Those Boys Are Trouble: Valetti Crime Family Box Set

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Those Boys Are Trouble: Valetti Crime Family Box Set Page 31

by Winters, Willow

  They open a door on the left and I walk through and almost laugh. It’s just like the movies. A mirror and everything. I guess they’re going to interrogate me. I choke on the ball forming in my throat.

  At least they didn’t handcuff me. I sit down and take a shaky breath. I’m not going to give them anything. Not a damn word. As soon as they close the door I say, “I want a lawyer.”

  “Miss Hawthorne. There’s no need for a lawyer; we just want to ask you a few questions.” My eyes dart to theirs. They have to give me a lawyer, don’t they?

  “I want a lawyer,” I say without confidence. My heart beats louder in my chest. The weight of the situation comes down hard on my shoulders. I’m in the police station. Even if I don’t say anything, they’re going to know I was here. The familia will know. I close my eyes and for the first time in a long time I wonder if Vince will be able to save me.

  If I don’t say anything, they won’t be mad at me, right? They can’t blame me for being taken here against my will. I stand up quickly, and the chair tips over behind me. I look at each of them as though they’ve cornered me. “I want to leave!” My body heats, and anxiety overwhelms me. A man walks in. He’s bald with bushy eyebrows, but he doesn’t seem old. Maybe it’s his broad build. His eyes are sharp, and his teeth are perfectly straight and white. He gives me a tight smile as he takes a seat across the table. He places his badge on the table.

  “Hi there. Miss Hawthorne, I’m Detective Anderson, and I’ve been assigned to your case.”

  “Hello,” I answer back.

  “Try to calm down. We just have a few questions to ask, and then you can leave if you wish.”

  “We’d like to make you a deal,” one of the female officers says. I forget her name. She told it to me, but I forgot. It all seems like a blur. The other woman picks up my chair and motions for me to sit. I sit down calmly and put my hands on my thighs. I stare at the table.

  “We know you’ve been held against your will, Elle,” the sweet blonde who looks about my age says. It’s the first time she’s really spoken. She sounds kind and she puts her hands out for me to hold, but I don’t take it.

  “I can’t imagine everything you’ve been through. But we’re here to help,” she adds.

  “We know you were abducted by Vincent Valetti on Sunday, May 16th.” How do they know that? As if hearing my unspoken question, the blonde answers. “You were seen being forcefully pushed into the trunk of his car.”

  I feel shock first, then anger. I remember the unmarked white car I saw outside of my mother's place. They were watching me this entire time? Holy shit. They saw me being taken, and they did nothing!

  “We need you to answer a few questions for us, and then we’ll be able to give you a way out of this, Elle.” I look at the man as he speaks. That’s why. Bastards.

  As I stare between the three of them, all I can think is that I wish Vince was here.

  Rule two: I don’t remember a damn thing, and I don't know what anyone is talking about. “I want a lawyer.”


  “We got you, Vince. You want to give us your story now? You got anything you wanna work with?” Detective Anderson sits back in his seat with a smug look on his face. I’ve been sitting here for a good half hour, just biding my time while they make me sweat it out.

  I stare back at him with my mouth closed. I’m not saying a damn thing until my lawyer gets here. And then I’ll be thanking them for their time and walking the hell out of here.

  “Miss Hawthorne’s already given her statement. You’re going away for a long time Vince. The only way to ease up on your sentencing is to give us something. Something worth my while.”

  “Not saying a word.” Cops will lie, cheat, and steal to get a statement. It hurts that she sold me out. But she’s only got shit on me and no one else in the familia. And what do I care if I go away anyway? It’s not gonna be the same, not after her. Not with her leaving me. My jaw tics and my fists clench. I wonder what she told them. I wanna know what my sweetheart really thought about me. About everything we went through together.

  “She told us how you forced her into the trunk of your car and took her against her will.” Fuck! I feel a sharp pain in my chest, like he fucking stabbed me. I can’t believe she’d talk. Not my girl.

  Even knowing she sold me out, I don’t regret it. I love the way she made me feel. Even if everything that was real between us was only on my end. I can’t stand the hurt in my chest. I fucking loved her. I still do. Tears prick at my eyes. I really thought she loved me. What a fucking idiot I was. I push down my emotions. They still aren’t getting shit from me.

  He’s been babbling on with threats, but then he says something that rings clear in my ears. “She told us how you smacked her around and threatened her mother.”

  The tightness in my chest fades as his words sink in.

  I smirk at them. Fucking liars. They were doing real good, too. I thought they had me. My girl wouldn’t lie. I know she wouldn’t. And I never said a word about her mother.

  “You charging me with anything, officers?” I cock an eyebrow.

  “We’ll keep you in holding--” he starts threatening me, but I cut him off.

  “And piss off my Pops as a result? How’s that restraining order faring on your record, Detective Anderson?” He'd better not have upset Elle, either. She hasn’t been through this shit before, so I can’t imagine what she’s feeling. “You better being treating my sweetheart good too. If you threaten her with anything, I’ll make sure you lose your fucking badge.”

  Detective Anderson’s nostrils flare with anger, and he slams his fist on the table. He takes off and slams the door on his way out. I know they’ll keep me here for a bit longer. That’s fine. So long as she’s alright. My chest tightens with pain. The family knows she’s here, but they don’t know shit about her. A cold sweat breaks out on my forehead. I need to get to a phone. I need to get out of here. I start feeling fidgety, sitting in this chair. I’ve been at the station before, but I’ve never felt like this. Never felt the need to get the fuck out immediately. But knowing Elle will be out soon? Knowing they’ll be waiting for her? I need to get out.


  I walk down the driveway with my arms crossed and my hands gripping onto my shoulders. I didn’t have an address to tell them to drop me off at. I can’t go back to my mother’s, even if my name’s on the mortgage, I don’t want to be there. And I don’t know Vince’s address, even though I’ve been living there for the last two weeks. So I gave them the only address I had, which was Vince’s parents' house.

  I could run, I know that. I could go to a shelter and wait for the familia to eventually take me out. I could go into witness protection and give them everything I have on Vince. But I won’t. I don’t want to.

  The blonde officer looked at me with pity, while the brunette one like I was a fucking idiot. And maybe I am. I know I could go to a women's shelter. They tried to convince me that’s where I should be while I get back on my feet. But that’s not where I want to be. I want to be with Vince.

  Dante opens the door with an aggressive look directed at the cop car. He looks pissed and it takes me by surprise, but it’s not directed at me. Still, I struggle to breathe, and my gaze falls to the floor. Fuck, I knew I shouldn’t have come here. This was a mistake.

  I move to turn away and go anywhere other than here. I don’t care where, but his strong hand comes down on my shoulder, stopping me from leaving. “Come on in,” he says calmly. I look over my shoulder and see the female officers watching me. They look like they’re waiting to pounce.

  It’s my last chance to decide. I know it is. I can go inside and risk whatever plan the familia has for me, or I can turn around and take my chances with the witness protection program. I look up at Dante and ask him the only thing I want to know. “Is Vince here?”

  He gives me a tight smile as he answers, “Not yet.” As soon as I hear his answer I walk inside quickly, pushing my body against the do
orframe to get the fuck away from the cops. My arms are still wrapped tight around my shoulders.

  “Elle!” Linda yells from the dining room. She strides toward me and wraps her arms around me. “Are you alright, sweetheart?” she asks me, pushing the hair out of my face. A soft smile forms on my lips. Sweetheart.

  “I’m scared,” I answer honestly. I really am. My body starts to tremble.

  “It’s okay, we’ve got you now.” She pulls me in for a hug and gently pats my back. She doesn’t understand that that’s why I’m scared. I feel like a sheep that’s walked into a lion’s den. I open my eyes and see Anthony and Dante watching me closely, mumbling something to each other.

  Dante walks toward us, and I pull away from Linda. I give her a tight smile as Dante tells her to go upstairs. She says something to him, a protest of sorts, but I can’t hear. It’s like white noise in my ears. I turn toward the window and look outside, only to see the cop car leaving, driving away to leave me to this fate I’ve chosen.

  Dante stands next to me and puts a hand on my arm. “Come sit with me, Elle.” I look up at him and try to speak, but I can’t. The knot in my stomach grows larger and my skin turns to ice with fear. I nod since the words won’t come out.

  He leads me to his office. Anthony falls in line behind me. I'm convinced it’s a sentencing. I’m being led to my death. Tears leak out of the corners of my eyes as I sit in the chair in front of his desk. Dante’s quick to come to my side as I put my hands over my face and sob.

  “I swear I didn’t--” I try to speak, but a hiccup interrupts me.

  He shushes me and pats my back. “It’ll be alright, Elle. We’re just waiting for Vince.” Hearing his name helps calms me down. Vince will take care of me. He’ll protect me. I know he will.

  After a moment my breath evens out, and my head seems to clear. I feel tired and emotionally drained as well. “When will he be here?” I finally manage to ask.

  Dante searches my face for a moment, and I see Anthony sit in the chair on the far side of the room. “That depends on what you told them,” he finally says.

  “I didn’t tell them anything,” I answer back. A smile grows slowly on his face.

  “I believe you.” He sits at his desk and pulls out a bottle of some brown liquid. “Would you like a drink, Elle?”

  I scrunch up my nose. “I don’t like whiskey.” He laughs from deep in his chest.

  “Good thing this is bourbon then. I’m sure you could use a drink.” He pours three shots, and gives one to me as Anthony reaches for his.

  “Throw it back and I’ll get you a chaser.” He winks and tosses his shot back, so I do the same with mine. Ugh. It tastes awful.

  I put the glass on the table and look at him straight in the eyes. “The chaser?” I ask. I could really fucking use it. I want to lick my dress to get this taste out of my mouth, but then I’d have to lift the hem up to my face, and that wouldn’t be ladylike at all.

  Before Dante can answer, the door opens behind me and I turn in my seat to see who it is.

  “Vince!” I get up from the chair, knocking it into the desk and run into his arms. He holds me tight, and I melt into him. Everything is better now. I nuzzle into his arms. The heat from the liquor intensifies the warmth in my chest.

  I pull back and look up at him with wide eyes. “I didn’t--”

  He kisses me on the lips, cutting me off. He pulls back and a small grin pulls at his lips. “I know, sweetheart.”

  “Do they have anything?” I hear Anthony ask.

  “Nothing. They were reaching.” Vince answers over the top of my head. He leans down and gives me a peck on the lips. I grip him tighter, and he rubs my back in soothing strokes.

  “You did good, sweetheart. You did real good.” Hearing his praise makes my heart feel light. He holds me for a moment and then they start talking behind me. I try not to listen as I shut my eyes and just focus on how good he feels.

  “We need to get those MC bastards,” Vince says, and it makes my eyes pop open. I want to ask who they are. I want to know if they were the ones who shot at us. But I remember the rules. I turn in his arms and look to the door. I’m afraid to ask if I can leave. I shouldn’t be here listening. I know that much. But he pulls me into him, my back against his front, and he kisses my neck.

  “We got 'em waiting for you, Vince.” Anthony’s eyes travel to my face and then back to Vince. “We figured you would want to do the honors.”

  “Damn right I want the honors. All of them?” he asks.

  “Still looking for two of them.” Anthony answers in a tight voice. It makes my stomach churn. Judging by the look on his face, that’s really fucking bad. I try to ignore it all. I need to forget.

  His hands grip my hips and he leans in to talk to me in my ear, “Sweetheart, you stay here.”

  I turn around and plead with him, “No. Don’t leave me.” I don’t want him to go. I don’t want to be left here.

  “They put a hand on you, baby?” he asks me. “Who hurt you?”

  I gently shake my head. No one’s hurt me. “No one.”

  “That’s 'cause you’re mine.” He kisses me on the lips. “I’ll be back.”

  “Please, Vince. Just wait till I’m asleep. I need you.” His face softens and he leans down to kiss me.

  “I can do that, sweetheart.”

  “Good man,” Dante says from behind me. “Take care of your girl, and then you guys take care of that shit tonight.” Vince nods his head as Dante walks to the door and opens it. “Don’t be late for dinner tomorrow,” he adds before crossing through the door. Under his breath, he mumbles, “I gotta take care of your mother.”

  Vince smiles at his father and leads me to the door with his hand on the small of my back. “Let’s go home, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.”


  Both men stare back at me. Only two out of four, but I’m giving them the full treatment. I want to send a message. These are the bastards who opened fire on me. On my family. On my sweetheart. My fists clench in anger. They’re screaming through their gags. I wanted to make sure they were awake for what comes next. Tommy beat the shit out of one of them, and it was nearly 40 minutes before he woke up. It made it easier to tie his ass up to the truck though. The other one put up a fight, not that it was of much use against all of us. I stretch my jaw, feeling the slight bruise there from the shit punch he landed. I suppose if I knew I was going out, I’d fight like hell, too.

  “Any last words?” I ask, knowing they’re trying to say something. I don’t give a fuck though. They scream louder and fight the ropes that are chafing their skin.

  “You ready, boss?” Anthony asks, as he tosses the container into the bed of the truck. It smacks against the one guy's leg and I swear to God he shits himself at the touch. The whole front yard of the Locos Diablos MC club house smells like gasoline, so I just take a few steps back. I hope the two fuckers we didn’t find are in there right now or hiding somewhere watching. I want them to see this. I want them to know what’s going to happen to them.

  “Light it up.” I don’t turn my back as Tommy lights a match and tosses it at them.

  I stare at the flames as they rise higher and higher. Their screams get louder and louder. I know the cops will be here soon, and I need to get my ass out of here. The smoke will rise and someone will call it in. I gotta get out of here in case it explodes, too. Everyone on the streets will know, though. You don’t fuck with the Valettis. A chill runs through my body as I turn and get into the car. Tommy’s in the driver’s seat and Anthony’s in the back.

  “Am I taking you home, boss?”

  “Yeah.” I need to get home and feel her writhing under me. I’ll need her every night until I die.

  No one touches what’s mine. No one but me.


  I purse my lips as I look at the canvas. I set it up in the dining room so I’d get more natural light on it while I worked. There’s just too much darkness. It’s supposed to be a man’s l
ips on a woman’s neck, with his hand around her throat and her mouth parted. It was too realistic though, initially. I wanted to make it more abstract, so I added a black gradient to make them look like they were fading into it. But, I overdid it. I think I really fucked it up. I take a step back and put the brush on the easel as I take a deep breath in, and then out.

  “They’re going to love it, sweetheart,” Vince says from behind me, and I smile. I keep my eyes closed as his arm wraps around my waist and he kisses my neck, just like I knew he would. He holds me to him and I open my eyes. We both stare at the painting.

  “You think they’ll really like it?” It’s my first exhibit. The gallery next to Becca’s restaurant is featuring me in their exhibit. I’m scared shitless. Painting is a lot of fun, and relaxing as well, but I never thought it’d be a viable career. There’s so much risk and no stability. But Vince is right. It’s the next step for me. It’s been a few weeks since the shooting, and everything has finally calmed down. I’ve even gone out a few times with Becca. Vince didn’t like the idea at first, since there’s still something going on with the MCs, but he relented. I’m fairly certain him and Dom just sat outside of the restaurant every single time. I know they did at least once. Becca and I kinda of love it. How protective they are. The only place Vince has taken me is to family dinners and the gun range. I need to get out and do something. Thank God for Becca. I call her almost every day. She’s going to pop sometime soon. Having her as a friend really helped me to take painting seriously. She calls me an artist, but I haven’t earned that title yet.

  My vow to be more social could be going better. I was going to take my mother to her AA meeting. But when I showed up and found her drunk and heard her excuses… I stormed off and haven’t been back since. It wasn’t worth cussing her out. I’m tired of putting the energy into helping her. I really do want to try; I want to help her. But I can’t take her bullshit anymore.


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