This Beautiful Thing (Young Love Series)

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This Beautiful Thing (Young Love Series) Page 6

by Amanda Heath


  I tell myself that it wasn’t what it looked like. But I fail miserably. He was holding Claire’s hand out by the cafeteria. She had trailed her hand down his chest, a chest that I had slept on last night. I’m in a daze as I walk to my first class. I don’t know what to do or think at this point. I have no experience where guys are concerned.

  The class I am going to is my one and only art class. I pretty much took it for fun. I have always loved to paint and it’s something Caden and I do together. Have always done together. And that is exactly who I run into on my way in the door, my handsome brother.

  Jaden and Caden might be twins but the only thing they have in common are the features on their faces. Caden is blonde and has the same pale blue eyes of his mother. He is huge like Jaden but not as huge. Jaden works out like nonstop and Caden doesn’t. But when I run smack dab into him my nose still meets hard muscle under his shirt.

  “Wow Teag watch where you’re going will you?” he sets his hands on my shoulders to keep me from falling and that is when he sees my face. “What’s wrong?”

  I try and put my poker face on but Caden has this way of seeing into you like no one I have ever met. “Nothing, I swear.”

  “Yeah and I’m an only child. Spill.” He grabs my chin and pulls my face up so I will look him in the eyes.

  I take his hand off my face and place it on his black t-shirt. “Nothing I want to talk about, okay? Why don’t you mind your own business? Why are you all always in my business? I’m nineteen years old I’m not a freaking baby!” I shout at him.

  “What the fuck is your problem Teagan? Jesus talk to me. I know there is something wrong with you. And I will always be in your business. If you remember correctly I was the one who found you passed out on the bathroom floor. You can’t stress yourself out like this.”

  “You know I was ten years old when that happened? I’m grown now and I really don’t want you trying to baby me. I can take care of myself.” I push past him into the classroom knowing he won’t start in on me in front of all these people.

  I take my brushes out of my bag and start working on a landscape. I try not to feel Cade’s eyes on the back of my head but it is no use. He’s going to call dad and Sarah and there’s going to be a big deal over this. I wish they would realize that I’m not some little kid anymore who can’t handle anything. All I want to do is feel grown up but these assholes sure aren’t going to let me.

  I try to paint my frustration, but it doesn’t help. I’m not used to blowing up like that at anyone in my family and I’m definitely not used to the jealously. I kind of feel like my head is going to explode.


  I have always had a terrible temper. Sarah says I get it from my mom. She was a fiery woman and I guess my step mom is right. She used to get mad at the littlest things and throw huge tantrums. I can’t help it you push my buttons and I go off. As you have witnessed alcohol just makes it worse. That’s when I throw fists and get into trouble. When I’m sober I’m not violent but I like to yell and scream.

  I guess that is how I find myself standing beside Declan’s truck. I saw it after my last class and I saw red. I don’t know how he can say all those things to me and still be with Claire. I’ve never been played before and it doesn’t feel good at all.

  “Hey beautiful. This is a surprise.” He scares me out of my thoughts and I jump. “Whoa there I didn’t mean to scare you.” He is standing in front of me smiling his signature smile with dimples and all. And I can’t help but to think it’s all fake.

  “Are you still with Claire?” I ask looking into his eyes hoping I can tell if he’s lying.

  “What? No I’m not with Claire. I haven’t been with Claire in eight weeks.” He looks genuinely shocked that I have asked this. I guess he didn’t think I would find out seeing as Claire and I don’t run in the same circles.

  “Yeah you say that but I don’t think I believe you. I saw you holding her hand earlier near the cafeteria.” I feel my face flush and I’m trying not to scream bloody murder at him.

  “What the hell are you talking about? I wasn’t holding her hand. If you really want to know I was standing up for you. She came running at me screaming and throwing a fit calling you a whore.” He clinches his fists at his sides and locks his jaw. I can’t believe he is pissed I wasn’t the one touching another person when I’m dating someone else.

  “Yeah that sounds like a true story. She doesn’t even know who I am. I guess that makes it easy for you to play any girl you want. Well I’m not going to fall for it. Jaden told me you were a player.” I start to walk around him but he lightly grabs my wrist.

  “That is one thing I have never been nor will I ever be. I don’t miss around with other people’s feelings. I know all too well what that feels like. So you can take your beliefs and go on because I want nothing to do with them.” I stand there like a deer in head lights as he gets in his truck and drives away.


  After I’ve made it to my house and go inside I find myself at a loss. She makes me so crazy. I have never been that mad at a girl, except for earlier today with Claire. I feel like I want to punch a wall or break something expensive. I guess I can blame Jaden for this, since apparently I’m a player and didn’t even know it. I have been with a number of girls, but not once did I lead them on. I didn’t tell them things they wanted to hear just to get laid. I told them up front I just wanted sex.

  Now the only girl I have ever had feelings for thinks I was messing with her head. This blows big time. I don’t know where my head is at and that scares me.

  I’ve been pacing the plush white carpet in my bedroom for twenty minutes when my phone rings. My stomach starts to flutter thinking it is Teagan. Nope I couldn’t get that lucky. It’s her brother and my best friend. The person I am mad at the most and can’t even say anything to him.

  “What’s up man?” I ask into the phone.

  “Dude what happened with Claire today? I heard she went psycho on you at the cafeteria. And then she was coming on to you.” He questions excitedly.

  “She was calling a friend of mine a whore and then when I stood up to her she starting being her crazy self, saying it was hot or whatever.” I still can’t believe she was coming on to me like that either.

  “Ha I guess she likes it when you talk mean to her, figures that crazy bitch would get off on something like that.” He sighs.

  “Well I personally have always known she is crazy but her coming on to me like that was new. She had never done that before. Now I feel like I need ten hot showers to scrub off all the germs.”

  He busts out laughing and I want to strangle him. I have to talk like nothing is wrong. All I want to do is smooth things over with Teagan. I loved that little fit she threw, it was kind of hot. Teagan is a whole lot of woman packed into a little body.

  “She has some nerve calling somebody a whore. How many times did she cheat on you?” Jaden’s voice breaks me from my thoughts.

  “I don’t know man, but that is all in the past. I have bigger and better things to be doing then worry about her.” I run my hand over my head contemplating going to see Teagan.

  “Yeah you’re too good for that shit. Anyways I got to go, apparently my sister went off on Caden before art class today. Mom and dad are coming to take us out. I don’t know what the big deal is, Caden is a jerk and Teagan has an attitude to match. I don’t see how the two of them haven’t killed each other yet.”

  Before I know it my mouth starts speaking before my head can tell it to shut up. “That was probably my fault.” I smack my hand over my face before I spill any more of my secrets.

  “Why was it your fault?”

  “Uh I kind of sort of upset her before she went to class today.” I reply thinking fast. “I was still mad over what happened with Claire and she came to talk to me about finding that girl and I might have gotten snippy with her.” I cringe hoping that sounded true to his ears. Well it mostly is true except I didn’t
get snippy with her till later.

  “Wow you know how to piss off the girls today don’t you? Well I hope you can make up before Friday, I don’t want y’all ruining it with Grace.” He jokes. “Anyways I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Yeah later. “ I say before hanging up the phone.

  Well that was freaking close. In a way I’m happy that he called because I wouldn’t have been able to see Teagan tonight now if her parents are coming.

  I hear the door slam and Marcus yelling out my name. He doesn’t even wait for a reply he just runs up the stairs to my room. When I see him in the door way I raise an eyebrow from the bed.

  “Uh yeah Claire is outside.” He shakes his head before going on. “Yeah you just need to come see this.” He again doesn’t wait for me to reply but heads back the way he came.

  I jump up off my bed and head after him to see what the hell Claire wants now. I make it to the front door and step out. Boy, I wish I had stayed in the house.

  “What the fuck Claire?!?!” I yell violently at the stupid blonde.

  “I told you not to call me a bitch again.” She sneers from the lawn where she is standing next to my truck. Poor Betty. Not only did she slash the tires, she keyed whore all over it.

  I can’t believe that she destroyed my truck. Now I knew she was crazy but I thought as in a not violent way but this borders on stalker crazy. “I can’t believe that you destroyed my truck. Do you think that you are going to get away with it or something? How stupid are you?”

  She smirks but I have her now. “Oh I’m going to get away with it. I found out who your little girlfriend is. Teagan Harper. She’s Jaden’s little sister isn’t she? How would big brother like to know your screwing his sister?”

  And now she has me. “You wouldn’t dare tell him.” I sneer.

  “Oh sweetie I’ll tell him if you don’t keep your mouth shut. Don’t tell anyone I did this to your truck and never call me a bitch again and we are even.” She says as she walks up to me and pats my cheek.

  I grab her hand and squeeze hoping to get a little pain out of her. “Oh I’ll keep my mouth shut and never call you a bitch again. But you better stay the fuck away from me and her.”

  I guess the anger in my voice was enough for her. “Fine.”

  “Good now get the fuck out of my yard.”

  Chapter 10


  I should have known that Cade would open his big dumb mouth. He and Marie are the worst gossips. That’s how I find myself sitting in between the twins, my own personal unwanted body guards. I love them to death but I’m too old for this shit.

  I know you are thinking what I am. Panic attacks are not worth the over bearing people in my family. They aren’t life threatening, at least not anymore. I haven’t had a bad attack since I was thirteen and Kara Golden wrote slut all over my locker.

  “Now honey you’re going to have to talk to us. I don’t want you to get stressed out up here.” My dad states from across the table.

  “Well dad if you would get your two cavemen to back off, I won’t be so stressed.” I rub my fingers against my temple feeling a headache coming on.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Jaden asks from my left.

  “It means you moron that I want to be free. I can’t even talk to guys without you two trying to beat them up. I get that you love me and all but I’m not a little girl anymore.” I give them both an angry glare and sip on my soda.

  “You are a little girl Teag, you’re like five foot tall and a hundred and twenty pounds soaking wet” Cade says from my right where he is working on his steak.

  “Is that why you haven’t ever dated?” Sarah inquirers from next to dad.

  “Yes Sarah that is why I haven’t ever dated. These to think they own me and won’t let anything with a penis near me unless I’m related to them.” I cringe at my use of language. I need to keep better control of my mouth.

  “Teagan, watch what you say. That is not the language a lady should use.” She looks pointedly at me.

  “I’m sorry Sarah, it just slipped out.” She makes me feel smaller then I am. They all do. I’m so sick of the smothering.

  “It’s ok dear I understand.” She pauses and looks the twins over before continuing. “As for you two, let Teagan live her life. If she tells me again that y’all aren’t letting her date I will have both of your hides.”

  They both look like they got their favorite toys taken away. I smirk to myself “Thanks Sarah.”

  “Now wait just a minute dear, don’t you think she’s a little young to be dating?” my dad questions.

  “If you recall dad, Jessica and Marie were both in serious relationships by the time they were my age.” I give him a look. He knows that I’m right.

  “Well yes they were but…” he trails off.

  “They were what hon?” Sarah asks with the same look I have on my face.

  “Nothing dear.” He suddenly looks engrossed in his meal.

  “What I want to know Teagan is if you have had any more attacks?” Sarah probes.

  “No I haven’t had any attacks in months Sarah.” I all but snap at her. “See this is why I wanted to leave this state to go to school. I wouldn’t have all of y’all breathing down my neck. I’m in college for the love of god. I wish y’all would stop smothering me and let me makes my own mistakes.” I’m flushed red from anger at this point. There is only so much I can take before I start cussing one of them out.

  “Teagan Nicole Harper, you better watch your tone when you talk to your mother.” My dad says sternly from his side of the table.

  Okay that does it I’m beyond pissed now. “She isn’t my mother dad, as you well know.” I throw my fork down and kick Jaden until he lets me leave the table. I make my way out of the restaurant and pull my phone out the second I breathe in fresh air. I don’t really know who to call. Grace doesn’t have a car and I’m sure Declan is mad at me. But I call him anyway.

  After two rings he answers “Hey.”

  “Hey.” I pause taking a deep breath and push on. “Listen I know you are probably mad at me right now but I really need a ride. I’m sorry to ask you but you are the only one I can call who has a vehicle.” I hold my breath waiting on his answer.

  He doesn’t make me wait long. “Yeah I will come get you. I won’t be in my truck though; I had to put it in the shop.” There is a gap and then he starts talking again. “I’m on my way out the door. Where are you?” I tell him the restaurant’s name. “Okay I know where that is I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  I try to wait patiently but I keep thinking one of the four inside are going to come out and get me. After ten minutes he pulls up in a silver range rover. I open the door and start to climb in but I hear Jaden’s voice calling me. I hurry up and get in telling Declan “Go before he sees you.”

  I click on my seat belt as we are driving down the street. “Thank you so much for coming to get me. I really don’t want to walk all the way back to my dorm.”

  He tightens his hands on the steering wheel. I feel the tension in the car like a thick fog. “It’s okay.”

  “Look I’m sorry about earlier. I have a bad temper and I don’t think before I act.” I rush out. I would do anything right now to break the tension.

  He lets out a huff of air before nodding. And that is it. I guess I messed up my chances with him after all.

  We drive in awkward silence till we are in my dorm parking lot, where I mumble a goodbye and open the door. He reaches over and grabs my wrist before I make it out. I stop my retreat and look at him. “Look I’m sorry that I was a jerk earlier. I just have a lot going on and it upset me that you didn’t believe me.”

  I look down in embarrassment. “Yeah I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like I did. I haven’t ever dated before so I’m really new at this. I really like you and it might take me some time to be good at it.”

  “Look at me.” So I do. His chocolate eyes are sad and hurt and I want to take that away from him. �
�You’re already good at it. You didn’t even have to try to make me like you. I’ve never had that before either so I might suck it up a time or two. Claire and I are over and have been over for months. I want nothing to do with her. She is the reason my car is in the shop.”

  That surprises me. “What happened?”

  “She found out about you and me and keyed whore all over my truck and slashed the tires. She also said if I got her in trouble for it she would tell your brother. I went along with it only for the fact that the cops would get involved and it might bring my father home. I would rather not see him at all.”

  “What a crazy bitch. Why in the hell did you date her?”

  “I honestly don’t know. I guess I thought it was what was expected of me. I being the quarterback of the team and her being the head cheerleader. It was the stupidest thing I have ever done. That girl brought me nothing but misery for six whole years.”

  “Geez six years? Wow I would have dropped her on her ass at one day.”

  He lets out a breathy laugh. “Yeah but I didn’t have any strong feelings for her. I think I liked the easiness of it.”

  “Or you liked the easiness of her open legs.” I smack my hand over my mouth in shock

  He is looking at me like he has never seen me before. “I honestly like this sassy side of you I have seen today. It’s really hot.”

  “I’m so sorry that I said that. I need a filter between my brain and mouth.”

  “It’s ok baby. I like that you say what you want to say.”

  I give him a shy smile. “I never thought I would hear you call me baby again.”

  “You like it when I call you that?” he asks as he leans over the middle console.

  “Yeah I really like it.” I shiver as his lips reach mine


  As usual when we kiss our tongues are in a mating dance. I love the spicy sweet taste of her. Her lips are so soft against mine and I find my hands roaming up her arms, over her shoulders and into the hair at the back of her neck. It’s like in unconscious attempt to keep her there forever.


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