Alpha Rising

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Alpha Rising Page 28

by Quinn Loftis

  Sally’s hand was still wrapped around the locket, and she could feel it heating up. Her body felt as if she stood out under the noonday sun with its warmth radiating onto her skin. Every ounce of coldness that had taken root from simply being in this dark place, and from what Alston had tried to do, was overtaken by the warmth of the light.

  “The locket is meant to amplify the light,” the Great Luna said. “It will take all that you’ve gathered and multiply it. You cannot contain the full light of my being. I am a Creator, and you are the created. The locket was designed to hold some of my essence, and it can channel the amount of light you need for this. Keep pulling it in. Keep seeking it out.”

  Sally made her mind focus even more. She sought out more of the minds around the compound. She was shocked by what she found. She slipped into the mind of a man who had been blackmailed into being a part of the Order. They’d killed nearly all of his family, and they’d been holding his only child captive for over a century. He’d nearly reached the point of losing hope, but there was still a part of him that believed the Order wouldn’t succeed. He hadn’t been in the battle at the Keep, but he’d known of Vasile, the most powerful alpha in all of the Canis lupus world. He had hope that there was no way the Order could defeat the great wolf. But then she saw the light in him dwindle more when he heard the news that was apparently traveling around the compound. The great alpha pair had been killed. Don’t give up. Sally hoped he would feel her encouragement and keep the light inside of him from being extinguished.

  Her mind moved on to the next person, and she found a female wolf. She’d been taken by the Order during the werewolf wars when things were chaotic and no one was focused on the Order. She’d been coerced into believing their lies, but over the decades, she’d begun to realize that their intentions were not what she’d been led to believe. Now, she wanted out, but she was trapped. They would never let her leave alive. She’d signed up willingly, and there was no getting out. Sally grabbed hold of the light in her and pulled.

  On and on, she found person after person who didn’t truly hold any loyalty to the Order but felt they had no choice but to serve the organization. Yet their spirits refused to give up completely. They still had hope. Sally took the light from that hope and continued to pull it to her. When she felt as if she was about to burst from the inside out, and she couldn’t see how she could possibly take any more, she focused on herself. She ran through all the memories of her life and grabbed onto the good ones. Then, she sought out every horrible thing she’d been through, because even in those situations, light or goodness had come out of the tragedy. There were things that kept her from sinking into the darkness and giving up. She thought about her best friends, Jen and Jacque—the two people who’d been with her through it all and had stood firm next to her, never letting her go. She thought about their mates, the amazing men who loved them. Though they weren’t perfect, they refused to give up on their relationships, even when it got hard. Then she remembered Vasile and Alina, two of the most amazing people she’d ever met. They’d loved with their whole hearts. They’d given everything they could to save those they loved. The light in them was so strong that they were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice.

  “Now let it go,” the Great Luna breathed into Sally. The goddess’s light filled any remaining doubts and worries, and then Sally pushed the light outward, picturing in her mind the light as a huge tidal wave. She pushed and imagined it rushing through the room, out the door and cracks and any tiny spot that it could travel through, completely engulfing the building. She saw it flowing down the halls, completely overtaking the floors, walls, and ceilings. It ran over every person it came in contact with, knocking them over as it hit them. The light burst through doors, slamming them open as it went. Any shadow was completely illuminated as the light unfurled.

  Sally opened her eyes, and all she could see was light so pure it wasn’t even yellow. It was a shining, dazzling, iridescent white. It was so breathtakingly beautiful that it was nearly painful to look at.

  She didn’t have time to enjoy it because a second later Jen burst through their opened door. She had a wide-eyed Thia in her arms, and her eyes were glowing bright with her wolf.

  “Costin, you got Titus?” Jen rushed over to Sally.

  “Yes,” Costin said as he picked up their son.

  “Excellent,” Jen grinned, and the sight was a tad creepy. She pushed Thia into Sally’s arms. “You take mini-me and get her the hell out of dodge.”

  Thia yelled, “Hell,” at the same time Sally yelled, “Jen!” But her best friend had already turned and headed for the door. “What are you doing?” she asked quickly before Jen could make it out.

  Jen glanced back at Sally. “What I promised myself I would do when Alston took my child. Tell Peri to save my stupid ass when she gets here.” Then Jen was gone, moving with her wolf’s speed.

  “Decebel is going to lock her in a cell when he gets his hands on her,” Costin said.

  Jacque was the next one to come rushing into their room. “Jen told me to get my ass in here and then kept running. What the hell is she doing?” Jacque held Slate in her arms.

  “Mama hell,” Thia said, pointing toward the door.

  “He’s not just going to lock her in a cell.” Costin sighed. “He’s going to wash her mouth out with soap, too.”

  Jacque just shook her head and then looked back at Sally. “How did our doors open, and why is it so bright in here?”

  Before Sally could answer, their room was suddenly full of people as Peri flashed into the room, followed by Nissa, Adam, and Elle. Fane, Decebel, Crina, and Sorin were also with them.

  Peri glanced around the room and must have realized at the same time Decebel did that Jen was missing.

  “Where is the hellion?” Peri asked.

  Decebel growled but walked over to Sally and took Thia from her. The little girl grinned big at her dad and patted his cheeks with her chubby, little hands. “Hell, Dada,” she said proudly.

  Peri glanced at the little girl. “I see she’s been into alternative learning when it comes to her child. Good for her. That’s our next generation. Where did you say she is?”

  “She took off out that door and told me to tell you to save her stupid ass when you got here,” Sally explained.

  Peri looked at Decebel. “You gonna let me get her?”

  “You can get to her quicker than I can,” he growled. “I’ll take care of Thia. My mate will skin me alive if I don’t get her to safety.”

  “Which was her plan all along,” Jacque pointed out. Fane had Jacque wrapped in his arms and had buried his face in their son's little neck.

  “Get everyone out of here,” Peri said as she looked at each of the fae who could flash. “I’ll get the crazy blonde who is determined to give her mate a heart attack. Pretty sure he’d be the first Canis lupus in the history of ever to have one.”

  Jen didn’t have a plan other than to kill every single member of the Order she encountered. She ran through the corridors, letting her wolf take over without phasing. Her fingers morphed into claws. Her eyes, she knew, were glowing because her vision was as clear as freshly cleaned glass. Her teeth had elongated into razor-sharp points, ready to tear into flesh with the ease of a perfectly honed dagger.

  The light was unlike anything she’d ever seen. It was everywhere, but she could still see. As Jen came to the first member of the Order, something came over her. She moved in slow motion, watching as the man stumbled as if unable to see. “This one you may exact my vengeance on.”

  “Great Luna?”

  “Yes, Jennifer. I am with you. You will be my arm of justice today. But you will only take those I allow.”

  There was a part of Jen that wanted to rebel against that. Everyone was guilty by association as far as she was concerned.

  “You do not know their minds or their hearts. You will do this my way, or you will not do this at all.”

  “It will be done as you say,” Jen
said as she reached the male. She lunged, her hand swiping out and her claws ripping into his flesh until her hand was buried in his chest. She clasped his heart and crushed it. It took mere seconds, and then as she moved on. She had no idea how she’d moved that quickly—even her wolf speed wasn’t that fast.

  The next one she came upon was a vampire, and he seemed to be writhing in pain on the floor. The light was obviously more than just brightness to him. “This one?”

  “Yes,” the Great Luna answered.

  A bright, white sword appeared in Jen’s hand. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t second-guess it. She slammed the shining blade down across the vampire’s throat and severed his head. Did her lips turn up into a deranged smile? Probably, but she just kept going. They’d brought this on themselves. One after another, the Great Luna pointed out who Jen was allowed to dispatch and who she was to spare.

  Jen had no idea how many lives she’d taken by the time she reached the main floor of the huge building. She stood in the middle of the room, white light filling the space and bursting through the dark windows. There were supernaturals all around her, stumbling about or writhing in pain. This was what happened when you messed with the Great Luna’s people.

  Jen felt something bump into her, and she turned to find a vampire staring straight at her. He seemed to be significantly less bothered by the light. Though he was squinting a bit, he could still see. She turned around, backed up a couple of steps, and raised her sword, bending her knees and settling into a fighting stance.

  “You think you can fight the king of the vampires?” he asked.

  Jen smirked. “I think you’re a fool if you believe you stand a chance against a she-wolf who’s pup you kidnapped. Not to mention the wrath of a goddess.”

  “Little girl,” he cooed, “you have no idea who you are challenging.”

  “Bet you’re gonna tell me.” Jen sighed. “Because that’s what the bad guys always do. They yap endlessly about themselves and their evil credentials as if their opponent gives a flying pixie’s butt.”

  He seemed completely unbothered by her insult. “I am Sincaro, the oldest vampire in history, and I control every vampire in the world. You are nothing to me. A cockroach beneath my feet that I can simply crush with my shoe.”

  “Then shut up and do it,” Jen snarled. “I’m hungry, my mate is going to be pissed at me, and my daughter needs a bath. I don’t have time to listen to your narcissistic chatter.”

  The vampire lunged, but Jen was ready. She turned as she swiped the blade down and caught him across the chest. It wasn’t a killing blow. It didn’t pierce his heart, but it must have burned like fire because he hissed like a cat that had been thrown in a tank of water. Sincaro glanced down at the cut that went diagonally from shoulder to waist. The sword in her hand apparently wasn’t just a kickass, white glowing blade. It must hold special power. Duh, it was made by a goddess. It’s not like it’s going to be a dud.

  Sincaro hissed again.

  Jen couldn’t help but smile. Guess that would teach him not to flap his old-as-dirt gums so much.

  He ran straight for her again because old vampires can’t learn new tricks, and just before he reached her, she jumped straight up and then flipped, twisted in the air, and landed facing his back. Again, she brought her sword down, hoping to behead him. But he turned and ducked at the same time, causing her blade to whoosh over his head. He came up swinging and caught her in the face. The blow felt like she’d been hit with a wrecking ball, knocking her back several feet.

  “If you lose this fight, I am going to drag you back from the dead and beat the ever-loving crap out of you,” Peri’s voice came from behind her.

  Jen grinned. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  “Never said I missed you. Now shut up and focus.”

  Sincaro tried to take advantage of Jen’s lost balance, but when he jumped at her, she rolled, ducking straight under his raised legs. Her blade came up and sliced him right through his crotch.

  “OH, daaaamn,” Peri hissed. “That had to hurt. Okay, maybe I missed you a little.”

  “Knew it!” Jen aughed.

  The vampire roared. Jen didn’t take any time to enjoy the sweet victory. She jumped to her feet and then attacked with all the fury she had in her.

  “This one has killed thousands of children over the course of his existence.” Jen heard the Great Luna’s words in her mind. “The evil in him permeates everything he touches. The world needs to be cleansed of him. If you kill him, you will kill every vampire he has ever directly sired.”

  Jen’s rage grew inside of her as she remembered the children killed not long ago. Vasile had not wanted them to know about it, but when they’d found out, she’d been furious.

  Her sword slashed through the air, moving at a speed that made it look as if she was wielding only a beam of light. Cut after cut she sliced at him, listening to his hissing and reveling in the pain that the cuts inflicted. He kept backing away from her, and so she ran, dropped to her knees, and slid, bringing her blade across his knees. It sliced completely through, and he hit the ground on the stumps that were once his thighs. Then she jumped to her feet, turned, and brought her sword around in an arc, the blade meeting his neck and cutting clean through. His head rolled off his body and hit the floor with a thud.

  Jen was breathing hard as she looked around the room and watched vampire after vampire simply fall to the ground like the lifeless bodies they were. She had no idea how many were destroyed because of Sincaro’s death, but it looked to be a lot.

  She couldn’t enjoy her victory long because the light was fading, and the enemy seemed to be regaining their faculties. Peri was at her side in an instant. “Well done, hellion.” A second later, Alston ran into the main room, his eyes ablaze with rage.

  Call it a moment of insanity or an adrenaline rush or just typical Jen being Jen, but whatever it was, something made her lean down and grab Sincaro’s head. She held it by the hair and lifted it into the air. She didn’t care that it was dripping blood all over her or that it was freaking disgusting to be holding a severed head. She was in Braveheart mode, or was it, Gladiator? She couldn’t remember, but it was one of those awesome-as-hell battle movies, and she was going to revel in her enemies’ defeat. She’d dealt the Order a huge blow. She roared as she shook Sincaro’s head. “You’re next, traitor. I will mount your head on my wall and use it as a target to teach my daughter how to throw knives! Mark my words, Alston, traitor of the fae. I so name you an enemy of the Great Luna, an enemy of the Romania pack, an enemy of every supernatural that stands on the side of goodness, and I will have your head.”

  “You already said that.” Peri grabbed Jen’s arm. “I think he got the point.” Then she flashed them from the compound.

  They reappeared in a huge hall filled with hundreds of people, maybe even a thousand. Jen knew this because she and Peri were standing at the front of the room on a raised platform that allowed them to see out over the crowd. Her arm was still in the air with Sincaro’s head hanging from her hand by his hair. The room went completely silent, and all eyes were on her.

  “Hell, Mama!” She heard Thia’s voice and the little girl’s tiny hands clapping. Jen turned her head until she saw her daughter, who was sporting a huge grin. Of course, this was the moment her daughter would choose to actually say “Mama” and not “Dada.” Thia was in her mate’s arms, and he was walking toward Jen with a determined stride. Unlike his daughter, he didn’t have a smile on his face.

  “You just need to teach her ‘give ’em,’ and she’ll have a complete sentence down,” Peri said out of the side of her mouth.

  “You’re hilarious,” Jen deadpanned.

  When Jen didn’t move, but continued to stand there in her Braveheart/Gladiator frozen position, Peri muttered, “Maybe you should drop the head.”

  Jen finally seemed to get past the shock of the crowd, her foul-mouthed daughter, and pissed-off mate. She turned to look at Peri. “I severed this head fair a
nd square, and I will not pretend to be embarrassed by it simply because my mate is irritated that I ran off on a killing spree, and my daughter likes to holler about h-e double-hockey-sticks.”

  “I’m thinking he’s a little more than irritated, but what do I know?” Peri crossed her arms in front of her. “I’ve only been dealing with the wolves for hundreds of years.”

  Jen ignored her and then looked at the crowd again. Decebel had nearly reached the steps leading up to the platform. “In my hand, I hold the head of the vampire king!” she called out, her voice so loud it echoed off the walls and ceiling. “Every vampire he directly sired is dead because he is dead. The Great Luna gave me a sword”—which she just realized was gone—“to take down our enemy, and she was there guiding me. We are not alone in this battle, and we will not stop until the head of every one of those in charge of the Order is laying at our feet.” The room stayed quiet for a few heartbeats before errupting into shouts of victory.

  Then Decebel was standing in front of her, his face a mix of emotions as he looked down at her. “Will you please put the head down for your daughter’s sake?”

  Jen admitted that it was a fair request and lowered the head. Peri took it from her. It would be best if Jen didn’t know where it was taken because in her current state of mind she might have let Thia kick it around like a soccer ball. Even she could admit that allowing her daughter to kick a vampire’s severed head was just bad parenting.


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