Assassin Queen

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Assassin Queen Page 7

by Chandra Ryan

  “What do you want to do?”

  “What do you mean? This changes nothing.” As she walked around the room, she felt herself start to relax. “She wants my kingdom. She wants to run it into the ground. Something she would’ve succeeded at if I hadn’t returned.”

  She turned to look at Kirin. “But she didn’t plan on my return.”

  “She knows I’m here. I heard her calling to me all day yesterday. And wherever I am, you’re not far behind.”

  She growled at the truth of the words.

  “Hold.” Something didn’t make sense. “It’s me she wants. If she knows I’m here, why would she call to you?”

  “I believe she’s either a seductress or an enchanter. If that’s true, her magic would only be truly effective on males.”

  “The servant I met at the castle told me Silverwood wouldn’t hire young females. That would most certainly explain why.”

  “Why would anyone tell you that? Unless…. Wait! You were going to apply to be in the service of your stepfather?” Kirin looked at her like she’d gone insane.

  “I was caught traipsing around the keep at dawn’s break. Should I have told the old lady I was there to kill the king and take his throne?”

  “So it was just a story, then?”

  “Of course.”

  He stood up and grabbed a piece of linen off the bed. “But what if it weren’t?”

  “What if it weren’t what?” she asked.

  “What if it weren’t just a story? What if you did get an appointment to see Silverwood under the guise of becoming a servant?”

  “Then, since she’s apparently aware I’m here, I’m sure she would kill me as soon as I sat down for my interview. If I couldn’t fool a simple man looking for a proper bedding last night, there’s no chance of me fooling her.”

  He wrapped the linen around her hair and then twisted it before coiling it on top of her head. “I’ve seen women in the western kingdoms wear their hair like this.”

  “I’m going to need more than a fashion tip from you if you’re hoping to make any of this understandable.”

  “With this around your hair, you could apply to be a servant.”

  “Are you deaf? Even if she didn’t figure out who I was, she wouldn’t hire me.”

  “You don’t need her to hire you. You only have to get an audience with her.” He smiled like a cat who’d just stolen the cook’s cream. “Once you have her alone in a room, she’s yours. Her magic shouldn’t be able to harm you.”

  As she thought about his words, a plan started to take shape in her head.

  “And while I’m disposing of her, what will the rest of my thieves and assassins be doing?”

  “They’ll be subduing what is left of the king’s guard.”

  “And what will you be doing?”

  She knew him better than to assume he would be with the rest of the men. He always seemed to have his own agenda.

  “I’ll be securing the young prince. I have a feeling she has a tight grasp on him. I would hate for him to come to harm in her defense.”

  Of course. He wanted to protect the brat. She rolled her eyes.

  “Your people will want a queen, not an assassin. Which is why we need to save the prince. Then you’ll raise him as your full brother. When he’s grown, you’ll give him some land and give his wife a title. It will win you favor from your people.”

  “A diplomatic plan from the man who threatened to kill me if I yield to politics?”

  “You’re an assassin not a monster. His death will not serve to further your goals. If anything, killing him will make getting your crown back that much harder.”


  She felt some misgivings about not cleansing her bloodline while she had the chance, but Kirin’s wisdom won out. Her people had been through a lot over the last decade. She should try to make this period of adjustment as easy for them as possible.

  He pulled her to him.

  “The sun has fully risen.” He kissed her deeply. “Do you know what that means?”

  She smiled up at him. “It’s time to get my kingdom back.”

  “That it is. But, first, we need to get you out of this black leather. No servant would ever wear such a tempting creation.”

  She moaned as he undid her corset. She loved how the supple the leather felt against her skin. It made her feel sexy while practicing a craft that continuously washed away her femininity in a bath of death and blood.

  “When I’m queen I’ll have to wear silk and lace dresses with large hoops and petticoats.”

  The cool air of the room made her nipples bead as the garment fell off her body.

  “I would only need to lift your skirts to ravage you.” He unfastened the pants and started to peel them off her.

  She slapped at his hands. “Spoken like a true male.”

  “You don’t wish to be ravaged? Or you don’t wish me to be the one doing the looting?” He lifted his hands and took a step back.

  Insufferable man. He seemed insistent that she admit she wanted him every bit as much as he longed for her. She removed her clothing and stood in front of him naked. In her mind, he had to be near death with desire for her. It pained her how calm and collected he appeared, however. Fine. He wanted admissions of lust from her, that’s what he’d get.

  “I do not wish for you to be the one ravishing my body.”

  Was it her imagination, or did he look hurt by the teasing words?

  “Because I am the Assassin Queen. If there is looting to be done, I will be the one with the hand in the treasure.” She smiled as she took a step toward him.

  “Mercenary wench. Even your words are designed to slay men.” He pulled her to him and pressed her against his body as he kissed her.

  Chapter Seven

  The little minx knew she held his heart in her hand and insisted on squeezing it just to watch him bleed. What was he ever going to do with her?

  He laughed as the obvious answer popped into his head. She seemed to have the same idea as she went for the ties on his trousers. As soon as his pants fell around his ankles, she had his manhood in her palm and was guiding him back toward the bed.

  “And is this you with your hand on the treasure?”

  He bit her shoulder as he asked. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt, but it would sting. He wanted her, but he was irritated with her for putting him through that hellish heartbeat. When she’d said she didn’t want him to ravish her, he’d forgotten how to breathe.

  “Aren’t you a confident one?” She nudged him back until his calves hit the edge of the mattress. When he could go no farther, she pushed him so he sat down the bed.

  He smiled as she straddled his lap. Her sex was mere inches from his cock, but he refused to close the space that separated them. She’d initiated this, and she would see it to its end. “Of course. I would’ve been dead a great many years ago if I weren’t.”

  “True.” She lowered herself slowly until the hair that guarded her womanhood brushed against him. Still, he made no move to penetrate her. “False modesty is unbecoming anyway.”

  He clenched his hands against the urge to grab her and flip her so her back was on the mattress. The feel of her body was too much of a temptation for him. His anger had melted, and all that was left was raw hunger. Her hand continued to stroke the base of his erection as she slid her wet sex against the tip of it. The combined sensations drugged his mind and made his body tight with anticipation and longing.

  “Are you going to bed me, or aren’t you?”

  She laughed as he threw her words back at her.

  “Impatient rogue.” She positioned him at her entrance and then slid down on him slowly. “I was trying to make this enjoyable for you.”

  “And you’ve succeeded.” He moaned as she rose off him a few inches and then took him back into her warmth. “But we do have a king to overthrow and a mage to kill. I’m afraid time is a scarce commodity today.”

  “A good bedding is always wor
th the time it takes. Even if it takes all day.”

  Though she was correct, her movements were infernally slow and methodical. He couldn’t stand it any longer. He grabbed her hips with both hands and helped her with the pace. He didn’t demand hard and fast, but it was no longer maddeningly slow either.

  “When this is over and you’re on the throne, I will show you how right you are.” He laid back and then positioned his hand so he could stroke the sensitive bud located just inside the folds of her sex. She cried out at the contact and immediately started to ride him harder.

  Her thighs flexed and her back arched with each thrust. Her hair had come loose from the linen, and it spilled down her back in silken waves. She was magnificent. The scars that were scattered along her torso contrasted with the delicate beauty that clung to her slight frame. Form and substance. He’d never met a woman who balanced the two better.

  “Gods, yes.” She rubbed against his finger each time she came down on him. He was so hard and she felt so good that he had a difficult time holding back. Still, he refused to surrender to the delicious sensations until after she did. If he did, she would never let him live it down.

  As soon as her body started shaking and she called out his name, however, he grabbed her hips again and pumped into her forcefully. His climax was so intense his soul was suspended in the pleasure. It coursed through his veins and filled his lungs with each breath until it saturated every atom in his body. He was vibrating with it.

  “You are an amazing man.”

  The confession was spoken so softly he wondered if she had actually said the words or if he imagined them.

  “And you are the most dangerous woman I’ve ever met.”

  More so because he loved her. He froze as the truth hit him like a jousting lance. For so long he had thought he only desired her. But he should have seen the truth long ago. He wanted more than her body. He wanted everything.

  Panic descended on him in full force. She had told him that she, too, had wanted everything from him, but he had no idea what that meant for her. His stomach cramped, and his palms sweat as he got out of the bed.

  “Where are you going?”

  She still glowed with contentment, but her words sounded a little guarded.

  He pulled his pants up and fastened them around his waist. “I need to get a servant’s gown from the innkeeper. Then we shall get your kingdom back.”

  He slipped his tunic over his head and left the room behind him. What was he to do now? She had sworn off love and commitment, but her anger at Naresh’s betrayal would surely fade with time. She would see the advantages of having a king ruling at her side. Eventually, she would want an heir or two, if for no other reason than to keep her brother’s offspring off the throne. And Kirin was definitely not king material. When that day came, she would cast him aside. If he lasted even that long.

  Acknowledging the truth of his situation left him numb, but it also filled him with a quiet resolve. He couldn’t walk away from her. He would sooner tear out his own heart. If she wanted him for a day or for an eternity, it made no difference. He would stay for as long as she desired him. When it was over, he would leave. But at least he would have his memories to take with him. He would just have to make sure they were the best memories he had ever made.

  It took a matter of minutes to procure the servant’s gown and return to her room.

  “Here.” He tossed the simple gown and petticoats at her. “Remember to wrap your hair, and meet me in the other room when you’re ready.”

  It was all he trusted himself to say. He feared if he stuck around too long he would end up professing his undying love. That was something he couldn’t allow himself to do.

  “How did you come by a gown so easily? You weren’t even gone an hour.”

  He laughed. “I’ve never had a problem getting a girl to part with her petticoats.”

  He needed to keep this light. Everything had to stay as it always had been between them.

  “And you accuse me of using my words as weapons.” She picked up the clothing and held it up to her body.

  Just the sight of her naked made him feel weak inside.

  “You may go.”

  He took a deep breath and backed through the door again. He gave himself a moment to collect his wits and then walked to the room next door. As soon as he had gathered the rest of the group and filled them in on their roles, Lilly joined them in the room. Even dressed as a servant she was a sight to behold.

  “Let’s go kill a king.” She winked at him before throwing her riding cloak over her shoulders.

  They left in staggered groups as to not arouse suspicion. Lilly was first. Her role would take the longest to complete. After he gave her ten minutes, Kirin left to find the prince. The rest of the men were set to leave in small groups after him.

  As soon as he entered the keep’s wall, he made his way to the servants’ quarters to steal a uniform. There might not be many guards, but there were enough for him to be concerned. Once he had the uniform on, however, he was virtually invisible. It was comforting for his purposes, but he made a mental note to tighten security once Lilly took over. He couldn’t believe the king had allowed his men to become so lax.

  He made his way to the prince’s quarters but found them empty. Disheartened, he went out to the practice yard. But he didn’t see the prince sparring with the handful of knights who were fighting. As much as he hated to risk detection, he was going to have to ask someone.

  An elderly man who was busy checking the horses’ saddles for the knights seemed like the best option under the circumstances.

  “Excuse me, good sir.” The man looked up at the sound of Kirin’s voice.

  “I’m supposed to give Prince Malak his lessons in five minutes’ time, but he doesn’t seem to be in his apartments. Have you seen the lad loitering about today?”

  Every boy he’d ever met seemed to poke and dawdle. He hoped the prince would be the same.

  “Don’t think I have.” He looked at the keep proper and scratched his chin. “But the Mistress Silverwood usually keeps him busy with his letters until after lunch.”

  He smiled, even as he wanted desperately to curse. Of course he was with the mage. Nothing ever came easily to him.

  “Many thanks.”

  “I can guide you to her quarters.”

  “Thank you, but I believe I can find them on my own. I’d hate to tear you away from your duties.”

  “Of course.” He looked down at the saddle and then back up at Kirin. “And what did you say you were teaching the prince? I don’t believe I’ve seen you around before.”

  He kept his smile warm. “Hand-to-hand combat.” It was one art form Kirin would have no problem demonstrating to the old man if pressed.

  “Thanks be to the gods.” The man threw his hands up in praise. “It’s about time she allowed that boy to learn some fighting skills.”

  “Aye.” Kirin breathed a sigh of relief at the man’s happiness. “And hopefully she’ll allow me to teach him war strategies after I prove my skills to her.”

  “Not a moment too soon, if you ask me. Our neighbors are watching us like vultures since the king has started keeping to his quarters.”

  Since his family was one of those neighbors, he had little doubt in the truth of the words. Still, that was a problem better addressed after Lilly retook the throne.

  “Then I best not be dawdling.”

  “Godspeed and best of luck to you.” The man smiled and waved at him.

  “Thank you. I have a feeling I’m going to need all the luck I can muster.”

  By the time he found Silverwood’s quarters, a small ball of unease had formed in the pit of his stomach. The nervous ball shifted to dread, however, when he saw the small brass token cast casually to the side of the door. It was such a small innocuous coin to bear such a momentous message. But, regardless of size or shape, it told him what he hoped and feared at the same time. Lilly had been granted access to the mage’s cha

  He took a deep breath and tried to dismiss the jumble of nerves. They had successfully completed hundreds of assignments together. He had no doubt Lilly would do her bit brilliantly. She always did. The ball of unease didn’t seem as convinced, however. It continued to grow until his stomach felt heavy with it.

  He tried his best to ignore the sensation. The last thing he needed was for the worry to poison his thoughts until he was overcome with panic. But, when he reached out for the handle of the door, the heavy ball of nervous energy exploded into a full plume of fear. The door had been shielded with magic. There was only one reason he could think of for Silverwood to take the time and energy to shield it. She knew they were coming. They’d somehow lost the advantage of surprise. If that were the case, Lilly would need more than just him as backup.

  There was no way for him to know how long Lilly had been inside the room with the mage, but he was fairly certain that time wasn’t on his side. He made his way back through the courtyard as quickly as possible. The rest of the men were currently subduing the King’s Guard. Subduing being the key word. Lilly didn’t want the men to interfere in the fight until the line of secession had been established, but she had made her men promise to keep the bloodshed to a minimum. She was, after all, going to have to work with these men after she assumed the throne.

  When the Guard’s quarters came into view, Kirin let out a low whistle. Nathan was holding a spot near the front entrance. He glanced into the building once more before making his way over to Kirin.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The mage knows we’re here. Grab Simon and Lib and come with me.”

  “Simon is pumping the sleeping ash into the building. Without it, the barracks will be awake in an hour’s time at the most.”

  He wanted to shake the man for his idiotic statement.

  “If they don’t come with me right now, Lilly might die. Which is a bigger priority?”

  Nathan let out two sharp whistles. Simon and Lib would be joining them shortly.

  Kirin continued while they waited. “The door is shielded. As soon as I break the enchantment, she’ll know I’m there.”


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