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Ember Page 22

by Madison Daniel

  No one talked to them much, at least not while I was around but they did get their fair share of stares and glares. Those stares and glares were taking their toll on me also. My sanity was at a breaking point when we had finally sat down at lunch and started jamming. Half way through our first song Kai stopped playing and asked me if I was okay.

  “I guess,” I said.

  “You shouldn’t be stressing yourself out like this Max,” he smiled. I just ignored him and found Lucy walking on the other side of the yard.

  “I’ll be right back guys,” I said standing up. The two kept playing as I walked off in the direction of Lucy.

  Now I had no idea why I was seeking her out, I just did it. Even as I approached her I hadn’t the slightest idea what I was going to say.

  “Hi Lucy.” I was nervous and she watched my hands as I spoke. That made me nervous so I slid my hands into my back pockets and continued. “I wanted to say thank you.”

  “Why?” She was surprised.

  “For the other day, when you called Asia.” I chose my words carefully. “If she hadn’t shown up…” I traveled off. I wasn’t sure how much she knew about my abilities.

  “She calms you doesn’t she?” she said point blank. I was shocked and had to remove my chin from the floor. “You two balance each other out.”

  “What has she told you Lucy?” I asked with my fingers crossed.

  “Everything.” My stomach sank. She smiled at my obvious discomfort.

  “We’ve always been as close as sisters. Most people took that as something else but we really never cared what other people thought,” her voice was sharp. “We love each other. That’s all that ever mattered to me,” she searched my eyes.

  “Oh.” I couldn’t find any more words.

  “I won’t say anything about what I know Max. Only because she made me promise not to,” she chose her next words carefully.

  “But that doesn’t make us friends.” Her face fell hard on mine.

  “I wasn’t trying to…” I started to say before she stepped forward.

  “She may present herself as very strong Max but she is exactly the opposite. She is so fragile…so breakable.” She began to cry. “And now you are in the position to do the most damage.”

  “I’m sorry.” I wasn’t sure why I apologized, it just came out. Lucy wiped her eyes, smearing her heavy makeup in the process.

  “I don’t like that!” she grumbled.

  “I know this won’t make you feel any better but I do love her.” She stepped backwards from my words. “So much that it scares me sometimes.”

  “Me too Max…me too,” she sulked. I felt terrible now and wanted to run in the opposite direction. Maybe if I changed the subject…

  “I hope to see you at the concert Friday night.” I wasn’t sure if I really meant that but for some reason I wanted her to like me. She shrugged her shoulders in indecision and turned to walk away. Just before I turned away too, her eyes locked onto me from behind those bright blue bangs.

  “And the blonde?” she cursed. I froze with my legs ready to buckle and she nodded.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  4:01 p.m.

  After school I found myself in Kai’s garage in a daze. Asia was by my side again and she could tell that something was bothering me. She never asked me what was wrong; she just gave me my space but seemed to be dissecting every word that I would say, which wasn’t very many in the mood I was in.

  “Give me a minute guys,” I said setting my guitar down.

  “No prob,” Marcus sang into the microphone in front of him.

  “Good…I could use a drink anyways,” Kai said as he headed for his house. “Anyone else need something to drink?”

  “We’re fine.” She answered for both of us without even the slightest glance his way. Kai smiled and waved for Marcus to follow. He did quickly.

  “Asia can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” her voice was as sweet as her smell.

  “Are you happy?” The thunder grumbled far away. “I mean…are you happy with me?” I asked and a single slice of lightning flashed above us.

  “Take it easy,” I warned.

  “Why would you ask me that Max?”

  “I don’t know,” I was lying.

  “Yes, you do.” She was upset now.

  “Because of your actions,” I spit out bluntly. “One minute you’re by my side and I feel safe and complete and the next minute you’re gone and you show up when it’s right for you,” I yelled. Her brow creased with frustration.

  “You’re questioning my feelings for you?” she was furious.

  “No, not at all.” I turned from her angry stare.

  “Asia, our time together has been the best and when we hold each other and kiss each other…” I turned back to her hurt face. “My heart screams.”

  My warming hand found her soft cheek. “But I think I need more than that.”

  “What more is there than the way we are together?” she asked worried and the rain fell with full drops. It soaked us both in seconds.

  “I think I need you to tell me. I need you to say it.” Her eyes stared at mine. “I know the way I feel for you and I know the way you feel for me. Even if you won’t let yourself say it.” I pulled her against me and inhaled the deepest of breaths.

  “I love you Asia.” There, I said it. No turning back now. “I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you.”

  “At the beach,” she whispered a little dazed.

  “No, the morning I first arrived, when you almost ran me over with your Jeep.” I smiled but she only looked more upset. So much for being honest.

  “Max, I’m not good at this,” she said coldly and pulled herself away.

  “Yes, you are!” I said upset. It had been a stressful week and it wasn’t going to take much to light my fuse.

  “Why won’t you tell me how I make you feel?” I shouted over the crackling rain.

  “Max you know I hate being pushed!” she warned and the storm overhead backed up her every word.

  “Tough!” I spit out. That was a bad idea. She stormed off toward her truck and the rain fell even harder. As she started the engine up my anger got the best of me.

  “Fine! Leave!” I screamed with a smile. She paused for a moment behind the wheel as her eyes filled with tears. She scratched them away and then she was gone. I dragged my angry feet back to the garage.

  “Love huh?” Kai asked from behind me. Marcus was at his side too.

  “Ain’t it a bitch?” Marcus chuckled and handed me a bottle of water.

  “How much of that did you guys hear?” I asked taking a sip from the bottle.

  “Too much,” Marcus smiled.

  “Oh.” I leaned against my amp that she had bought me.

  “You’re screwed,” Kai teased. He smiled and clinked his bottle against mine, making a little chime sound with his mouth.

  “I know.”

  ~After Tonight: Justin Nozuka~

  Kai drove me home later and I cleaned up and settled into my room. Just Oz and I. I was happy to be alone again. I took out my cell and dialed Sam’s number again. It went directly to her voicemail without even ringing. That was a good sign that she was officially done with Max Valentine. I leaned over and patted Oz’s head, letting out a giant sigh. The rain pounded against my house until I fell asleep.

  Friday after school – 3:35 p.m. – September 1st.

  The excitement of the upcoming show had my day fly by restlessly. Sam had officially taken the whole week off and was nowhere to be seen. That’s good though because I had no idea what I would say to her if I saw her anyways. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to talk to her anymore.

  The four horsemen were back together today. Brian, Jason and the Hansen twins were trying their best to pick up where they left off but you could tell it was hard for them without their fearless leader, Devon. Eddie, the twin I had lost my temper with and slammed against the truck, looked bad. His chest was
wrapped up, along with his arms and hands. He tried to cover his torso with clothing but by now everyone in school knew he was anything but okay. I only saw him for a moment but I was surprised he came to school as bad as he was.

  Most of the gossip today was about the show tonight and if there might be some form of retaliation from the horsemen. By the way they were keeping their distance I wasn’t too worried. That only left my nerves about performing tonight. As I made my way to the parking lot Asia pulled in quickly and her Jeep looked different. She had attached the trucks soft top on; it was as black as the rest of the truck. I found that strange because she seemed to enjoy the wind through her hair. I opened the door and slid my body inside and she greeted me with a kiss.

  “Hey sexy,” she cooed.

  “You talking to me again,” I snapped annoyed. She deflected my anger with a shy smile.

  “No more fighting. Let’s start over.” Her tone was demanding. I pouted and looked around silently.

  “What’s with the Jeep top?”

  “Just trying something different,” she smiled. I glanced behind me and noticed half dozen shopping bags.

  “You’ve been busy I see.”

  “Just a few things for the show tonight,” she said biting her lip. I found my eyes trapped in hers.

  “And for later.” Her eyes sparkled as the wind picked up. She was forgiven.

  In my room I found myself spending more time flirting with Asia than preparing for the show. I just couldn’t resist her velvet soft lips and cooling embrace. After a few hours of play we were interrupted by my uncle. He gently tapped on my bedroom door.

  “Hey Max…got a minute?” he asked and offered Asia a polite smile. “Hello Ms. Michaels.”

  “Please, call me Asia,” she demanded in her softest tone. “I’ll start getting ready,” she said as she stood up with a few of the designer bags in her hands. She blew me a kiss and slithered past my uncle.

  “I need to talk to you son,” he said serious. My cell phone rang and I hesitated before answering it.

  “Go ahead. I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”

  “Okay uncle.” I looked down at the incoming number and froze. It was Sam. I slowly brought the phone to my ear and answered it. “Sam?”

  “Max…” she was very quiet. “Can we talk?”

  “Now is not the best time. I have a gig tonight.” It was still hours away but I was stalling. I didn’t want to have this conversation, especially with Asia in the next room.

  “Maybe we could talk at the show? Maybe before you go on?” she asked worried.

  “How about after? I can’t guarantee my undivided attention but after the show…I’m all yours.” I tried to calm my nerves in my tone but I don’t think it worked.

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Sam?” I asked quickly.

  “Yes Max.”

  “Are you okay?” worry filled my voice. She said nothing for a long second.

  “We’ll talk.” She hung up and I tossed my phone on the bed and headed for the kitchen. My head was beginning to throb a little.

  “Hey uncle.” He was waiting at the table with his arms crossed.

  “Max, I need to know what you know about the accident that happened Monday.” He shifted his weight in the chair. “I need to know how you were involved.”

  “Uncle…everything’s okay now.” He did not like my answer.

  “Samantha’s parents asked me how you were doing after the accident. They wanted to know why you refused medical attention on the scene when all the other boys were so badly hurt,” his tone was dreadful. “Let’s hear it.”

  “Devon and his friends crossed a line. A line they will not cross again,” I said smugly.

  “Max you know better!” He was so mad.

  “Do you realize it took Samantha and her family two days to convince the Wahlberg’s not to press charges?” It hurt to hear that.

  “I didn’t mean for this…” He cut me off.

  “They are still thinking about a lawsuit.”

  “Really?” I felt horrible now. My uncle didn’t deserve this…not because of my stupid temper.

  “I can’t afford legal fees Max. If the courts get involved, that’s it…you’re done. You do not have anywhere else to go.” He started to choke up a little.


  “I don’t want to lose you,” he said flustered.

  “Uncle…I’m sorry. You’re right, I have to be smarter than I have been,” I agreed filled with gloom. “I won’t let you get hurt by this.”

  “Max, don’t you understand? The only way I get hurt by this, is if I lose you,” he said proudly.

  “I understand.” I was a bad person.

  “Don’t sweat the legal stuff,” he said as Asia walked up.

  “Legal fees will not be an issue,” she said coldly but with a warm smile. Frank disapproved of her comment but I barely noticed when Asia’s web caught me in it blindly.

  Her hair was pulled up loosely and her makeup was flawless. She stood in my kitchen smelling like heaven. Her floral scent sent dizzying waves over my senses. A tight metallic blue dress of Asian design was painted on her hourglass. It was deadly short and her long legs were wrapped in black stockings with strappy matching heels that made her six feet tall. But not even her beauty could sway my uncle’s anger. She realized that before I did and pulled me from the table quickly.

  “We’re going to be late Max,” she winked at Frank and dragged me to the door. I fumbled along behind her like a brainless zombie, with my mouth wide open. My hands popped with excited heat.

  “Be good Max,” Frank called from the kitchen and his voice sounded hurt. That hurt stung me back to the living and guilt washed over me thick. My uncle had done nothing but sacrifice for me and I was treading all over that. I needed to be better, at least for his sake. My head pounded harder as we pulled out of the driveway.

  “I can’t wait for tonight Max!” she said full of sin. The clouds filled in the darkening sky and my heart kept pace with the growing thunder. My chest filled with nerves as my eyes fell to hers in the rear view mirror. She smiled with her eyes and I cleared my throat nervously.

  “Asia…you are my kryptonite,” I sighed helpless.


  ~Mouth (The Stingray Mix): Bush~

  Friday night – 7:40 p.m.

  It was less than twenty minutes until show time and I should have been ecstatic about our first concert. Club Tsunami was smaller than I expected but still big enough to hold 300 screaming bodies. That’s 600 hundred eyeballs, Kai warned me earlier. It was open floored with a tall ceiling and a mid-sized stage, which was covered by a thick red curtain that smelled of mold. A dozen tinted windows surrounded the venue, letting in no light at all.

  The crowd was much larger than I expected and the venues lone security guard was on edge because of it. He was a heavy set gentleman with a giant flashlight and extremely bad breath. He paced the perimeter of the place every 15 minutes nervously.

  I found my stress overwhelming as I set up the last few things on stage. My mind was racing with thoughts of how I let Frank down or how scared I was to talk to Sam. What was I thinking letting myself get so close to two different girls? How could I be so stupid?

  “Max you are going to be amazing!” Asia whispered in my ear as she cozied up from behind me. Her fingers traced my arms down to my hands and she pulled them up to her mouth. With the softest of breaths she began to blow on them, it felt sweet and cool. It was scary how well she understood how I worked.

  “Thanks,” I said distant.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing. I just feel bad for the way I left things with Frank,” I sounded depressed. Her eyes looked deep into mine.

  “This is your night,” she whispered into my ear.

  “I guess.”

  “Just let the music speak for you.” She slowly began swinging her hips to the music playing over the speakers and my mouth grew dry in

  “You’re right.” Giving in I kissed her.

  I could hear the crowd growing restless from behind the giant red curtain that separated us and my heart sped up. Asia’s hand found my chest and rested itself over the pounding and I quickly calmed down. Marcus strolled up with his instrument in hand. He began tuning his green and black bass. Things were going to be okay, I thought to myself. That was until the curtain in front of us parted just enough for a single body to slip through. When Sam’s golden curls fell into view, I thought the thunder outside would shatter the windows.

  She was wearing a little green dress that exposed more of her skin than I was used to seeing. Her makeup was fancy but still natural looking and she was wearing high heels, another first for her. Her hair was curled and cascading down her curvy little body. She held her camera close to her stomach and smiled lightly at me.

  “Hi,” she was so nervous. Asia stepped forward, marking her territory. I tightened my grip on her hand and gently pulled her to me.

  “My night…right?” I spoke calmly. Her eyebrow raised and a pout formed on her lips.

  “Let me handle this.” I kissed her cheek and Sam looked away when I did.

  “I’ll grab you some water,” she said with the emotion of a robot and walked away angrily, never taking her eyes off the competition.

  “I go on in less than ten minutes. Can’t we talk after the show?” From behind me a symbol crashed and Kai smiled at us.

  “Seven minutes bro!” he called out.

  “Kai gimme a sec,” I shot back. He winced and nodded in agreement.

  “This can’t wait…we need to talk,” she managed to sound calm.

  “Then talk,” I said impatient. She stood her ground clutching her camera and watching me closely.

  “I see you’ve made your choice,” she scolded.

  “Wait a second! You made yours first!” Now I was mad. “So you made my decision a whole lot simpler.” I stormed off to the side of the stage but she followed close behind.


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