Quarantined With My Straight Roommate

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Quarantined With My Straight Roommate Page 5

by Charlie Chubb

  I yielded to him without complaint, grunting as he thrust into me a final time. Tony grunted as he released and his dick stiffened and throbbed as he ejaculated. Even the tiniest movement of his dick sent pleasure waves tingling up my torso. He slowly removed his cock from my ass and rolled onto his back, the condom slipping an inch or so off his cock and filled to the brim with a load of cum.

  “Give me a minute,” he gasped for breath, “I… I need to clear my head for a second.”

  My cock was bursting. I didn’t want to wait.

  “I don’t want to wait a minute,” I said.

  Tony raised an eyebrow and I pressed a hand to his cheek.


  “It’s nothing.”


  He pulled the condom off and tossed it into the trash, miraculously lobbing the gross thing accurately. He kissed my chest and my ab muscles, which tensed upon the explosive impact of his lips.

  “Shy?” he grunted.

  “No,” I snapped, hating how defensive I sounded with him.


  He kissed my navel and then flicked his tongue across the head of my cock. Holy fuck. He took the head into my mouth and then released it. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for him to evnvelop my length in his mouth. But nothing happened.

  My eyes snapped open, feverish desire darting across them.

  Tony sat up.


  “Sorry, Max. Like I said, I’m not gay. So that’s not gonna happen. It was fun though.”

  “You’re crazy,” I said, meaning it.

  “I know.”

  “So who fucked you up like this? Is it daddy issues?”

  His face darkened and his brows knit together.

  “Shut up, Max. I’m going to bed.”


  He climbed out of my bed and slipped into his clothes without saying another word to me. I watched him dress, admiring his body which looked like it had been carved out of marble in that natural, muscular way. My lips were nearly bleeding I bit down on them so hard. Fucking Tony. There’s the dick head I remembered. I had to stop saying yes to him. He was bad for my health.

  “Good night.”

  He lingered in the doorway for a second as he buttoned his jeans.

  “G’night, pardner.”

  I wanted to scream. Did he just call me ‘pardner’ like this was one of those horrible cheesy Westerns my grandma was absolutely addicted to. I stifled a laugh. Tony could seem so unshakeably cool but the stupid bastard couldn’t help but let slip every once in a while that he was a regular corny guy in his mid-twenties like the rest of us — not a God come to Earth.

  My pillow smelled like him. The sheets. He left his essence everywhere. In my trashcan. On my quilt. I’d need another shower before bed, but I didn’t want to wash his smell off my skin, even if he was a complete asshole.



  I needed Max gone. He made me weak. He made my stomach squirm. I couldn’t sleep because I thought of him, his sorrel brown eyes, his lips, the softness in his hands and the stiffness of his body, the gentle curve of his ass. Fuck. Stupid fucking Jenny.

  In the morning, I made a regular breakfast, sausages, eggs, toast, orange juice, black coffee. Max stumbled out of his room after I’d been up for two hours. I grunted good morning. He was shirtless, wearing only black sweatpants and thin. Jesus. Did that guy eat a damn thing?

  He pulled a stool up against the counter.

  “Coffee?” I asked.

  “Sure. Can I get milk and sugar?”

  “My mama always said drinking coffee with cream was for the weak.”

  “Guess I’m weak,” he grumbled.

  “Chin up. Here ya go.”

  I slid a mug of coffee across the counter, and Max looked up beyond his lashes.


  “Enough cream for you?”


  “Lookin’ for a job today?” I asked him.

  Max groaned.

  “I think so.”

  “What do you do?”

  “Like you care.”

  The guy fucking hated me and I couldn’t blame him. I treated him like shit. I stuck my thumbs through my belt loops and waited for him to answer. It wasn’t up to Max to decide what I cared about.

  “Gonna answer me, big shot?”

  “We don’t have to do this,” Max insisted, “I’ll be out of here soon enough.”

  “Maybe I can help you.”

  Max snorted.

  “Please. You aren’t exactly the giving type.”

  “Are you always this bitchy?”

  “Whatever, Tony.”

  He took another swig of coffee, and I joined him at the counter.

  “Tell me,” I said, flashing him those classic Stone peepers. Max rolled his eyes.

  “Really? You’re trying to flirt your way into finding out about my career? Isn’t that the most annoying douche-bro thing you could do?”

  “I could do worse.”

  “Okay. Stop flirting. I will do anything to get you to stop flirting.”

  “What do you do?”

  “I’m a designer.”

  “Like uh... fashion?”

  Max rolled his eyes.

  “No. Graphic design.”

  “Like art.”


  “Can I see something you drew?”

  “I don’t really draw. It’s all digital.”

  “Oh. So you can get a job doing that?”



  “What about you? Since we’re doing names and jobs now, apparently.”

  “I work in finance. Daddy’s company.”

  Max rolled his eyes.

  “It figures. That explains your hang-ups then.”

  “What hang ups do you speak of?”

  I took his coffee cup and drank from it. That little fucker was mouthy. But verbal sparring with him before work would get my juices flowing, so I’d be ready to talk to shit hole clients on the phone.

  “You remember me from the club?”

  My cheeks reddened.


  “Exactly. I mean, what kind of guy—”

  “You were there too, you know.”

  Max rolled his eyes.

  “So it’s my fault? I had to drag your name out of you in case you don’t recall.”

  “I recall.”

  “Still going with the whole straight guy thing?”

  I ignored him.

  “Do you eat breakfast?”

  “Doesn’t everyone?”

  “I have some left over. You can have it. I gotta head out.”

  I left for work. How could he ask me a question like that? Whole straight guy thing. I don’t need an idiot like Max telling me what to think about myself. Or who I am. That wily fucker distracted me, anyway. I should have remembered to tell him I wanted him out. Soon.

  Work sucked. The clients were up my ass about this virus bullshit. Virus this, sell that. And then my mama called over lunch.

  “Anthony, I haven’t heard from you in a week,” she chided me.

  “Fine. Just swamped at work.”

  “Your father’s flying back to Boston next week.”


  “Language, young man! Are those Northerners making you forget your manners?”

  “Sorry mama.”

  “Don’t do it again. At church last weekend, I met the nicest young lady. I showed her pictures of you and she was very interested.”

  “Thanks, mama. I’m good.”

  “You’re seeing someone in Boston?”

  “Yes. Sort of. I dunno.”

  “I’m worried about you, Tony. Sex is very important for a young man…”


  “I mean it. A man your age needs healthy release.”

  “Mama, my lunch break is almost over.”

  “Who are you seeing? Is she nice?�

  “Yes. She’s very nice. Too good for me.”

  “Nonsense, Anthony. Any woman would be lucky to have you.”

  “My break’s almost over.”

  “Later, hun.”

  “Bye, Mama.”

  Phone calls with my mama go like this every time. I only pick up to get her off my back. After work, I walked home. I didn’t need a drink. I just needed a hot shower and something to take my mind off accounts and client bullshit.

  I opened the door to the place, and Max wasn’t in. If he was home, he was in his room, which was fine by me. I didn’t need him hanging around all the time looking at me like a lost puppy.

  I cut raw chicken breast into thin strips as I fried broccoli on the stovetop. Max thrust his door open. He was home. Great. But headed out. He said nothing to me, just walked past and left. Fuck. If I wanted that nuisance to believe I was straight, I’d have to act like it. There had to be some girl I could get to come hang out.

  Someone from work? I scrolled through my phone. Kylie. She was nice. Pretty. Kylie was a girl who my mama would approve of. I texted her and asked her to come over — nothing dirty, just dinner. I put on my Texas gentleman charm and finished making it. She didn’t live too far away. Dad had everyone putting in such long hours at the office that most of us lived close by.

  Kylie knocked on the door, and I thought it was Max for a moment. She set her purse down on my kitchen counter and pulled up a stool.

  “I’ve never seen your place before. It’s nice.”

  “Yup, I try to keep it tasteful.”

  “It’s such a bachelor pad. I mean… a leather couch? No wonder Jenny moved out.”

  Rumors about Jenny moving out already spread around the office, and Kylie wasn’t the sort to to shy away from gossip.

  “Like red wine?” I asked, smirking.

  “I love red wine.”

  I tipped her a glass and poured a big one for myself. I kept pushing chicken around the frying pan.

  “So, why d'you invite me over? Is it true you hooked up with Jenny and that’s why she left?”

  “Straight to the point, huh?”

  “I’m from Kansas originally. That’s how we do it over there. None of this East Coast pretense. You get it, don’t you, Texas?”


  “So, spill. Did you hook up?”

  “Maybe, maybe not.”

  “Nice to know you’re the type who doesn’t kiss and tell.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I finished cooking and scooped food onto two separate plates.

  “This looks fantastic. I don’t know many guys who can cook.”

  “I spent my summers in Sun Valley on a ranch. Mama made sure we knew how to look after ourselves.”

  “You have siblings?”


  I offered no more information than that. Many people were always trying to find dirt on my family. Talking about my siblings could lead to a hell of a lot of dirt.

  Kylie started eating, and she seemed to like it. She finished one glass of wine, so I poured her another. I was already on my third.

  “So, Texas. Do you smoke?”


  “No. The ganja. The green.”

  “No. Sorry.”

  She shrugged.

  “No biggie. Just wondering. It helps me to loosen up, that’s all.”

  “Loosen up for what?”

  I was flirting with her, and I knew it. Fuck.

  “You invited me here after work. You fucked Jenny, I don’t care what you say. You’re a horny 27-year-old guy. We don’t have to pretend about what’s happening here.”

  “Oh yeah? What is going on?”

  She laughed.

  “You… you’re bad. You’re terrible.”

  I wished Max were here. I wished he was home. I wished that I never called Kylie. But it was too late. Two glasses of wine deep. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. After dinner, Kylie kissed me, and I took her back to my room. We sat on my bed, and I told her what I tell all the girls that make it this far: I don’t have sex casually, sorry. We won’t be doing that tonight. No sex. No touching. No kissing.

  But I made her laugh, and when I heard Max come home, I made her laugh harder.

  She didn’t seem to mind not hooking up, even if she was drunk, and she snuck out of my room at midnight to head home.



  Max pushed my door open without knocking right after midnight. I pulled the cover over my head and grunted.

  “Don’t pretend to be asleep, Tony,” he snapped.


  I didn’t move.

  “Get out from under there or I’ll drag you out myself.”

  I groaned and leaned on my forearms.


  “You are fucked up.”

  “Thank you. Can I go back to sleep?”

  “No. You can’t. You’re a complete ass.”

  “Does that mean you’re moving out soon?”

  “Yeah. It does. I have an interview next week at a new place and trust me, I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to.”


  “Did you fuck that girl?”


  Max flicked on my bedroom light, forcing me to acknowledge his face scrunching in anger.

  “Careful. You’ll get wrinkles.”

  “I should come over there and slap you.”

  “Watch it.”

  “I get it. You have this whole macho persona going on, but that doesn’t give you a right to fuck with me.”

  “Me having sex with a woman isn’t fucking with you. It’s me being straight. Like I told you.”

  I never slept with Kylie. I never planned to. I just had to convince Max that I wasn’t worth his time. Mission fucking accomplished, apparently. He was more sensitive than I could have imagined.

  “I don’t know what your fucking problem is,” Max snapped, “But it’s not being straight.”

  “The claws come out.”

  He strode over to my bed and I sat up, scowling.

  “Careful. I’m pretty sure I could kick your ass if I wanted to.”

  “Do it then.”

  I stood, towering over Max. He was about what, five-foot-ten? I could definitely kick his ass.

  “I’m not going to kick your ass, Max. Go to bed.”

  “Did you fuck her?”

  “Are you jealous?”

  He grinned.

  “I see right fucking through you, Tony.”

  “You can’t stay here anymore. Next week, I need you gone.”


  “Because. You’re a shit roommate.”

  Max grabbed my face and kissed me. The little fucker kissed me. Fuck. Just when I thought I was doing a good job of scaring him off, of getting him the hell out of my life. I ran my hands through his hair and held his face. Fuck, he tasted good. Incredible. He grabbed my arms and slammed me against my bedroom wall. He touched my cheek, running his fingers along my stubble, and then pulled away.

  “Turn around,” he said.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Do I sound like I’m fucking joking?”

  “I didn’t know you had it in you.”

  “I said, turn around.”

  I turned around, allowing him to grab my chest, run his light fingers down my abs and reach inside my boxer briefs.

  “Already hard? Doesn’t feel very straight to me,” he whispered, pressing my body into the wall.

  “Shut up,” I breathed.

  One of Max’s hands stroked me harder, and the other worked my briefs over my ass.

  “Does it bother you?” he murmured, “That you want my dick in your ass?”

  “Shut up,” I breathed again.

  Yes, I wanted it. I wanted him. Max.

  “There’s lube in my nightstand,” I said.

  He wasted no time and squeezed a healthy helping between my firm ass che
eks. He rolled one of my condoms onto his dick. Asshole. He smacked my ass and I groaned.

  “Damn. You must work out,” he said.

  His hand roamed over my cheeks and he spread them apart, easing his cock out of his pants and pressing against my back door.

  “Ask for it,” Max demanded.

  I grit my teeth. That little fucker. He wanted me to beg for his cock. He wanted me like this so he could prove some stupid point. He didn’t get it. My fingers scraped the drywall, and he teased my entrance again. I bit my lower lip so hard that I nearly bled. Fuck. I’d give in to him. I couldn’t help it.

  “Fuck me, Max. Fuck me now.”

  He pressed the helmet of his erection into me. I braced myself and grit my teeth as the first inch of him stretched me open. Fuck. The pain was tolerable. What I couldn’t stand was what came next. He pressed his bare chest into my back. His heart thudded in his chest like a hummingbird and he moved his hips so more of his cock entered me.


  He wanted to hurt me. I knew he did. He shoved the rest of his dick inside me and I cried out. He didn’t stop, show any remorse for it. He bent his lips to my neck and took my flesh into his mouth, sucking on my neck, owning me as he slowly withdrew his cock, hammering it back in. I moaned again as he entered me.

  Max grunted. He braced himself against the wall and used my tight ass until he grunted and came. He withdrew from me and rolled the condom off into my trash, returning to his room and slamming the door. I pulled my pants up and flopped back onto my bed.

  Max. Fucking Max. He didn’t get it. I buried my face in my hands and raked my fingers through my hair. My dick was so hard I thought it was going to break in half. I was sure he locked his door, or I’d walk over there and drag that little fucker out of bed and make him suck my cock.

  Payback. That’s what this was about.

  In the morning, Max woke up before I did, but he wasn’t a natural early riser and it showed. I snuck out of the room quick and strode to the coffee maker. He was cooking himself some sad breakfast and he flinched when I shook the coffee pot.



  I smirked. He wasn’t so brave now, was he? I took up as much space as I could in the kitchen, letting him know there was no way out.

  “I think I should move out,” he said.

  My shoulders softened.


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