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Ember Page 5

by Madison Daniel

  “Here...let me try,” I said while reaching out my hand. He froze instantly, staring at my hands with this curious blank face. A smile escaped my mouth finally as I got my first look at the tangle he had made from his lunatic dancing.

  “You know I should just grab some scissors and start hacking away,” I said kidding but he didn’t move. He just kept staring at my hands. I already had a hold of the zipper and it was quickly heating up inside my palm. Not a lot though, just enough to soften the metal. I had to make this quick before the smell of burning hair got too strong. I pried the front of the zipper slightly open and jerked the wad of hair out as fast as I could. It only seemed to singe the ends slightly. He never wavered, never flinched; he just kept inspecting my hands. Even when a tiny string of smoke danced faintly off the zipper for a split second and faded away. I was sure he had seen this but he would not look away from my hands. It was starting to creep me out.

  My voice cracked with nerves. “There you go my friend. No problem.” His searching brown eyes finally rose and found mine and it was hard to read his expression. He looked as if he might be thinking really hard and that it might be a touch painful for him to be doing so.

  “The names Max,” I quickly threw out there and he cut me off.

  “You play guitar!” he shouted. Confusion filled my face and the rest of the office personnel seem to come to life as well.

  “You play music!” he shouted again and I couldn’t help but laugh. So I decided to have a little fun with him.

  “What gave it away? The concert tee I was wearing? The headphones I have sticking out of my ears?” I leaned into him a little. “Or was it the giant guitar I have strapped across my back?” I finished with a polite wink. He stood there pondering what to say for a moment.

  “Your fingers. I know an ax man’s fingers when I see them.” He was quickly and easily excited.

  “You any good?” he asked but before I could answer he kept up his inquisition. “Please tell me you’re good...please! My band needs a decent guitar player.” He reached for his drum sticks and began whipping them around in the air, above his head.

  “I play drums.”

  “Wow...really?” I said sarcastically.

  “Best on the island. My band ‘NEON CRUSH’ are a sonic explosion! I bet you’d fit right in,” he said as he spun the sticks between his fingers.

  “A band?” I asked.

  “Well, it’s just me and my friend Marcus...but we kick ass!” he boasted.

  The language was finally enough to get the office secretary involved. She walked up and broke into our conversation.

  “Mr. Kadooka, that will be enough of that language, thank you,” she sounded impatient. She turned her attention to me, with a polite smile.

  “And how may I assist you?”

  “I’m Max Valentine.” I handed her my registration papers. “I’m new.”

  “Mr. Valentine, welcome to our school. Your uncle said you would be joining us this semester.” She pulled a slip of paper from under the counter. “Here are your classes.”

  “You know my uncle? Wow, small world,” I grunted.

  “Everyone knows Frank,” she said with a big smile. “He’s what you call, good people,” she paused and then continued. “He was in here just last week preparing your enrollment. And if you don’t mind me saying...he was right.”

  “About what?” I asked.

  “Those are the biggest brown eyes I have ever seen.” She winked and from behind me I heard the drummer boy gasp with laughter and chuckle loudly. I turned red instantly.

  “Um...thanks...I think.” I shrank behind my dark bangs.

  “Relax Mr. Kadooka,” she scolded. “You have the privilege of showing Max and his eyes around today. Do you think you can handle it?” her tone turned negative.

  “As long as I keep my attention on the task at hand and not those big puppy dog eyes...” he smiled. “I should be fine!” He nudged me with his arm and my eyes rolled around my head in embarrassment. She did not seem to share his taste in humor and stared blankly at him.

  “No worries,” he smiled wildly and dragged me out of the office by my arm.

  Outside he stopped me and glanced at my guitar.

  “That sure is a beautiful instrument.” He extended his hand. “Kai Kadooka, thanks for the help with my pullover.”


  “New to the isle huh? Where you from?”

  “Southern California.”

  “Cool...I hear they have some of the best bands out there,” he gushed.

  “NEON CRUSH was it?” I asked and swung my guitar around into my hands. “So when are try outs?”

  “How about now?” he smiled. I strummed a couple chords to warm up. Instantly, I started to play the song that was popping from my ear buds that dangled at my shoulders. As soon as I did, he pulled his sticks out again and started clicking them against any surface he could find. First the wall, then some windows and finally some railing along the side walk. It startled me at first but it only took a second to realize that he was playing right along with me, and his technique was rather good. He knew the song as well as I did.

  “Ah, what the hell...” I said to myself and started to sing. Without the slightest hesitation he joined in and we sounded all right.

  “...When you’re on a golden sea...You don’t need no memory...Just a place to call your own...As we drift into the zone...” we both sang.

  We carried on like that for a couple minutes before I realized that we had already drawn a little crowd. To my surprise, the crowd seemed to be enjoying it. We came to the end of the song and the crowd cheered wildly and thunder rumble from somewhere in the distance.

  “That was phenomenal!” Kai screamed in triumph. I just nodded in agreement. That is how I became the newest member of NEON CRUSH. I wasn’t too crazy about the band name but it felt good to find a kindred spirit so soon. He shook a few hands and a few people greeted me with an “aloha.” Nervously I glanced down at the time on my mp3 player.

  “What’s next Max? You know any Smashing Pumpkins?”

  “Well, seeing as how we only have a few minutes until the first bell, can I have the two minute tour?” I slid my guitar back behind me.

  “You got it.” He grabbed my schedule and glanced over it for a moment.

  “Well, your first three classes are over there in that building.” He pointed north of the court yard. “And the rest are over there.” He pointed again in the opposite direction with a goofy smile.

  “Okay,” I was less then excited with his navigational skills and he could see the worry on my face.

  “Max my friend, I’ve got your back. You see, we have four out of six classes together...” He spun a stick around his fingers and slid it behind his ear. “Just follow me bro.”

  “Thanks Kai,” I said and then did just like he said, I followed his lead. Unfortunately, he led me right into my first complication. Right into the last person I expected to see.

  My temptress from the beach stood silently watching me. In the morning light she was even more breath taking. My feet stuttered below me and I almost walked into Kai as the world seemed to slow down again. Slow motion set in as the sun ran behind some building grey clouds and the campus filled with a cool shade. Thunder broke off from the clouds and I couldn’t breathe. Kai noticed immediately.

  “Earth to Max...come in Max...” he teased but I couldn’t hear a single word he was saying.

  She shifted her posture uncomfortably and her short black summer dress clung to each move she made. It seemed to move along her shape like the ocean had done. Her hair was blowing in the breeze that had suddenly filled the campus and it carried her scent right through me. Her eyes looked even bluer then I had remembered and they still were very angry with me. Kai smacked my shoulder and it took me a few seconds to realize that he was talking to me.

  “Ouch man...I have never seen her look at anyone like that,” Kai said stunned. “Well, at least not until they had
hit on her or teased her about her life style...” he stopped as the first drops fell from the sky but her gaze stayed locked on mine. Just like before at the beach.

  “Who is she?” I managed to squeak out. Kai looked back at me with half a smile.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he was coy. That brought me out of my daze a little. I looked at him confused.

  “What? Please. I need to know.”

  “Boy, it didn’t take you long, did it?” he joked. “Most guys make it at least a week before they fall for Asia.” Asia, her name was Asia. But that wasn’t enough, I needed more information. I stared at him trying not to lose my temper.

  “Asia,” I whispered and her face hid behind her falling curls of dark hair as if she heard me speak her name but that wasn’t possible. Was it?

  “Asia Lyn Michaels has broken enough hearts on the island that she’s become a legend. As notorious as any one of our major volcanoes,” he laughed proud of himself. I stood in complete silence.

  “Only more dangerous.”

  The thunder rumbled above and time seemed to speed up again. “You’re not making any sense Kai,” I snapped.

  “Trust me...she’s not right for you,” he said softly. “For any man...”

  “For any...” I started to ask when my attention slammed back into focus as I noticed the girl standing beside Asia. Standing beside her wasn’t the right way to put it though. It was more like standing with her. Together.

  Asia’s friend was small and petite, with short black hair. It was cut in an edgy bob and had bright blue streaks scratched through her bangs. The blue accentuated her big brown eyes that were full of worry. Piercings filled her lips and nose and she was dressed like a lost school girl from outer space. A shiny buttoned up top and plaid skirt with torn up leggings and combat boots. It was hard to tell under all her makeup but I was sure she already hated me. Her hand was locked around Asia’s and she was glaring at me through her blue bangs.

  The rain started peppering the ground and the kids that were gathered around started running for their classes but I couldn’t move. I was frozen again but this time it wasn’t because of Asia’s intense stare. It was because of the words I saw the little brunette say. I couldn’t hear them but I think I was able to read her lips.

  “Is that him?”

  My heart crashed inside my chest and the fear paralyzed me. I wasn’t sure if it was fear that she may have told someone my secret or the scary fact that Kai was right. I was 110% head over heels, infatuated with Asia Lyn Michaels. Asia glared at me harder when her small friend asked the question and then she turned away from me and pulled her away quickly. I took a step forward before stopping myself. The two girls ran to the parking lot and Asia hopped in her Jeep. Her eyes found mine again and the thunder crackled all around. The tiny brunette leaned in and kissed Asia quickly on the lips, but Asia never took her eyes off of my confused stare.

  “Whoa!” Kai exclaimed.

  “What in the blue hell is going on?” I asked him.

  “Parts is parts my friend...” he chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders. I felt my inner heat build.

  “And you are carrying the wrong ones if you want to take that ride bro,” he teased. “If you catch my drift?”

  “You mean she’s a les...”

  The thunder cut me off as her Jeep pulled away, leaving the little brunette standing in the drizzling rain.

  “That’s no man’s land my friend,” Kai laughed. The first bell rang and he shook his head at me.

  “Come on lover boy.” He gave me a good shove in the opposite direction. I lunged forward still lost in confusion.

  “I’ll explain everything in first period.”


  ~Dig: Incubus~

  First period – Algebra II – 8:36 a.m.

  Class started with a bang as I found myself at the front of the classroom, with twenty pairs of eyes watching my every move. The teacher, Mr. Holgate, sat patiently at his desk, waiting for me to begin my introduction but I was still reeling from my close encounter of the female kind. Kai shot me a glance followed by a thumbs up as I quickly gave everyone a short background about myself. You know, the usual, where I was from, last school I attended…I was on auto pilot.

  My speech only lasted two minutes but it felt like an eternity, and I couldn’t remember a single thing I had said. The hundred questions I had for Kai clouded every waking thought I had. Walking toward my desk, I could tell that he knew exactly what I was thinking about. He grinned at me as I sat down next to his desk and the teacher began his lesson.

  “Hope this helps Romeo,” Kai said as he handed me a folded piece of paper. I took it and mockingly laughed silently. I quickly unfolded it and found his hand writing almost illegible. It read…

  “She’s a rich and spoiled drop out who would rather surf and shop, than study. Everyone around her seems to get hurt or worse. Some say she is CURSED. Her “friend” is Lucy Zhang: a Chinese art student who hardly talks to anyone but Asia. They grew up together and are as close as…well, you saw them. You helped me out this morning, now it’s my turn…leave her alone. You saw the way she was looking at you...Just give up bro!”

  I was officially losing my temper now and my palms started to heat around the edges of the paper. I crumbled it slightly in my hands and leaned into Kai.

  “What the hell does this mean?” I whispered.

  “I can tell you’re a good guy Max…you don’t need that walking tragedy,” he whispered back. My eyes pulled tight and he continued.

  “We’ve got all year to find you a girl.”

  “That’s not what this is about Kai,” I said a little louder than I should have and the teacher turned a disapproving glance our way. A moment passed and Kai leaned in closer.

  “She’s out of your league bro.”

  My temper grabbed a hold of my better judgment and I started smoothing out the crinkled paper.

  “Oh yeah?” I questioned under my breath and quickly scribbled on the paper and handed it back to him. He opened it with a wry smile and it faded slowly, leaving only a confused, hurt look.


  I waited for him to get angry but he didn’t. He just frowned and shook his head a little. My anger turned to guilt. I wasn’t upset with him, so I shouldn’t be taking it out on him. Besides, I was the new kid on the island; he understood how things worked around here, not me. I was being an arrogant jerk.

  “Look Kai, this isn’t some silly crush…” I started to say but stopped when I realized maybe that was all this was. First day of school crush.

  “It’s all good friend,” he said as his smile returned.

  “When do I get to meet the rest of the band?” I asked lightening the mood.

  “Soon.” He smiled and shook my hand and like that we were good again. I sat back and let the remaining hour tick away but couldn’t stop thinking of the way Asia had looked at me. It was crazy, just by seeing her again my cage was completely rattled. Kai could tell I was still dwelling on the morning’s events but he let it be and never brought it up.

  The class ended and we gathered our gear and headed out to the hallway.

  “It looks like you’re gonna have to go solo in your next class.” He patted my back. “But I’ll make sure you get there in one piece,” he joked.

  “And I thought chivalry was dead.”

  As we walked down the hallway I caught a quick glimpse of Lucy. She was watching me closely and chewing on her hair. When she saw me find her stare she vanished into the crowd. My thoughts swirled around the mysterious Asia again.

  “You said something about Asia being cursed. What did you mean by that?” I asked. Kai looked at me curiously.

  “You don’t want to hear this. It’s a long story.”

  “Sure I do. I know we don’t have much time before next class, but give me the short version.”

  “It’s kinda dumb but Hawaii h
as these stories…more like superstitions. They’re very old, you know, like folk lore and that kind of stuff.” He shifted his books around in his arms.

  “Well, one of those old stories talks about the balance.”

  “The balance?” I asked puzzled.

  “Yeah, the life force that helped create the islands. All the elders talk about it, the first inhabitants…our ancestors. If you abuse the land, the life force will eventually return the favor.” He stopped me with a cautious hand and looked at me seriously.

  “Asia’s great, great, great grand folks did many things to the land in pursuit of the all mighty dollar. And it worked…maybe too well. Many of the locals hate her family for what they had done in the past and they probably always will.” He winked.

  The bell rang through the halls, signaling the start of second period and Kai looked at his watch and scratched his head.

  “So what does all that mean?”

  “Gotta make this quick bro…I don’t wanna start the year off with a tardy my first day. I usually save that for the second week of school,” he laughed. “Anyways, the story is that the spirits of the island made good on the legend and the Michaels fam started dropping like flies as soon as she was born,” he made a serious face and finished.

  “Some say that’s what happened to her parents. She turned eighteen and BAM! They vanished like ghosts.”

  “Ghosts,” I said annoyed.

  “That’s when her inheritance kicked in…and man was it a lot of deniro!” He stood there waiting on my reaction but I wasn’t sure what to say. I opened my mouth to say something when we were suddenly interrupted by my second period teacher, Ms. Snyder.

  “Excuse me boys but you have thirty-seconds to find your seats,” she said snotty. With that said Kai bolted down the hall for his classroom and I turned to walk in the Biology room. At the last second, in mid sprint, with his messy ponytail bobbing around his head he shouted out.


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