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Mad Hatter Vampire Prince: A Dark Paranormal Vampire Romance

Page 6

by Kia Carrington-Russell

  “So why the sudden disappearance?” He asked. Galador’s eyes were just as icy. He looked at her, displeased. He hadn’t liked her from the moment I first took interest in her, but to now have not only my attention but my brother’s as well must have been driving him insane. Galador was predictable. She was a problem in his eyes.

  “Because he believes my mother is alive,” she said depleted. My brother’s eyebrows shot up as he rested his finger on his lip in consideration.

  “On what basis would he believe this?” He asked. An interesting development if her crazy scientist mother is still alive. How had she lasted all this time? It was still an act of treason on his behalf even if he did chase after her. I rolled my eyes. Humans and their emotions.

  “He told me that he had seen her beyond the wall one-night waving for him to go over,” she said uncomfortably. “He began to act strange the following days and wanted me to go with him. I thought he was ill and going delusional. I forced him to rest and took his shift that day. When I went back to his home, he was gone. No one on the wall saw how he left and I haven’t been able to find him within the city.”

  After much consideration my brother stood up and reflected on his throne. “Guards!” They reacted as quickly as he spouted his commandment to charge her.

  I stood in front of her with lightning speed. “No one is touching what is mine,” I growled at my brother. He pulled back his lips slightly to bare his fangs. I reciprocated the gesture.

  “Kyran, as much as I am delighted that you’ve found a play toy, until this investigation is over, she will remain-”

  “With me,” I concluded. “And if you decided otherwise then I will so kindly burn everyone within this city to the ground,” I said with a crazed chuckle. “And I’ll enjoy it.”

  Sasha attempted to change my mind but I ignored her. I wouldn’t let my brother take what was mine. Galador hadn’t the balls to intervene between Amell and me. Physically I could take him, and I would dick slap his face at the end just to mortify him further. My brother growled and stared; I could see his mind ticking over in calculation. Like always he thought out his next step until his shoulders deflated slightly.

  “Don’t lose sight of how serious a matter this is,” Amell said permitting me my way.

  “I’ve always taken every order you’ve given me very seriously brother,” I said acting wounded by his words.

  “Amell…” Galador began in disagreement. Amell raised his hand and I smiled at Galador who too often spoke out of order.

  “While we’re all in the same room,” I began. “I considered that this might be good timing to raise the question of my serious request. Perhaps gathering a small little human group to go beyond the walls and search for Paps ought to do the trick.”

  “That’s irrelevant now!” Amell said infuriated. “Can’t you see we have a bigger issue at hand! For all we know her father is a spy. Or her crazed mother is alive and still crafting weapons we will never understand!” He said this pointedly at Sasha who didn’t move. Her heart skipped a beat. He saw her as a failed experiment and one that he would have to monitor closely because of her parents’ unknown motives.

  “You know I take these things very seriously brother. But furthermore, I keep to my word,” I said offering him one more chance. He was to give me permission or I would do whatever I wanted anyway.

  “Just for once Kyran, listen to your King,” my brother seethed begrudgingly.

  “My King?” I said in curious wonder. The last King that sat on the throne, I had killed with my bare hands. And that was my father. Though I didn’t want to kill my brother, his tone urged me to do something a little bit more dramatic in repute.

  “Kyran,” Sasha said again interrupting my dark thoughts that swirled around me like a charming song. And again, I would allow myself to be swept away with it. She placed her hand on my lower back to grab my attention. “Kyran, we need to leave,” she said in a tone that was small in comparison to her usual strong and steely one.

  I had been permitted to monitor her personally instead of seeing her chained in a cell. But that just wasn’t enough for me. She wanted a small team out beyond the walls and that was a silent promise I had made to her upon our first meeting. And for whatever reason, I wanted to keep a promise at least once in the entirety of my life. I would make that dire wish come true for my little pet human. But furthermore, I was curious as to how much I could push my brother. Would he continue to say no to me? Did he forget that although he might be King, I wasn’t to ever be denied?

  “Okay,” I said and looked over my shoulder to Amell and Galador who were cautious of my next actions. Okay brother. Let my next play be tremendous.

  A Musical Charm and a Slaughterhouse

  “Sasha, Darling, bring every weapon you think you’d need to fight an army of vampires,” I said as I waited outside her window. The manufactured moonlight sprawled over me. I had waited for sundown before I disturbed her. I had given her a few private hours after escorting her home. I considered it a generous amount of time before I dragged her along and into my master plan. I had been waiting patiently perched on top of the church until the sun went down.

  She crept from the shadows of her room, where only candlelight fluttered behind her. She peered outside her window, infuriated by my presence as always. She closed her eyes, sighed, and pinched her nose. “What are you up to this time?” She asked gritting her teeth. I charmed a smile in response. Perhaps she was coming around to my wicked ways.

  “You want to kill all the big bad vampires, don’t you? Let’s start with something small. I think it’ll be a fun date,” I added with excitement. I usually executed these magnificent spectacles on my own. I was invigorated at the thought of having a partner in crime that might just lose to their inner monster as much as me. I was giddy at the thought. I anticipated the theatrical dance of the massacre to come.

  She sighed in defeat. “You know that whatever you are planning will only make my situation worse with the King. Somewhere in that crazy mind of yours you do understand that, don’t you?” I looked up at her wide eyed. That was obvious and it still didn’t affect my decision. My plan wouldn’t be changed. This would be fun.

  Amell was being a bore, yet again. His personality lacked in vitality. One of us had to be fun. He had too many rules and regulations, restraining my ability to be the monster that I was. That we all were. This was nothing more than an outburst of being told ‘no,’ like all the other ones I had in the past.

  He always sat, poised on his throne, considering the most cautious and reasonable step. In contrast, I took immediate action and would kill the masses of those who stood in our way. The most effective and devastating tactic was to always do the unexpected, then our enemies would never have time to prepare. No one could ever counter unpredictability. And that was me–the wild card.

  He was lucky to have a brother like me who was such a willing participant. So now I had to force his hand to move. He danced around the edges of this coming war for far too long and amongst it found time to threaten to take away my personal toy and entertainment. Now I would make sure he focused on his own problems.

  He won’t have time to focus on what my darling Sasha and I are up to. I would be able to have a fun bloodbath tonight and receive my happily ever after once I’m done.

  “We’re going to start a war,” I whispered in excitement. “I’ll give you two minutes. If you’re not ready by then I will leave without you. Though, you might find yourself in a cellar if you’re not strapped to my side–Kings orders.” I chimed with a brazen smile.

  With an ungrateful growl, Sasha pulled back into the shadows of her apartment. I was curious as to what her apartment looked like inside. I imagined that she was a minimalist, living amongst the few things that she needed to survive with few luxuries.

  I could sense that I was being watched. From the moment we stepped out of the castle grounds I was followed. They weren’t close enough to hear me, they wouldn’t dare vent
ure so close. I already anticipated that when we made a run for the gates, I’d have to dispose of them before they informed Amell. I didn’t care if they were my brother’s personal spies. All was fair in the games of war.

  I could hear Sasha shuffling through weapons. I had been confident that she would join. She didn’t really have an option. Fight by my side or be dragged to a cellar to be left alone. Despite her peculiar ability, I would kill majority of the vampires tonight with speed she’d never witnessed before. Simply, I want to impress her. She would see how powerful I was firsthand and succumb to the desire of wanting to touch, pet, and play with me. It was inevitable.

  She would be capable of handling herself amongst the few vampires that might remain. It piqued my interest as to how many vampires she could handle before being overwhelmed. I never considered that I would think of a human to be as monstrous a fighter as a well-aged vampire. I wondered if she would recede into herself once overrun or transcend into something more formidable. Fight or flight. Instinct to survive was what triggered any living creature’s most barbaric nature. I couldn’t wait to see Sasha’s most beautiful form. I wanted to see the extremes of what her mother had crafted from her daughter’s living body. How far could this one tiny human go before imploding from that curse of hers?

  Or consequently she might break. I doubted she’d fought so many vampires at once. Perhaps she wasn’t the fighter I considered her to be. If that came to be, then I suppose my play toy was broken and there was no point in keeping her around.

  She clocked in the security code to her apartment door as she left. She was strapped in tight leather that so sweetly kissed her inner thighs. It wasn’t the heavy armor that I expected her to wear. Her choice of clothing was light and durable so she could move swiftly through the masses. Risky considering her flesh was so thin and her body fragile. Nonetheless, I admired the attire. She looked like a death god as she strapped another dagger around her inner thigh. The weight of her weapons alone indicated she had more strength and balance than an average human. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to walk so boldly with so many jingling at her side. She was designed to unsheathe so many weapons and to kill on demand. She was utterly ravishing.

  “Stop looking at me like that and focus on this stupid war you want to start,” she said in a steely tone. She looked around to see if we were being watched. No one crept out of their hiding. We hadn’t moved yet. But when we would, they would chase, fast. And I was prepared for that. I was excited by the thought.

  “It’s hard for me to decide if I’d rather stay a night in to fuck you or slaughter unsuspecting victims in the night. I’ve never been so torn before,” I said earnestly. The way her inner thighs brushed past one another as she walked had me leaning towards her in anticipation. Within seconds, she grabbed the dagger from the side of her leg and threw it at me. I cackled catching it before it hit its target and went through my skull. Maybe she would be keen for the fucking next time. I admired her dagger that had been beautifully carved. Before I could admire the inscription and heavy weight further, she took it from my hand and sheathed it once again. I sighed in admiration for this brutal woman. She knew how to make me tick. I focused on the task at hand. Think about fucking her later, okay? I internally slapped myself.

  “So, everything that is about to unfold will happen very quickly, okay?” I said. She sighed and shook her head.

  “You’re not the first male to say that to me.” I blinked a few times, utterly shocked that my little mouse had made a joke. I cackled absolutely delighted that she could manifest a joke from her bitter soul. She cringed at my laugh, evidently regretting having made the joke. “I can’t believe I’m actually going along with this,” she said, rubbing her forehead and shaking her head from side to side. She took one final breath and then her iron persona took over. Sasha was now ready to hunt. “Let’s just get this over with. I’m ready,” she breathed.

  “Fabulous,” I purred. “Don’t scream.” I grabbed under her thighs and held her close to my chest. With the speed that I grabbed her she hmphed. It was an acknowledgment on her behalf that I was faster piggybacking her than we would be running together. She clasped her hands around my neck. Not that she needed such security, I could hold her light weight forever without ever being tired.

  I ran for the wall, arriving within seconds. I placed Sasha gently against the wall behind me and grabbed the first vampire by the neck who heeded chase. There were eight of them, easy pickings. All of them clattered in their weak armor that would do nothing to stop me. I smiled and ripped the head off from the first vampire I had so easily grabbed. His body began to decay immediately. This would be quick. The rest seemed startled. Did they actually consider they might be a challenge for me?

  One went to make a break for it and run back towards the castle to report to my brother. I stood in front of her path with lightning speed. “Hello, Darling,” I said, and punctured my nails into her chest cavity and ripped out her heart. The others ambushed with unison and ability of phenomenal training. Yet, if my brother had been serious, he should’ve come himself with an army. I backhanded one across the face with such force that he splattered against the wall. Sasha jumped on him and plunged one of her swords through his chest. Well at least I wouldn’t have to bother with that one anymore.

  Two circled me and jumped. One went high and one went low. I stepped back yawning at the maneuver. What a boring technique. One of their swords glided towards where my ankles had been. I jumped on his blade and balanced on top of it in theatrical pause. I looked down on him. The horror on his face in that moment meant everything to me. I had the moon shining down from behind me, cascading the gleam of death in my eye. Today I was his reaper. As the second vampire tried to pierce my chest with his sword, I grabbed it, my blood splattering everywhere as the blade sliced into my hand. I clutched it halfway down the blade. I palmed his elbow snapping bone in half and shredding it entirely off. I grabbed the handle of the sword that still had his dangling arm and decapitated the vampire beneath me.

  His sword dipped as his body began to decay. I decapitated the second vampire’s head, swinging beautifully in full circle. The other two vampires had turned to report to the castle. I steadied for only a moment before harpooning the blade through the back of one of the vampires and striking his heart. He plummeted in a decaying mass.

  Before I could run for the remaining vampire a dagger blazed past my face and struck home into the back of the last survivor. Sasha had hit her mark just as I had. Buildings away and she had hit her target. The vampire slumped into a mass of decay. Well, maybe even for a human she would keep up.

  No vampire survived which meant there were none to report to my brother. I collected Sasha in my arms once again and ran along the wall with splendid speed. I wasn’t stupid enough to take them to the spot where we snuck out every night. When I did find our foxhole, I jumped up and through it. The soldiers on duty pretended to have not seen anything. They were either ignorant or perhaps didn’t see us at such speed. Perhaps they had a keen eye like Sasha as well if they had been experimented on by Sasha’s mother.

  Beyond the walls, the breeze howled from the cold of night. It was nearing midnight as I passed through the mass of terrain for an hour. Tonight would even tire me slightly. I looked forward to my well-deserved sleep that was to come. The terrain drifted from its mountains and forestry that attempted to thrive and turned to dirt. Oppollo’s region wasn’t as beautiful as ours. It was barren, dry, and coarse much like the ruling of its King. I wouldn’t go for King Oppollo directly tonight. No, I had in mind a small village that his new soldiers trained at.

  I was curious as to how quickly he would retaliate after I destroyed his unsuspecting soon to be warriors. Would he offer my brother days or only hours of silence? Or would he succumb to waving a white flag? That much I highly doubted. If I went straight for King Oppollo then I would solve my brother’s problem for him. This way, my boring brother would have to prepare for a retaliation,
and I could go about my daily business without such a watchful eye.

  I had only met Oppollo once during my Father’s rein. I measured in that one meeting that he was a hard man and blood thirsty vampire. I was surprised he hadn’t acted for domination sooner. I trusted my abilities to kill but also understood caution, if ever necessary. He had been the only vampire I’d met that instinctually triggered such a dangerous alarm. So instead of facing him head on and gamble with my own life, I decided it would be fun to provoke him from the side and let my brother deal with the consequence. That would keep Amell’s focus off my little mouse for some time.

  The howl of the wind brushed past us. I tried my hardest to cover Sasha with my arms as much as possible. The last thing I wanted was for her limbs to be frozen as I dropped her in the middle of a battlefield. We were approaching the village and as expected, they were unsuspecting of my arrival. Large towering flames burnt in the distance so they could see through the night. They weren’t as technologically focused as us and they trained their warriors in a very primal way. I found Oppollo’s people primitive all together.

  They slept underground in bunkers during the day to avoid the sun. The humans managed throughout the day harvesting their own means to survive. I targeted this village purposefully because of its representation. Oppollo’s upcoming warriors all gone in the blink of a night. It only contained a few hundred with a mixture of both humans and vampires. I had no issue with killing the humans as well if they were to get in my way. I was excited by the few high-ranking warriors that were in this camp who trained them. At least they would offer a challenge.

  As we darted closer to the outskirts, I quickly calculated the most flamboyant entrance. The bell had begun to ring in alarm as we made our entrance. I jumped towards one of the open barrel flames tipping it towards the ground over the wall. I skidded on the wall kicking over a barrel of oil as they combined and went up in flames against the wall. I jumped off, avoiding the combustion. The flames began to viciously lick at a wooden building close by and screams began to erupt. The first flame began to spread the fire amongst the masses of buildings that were to burn tonight.


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