Wipeout: A Sweet Teen Romance (Ryder Bay Book 4)

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Wipeout: A Sweet Teen Romance (Ryder Bay Book 4) Page 5

by Jordan Ford

  Turning with a slow glare, I try to show Marshall how I’m feeling, but he just smiles at me, points to her and says, “Good people. Get to know her.”

  With an exaggerated eye roll, I shoulder open the door and then slam it shut behind me. I’m set on walking straight past little Blondie, until she steps right in front of me and then keeps shifting into my path every time I try to move around her.

  I’m not a girl hitter, and as much as I’d love to shoulder her out of my way, I just can’t make myself do it. Instead, I let out a low growl, and she just grins like she’s won.

  Glaring down at her, I try for silent intimidation, but it doesn’t really work. This chick is obviously not afraid of much.

  “I’m Harley.” She raises her chin at me.

  “I don’t give a shit,” I mutter.

  This just makes her laugh. “You will, because I am going to hound you until you can’t stand it. I’m gonna make you play with me.”

  I narrow my eyes, my nostrils flaring as a fire builds in my belly. “I can be a pretty stubborn guy,” I grit out.

  “Perfect. I’m the most stubborn girl I know, so it should make for an epic battle. I’m looking forward to winning already.” She smiles again, and for the first time in my life I want to reconsider my don’t-hit-chicks policy. “So, Neo and Raven and their whole squad, not great news. I should’ve warned you yesterday, but figured I’d let you find your own way.” She lets out an exasperated sigh. “But then you went and acted like an idiot, kind of forcing me to step in.”

  “I’m not forcing you to do anything. You don’t have to talk to me. You don’t even have to look at me.” I try to move past her again, but she’s like a freaking jackrabbit and is up in my grill, even with the height difference—she’s a real shorty. Pulling in a breath, I clench my fist and scowl down at her. “I don’t need a babysitter at this frickin’ school. I’m capable of making my own decisions.”

  “I’m sure you are, but I’m guessing most of them are stupid ones.”

  “Who the hell are you?” I snap.

  “Harley. I’ve already told you that.”

  “I know your name.” I close my eyes, irritation coursing through me. “What I want to know is why the hell you think you have the right to get up in my space and tell me what to do?”

  When I open my eyes, she’s smirking at me, but her smile soon morphs to a look of empathy. “Look, I know what it’s like to be the new kid. I know what it’s like to have shitty parents. Griffin told me your story, and I want to help. Why is that so hard for you to understand?”

  “Because I don’t need your help!”

  “Obviously.” Her mocking tone is so freaking annoying.

  “I don’t need a new friend. I’ve got friends.”

  “On the other side of the country. Look, I’m not asking you to be my best bud. I already have one of those and you’ll never be half as cool as he is.” She points over her shoulder, and I glance past her to see a fat dude lingering nearby, so obviously listening to our conversation even though he’s pretending to text someone. He glances up and gives me an awkward smile. I frown at him until Harley grabs my attention again. “I’m just trying to help you out, okay? I’m trying to be nice.”

  “What you are is a little weirdo, and I don’t need you to be nice to me.”

  For some reason, my insult makes her laugh. “You are so obnoxious. Wanna go surfing after school?”

  “What?” My head shoots back in confusion. “I’m obnoxious, so you want to go surfing with me?”

  “Call it sick, but there’d just be something so satisfying about watching you wipe out in the water while I surf right over your bad ass.”

  I work my jaw to the side, trying to throw off the best power glare I can. It’s kind of hard work, because for some reason, this annoying small blondie is actually entertaining. “I could surf circles around you.”

  “Ha! Prove it.”

  Damn, that is so tempting, but saying yes somehow feels like a loss. So I slap my final card down between us, going for complete nonchalance. “No, thanks.” With a quick sidestep, I get around her and start walking into school.

  “Fine! Fun-spoiler!” she yells to my back.

  I snicker and spin around to flip her off.

  Again, this just makes her laugh and shake her head. I turn and stalk into school.

  Talk about confusing. I was doing everything in my power to piss her off and I couldn’t.

  Glancing over my shoulder one last time, I notice her chatting with the big guy by the tree. She says something to make him laugh, and then he throws something right back. They’re soon walking behind me talking like besties, and for some stupid reason I want in.

  I’m obviously not going to, and it bugs me that I’d even want to hang out with that irritating chick. But the truth is, I’d love to go surfing with her.

  It’s not going to happen, though. I don’t need friends. I just need to keep my head down and my nose clean. The sooner I can prove myself, the sooner I can head back home to Isaac and Vic…and hopefully Hayes.

  For now, my only friend is Snap Dragon.

  She’s my safe bet.

  My only bet.

  I don’t need anybody else.


  Knocked Over by Mr. Hot


  The weekend.


  I so need this break.

  The first week of school has been heinous, even with Reed around. I miss Johanna and our girly chats over lunch. She was my best friend, and you can’t fill that hole with a cute guy. I mean, he makes the hole just a touch smaller and less painful, but he doesn’t fill it.

  Bass does more, but he doesn’t go to school with me. He’s my reprieve at the end of the day. The email to distract me.

  But the weekend?

  That’s all mine.

  I don’t have to face anyone. I can stay in my room reading and watching Brooklyn Nine Nine.

  The very idea of what I’ve got planned makes me smile, and after grabbing a banana, I head back to my room set on perfecting my day.

  I’ll start with an email to Bass, and then I might watch a couple of episodes of the police comedy before spending a few hours reading—

  “Wanna come to the beach?” Savvy pops out of her room, all geared up in her suit and rash guard.

  “Nah.” I shake my head.

  “Yes you do.” Dad appears behind me. “Great idea, Sav. Lettie, it’s a beautiful day. You’re not spending it in your room.”

  I whip around with an indignant gasp. “But I have plans!”

  “Honey.” Dad rests his hands on my shoulders, tipping his head to the side and getting ready to give me one of his softly spoken lectures.

  I stiffen and set my mouth. I’m not giving in. I’m not going to the beach with Savvy and her friends. She’s only going there to meet up with her boyfriend and surf. What the hell am I supposed to do?

  “You can take your book to the beach. At least you’ll be outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Come on. It’s not healthy for you to be stuck in your room all the time.”

  “I’ve just spent a whole week at school!” I argue. “I’ve earned the right to a little room time.”

  “Not when the sun is shining like this. Go out this morning, and then you can spend the afternoon in your room.”

  I let out an irate huff. I can tell by the look on Dad’s face that I’m not getting away with staying home. Besides, he’s in his gardening clothes, which means he’s going to be here and I can’t sneak back home without him noticing.

  “Or you can stay and help me and Louis weed the garden, mow the lawn. Then there’s an epic game of b-ball planned. You’re welcome to stay for that.” He winks at me and I stick my tongue out at him. He chuckles and kisses my forehead. “The beach is sounding better and better, right? I’m only telling you to go because I love you.”

  Ugh! It’s so impossibly hard to stay mad at him when he’s so freaking nice all the time.r />
  I love and hate that quality about my dad.

  “I’ll grab towels and sunscreen.” Sav brushes past me. “Don’t forget your—”

  “I can get ready for the beach without your help,” I snap, taking out my irritation on her.

  Savannah’s shoulders ping back, but she doesn’t say anything and heads downstairs without even looking at me. I feel bad but don’t know how to apologize, so I stomp into my room, slamming the door shut and taking my sweet time to get ready.

  It’s kind of mean to make Savannah wait, but it’s the only form of protest I have. It’s not until Dad starts knocking on my door with his ‘I’m about to get mad’ voice that I finally emerge in a pair of denim shorts and a white tank top. I’ve left my hair down because I like the feel of it on my bare shoulders.

  “Good to go?” He smiles down at me.

  “Yep.” I bob my head and make sure he knows how much I don’t want to be doing this.

  “You taking your camera today?”

  I shake my head. “I don’t want to get sand in the lens or anything.”

  Dad’s eyes mist for a second. “You take such good care of that thing.”

  “She asked me to.”

  We both swallow the way we always do when Mom gets brought into one of our conversations. She gave me her camera about three weeks before she died. It was one of the most precious afternoons I’ve ever had. It was just me and her, and we sat on her bed and she talked me through everything she could think of.

  I promised her I’d take the best photos I could. Just the way she always did.

  “You’ll be better than me, one day, Lettie love. That’s why I’m giving this to you. I know you’ll take good care of it and love it as much as I do.”

  My eyebrows bunch as I hear her voice in my head. Dad clears his throat and pats my arm. “Okay, well, uh… you have fun.”

  I give him a droll look that makes him force a smile and then pull me into a hug. “Love you, Lettie-Lou.” His voice is all choked up, and it’s making me want to cry.

  I give him a squeeze and mumble, “Thanks, Dad,” against his shirt.

  “Let’s go!” Savannah calls from downstairs.

  We pull away from each other and avoid eye contact, probably because we’re both fighting tears. I run down the stairs and sniff hard before Savannah can see me and ask what’s wrong.

  It’s been over three years since Mom passed away, yet the wound is still so raw.

  “You good?” Sav holds the door open for me, and I nod and walk past her.

  Thankfully she doesn’t say anything, and we spend the trip to the beach listening to the radio. Suits me just fine.

  As soon as Savannah pulls into the lot, she lets out a little squeal and jumps out of the car. Griffin is waiting for her at the top of the stairs. His grin is kind of adorable as he lifts her off her feet and kisses her.

  My insides stir with longing. Man, I’d love to have a guy lift me off my feet.

  But that’s a pipedream, right?

  Guys don’t fall for shy bookworms.

  Except for Bass.

  He’s my guy.

  But it’s not like he can lift me off my feet.

  I hold in my sigh and slip out of the car.

  “Morning, Lettie.” Griffin greets me with a friendly wave. He’s always so nice.

  I raise my hand back and give him a shy smile just as a car pulls up next to me.

  “Good morning, people!” Harley and Aidan jump out of his car and start unloading surfboards.

  Harley used to live with us, but she’s moved back in with her mom now that it’s safe again. Her mom’s boyfriend is a total creeper, but he’s just been deployed for six months. I kind of miss having her around. I mean, I never got to know her that well, but she would always distract Savannah for me and keep her off my back. Now that it’s just the Greens again, Sav can throw all her attention back on Louis and me. It’s freaking painful.

  “Hey, Lettie.” She smiles at me and I give her a half-hearted wave. “Not used to seeing you down here. You gonna try surfing with us today?”

  I roll my eyes. Harley’s mission in life is to get everyone surfing. I get that she’s passionate about it, but that doesn’t mean I have to be.

  With a polite smile, I decline.

  “Aw, come on. It’d been fun. Griff can hook you up with a board.”

  “No, thanks,” I say again. “I’m probably just going to go for a walk, anyway.”

  “You are?” Savannah frowns at me.

  “Yeah.” I nod, actually liking my sudden idea. “I’ll just window-shop for a little bit, then come back and read.”

  “By yourself? Are you sure? You don’t want to call Johanna or someone to come with you?”

  I swallow and look to the ground. Tears scorch my insides, but I refuse to let them surface. Wrinkling my nose, I shake my head and manage to mutter, “She’s busy today.”

  “Okay.” Savannah narrows her eyes at me, like she can tell I’m lying.

  In an effort to throw her off, I meet her gaze and remind myself that I’m actually telling the truth. Johanna is no doubt busy today. Busy with Tanner, and Jessica, and Hazel. Busy without me.

  “Well, let’s hit the water.” Aidan walks around the car, throwing his arm over Harley’s shoulders. “I’m ready to ride some waves with my beauty.”

  She makes a gagging sound and then laughs when he gives her a raspberry on the cheek.

  Savannah and Griffin laugh and head down the stairs, leaving me to watch them all go. I stay by the car for a minute longer so I can see where they’re leaving all of their stuff.

  “I know he’s hurting and everything, but the way he talked to Harley was damn rude.”

  I glance over my shoulder to see who just said that and spot Jed and his girlfriend, Skylar.

  “I hope he doesn’t take up her invitation,” he mumbles.

  Skylar smiles at him, slipping her tiny fingers between his. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you.”

  He grins at her joke, then leans down to kiss her.


  Does every person around me have to lock lips?

  I roll my eyes and turn my back on the loved-up couple, wondering who they were talking about. I’m still getting used to seeing Skylar and Jed together. Before Skylar’s big accident, she wouldn’t have been caught dead making out with a guy like Jed. He’s not her type at all. She always went for the freaking hot, mean assholes at school. Like Craig Malloy. But the coma really changed her. She’s so different now. I used to be scared of her. She’s my big sister’s best friend, and whenever she was around at our house, I would avoid her at all costs.

  But now?

  Well, now when she smiles at you, you can see she means it.

  Jed seems to bring out her nice side. I hope they never break up. Who knows what kind of dragon would be unleashed if Skylar got burned or something.

  Maybe that’s unfair.

  Maybe it’s not just Jed that makes her better. Maybe it’s the fact that she went through hell and was strong enough to stand up and tell everyone about it. I have to give her credit for that. What she did was pretty damn brave.

  I cross the road, still thinking about Skylar’s ‘I survived’ party. I wasn’t even supposed to be there, but Johanna canceled on me last minute for our sleepover and Dad dragged me along, probably because he didn’t expect Skylar’s big announcement. No one did. It was one hell of a shock.

  Personally, I believe her.

  I was watching Dayton Malloy’s face. He was standing to my right, and if I’d had my camera on me, I could have captured it all. He was livid with her. Because he was guilty. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s enough evidence for the district attorney to go ahead with a case. I heard Dad say that. Poor Skylar. It’s her word against a cop’s, so it’s not like she ever had much of a chance. Craig and Dayton still haven’t returned to Ryder Bay. I bet Skylar’s dreading the day they do.

  Man, I—

sp; “Whoa!” I stumble sideways as a guy on a skateboard comes careening toward me.

  But he’s thinking the same way I am, and we end up going the same direction to avoid each other.

  I smack into his chest, and he catches me before I can fall back and hit the ground. His skateboard darts off into the grass. I watch it jolt to a stop, all too aware of this guy’s hand gripping my arm and holding me up.

  Finding my feet, I steady myself and he lets me go.

  I don’t really know what to say.

  Thank you?

  But the fact that I fell was his fault, so that seems kind of inappropriate.

  Maybe I should tell him to be more careful and demand he apologize for nearly knocking me over.

  But all I can do is stare at him.

  He’s so gorgeous, I can’t even find words.

  Short, buzz-cut hair, tanned skin, Roman nose, strong jawline. There’s a bad boy look about him, but it’s making my insides tingle with desire. No, tingle is the wrong word. Explode? That’s probably more accurate. I can almost hear the fireworks going off in my stomach.

  I swallow and force my gaze away from him.

  Well, sort of.

  My eyes end up trailing down his body. He has a tattoo on the inside of his forearm. He doesn’t look old enough to have a tattoo, but he does. Man, I love tattoos. I want one, one day.

  I wonder how old this guy is.

  I wonder—

  “Are you done?” he suddenly asks.

  “Ex-excuse me?”

  “Checking me out. Are you done?”

  My eyes round with embarrassment and I gape at him. “I-I-I’m not…” I trail off and he just smirks at me.

  “You okay?” His voice is kind of smooth and delicious.

  I clear my throat and try to stand taller. “Yes, I’m fine.” I nod and can feel my face burning.

  Crap, I need to get out of here.

  Without another word, I spin on my heel and step onto the road.

  A horn blasts, tires squealing as I’m yanked backward, smack into Mr. Hot’s chest again.

  “Watch the road!” the driver yells at me before accelerating away.

  “You got a death wish or something?” my rescuer murmurs in my ear.


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