pack. I hope I can be half the alpha my father and mother were to you even in your brief time under their care.”

  Zara smiled, though her eyes stayed down. “I have a feeling you’re going to do just fine.”

  Fane looked at Chris and Cindy Morgan. “I am sorry we haven’t done a better job of protecting your daughter and grandson. They’re in the Order’s hands—Sally for the second time—and as her alpha, I make the promise that we will not let this happen again.”

  Cindy walked over to Fane and wrapped him in her arms much like a mother would her own son. “You have nothing to apologize for,” she said gently. “I realize you are an alpha now. I know the responsibility you have on your shoulders, but for just a moment, be a son again. I’m not your mom, but I am a mom and my heart breaks for you.” Her voice was very soft, but the room was full of supernaturals who had amazing hearing. Everyone bowed their heads, even those who hadn’t had to do so under Fane’s power, out of respect, giving them what little privacy they could.

  Fane hugged Cindy back and dropped his face to her shoulder. For a few heartbeats, he was once again a twenty-year-old young man who had lost his mother. His shoulders shook a bit, and Cindy patted his back and said something else, but this time it was so soft that Peri didn’t catch it. After several minutes, Fane released Cindy and then pressed a chaste kiss to the woman’s forehead. It was so touching and tender that Peri nearly lost control of her own emotions. The kiss was something she’d seen him do to his own mother many times. The pain in his blue eyes was tangible and cut her to her core. Lucian pulled her closer to his side, offering comfort. It would be short lived. There was too much they had to face, and Peri knew there was more pain in store for them.

  Finally, Fane walked back toward Lucian, but he stopped directly in front of Peri. She wished she could have kept the tears from falling. She looked into the face of a young man who was a perfect blend of both of his parents. He had his father’s strength and his mother’s kindness. And it made her miss them all over again.

  “Fane Lupei,” Peri said, forcing her voice to remain strong despite her tears. “As usual, you wolves never cease to amaze me.” She held out her hand to him, and he took it in both of his. “As I have been your father and mother’s ambassador for as long as I can remember, I will stand as yours and Jacque’s as well.”

  Fane bowed his head to her. “Thank you, Perizada
of the high fae. You’ve been more than just an ambassador. You’ve been a friend. That means more to me than anything else. I hope you know how much you meant to my parents.”

  She bit the inside of her cheek as she thought back to her many times spent with Vasile and Alina. The late-night meetings, the battles in which they’d fought side-by-side, the tears they’d cried over the injustices in the world, and the victories they’d shared. “I do. And they meant more to me than I can adequately express.”

  “There is something else we need to tell you,” Lucian said as Fane stepped back. “Your parents weren’t the only lives lost. Among others, Cypher, King of the Warlocks, was slain.”

  Fane’s eyes brightened even more. “Lilly?” he asked, his voice strained.

  “She killed his murderer,” Peri said. “Cypher passed his power to her, and she has gone to be with their people. She knew that we would be here to help you. So, she felt the best thing was to be with her new people in this time of transition.”

  Fane shook his head. “No explanation is necessary. She is where she needs to be. The warlocks will need her leadership. They need to know that they, and the rest of us supernaturals, will overcome this trial. I will tell Jacquelyn when she is safely back by my side.”

  “May the Great Luna give the warlocks peace,” Dillon said quietly as he shook his head. “No matter his faults, as we all have our own, Cypher was a great leader.” A murmur of agreement circled the room.

  They were interrupted by a voice that Peri had heard only a day ago.


  She turned to see Jewel and Dalton walking into the room. Dalton’s body partially shielded his mate’s. He was still one of the most protective males Peri’d ever come across, but with good reason.

  “Hello, Jewel,” Peri said as the healer hurried over, pushing her mate out of the way and wrapping Peri in a tight hug.

  “It seems like we just jump from one painful situation to another,” Jewel said as she stepped back and searched Peri’s no doubt red, puffy eyes.

  “It’s something I’m all too familiar with,” Peri admitted.

  Dalton walked over and glanced at Lucian. Understanding seemed to pass between them, and Lucian nodded. Then the large wolf reached for Peri’s hand and bowed low over it. “I am so sorry for the pain you are enduring. As one who has known incredible loss, my heart goes out to you and those of the Romania pack. I owe you so much, but what I can give at this moment is only my sincerest apologies for my grievances against you. Thank you, Perizada of the fae, for loving my mate and protecting her, even from my stupidity.”

  Peri couldn’t help but smile. Dalton, like all the other male wolves, simply loved their mates with an intensity that was hard to understand unless you’d experienced it, which Peri had. She pulled Dalton to her and hugged him. Apparently, it was a day for touching that would not normally be tolerated by the males. “Dealing with wolf stupidity is sort of a specialty of mine. And you were forgiven the moment it happened. I knew you were always simply acting out of love for Jewel. And I could ask for no better mate for one of my healers than someone who would give anything and everything to protect her.”

  Dalton stepped back and took Jewel’s hand. “Thank you.”

  Peri understood that sometimes it was hard not to act foolishly when those they cared for were in danger. It was a reaction that was built into the core of the Canis lupus, protecting at all cost.

  “I’m sorry I was not able to meet you earlier,” Fane said, and Peri saw that he was addressing Jewel. “I’m Fane Lupei”—he paused and swallowed hard but then stood up straighter—“alpha of the Romania pack.”

  Jewel held out her hand to him in her matter-of-fact way. “I’m Jewel Black, Dalton’s mate, and apparently the gypsy healer to the Colorado pack. And I am very sorry for the loss of your parents.”

  Fane took her hand, gave it a very quick shake, and then released it. “Thank you for your condolences.”

  There was a moment of silence before Peri spoke. “We’ve got work to do.” She looked at Dillon, Decebel, and then Fane. “The Great Luna has shared a plan with me, one that will get our people free.”

  “What is it?” Fane stepped forward as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “Sally has a necklace,” she started. Fane nodded, acknowledging that he obviously knew of the jewelry in question. “It’s blessed by the Great Luna and holds significant power. We need to get a message to her to use it.”

  “The Healer’s Locket,” Cindy interrupted.

  Peri turned to look at the sprite female. “Of course you know of it,” she said, annoyed that she hadn’t thought to ask Cindy right away.

  Cindy nodded. “Chris and I read about it in one of the books that his family left him.”

  “What did it say?” Fane asked.

  “It’s also known as the Luna’s Locket. It was blessed at its creation by the Great Luna and has been passed down through generations of gypsy healers. It doesn’t always stay in the same family and no one knows its exact power, but it always finds its way to the healer it's supposed to be with,” Chris explained.

  “Sounds a lot like the mysterious fae stones,” Peri said.

  “So, she doesn’t know how to use it?” Fane’s lips pursed as he rocked back on his heels.

  “Considering she hasn’t used it in any of her past near-death or actual-death experiences, I’m going to guess no,” Peri said dryly. Apparently, even grief stricken she couldn’t help but be a smart-ass. She was sure that Alina would approve.

  “She can figure it out,” Jewel spoke up. “Sally is powerful and smart.”

  Cindy nodded. “Sally can do this. I know she can.”

  “I agree,” Peri said. “The question is, how do we get her the message?”

  “The girls are in different rooms,” Fane said. “Decebel and I can communicate with our mates, but I’m not sure if they can communicate with one another.”

  “Jen can,” Decebel said.

  Peri raised a single brow. “Her screaming the plan through the wall so the enemy can overhear it is probably not the best idea.”

  Decebel smirked. “She won’t have to scream. My mate knows Morse code.”

  Peri snorted. “Of course she does. You taught her, didn’t you?”

  Decebel shrugged. “She likes military crap.”

  “But do the other two girls know Morse code?” Jewel asked.

  “No,” Decebel answered. “But Costin does. Jen said she and Costin have been communicating through the wall. She helped Costin keep it together when Alston took Sally.”

  “Alston took Sally away from Costin and Titus?” Peri snapped as her head whipped up to look at Decebel.

  “He brought her back to them,” Decebel quickly added. “He was questioning her.”

  Peri shook her head. “Alston doesn’t just question people. He rips them from their lives and strips them of their memories.”

  “Peace, beloved,” Lucian said as he placed a hand on the small of her back.

  Peri let out a deep breath. “You’re right. Plan now, maim, torture, and kill later. So, you can get a message to Jen, and she can tell Costin to tell Sally about the necklace?” she asked Decebel.

  He nodded. “Or Titus can tell her. They taught him Morse code too.”

  Peri could tell by the slight upward curve of Decebel’s lips that he was trying to lighten the tension in the room. The chuckles verified that it worked.

  “If any four-year-old could learn Morse code, it would be that little genius,” Zara said.

  Peri sometimes forgot that Zara and Titus had been trapped in the same vampire coven and had a bond of sorts. As she looked at Wadim’s mate, she saw love shining in the young woman’s eyes, love for a little boy who was once again trapped in the enemy's clutches.

  “Alright, let’s do this.” Peri pointed at Decebel. “Get your mate in gear. I’m sure she’s chomping at the bit to sink her teeth into some Order flesh.”

�s been surprisingly calm,” Decebel admitted. “But I think that’s because she’s been trying to keep Costin calm and entertain our daughter.”

  “How long did they question Sally?” Peri asked as her eyes narrowed.

  Decebel’s lips tightened across his face, his features hardening. “Four days.”

  Every male in the room cursed under their breaths, and low growls reverberated in their chests.

  “They may think they’ve won,” Fane said, his voice a deep rumble. “They may think that they have devastated us to the point of being unable to fight back. But they would be fools for thinking such things. As we have done with every threat that has risen up against us in the past, we will wipe them out and mark them down as history. The Order will soon be in our past, and we will learn from them and move on to the next idiot who thinks they can stand against the Great Luna and her chosen.”

  Peri glanced at Lucian and saw the small smile on his face, the pride shining in his eyes. “Vasile has chosen wisely,” he told her through the bond.

  Peri agreed. The old alpha had indeed chosen his successor very wisely.

  Chapter 18

  “Why is it that the pursuit of power clouds the sight of those pursuing it? They think it is in their grasp, and so they take their eyes off their enemy, and it’s that split-second that can change the direction of a fight. One second you’re winning, and the next your heads are spinning, and you’re left standing there thinking ‘What the hell just happened?’” ~Myanin

  * * *

  “Vasile and Alina are dead.”

  Myanin watched as Ludcarab turned at the sound of the voice of a fae warrior who’d just flashed into the building. She, Ludcarab, Alston, Sincaro, and Cain had been waiting to hear back from the army they’d sent to the Romania pack stronghold and finally, only moments ago, the room had begun to fill with fae flashing in with vampires, wolves, and warlocks in tow.


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