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Ember Page 16

by Madison Daniel

  “I didn’t say that,” she said cryptically.

  “Then why so mysterious?” I felt stupid for begging but I was powerless to this spell she was weaving around me. Her eyes looked through mine and she said nothing. I felt my confidence falling away again as my stare turned to a worried glance. She inhaled a deep breath and walked away from me once again. When she reached my doorway she slyly looked at me over her shoulder. The thunder crashed loudly behind me as her face filled with a smile.

  “May the best girl win!” her voice was soft but you could feel the intensity in her tone. Time slowed and we stared at each other just like the first time we saw each other on the beach. My room filled with electricity, mentally pulling me toward her. Her body was covered in goose bumps.

  “Miss you much!” she giggled. That made me smile and she disappeared around my door for a second time. The rain fell even harder, making Oz more nervous by the second.

  I walked to my bedroom window and opened it slowly, letting the rain wash over my face and chest. The breeze blew wildly throughout my room as her smell filled my head. The rain slowly faded as she jogged away down my street. I followed her bouncing shadow until the darkness over took her but I could still smell her signature scent. Oz bounced up to the window and shoved his nose upwards in the air. He sniffed twice and his tail wagged furiously as a tiny growl escaped his muzzle.

  Looking down at him, I scratched the top of his head and he let out a single bark. “Yeah…I agree big guy.”

  Leaning back on my bed, I let a long stress relieving sigh out of my chest. Steam billowed from my mouth as if I took a long drag from a cigarette. Oz watched carefully and then snuggled under my arm. As we both lay, there the rain faded back to nothing. My eyes closed as I relived the nights better moments. Sleep almost gripped me but my hand slid over something cold and smooth.

  I pulled the new mp3 player to my face and clicked it on. As I scrolled through the music playlists I found the one Asia had mentioned. It was titled “FOR MAX…” I placed the ear buds in my ears and clicked play. The music filled my head and instantly soothed my tired eyes. The playlist was filled with slow, mid tempo songs about sexy encounters and different kinds of environments. Beaches, sunsets, rainstorms and other exotic locales.

  I slowly fell asleep and my dreams filled my head instantly. I spent half the night chasing Asia along an endless beach with the waves crashing all around us. I spent the other half watching my sister fall away from my hands over and over again. But instead of falling into the blackness, she fell into Sam’s arms.

  They say your dreams are a mirror image of your soul. If that were true, than I was in big trouble. I was falling in love with two women and I could not stop it, no matter how hard I fought it.

  “…Who do you love?...Girl, I see through your love…Who do you love?...Me or the thought of me…”

  Trial by Fire_18

  ~Beast Of Burden: The Rolling Stones~

  Saturday morning – 10:39 a.m. – August 26th.

  I was so angry that I thought I could send a fireball screaming down from the heavens on top of my uncle’s house and crack a smile while I did it. At least that’s how I felt when he first mentioned ‘the barbecue.’ An early dinner party he had decided to throw for me and my newest friends. And which two friends had he put at the top of the invitation list? Two lovely individuals who have made my life extra complicated lately.

  “Max you’re acting like a two year old,” Frank scolded as he began scraping the grill.

  “I just don’t like surprises uncle and this one’s a doozy.” I did sound like a two year old.

  “It’s just my buddy Tim and his family…” he shrugged. “And your buddies from the band.” He knew I would lose this battle.

  “And Sam!” I pouted.

  “Well, she is Tim’s daughter. Besides, I thought you two were hitting it off quite nicely?” he asked with a wink.

  “Too nicely,” I said under my breath. He looked at me with a puzzled face.

  “So if you understand that Sam will be here, then why would you invite Asia?” I asked way too dramatic.

  “Because she’s important to you,” he said point blank and I was stunned. “And if she’s important to you, then I need to know why that is.”

  “Oh.” I still felt blindsided.

  “Max, you are one of the smartest kids I have ever known but you can’t have your cake and eat it too,” he offered wisely. So there it was…the truth. This dinner was about making a choice.

  “That’s not what I’m doing uncle.” I sounded calmer now. “I’m just so confused. I feel like I’m being torn in two different directions.”

  He nodded as if he completely understood, “I see.”

  “And I think I’m enjoying it on some demented level.” My hands filled with sweat.

  “There are worst problems to have in this crazy world than having two beautiful women chasing you,” he laughed. “But you know that already.”

  “You’re right.” He always was.

  “Here’s what I purpose. We have some laughs, some good food and let things be.” His hand fell onto my shoulder.

  “You never know, you just might have a good time son.” He was so sure of himself but all I could imagine was the two girls…my two girls; at each other’s throats and hating me by the end of the night.

  “Promise me you will give Asia a fair shot,” I said. He hugged me lightly and walked to the living room. Music began to pour from the opened windows of the house. Frank strutted back outside to the beat of the music. More golden oldies classic rock.

  “And promise me I can pick out the music for the party. Please,” I begged over the music.

  “Deal. But you can only pick from my collection,” he teased as he danced behind me singing along. I groaned and started cleaning off the patio.

  “Collection? You only have three albums!” I yelled over his broken singing. “And you’ve had them since you were my age.”

  “That’s right…and one day, that collection will be yours.” His chest filled with a hearty laugh. I couldn’t help but laugh too.

  The morning blurred into lunch and the afternoon barbecue was approaching much too fast. I was starting to become scatter brained as the tension filled my body and mind. Frank noticed my building stress with a smile.

  “You don’t look so hot,” Frank said with a wink.

  “Funny.” Man did he need some new jokes. Secretly though, I loved his sense of humor, even when it was at my expense.

  “Here.” He tossed me the keys to the truck. “Get out of here for a few. I need some more ice for the drinks anyways.” Driving to the market was the last thing I wanted to do at the moment but he was right, I needed to clear my head.

  “Okay…I’ll be back.” As I walked out the front door to the truck, his singing grew louder. I just shook my head with a smile and climbed in the truck.

  2:03 p.m.

  Sam and her parents arrived early with giant smiles and handfuls of food. Sam’s mother was small like her with the same golden blonde hair. Her father was much taller with the familiar green eyes Sam was known for. Frank greeted them with open arms and his best smile.

  “Tim, Rebecca, I am so happy you made it,” he said offering them hugs before he turned his attention to Sam.

  “Good to see you again Samantha.” His smile almost jumped off his face.

  “You too Frank,” she smiled as she quickly surveyed the house.

  “Max will be here shortly.” That calmed her curiosity. “I sent him for some more ice. He should be back any minute.” He winked at Sam. He then pulled a white and pink hibiscus from behind his back.

  “Max wanted you to have this.” He slid it into her hair, just above her left ear. Sam looked at her parents and blushed a little.

  “Thank you,” she said shyly.

  “Oh, I almost forgot the pies. Samantha will you grab them for us sweetheart?” her dad asked.

  “I’m on it,” she chirped and walked out
side. Frank invited them to have a seat in the living room. She enjoyed watching her parents around Frank. He always seemed to bring the best out of them. But her smile faded quickly as she walked up to her parent’s car. Asia’s Jeep bounced around the corner and into the driveway.

  Asia stepped from the truck dressed in a designer black dress. She tilted her tall frame on matching black heels that slithered around her ankles. She looked as if she were dressed for a night out on the town and not a simple family barbecue. Sam glanced down at herself and questioned whether her little green and white summer dress could possibly be enough to capture my attention now. But she was perfectly confident in her attire and squashed any doubts right then and there. Quickly she popped open the car door and leaned in, grabbing two warm pies. As she set them on the roof of the sedan, she was annoyed to discover Asia standing over her. They stared at each other intensely.

  “Tonight’s going to be fun,” Asia spoke with arrogance. Sam tried her best to keep her cool.

  “Hello Asia…that’s quite a dress.” She bit her tongue and continued cautiously. Asia only looked down at her oddly.

  “You look…sweet,” she mocked her. Sam let the comment roll off her shoulders.

  “Max isn’t here yet but he’ll be back soon,” she smiled confidently. Asia returned the same smile and Sam found her tolerance breaking a little.

  “Good,” Asia said.

  “I just thought you’d want to know,” Sam said as she grabbed a pie in each hand.

  “Dessert?” Asia asked. Sam laughed a little.

  “You mean you didn’t bring anything?” She was trying to get a rise out of Asia and it was working.

  “That’s kind of rude,” Sam continued. Her nose scrunched up as if something smelled bad. “Oh well…” she finished. Asia looked at the pies and back at her expensive dress and then back to Sam.

  “I guess I was too worried about looking nice for Max and his uncle. I should have put more thought into the little stuff.” Asia sounded sincere and Sam found that very awkward.

  “Look Asia, I’m not here to be a thorn in your side.” She didn’t want to be this open with her but it was just the way she was raised.

  “I care for Max…a lot.” She waited for a reaction from Asia. Thunder shook from behind them as Asia shifted uncomfortably in her expensive shoes.

  “I suppose we are not that different,” Asia sighed as she crossed her arms. “Truce?” She asked Sam politely. Sam took a moment and thought about it. She searched Asia’s eyes for any sign of deceit but found none.

  “Truce. For Max,” she managed a small smile.

  “For Max,” Asia nodded in agreement. They both walked to the front door unsure of the other. Asia began to open the door and Sam stopped her and handed her one of the pies. Asia looked at her confused but appreciative. Slow and steady they both made their way through the door.

  A few minutes later I found myself frozen with fear. I sat in the front seat of the truck with my hands tightly gripping the wheel. I could feel my hands burning already. I couldn’t even move when the front windshield fogged over from my steam.

  “Get a grip Max,” I told myself. What’s the worst that might go wrong tonight? Like an enema to the brain, a thousand images raced through my skull. Not a single one of them good.

  “Enough of this,” I scolded. It was time to pull it together. Just breathe. I inhaled deeply and stepped from the truck. Storm clouds were rolling closer toward the house but they felt calm. I grabbed the four bags of ice, two in each fist. This was probably my last chance to run but my feet kept pushing me forward. I felt as if a fever had broken all over my body. Even the cool breeze from the nearby storm wasn’t helping.

  “Just breathe,” I whispered. From behind the door I could hear people laughing. My confidence fell away and I turned to run when Oz came running from around the corner of the house. He was barking with vigor and his little tail spun as if he might take flight.

  “Shhh little man!” I gritted my teeth. To which he proceeded to bark louder and run around me in a happy little dance. With a hearty laugh my uncle opened the door and waved me in.

  “There he is. Come on in son.” He tugged me through the door by my shoulders. I didn’t think my feet would work but I managed to stumble in somehow.

  “You’re just in time! Asia has us all in stitches with stories from her many family vacations around the world,” Frank cheered. Family vacations? In what parallel universe did I walk into? I was floored by the sight before me. Asia and Sam were sitting next to each other on the couch, with drinks in hand. Both girls were wearing a single white flower behind their left ear and the craziest thing was that they both looked…happy. Sam’s parents sat enjoying themselves and offered me a kind glance. I found myself speechless yet again.

  “Aloha Max,” Sam said smiling nervously. I returned a crooked half smile. Asia tilted her head with a seductive glance and my hands warmed aggressively. Say something Max; just don’t stand here like a mannequin. I raised my hands up in front of me with my eyes half closed.

  “I got ice.” That was all I could spit out. Unexpectedly the entire room erupted in laughter.

  “Where’s the ice Max?” Tim asked with a grin. I focused my eyes on the four bags in front of me and a wave of embarrassment washed over me. I was standing like a scarecrow with four fresh bags of water. They had been fresh bags of ice only moments ago. Frank shot me a silly look, as if he knew exactly what had happened. He mouthed the words “it’s okay” but I still felt humiliated. The girls looked at each other, both realizing the other knew my secret. This angered Asia slightly but Sam didn’t seem bothered at all. I on the other hand wanted to climb back under my covers and start this magical day over.

  Frank came to my rescue and guided me to the kitchen, trying his hardest not to laugh.

  “That was fun,” he said grabbing the bags of water from my still warm hands. The room felt sticky with heat.

  “Those two have really got you turned inside out, don’t they?” he asked quietly. I shrugged and threw my head back, signaling that I had given up.

  “I guess.” I tried not to sound like he was 100% right, but it was obvious that he knew better.

  “Now this afternoon is going to be fun,” he promised.

  “What do I do uncle?” I was desperate. He enjoyed how much I was squirming and quickly tossed me a stack of raw meat.

  “Nothing…make them come to you.”

  Staring at the pile of meat in my hands, “What?”

  “You start those up for me.” He pointed to the grill. “I won’t be able to get that one burner lit without you.” I stared at him with wide eyes. “Trust me. You just be yourself and let the girls make the first move. You’ll know where to go from there.”

  “And what if they don’t make the first move?” I felt silly even asking.

  “Well then…I guess you are not as irresistible as you think you are my boy.” A giant laugh exploded from his gut as he spun me around and with a hefty shove, he sent me toward the side patio.

  I quickly lit the defective burner, making sure no one was watching and started tossing slabs of meat on the sizzling grill. I almost had all of them on when Kai and Marcus slipped through the back gate.

  “Hey guys!” I waved the spatula at them furiously.

  “Aloha!” Marcus called out.

  “Aloha my brother,” Kai added.

  “Thank god you guys are here, I need some back up.” They looked at each other and then back to me.

  “Back up?” Kai asked.

  “I got your back. What’s the situation?” Marcus asked. At that precise moment, Asia and Sam strolled out on the patio. A resounding gulp could be heard from both of their throats as they fell still.

  “Exactly,” I whispered and they both shot me a nervous grin. In a matter of seconds they had found the situation just as funny as Frank had. What were friends for I thought sarcastically?

  Then from Sam’s hands I heard a familiar clicking n
oise. I recognized the sound of her camera immediately as she quickly snapped a few shots of us silly boys. Asia found this annoying and set her drink down and pushed her frame past Sam, slithering up next to me. Kai and Marcus offered her a polite hello before retreating to the kitchen. As they passed Sam, Kai extended a sweet hello and a hug.

  “I hope you caught my good side?” he joked as he continued past her. She smiled but never took her eyes off of Asia and I.

  “You don’t have a good side!” Marcus called from the kitchen door. They disappeared in the kitchen and my nerves filled my stomach. So much for my backup.

  “It’s all right Max,” Asia said caressing my heated cheek. “We’ve decided to play nice this afternoon.” Sincerity poured from her voice as her eyes met Sam’s. Sam only nodded in agreement and lifted her camera toward her eye.

  “Say cheeseburger!” she sounded soft but it was painfully clear that she didn’t enjoy Asia that close to me. Asia leaned into me as if we were two long lost puzzle pieces finally pushed back together. And I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel absolutely amazing. Her smell washed over me and my chest began to heat up. I needed to concentrate to keep my mind off the desire to taste her lips again. The thunderclouds rumbled in agreement with my thoughts as Sam snapped a couple more shots.

  “All right,” I said nervously pulling away from Asia and focusing my attention back to the grill. A glimmer of light flickered in Sam’s eyes when I did and she walked up and kissed me gently on the cheek. Asia ran her fingers through her dark curls and rain started to fall from the sky. Sam quickly covered her camera and I gave Asia a disapproving stare.

  “I better get this out of the rain. I’ll be right back.” Sam slipped away into the kitchen and the rain stopped.

  “That’s not fair Asia,” I said pointing to the darkening sky. She smiled and shrugged.

  “Can you try and ease up on the waterworks? At least for my uncle’s sake, he’s got big hopes for this dinner,” I pleaded.


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