Mad Hatter Vampire Prince: A Dark Paranormal Vampire Romance

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Mad Hatter Vampire Prince: A Dark Paranormal Vampire Romance Page 8

by Kia Carrington-Russell

  She looked past my shoulder at the whimpering humans and then back at her bloody hands. Her heart continued to thrum loudly as I felt the tension in her body rise. “It’s time for us to go,” she said and began walking into the direction of which we came. Her walk was strong, but I noticed the strain it was putting on her body. She didn’t heal as quickly as us vampires. “We’ve done what you came for.”

  “Is that it?” I said with my cock still rock hard. Every urge in my body wanted to lunge at her and claim what was mine. It was my right and yet her one effective look kept me in my place.

  “We’ve done enough tonight,” she said and turned her back on me once again. I moved my dick uncomfortably. I could feel the passion running through her only seconds ago. Her touch reacted to mine. Her body thrummed to be wrapped around mine and heaving to have my cock inside of her. Was it possible that I had met someone even more messed up then me?

  “What Darling Sasha wants, Sasha gets,” I chimed in a childish tone. I wanted to take her as mine right now. But a part of me wanted to continue playing this game that she now entertained. Her most primal instinct was to touch and fuck me. I would bring that out in the real Sasha, the less demon-eyed version of herself. I found both sides of her equally pleasing. I would make her submit. Hickory, dickory, dock.

  When the Fox Rattled the Chicken Coop

  Had my brother known my clever ways of escaping the wall of Grand Klaus, I imagined I would’ve had a welcoming committee sooner. Instead, a few vampire guards were aimlessly searching for us outside the walls and even more throughout the city. I swept past them undetected with ease. I jumped back through our open panel that no one had yet come across. That was fault on my brother for building such a big wall. The moment someone escaped, they had no idea where to begin searching for the tiny little hole.

  “Take me home,” Sasha had said on more than one occasion. I ignored her. After our act of defiance against my brother, she was best kept by my side hidden in my private chambers where no one would dare venture. My wounds had already healed as expected. Sasha’s however was very slowly knitting together. Despite insisting that she healed faster than other humans, it wasn’t fast enough for me. I offered her some of my blood to help the healing process, but she immediately refused it. I could force it down her throat, but I anticipated she wouldn’t talk to me for days. The array and temptation of her blood was pushing me over the edge. If I hadn’t had years of learning to curve my appetite when necessary, she would’ve been ravished already.

  For now, her wounds had begun to clot and I doubted at the current rate it’d take her a few days to heal. She was limp in my arms on the way back, exhausted from the fight. As expected, it was a novelty to have a pet to take care of. She was so fragile yet fierce at the same time. I believed in her ability to fight but knew that she still needed my protection. Never did I consider protecting something or someone other than myself. I’d rather kill the thing that would jeopardize my thought process in such a way. And yet as I held her tightly, I never wanted to let my possession go.

  I dashed through the city and then onto the castle grounds. Guards had noticed my arrival and I knew it was only a short matter of time before my brother would be banging on my door. As soon as we reached my private living quarters, I sat Sasha gently down on the wooden armchair in my bathroom. It was glorious in size. A large inground bathtub occupied the center. Gold trimmings lavished the ceiling and floor edges. The entire room was encircled by glass windows, so I had a view of the gardens and natural river that passed through Grand Klaus. I did not shy away when the old woman who managed the gardens saw me naked on regular occasion. Or when she saw me fucking violently against the glass windows.

  “Let’s wash up before our guests arrive,” I said suggesting the empty bath. She scoffed at my proposition and I laughed.

  “As if they would have any doubt it was you. You’re just trying to mock your brother’s intelligence now,” she chastised. “I need to go back to my apartment.”

  I began stripping off my clothes and walked over to the shower in the corner of the room. Dry blood stained the entirety of my body. It was rarer to find the pale of my skin amongst the black blood that colored me.

  “Do you mind?” She said looking in the other direction as I proudly passed her.

  “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before, Sasha Darling,” I said. I began to wash myself under the scalding hot water. It was a refreshing sensation after my victory. I wanted to look squeaky clean before my brother arrived so I could pretend to be innocent. I would mock my brother to only antagonize the situation further. After a few minutes I could smell him before he had reached the entrance to my abode. “Stay in here,” I said to Sasha.

  I clicked the door behind me and locked her in from the outside. She seethed my name inside. I charmed a smile at my little bird I’d now caged. I put on some loose fitted pants and opened the door before my brother burst in. He slammed me up against the wall, his fists pinning my shoulders. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” He growled. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.

  “Whatever do you mean?” I replied with innocent expression. He slammed me hard again. I placed my hand on his. “I would be careful if you are thinking of trying that a third time, brother. If I recall correctly, it was always you who ended up hurt when we were kids.”

  Galador was standing behind him with a few guards that were nothing but decor. His expression was filthy with intent. It was satisfying to see. Job well done to me. A smashing noise came from the bathroom. I sighed. I could smell my beautiful captive breaking free from the window she had just broken. Why won’t she ever do what I say? Now I had to make this entertaining conversation quick. To piss her off, I wanted to reach her fortress of an apartment before she did. My little mouse was obsessed with her ‘home.’ Even she was smart enough to admit the safest place for her was by my side. She was in danger walking throughout a city of vampires with unwashed and scented blood on her. I could only beg the question as to why she was so desperate to return to her abode. It dawned on me that perhaps my little mouse had a secret that she wasn’t willing to share. Maybe she was hiding something or someone.

  “Okay, okay, okay,” I said shrugging my brother off. Though he didn’t seem to want to let go. I brushed him aside and pushed off the wall. “You weren’t doing anything about Oppollo’s silence on our treaty, so I acted on your behalf.”

  “You retaliated because I went after your dog!” He snapped. I pressed him up against the wall, my hand firm around his throat. He snarled at me, not even attempting to defend himself. My response was all he needed for an answer. He wanted to verify how much Sasha Darling had got under my skin. After the massacre, my temper hadn’t yet entirely simmered. I would’ve brushed such a comment off in playful gesture. But now I reconsidered what it would be like to kill my only living family member. The soldiers pulled out their weapons and stood before Galador in protection. They surrounded me. I scoffed. Such imbeciles. I just wiped out a small arsenal. What would these aloof idiots do? And these were the guards who would protect my brother, the oh so noble King. Pathetic.

  “What will you do,” Galador calmly said. “Kill another King? Your brother of all people for a defect human?” Already the smell of Sasha’s floral and steely scent was vanishing in the distance. I couldn’t let her run any further out of my reach.

  “No, because that would be ridiculous,” I said releasing my brother. “We needed to act. Oppollo will either step down or step up to the war. Enough waiting around. It was only a matter of time.” I stepped back and put my hands in my loose pockets. I looked at the pathetic vampires who would dare raise a sword towards me in my own home. I would’ve killed them already if I hadn’t wanted my white carpet to be replaced once again. I wanted it to be beautiful for when I returned Sasha to her new cage.

  “That wasn’t your choice to make!” My brother snarled as he paced back and forth in the room.

  “But it was, Brother. We all make choices and
mine was to act when you didn’t. You should’ve acted first if you wanted a different outcome.”

  “You are not King!” My brother snapped. I charmed a wicked smile at his outburst. How very rare of him to lose control. His mind must’ve been reeling over for him to be so frazzled. What a delightful sight.

  “I don’t want your toy Kingdom,” I scoffed. It was the last thing on my mind.

  “Then what do you want, Kyran?” Galador intervened still hiding behind Amell’s pointless guards. “What does a vampire who desires nothing live for?” Amell and I stared at him. Now I might not be a very sane person, but asking such a philosophical question right now, was not the time.

  “Your dog continues to yap,” I said to my brother ignoring Galador. “You left me no choice brother. I gave you an option and you chose wrong. You denied me. So I will deny you and your ability to avoid this war.” I tapped him on the shoulder. “Let me know when Oppollo is near. I will stand by your side. Like always. Until then, I have somewhere else to be.”

  “Kyran!” My brother shouted at me, but I had already left the room. I stepped into the bathroom and looked at my showerhead that had been broken off the wall and used as a weapon to smash out my window. My God, she was determined to race back to her apartment. That had me curious beyond measure. I was certain that my little mouse was definitely hiding something because she wouldn’t run into danger so knowingly. I caught the wave of her beautiful scent and located her in a backroad within the city. She was weak and slow. Instead of scoping her up in assistance of her fragile state, I ran past her, eager to break into her apartment before she arrived. I would find out what my little mouse was hiding. She screamed out my name as she felt the air of my existence dash past her. Let’s see what trouble this little vixen was truly about.

  The Mad Scientist

  Within the parameter of her apartment building, her security system opened fire a barrage of arrows my way. I avoided them and deflected three with ease. I jumped into her bedroom window, hiding my face from the glittering splinters of glass that shattered around me. Cuts bled and then healed within seconds. I dropped onto the floor of her room, pleased with the shards of glass shimmering on the unpolished wooden floors. An eye for an eye. It was only fair after she had broken my window to escape my bathroom. I shook my head back and forth shaking pieces out of my hair. I was excited to finally see inside the little mouse’s den.

  It was exactly how I had envisioned it–minimalist. There was a single bed positioned in the corner of the shoebox room. A tall ceiling sized mirror was positioned across from it. In the corner beside her bed was a wardrobe. I inspected the top drawer. All her panties were boring. No lace whatsoever. That’d be something I’d fix. I collected one of the grey boring ones and stretched it out. Not even a thong. I shook my head in disapproval and threw it over my shoulder and onto the floor. I inspected the private ensuite. It was as functional as her bedroom. It fitted with a shower, toilet, and single basin. The only add ons were a bar of soap, toilet paper, toothbrush, and toothpaste. I closed the door to the bathroom wishing I hadn’t witnessed the tragic lifestyle she led. My Sasha Darling, who swapped your home out for a prison cell?

  The entire bedroom smelled of Sasha but there was something beyond her scent that caught my interest. I walked through the door that opened into a small living room and a kitchen that was hidden by a wall in the corner. A double sofa was positioned in front of an outdated television that had begun to collect dust. The side light in the kitchen was turned on and flies collected on a sandwich she had been making before I interrupted her. She took more care of her training equipment in the abandoned pool room over her own inhabitants.

  I could sense another two humans in the apartment building. I had always noticed that there were another two, of what I assumed to be tenants. Their heartbeats were erratic. Their scents made me pull back my nose in hesitation to take another whiff. I couldn’t pinpoint the smell, but it repulsed me.

  I could sense Sasha running closer towards her abode. Why was my little mouse monopolizing an almost abandoned building? I listened out for the erratic beating hearts and decided to follow the mystery behind them. Perhaps these humans were her hidden secret. I walked through the living room and out the front door that led onto a hallway. A small light flickered on and off in a futile attempt to remain on. The trimmings on the walls were dusty and the smell of mold overwhelmed my nose.

  I looked down either side of the hallway and followed the trace of the erratic heart beats. I ventured right. What was my little mouse hiding? There was a door for an abandoned apartment on my left. On my right was the door to the pool room that she used for training. I came to a dead end and grimaced as I opened the door to the cleaning closet. I was certain this was the only way to reach the humans. Sasha was close now. I had to find whatever bizarreness she was hiding before she found me first.

  The light continued to flicker on and off in the hallway behind me. I curiously looked through the cleaning cupboard, that only contained a broom and mop. Neither had been used in months. Cobwebs had begun to form on them. I listened carefully, pinpointing the exact location of the heartbeats that were underneath me. I searched the walls and ceilings to see if there was some magnificent trap door. No such thing and if there were, I simply couldn’t find it. Keeping in mind that Sasha was rounding the corner to her apartment building, I shrugged my shoulder. Well that left me no choice. I could just break in the floorboard. I raised my leg and smashed my foot through the flooring. It obliterated and I looked down into the gloomy hole as the mop bucket bounced on the floor beneath. If the mop bucket didn’t trigger any security trap then I should be fine, I considered. I dove through.

  The room was dark and a mixture of foreign smells. My eyes adapted quickly to the dark as I circled the room with my eyes. Behind me was a door. Well I’ll be damned, there was a door after all. There must’ve been a secret stairwell somewhere in the building. A leak in the roof continued to drip. It pattered every few seconds. The room smelt of stale walls and mold grew underneath the floorboards that I had just busted through. The ground was cemented and filthy with remnants of mud. It had been scraped up and swept from what looked like a flood.

  I rose my eyebrows in surprise at the two vampires that were strung open along the wall. They were strapped in silver so they couldn’t move. Their arms and legs were stretched out. A silver strap was burned into their neck so they couldn’t move. Their neck had tried to regenerate but molded with the silver. Neither of them was conscious. Their veins were dark blue and shimmering through their porcelain and exhausted skin. For how long had they been starved?

  Staged across the vampires were two cages that imprisoned humans. They were frail and malnourished. Their cages smelt of feces and urine. They shuddered in the cold and away from me, terrified. Their wrinkly and exhausted bodies struggled to breath under the density of air in the room. That explained the erratic heartbeats. It would appear my little mouse had some pets of her own. I scanned the display cabinets that showcased bottles with odd substances, titled with scribbles I’d never seen before. In the center of the room was a silver gurney with thick silver straps. Positioned beside it was a small removable silver table with sharp tools that I’d only ever seen in the use of torture. I was impressed by her selection. I opened the small drawer underneath that consisted of long needles and vials that contained colored liquids. In the corner of the room was a wooden desk. Stacks of paper with crazy scribblings were not so neatly piled on the desk.

  Sasha attempted to be quiet as she walked down the steps. Never would this woman be able to sneak up on me. The wound on her neck had reopened and the erotic smell of her blood flooded into the room. She must’ve scurried back desperately to reopen a wound on her neck. She stood at the door and before she creaked it open, I spoke.

  “Sasha Darling,” I said turning around to face her. She creaked open the door and her silhouette came into focus. Those brown eyes seemed to glow in the dark. She was like a
predator whose cave had been infiltrated. Despite the darkness in the room her gaze was intent on me. She could see me just as well and clearly as I saw her. This sensitive and attractive human was fully aware of the stakes right now. I had crept in and exposed her darkest secret. “Did you take up your mother’s work?” I asked curiously. I approached one of the vampires causally and raised a finger to touch him.

  “Don’t touch him!” She outbursts. I looked back at her and growled low from the bottom of my throat. My upper lip pulled back slightly to reveal my aged fangs. I didn’t like it much when she defended another male, no matter the circumstance. If she had said ‘it,’ I would’ve been okay, but my far too crazy self didn’t see quite clearly after that. I ripped his head off and threw it into the center of the room. She screamed a gurgling cry and lunged for me. I caught her with little effort. Her blood patched against my own bare chest as she tried to struggle against me. She was nothing more than a wild animal. Her eyes enveloped into their oblivion, black as she thrashed against me. Crazy. She was a brilliant crazy scientist.

  Her reaction to my interference of her workspace was all I needed to see so I could summarize the lies that she had laid out up until this point. My Darling Sasha had lied and cheated to cover her tracks. She took opportunity in the events that unfolded before her and was gambling with her life in the sake of her work. She undoubtedly lied to the throne. She had even lied to me. What a clever vixen she was.

  “Your father didn’t really leave the walls, did he?” I asked with a theory in mind. If he had convicted his own wife for her experiments, I imagined his resolve would be no different towards his daughter. His crazy blood thirsty daughter who would never run but fight instead. There was no space for concern of family and loyalty in a person who was not entirely sane.


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