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Mad Hatter Vampire Prince: A Dark Paranormal Vampire Romance

Page 3

by Kia Carrington-Russell

  History was boring when you were a part of every expedition. It was nothing more than a pastime and now we only had one another to overrule. I enjoyed those killings and blood sprees. Once we had fully dominated humans, I wasn’t permitted to unleash my wrath like usual. My Father didn’t condone my self-expression and glee in the arts of gory entertainment. Especially if it opposed his agenda. I was only allowed to kill on his command. Blah Blah Blah. I still did what I wanted but the nagging I received afterwards put me in a stupor. There had been times when he had tried to kill me. Not him personally but at his approval. They all failed.

  Yet, my father always found a use for me. He would let me unleash on his enemies and then reel me back in as if taking a child away from its newfound toy. Oh, how I kicked and screamed. Meanwhile my brother was his scholar, his son with a keen eye who learnt all that he could from him like a sponge. Combined, the two were utterly boring. There were many times when my Father destroyed my new playthings. No matter who, what or project it was, he’d destroy it before I grew bored of it organically. He was always making a point that he was our overrule. So, unapologetically, that’s why I killed him.

  I slipped through one of the back gates that fenced the oversized grounds, closest to my private villa. The villas had originally been built for the royal family, now only housing my brother and me. There were another two smaller ones on the grounds that hadn’t been entered for years. They were all positioned closely to the castle which was the symbol and core of my brother’s ruling as King. I dipped into the castle from time to time when I was truly bored hoping to disturb the politicians and scholars that followed my brother everywhere.

  The guards on watch acknowledged me as I walked past but said nothing as I stalked across the green grounds. Everything here was lavish and well maintained. Thinking back on the old days was forcing me in dire desperation to get out of this pen once again. If it hadn’t been for the mention of a possible upcoming war, I would’ve left sooner. But if the fun was to be at my very own home than that’s where I would be.

  It was six months ago that my brother announced the inclination that our neighboring kingdom that was ruled by King Oppollo might attempt to break down our walls. I danced in glee at the prospect. It was true that we had a formidable line of resources and best of all had a glorious number of humans to feed on. Admittedly I didn’t help that cause with my lack of control, but my brother made sure to compensate their families if I went a little extreme and accidently killed the livestock. We were to live harmoniously with them. Drink their blood and repay them with their houses and jobs and blah blah blah. I didn’t care for the system, but my brother did.

  I prayed that Oppollo tried to break down our walls and steal from us. Finally, some bloodshed that I wouldn’t be reprimanded for. Since then my brother had been playing the boring means of political games and tact. I personally just wanted to burn their entire Kingdom to the ground. I’d attempted to leave twice now, but my brother had Galador trailing me like I was a virgin girl out on the city for the first night, to make sure I didn’t do anything stupid. So, I waited, as patiently as I ever had in my life, waiting for the signal to burn them to the ground.

  I was absolutely humming now to have found Sasha who would be my new toy until the war began. It should tick over some time until I found my fun elsewhere again. I circled the fencing and outskirts of the castle and began my hunt. I inhaled, heightening my senses to focus on that one coppery yet floral scent. Feminine mixed with a steely masculinity.

  I sifted through the many scents that passed through the entrance of the castle that day. The surrounding flowers tried to intercept my sense of keen smell. The artificial day began to dim turning into night. I looked forward to a hunt that would be overshadowed by moonlight. Bingo. I found her scent and charmed a wicked smile. And so, the hunt would begin.

  I would find my little mouse wherever she scurried away to hide. I wanted answers as to why she could match the speed and strength of a vampire and her eyes dilated into blackness. The thought of it aroused me once again. My cock throbbed uncomfortably in my pants at the thought. I’d had vampire lovers who had lost control, usually youngsters, but it was nothing more than a tantrum or fight and flight response. But her movement was controlled, greedy, and deadly. She was a human weapon. That excited me and I wanted to know why she was so different. I was certain it was why I was attracted to her unusual blend of metallic and floral scent that I’d never smelt before. I wanted to dig my fangs as deep as my cock inside of her.

  I darted through the clean streets within the city of Grand Klaus. A rather outdated name in my opinion but my brother denied my idea of titling the city after myself. As I followed the scent it took me further into the human compounds and apartments. The vampires and humans often stuck to their own species only overlapping for the night scene and parties for the humans who felt daring. The architect of the designated areas was vastly different. While the humans enjoyed their flowers and modern white walls with bright lights, the vampires had bricked buildings and gothic theme. Majority of the vampires within this city were younger, less than a few hundred years old. I remembered going through that gothic, eerie stage as well. I tsked at myself for the audacious and flamboyant attire I would wear. Though I looked dashing no matter what I wore.

  Those who were older had a sense of finery and nobility to them. They could afford to live closer to the castle with more perks. A lot of those residents had been fighters from the last war who followed my Father to overthrow this region’s human leaders and outside vampires that tried to overthrow our victory. It was an easy way to keep a closer eye on them. If anyone was daring enough to have alternative ambitions or want to overthrow my brother, then I was permitted to discard of them in whatever way I felt necessary. I was the reaper after all. It had acquired me some entertainment these last few months as I stalked them separately. There was speculation that someone from the inside of the walls was feeding information to Oppollo. I relished in the fun as these old warriors were looking over their shoulder as they went about their daily business. It was amazing to watch what paranoia could do to an immortal when their mortality was being questioned.

  The streets reeked of all kinds of humans. Like a herd of cattle that had been unchecked for a while living in their own passive lives. Despite the unattractive scenery route, I was exhilarated to stalk Sasha. I anticipated to see her again even though it had only been a few hours since I had seen her last.

  I stalked through the outer edges of one region which was sketchier than most. Less humans housed in the buildings as they had vacated for the more modern style towards the inner city. The apartment building was three stories high and was a mixture of the old gothic brick layered style with a modern twist. There was a small swimming pool on the top floor with glass roofing that I could barely see through. The pool had gone green and the windows looked as if they hadn’t been cleaned for decades.

  I took another whiff. Sasha was definitely inside. I ascended the building next to me so I could sit across from her apartment building and simply watch. When I settled myself into position, I realized I was perched beside a golden cross. Dear God. I looked around the grounds that I sat on and the sign below me that read ‘church’ with a quote from the bible on the dusty board.

  I laughed, I forgot they had these funny things and still prayed. “Remember back in the day when they thought your name and buildings kept us away?” I said shaking my finger into the sky. I personally wasn’t a believer but hey stranger things have happened and if there was a God, he was a merciless bastard to let us monsters roam his human’s world.

  Every priest within the city of Grand Klaus was a vampire. A safety measure by my brother to ensure no rebellion of sorts occurred by using God’s name or instruction in vein. “Well fuck me, I do listen,” I said baffled that even I knew that. “I’ve been in this city for too long.”

  I crouched, still as a gargoyle beside the cross. My suit jacket flapped in the wind e
ver so slightly from time to time. I could sense her walking around in her apartment. I could only sense another two residents within the building. Much to my luck, she entered the unused pool room and began to train where I could so clearly see her. Strike one, strike two on the dummy with stealth.

  I watched her, transfixed as she trained for two hours and then sat down cross legged and sweaty to sharpen her blades. Nightfall was upon us and there was a slight temperature change. I knew that by the few humans who walked past with jackets on. Despite the darkness I could still see her clearly. I enjoyed watching her every movement and predatory state that seemed constantly on edge.

  I caught a whiff of something wicked coming this way. Vampires jumped from building to building to close in on her apartment complex. I sighed disheartened by how predictable they were. ‘Let’s grab our pitchforks and kill the human that killed one of our own, blah blah blah.’

  I stood up, anticipating their arrival. Eight of them. All for one puny human. How shameful. Like a bunch of thugs ganging up on somebody for something trivial. Well, at least this would cause some entertainment for the night. I took two steps back to give me a little running distance. I lurched forward and fell onto her apartment rooftop silently so I could counter the oncoming vampires. As I stood another vampire couldn’t change his course after jumping from the previous building. I caught him by the throat before his feet even touched the tiles. I ripped out his jugular with disdain. There was a gurgling noise before I dropped his filthy and gasping remains on the floor. I dusted off my jacket feeling filthy after the contact.

  The fellow seven vampires skidded to a silent halt on the rooftop. They all immediately recognized who I was and shit themselves.

  “I specifically recall stating that the human was mine,” I said flicking away black blood that had begun to run down my hand. The vampire held his throat, uncomfortable by the open wound. He didn’t need to breath, but it would take some time to heal.

  “Your Majesty,” one of the young girls with black short hair dropped to her knee.

  “None of that,” I said. I sensed Sasha directly beneath me. There was a thick amount of grime on the glass roofing that we stood on. It might’ve been difficult to see clearly but she knew that we were there. She probably anticipated a barrage of vampires like this to come after her.

  “I could kill you all in seconds but then there would be no fun in that,” I chimed. Fear scattered their faces and one had the audacity to try and run.

  With speed that outmatched his, I countered him before he jumped off the roof. I punctured through his spine and ripped his heart from behind. Immediately his body began to decay. I looked at his rotten heart with disgust. So gross yet delightfully beautiful. Transfixed as always, I tried to focus on my objective.

  “Right, sorry, I forgot you were here,” I said with a smile and turned around to the others. “Here, a souvenir,” I said throwing the heart over to one of his companions. They caught it unknowing of what to do with it. “Let’s play a little game and you all really have no choice but to stay. Like this guy,” I pointed to the decaying gross carcass as I kicked it over the edge of the building and watched it splat on the ground. I giggled to myself. “Don’t be this guy.”

  “A… A game?” The woman with short black hair stumbled. Finally, one that had the courage to at least speak. I offered her a reassuring crazed smile.

  “Yes, a game. It’s rather simple. No one is allowed to leave this rooftop building. You will fight one another until only one remains. That vampire will be rewarded by me personally.”

  I felt Sasha slowly prowl underneath. She was anticipating the attack that would never come. Not tonight anyways. I was right to believe that fun would follow her. I didn’t recognize any of these brats. None of them worked within the castle which meant someone inside had orchestrated this little band and objective. And someone besides my brother giving out orders would not do.

  “You want us to kill each other?” One of the taller men said. His fangs indicated he was no more than fifty years old. They were babies. My, how messy this fighting would be. Unskilled and desperate. My favorite.

  “Yes, well it’s rather simple if even the brawn of the group understood. So, without further ado…” I flashed through them with lightning speed and rested against the chimney so I could comfortably lean and cross my legs. “On the count of three, begin.” I offered an enthusiastic smile. They looked at one another, uncertain. Their independent nature would kick in. Fight or flight. My favorite. “Three, two, one, go!” I said fast.

  Without hesitation all of them dove into the center. At the click of my fingers they fought one another. There was no choice and no place for them to run. I could torture and kill them all myself in seconds if I wanted to. This was their only chance of survival and that’s why they fought. Such weak little monsters.

  Blood splattered this way and that for minutes until the job was done. I was impressed by some of the maneuvers. Others were clumsy mistakes that cost them their lives. Six carcasses rotted on the rooftop, the wind picking up the stench and throwing it towards the city. The victor was the woman with black short hair. I clapped in theatrical approval. Not bad for a youngster.

  “Now, who sent you?” I asked, no longer leaning against the chimney. She looked down at her previous comrades before that selfish glaze washed over her face. She didn’t care about the loss. We were accustomed to faking human presence and emotion.

  “Only Petar received the location. We were told by him that we’d get a chance to work within the castle walls,” she admitted. She wasn’t lying. I had a keen sense for when I was being lied to.

  “Who is Petar?” I asked. She pointed to the closest carcass near me. Ah, the tall brawny one. “I probably should’ve asked that question as a group first.” I took mental note of the mistake. I looked down into the pool area. It would’ve been so much more convenient if Sasha were in there bathing. Instead of a green pool I envisioned a hot tub. At least we could’ve watched this grand spree of murder happen together. “Well, girl, or whatever your name is, your reward is that you can now break in through this window,” I pointed to the glass window that I was standing on. Precisely the spot that I sensed Sasha standing beneath. “And have at it with the human. That way you will still get the reward, right?”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “But you said she was yours?” She said confused.

  “Well yes, and she is. But it’ll be fun for me to watch. So, don’t do it yet. Wait until I’m standing back over there,” I pointed to the cross that I had perched next to above the church previously. “And when I give you the thumbs up you can jump in, so I can watch.” I gave her a smile and without further conversation leapt over the distance. I wanted to see this play out from the side. I lightly touched down in my previous spot and waited with glee. I took a step to the left and then a step to the right, trying to achieve the best angle where I could see all the fighting.

  I angled my fingers to create a frame and drifted it back and forth. Yes, I think this spot is best. Smash. Before I could even give the vampire thumbs up to jump in, Sasha broke through the glass from the pool room and ended her within seconds. I dropped my finger frame utterly guttered. There wasn’t even a real fight.

  She looked at the massacre of decaying bodies on the roof and then looked in my direction–directly at me. Caught in the act I simply waved with a heartfelt warm smile. She pulled out a gun and shot an arrow towards me. I grabbed it before it hit its target, my heart. I began to laugh, cackling in delight. Oh, my she was a fiery one.

  I wavered the arrow in her direction. “Alright, Sasha Darling, I’ll see you tomorrow then!” And as giddy as a teenage boy I jumped off the roof and onto the next, skipping my way back home. I doubted that anyone else would attack her tonight. Her apartment building would now reek of me and eight dead vampires. A message that no one was to attempt to touch what I had already declared as mine.

  As I sped on the rooftops and back home, I looked down at
the arrow that was meant for my heart. I charmed a wicked smile. I think she likes me.

  Kyran Has Himself a Pet

  “How is it that I’ve been gone for only four days and yet,” my brother said as way of entering the room and flicking my inclined feet off the edge of the armchair in our reading room. “You cause so much mayhem. Look at this room, show some restraint.”

  “Come now, Amell, don’t be such a sourpuss,” I said dropping the girl’s bloody wrist from my face. I was sprawled out in our reading room. It was decorated with wooden and polished furniture and a black marble fireplace. It was where Amell often read books and I would from time to time pester him.

  This time, instead of walking into his peaceful and boring space, he was greeted by three women and two men near unconscious from blood loss and well, perhaps I was a bit messy. Fresh blood stained the furniture and seeped through the lush white carpet. In my defense, the fire still crackled untouched and that was the only descent feature in this room. I was doing him a favor. “Take a seat, I’ve missed you.”

  He shook his head, as he always did with a disapproving glare. We shared similar features but he looked a few years older. He was however slightly less attractive, shorter, less muscular, boring, and lacked charm.

  He stepped over the two unconscious naked men shaking his head and grumbling under his breath. Instead of taking a seat in his usual corner piece, he opted to lean against the fireplace. Besides beheading, taking our heart out, and stabbing us with silver; fire was one natural element that could kill us. And yet as the devils we were, we liked to watch it, bewildered by the very thing that could end us finally.


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