First day of the Somme

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First day of the Somme Page 60

by Andrew Macdonald

  Reserve Infantry Regiment 111 (RIR111) 115, 116, 120, 121; on 1 July 246, 252–53, 256–57, 266–67, 276–81; casualties 116, 280

  Reserve Infantry Regiment 119 (RIR119) 79, 86, 89, 94, 99, 100, 105, 113, 115–16, 129; on 1 July 140, 144, 147, 149, 151, 167–68, 188, 200, 208; casualties 116, 151, 175–76

  Reserve Infantry Regiment 121 (RIR121) 80, 102, 115–16, 121–22, 129–30; on 1 July 144, 154–55, 167–68, 170, 174, 209, 383; casualties 116, 130, 155, 175–76

  Artillery (Field and Foot)

  Bavarian Field Artillery Regiment 1 (BFAR1) 93

  Bavarian Field Artillery Regiment 19 (BFAR19) 74, 92

  Bavarian Foot Artillery Regiment 10 (BFtAR10) 88

  Field Artillery Regiment 21 (FAR21) 113, 293, 298

  Foot Artillery Battery 550 (FtAB550) 88

  26th Reserve Artillery Brigade 376

  Reserve Field Artillery Regiment 20 (RFAR20) 90, 92, 105, 112–13, 122, 134, 335

  Reserve Field Artillery Regiment 26 (RFAR26) 48, 108, 112, 133, 148, 192

  Reserve Field Artillery Regiment 27 (RFAR27) 92, 133

  Reserve Field Artillery Regiment 28 (RFAR28) 114, 228

  Reserve Field Artillery Regiment 29 (RFAR29) 91, 108, 228, 258, 267

  Reserve Foot Artillery Regiment 16 (RFtAR16) 91, 120, 266

  Air Service

  Artillery Air Detachment 221 (AAD221) 74–75, 90

  Artillery Air Detachment 229 (AAD229) 90

  Field Flying Detachment 62 (FFD62) 48

  Machine-gun Units

  Field Machine-gun Platoon 55 (FMGPn55) 104

  Machine-gun Sharp-shooter Troop 73 (MGSST73) 334

  Machine-gun Sharp-shooter Troop 198 (MGSST198) 163


  Württemberg Reserve Dragoon Regiment 104–105

  General Index

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  Aaron, Private James 391

  Abbeville 63

  Abercrombie, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles 185, 197, 200

  Adams, Captain Douglas 154

  Adams, Lieutenant George 345

  Adinfer Wood 324

  Aeroplane Trench 271

  Aisne, Battle of 6

  Albert viii, 20, 36, 59, 63, 91, 212, 246, 322, 362–63, 370

  Albert–Bapaume road viii, 20, 29, 75, 78, 92, 130; on 1 July 175, 211, 214, 219, 226, 230, 234, 242, 249, 282, 379; assessed 384, 389

  Aldershot 3–4, 16

  Alexandra, Queen 3

  Allen, Corporal Henry 44

  Allen, Corporal Herbert 198

  Allenby, Lieutenant-General Sir Edmund viii, xvi, 20; on 1 July and assessed 325–26, 342, 352, 354, 357, 360, 379

  Allsop, Private John 56

  Amiens 19, 63, 381

  Amiens–St Quentin road 381

  Ancre British Cemetery 152

  Ancre, River and Valley xvi, xvii, 20, 42, 78–79, 80, 101, 126; on 1 July 143–144, 148, 150, 161, 167, 170–71, 178, 180–81 187–88, 190, 199, 202, 208–10, 318; assessed 363

  Andrews, Private Fred 155

  Appleyard, Lance-Corporal Sidney 337

  Archer-Houblon, Captain Richard 46, 56, 59

  Arras xviii, 13, 24, 29, 33, 36, 62, 77, 79, 81, 106, 214, 249, 325–26, 386, 389

  Artois 24, 77, 84

  Ashurst, Private George 111–12, 118

  Askew, Private Alfred 117, 270

  Asquith, Prime Minister Herbert 34

  Assevillers 380

  Atkins, Private John 346

  Aubers Ridge, Battle of 7, 41

  Auchonvillers 63; see also Beaumont Hamel–Auchonvillers road

  Aust, Private Walter 46–47, 52, 55

  Austria-Hungary 4–5

  Austro-Hungarian Empire 5–6, 76

  Authuille 63, 197, 209

  Authuille Wood 178, 183–85, 197, 217, 241–42, 362

  Aveluy 63, 197

  Aveluy Wood 181, 197, 198, 203

  Avoca Valley 219

  Ayre, Captain Bernard 54

  Ayre family 54


  Back Trench 309

  Baden, Badeners 78, 97, 119, 144–45, 217, 253–54, 263, 266, 281, 286, 309

  Baden-Württemberg 253; see Baden and separately Württemberg

  Bailiff Wood 228, 371

  Balfour, Arthur 12

  Balkans 7

  Banwell, Second-Lieutenant Sydney 348

  Bapaume viii, 20, 25–26, 29, 31–34, 36, 76, 79, 84, 104; in bombardment 130; on 1 July 144, 211, 214, 249, 315, 357; assessed 361, 372, 381, 389; see also Albert–Bapaume road

  Bapaume–Péronne road 25, 32

  Barber, Rifleman Henry 45, 52, 57, 118, 337, 359

  Barden, Private Clifford 301, 311

  Barker, Private Albert 271

  Bastard, Lieutenant-Colonel Reginald 238

  Bates, Private Frank 349

  Battery Valley 191–92, 194, 199, 203

  Bauer, Reservist Friedrich vii, 105

  Bauer, Leutnant-der-Reserve Georg 265, 277

  Bazentin Wood 297

  Bazentin-le-Grand 26, 288, 297, 314–15, 317–18, 374–75, 383

  Bazentin-le-Petit 36, 278, 297, 311, 313

  Beaucourt 26, 80, 144–45, 180, 190, 202, 389

  Beaucourt Redoubt 144–45, 191

  Beaucourt Station 188

  Beaumont Hamel xvi–xvii, 20, 42–43, 61–62, 78–80, 96; in bombardment 113, 115–116, 127–29; on 1 July 140–41, 143–45, 147, 149, 152, 161, 164–67, 180, 186, 190, 206; assessed 361–62, 365, 367, 369–71, 389; see also Hawthorn Ridge mine, crater and redoubt

  Beaumont Hamel–Auchonvillers road 141, 149, 173

  Beauquesne 361

  Beck, Leutnant-der-Reserve Adolf 174

  Bécordel-Bécourt 249, 261

  Bécourt 63, 91, 223, 260

  Bécourt Valley 65

  Bécourt Wood 58, 219

  Beetle Alley 268, 303

  Belgium vii–viii, ix, 4–7, 14–15, 34, 361

  Bell, Private Allan 296

  Bell VC, Captain Eric 210

  Bell, Private Leslie 68

  Below, General-der-Infanterie Fritz von xi, xiii, xvii; planning and preparations 75–81, 87, 100–101, 106, 180; in bombardment 112, 116–17, 135, 137; on 1 July and assessed 363, 374–76, 380–87

  Bennett, Sergeant Thomas 43

  Bergwerk 143, 145

  Berkefeld, Gefreiter August 334

  Berlin 4, 119

  Bernafay Wood 288–89, 293, 297–99, 311, 314–15, 317–18, 374–75, 383

  Bernard, Lieutenant-Colonel Herbert 195

  Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von 5

  Bethune 63

  Bicknell, Lieutenant-Colonel Henry 252, 255

  Bidder, Lieutenant-Colonel Harold 283, 293

  Biefvillers 167, 194

  Bielefeld, Leutnant-der-Reserve August 91, 120, 266

  Binstead, Private Charles 66

  Birch Tree Wood 221–22

  Birch, Major-General Sir Noel 31

  Birmingham 155

  Bismarck, Otto von 4

  Blacker, Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart 188

  Blakey, Sergeant David 196

  Blenk, Musketier Karl 161

  Blighty Valley Cemetery 241

  Bloye, Bombardier Ben 47

  Bocker, Vizefeldwebel Hermann 99

  Bois Favière 315, 370

  Bois Français 249, 263–65, 273, 277

  Bönsel, Unteroffizier Walter 99

  Booth, Corporal George 240

  Borries, Generalleutnant Karl von xvii, 78, 80–81, 85–86, 137; on 1 July 322, 338, 342, 356–57; assessed 375–76

  Bosnia and Herzegovina 5

  Bottom Wood 277, 378

  Bowles, Major John 335

  Brachat, Unteroffizier Gustav 226

  Bram, Oberstleutnant Alfons Ritter von 204

  Branson, Lieutenant Douglas 71

rasenose College 3

  Bray 45, 50, 63, 91

  Breslau Support Trench 309

  Brew, Gunner James 46

  British Expeditionary Force (BEF) 4, 6, 10, 58

  Brooke, Rupert 265, 271

  Brookes, Private Squire 43, 51–52, 56, 61, 296

  Brown, Lance-Corporal Horace 318

  Brownlee, Private Edward 190

  Brownlow, Captain Cecil 49

  Brusilov, General Aleksei 76

  Brusilov Offensive 34, 76, 361

  Buckingham Palace 3

  Bucquoy 330, 337–38

  Bulgar Point mine and crater 262, 369

  Bull, Captain Wilfred 303

  Bundy, Lieutenant Alfred 233, 237

  Bunny Alley 273

  Burke, Private Pat 272

  Burkhardt, Generalmajor Hermann Ritter von xvii, 78

  Burma 15–16,

  Burnett, Corporal Clarence 310

  Bush, Lance-Corporal William 184

  Büsing, Leutnant-der-Reserve Georg 90, 92, 134, 335

  Busl, Offizierstellvertreter Joseph 287, 293

  Buxton, Lieutenant Jocelyn 118


  Caesar, Julius 20

  Calais 63

  Cameron, Brigadier-General Archibald 197, 200

  Cameron, Private Donald 118

  Cameron, Brigadier-General Neville 232

  Campbell, Major-General Sir David 251, 260

  Capper, Lieutenant Derick 40–41, 57–58, 61, 111, 118, 304

  Carden Roe, Captain William 162

  Carlisle 184

  Carnoy 62–63, 274, 284, 289, 369

  Carnoy Valley 86–87, 247, 249, 261, 262, 265, 289

  Carnoy craters 301, 304, 307–308, 319

  Carnoy Military Cemetery 54, 308

  Carnoy–Montauban road 286, 301, 304, 306, 308

  Carrington, Major Charles 332

  Cartwright, Brigadier-General George 66

  Casino Point mine and crater 305–306, 369

  Castle, The 286

  Casualties: see entries within Index of military units

  Caterpillar Valley 26, 87, 284, 297–99, 304, 310–11, 314, 317–18

  Caterpillar Valley Wood 288, 297, 299, 310–11, 315

  Cather VC, Lieutenant Geoffrey 210

  Cattell, Corporal Douglas 159

  Cayley, Brigadier-General Douglas 164

  Cemetery Trench 262

  Châles de Beaulieu, Generalleutnant Martin xvii, 78, 81, 86–87, 92, 138; on 1 July 249, 286–87, 313–14, 316, 319; assessed 375–76, 380, 382–83, 387

  Champagne 24, 81

  Chantilly Conference 10–13, 361

  Charteris, Brigadier-General John xvi, 1, 17, 35, 57, 129, 135–36, 146

  Chateau Valvion 361, 376

  Chipilly 61

  Clifton College 3

  Cloudsdale, Private Frank 274

  Coates, Orderly Sergeant Harry 337

  Codrington, Staff Captain Geoffrey 65

  Cole, Sergeant William 239

  Collet, Unteroffizier Peter 74, 98

  Collins, Temporary Lieutenant-Colonel Robert 251

  Collis-Browne, Captain John 117–18

  Colyer, Lieutenant William 69, 71, 163

  Combles 25, 26, 113, 381, 383

  Compton, Brigadier-General Charles 184

  Congreve VC, Lieutenant-General Sir Walter xvi, 72, 112, 135; on 1 July 284, 286–89, 314, 316–17, 319–20; assessed 366, 372, 374, 378, 380

  Conn, Private Albert 265

  Connaught Cemetery 186, 195–96

  Contalmaison 28–29, 31, 84, 91, 108; on 1 July 211–12 222, 228, 232–33, 278, 297, 371, 373; assessed 378; see also Fricourt–Contalmaison road

  Contay 63

  Conyers, Rifleman Frederick 117

  Conzelmann, Leutnant-der-Reserve Friedrich 102, 170

  Cook, Sergeant Arthur 169

  Coom, Private Colin 46, 50, 52, 59

  Coppard, Corporal George 57, 71

  Corbett, Private William 55, 219, 224

  Cornes, Captain Hugh 318

  Courcelette 104, 389

  Cousins, Lance-Corporal John 43–44, 301–304

  Crawley ridge 272

  Croft, Brigadier-General Henry 59, 117

  Crook, Private Wilfred 71, 160

  Crosbie, Brigadier-General James 163

  Crozier, Lieutenant-Colonel Frank 60, 67, 72, 138, 191, 195

  Crucifix Trench 259–60, 275

  Curlu 32, 134, 363–64, 375, 380, 382–83

  Currie, Lieutenant-General Sir Arthur 250


  Damon, Private Alfred 172, 173

  Dantzig Alley (North) 262, 268, 272

  Dantzig Alley (South) 273

  Dantzig Alley British Cemetery 256, 302

  Danzig 75

  Davies, Major-General Francis 17

  Day, Private Walter 164

  de Lisle, Major-General Beauvoir 126, 146, 162, 164–65

  Delville Wood 297

  Demmel, Leutnant-der-Reserve Franz 103

  Devennie, Private James 193

  Deverell, Brigadier-General Cyril 261, 263, 265

  Devonshire Cemetery 265

  Dickens, Major Cedric 336–37

  Dickens, Charles 337

  Dickins, Lieutenant-Colonel Vernon 337

  Dickinson, Lieutenant Ambrose 225

  Dirr, Unteroffizier Matthias 100

  Dixon, Lieutenant Norman 62

  Dobbie, Major William 132

  Dompierre 380

  Donaghy, Private Jim 193–94

  Doullens 63

  Downman, Lieutenant Theodore 349–50

  Drake-Brockman, Major Guy 274

  Dublin Redoubt 284, 288

  Dublin Trench 289, 291, 294, 300

  Dunedin 391

  Dunn, Private Harold 300

  Durrant, Corporal Arthur 61, 160

  Dyke, Private Edward 225


  Easton, Private Thomas 58, 227–28

  Ebbetts, Corporal Roland 336

  Eberle, Reservist Christian 93

  Edward VII, King 3–4, 339

  Egeren, Gefreiter Hugo van 342

  Egypt 7 141 212 324

  Eiser, Feldwebel Karl 91, 93, 108, 113, 115, 120, 258, 267, 278

  Ellis, Private Bert 160

  Elstob VC, Captain Wilfrith 55

  Ely, Captain Denis 275

  Englebelmer 197–99

  England, Private Arthur 46, 51, 54, 60, 62, 117, 119

  Estrées 363, 380–82, 385

  Euston Road Military Cemetery 171

  Evans, Lieutenant Alfred 48

  Evans, Lieutenant Samuel 345

  Eversmann, Infanterist Theodor 121


  Falfemont Farm 289

  Falkenhayn, General-der-Infanterie Erich von xi, xvii, 14–15, 75–77, 80, 106–107, 136; on 1 July and assessed 267, 380–81, 383–87, 389

  Farrer, Private John 184

  Fay 380, 384

  Fayolle, General Marie-Emile xviii, 18, 24, 26, 32, 39, 363, 380–81, 384

  Fell, Brigadier-General Robert 270

  Fellows, Corporal Harry 261

  Fenton, Captain George 66

  Festubert, Battle of 7

  Fickendey, Vizefeldwebel Albert 84

  Fiedel, Leutnant Paul 74, 103, 227

  Fife, Lieutenant-Colonel Ronald 256, 270

  Fischer, Reservist 154

  Fischer, Schütze Christian 217, 238, 240–42

  Fisher, Sergeant Alex 41, 261

  Fisher, Lance-Corporal Edward 305

  Flanders 11, 20, 26

  Flavel, Corporal Thomas 47

  Fleetwood, Private Robert 294

  Foaden, Lance-Corporal John 336

  Foch, General Ferdinand xviii, 13, 24, 29, 32, 39

  Foncquevillers 63 322 324

  Foncquevillers Military Cemetery 348, 355

  Foncquevillers–Gommecourt road 343–45, 354

  Forceville 67

  Forster, Captain John 229

, Hauptmann Kurt Freiherr von 330

  Fort Douamont 14

  Foulkes, Colonel Charles 304

  Frank, Private Thomas 57, 293

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria 5

  Fraser, Sergeant Alexander 151

  Fraser-Harris, Second-Lieutenant Alfred 295

  Fraser-Tytler, Lieutenant-Colonel Neil 110–11, 118

  French, Field Marshal Sir John 3, 10, 19

  Frick, Leutnant-der-Landwehr Alfred 228

  Fricourt xvi–xvii, 26, 29, 42, 48, 61–62, 64, 72, 77–78, 80, 91–93, 95–97, 106; in bombardment 113–16, 125, 127–28, 134, 137; on 1 July 246–47, 249–53, 255–59, 263, 266–74, 276–79, 281, 288, 314, 316, 357; assessed 361, 363–64, 366–71, 373–74, 377–79, 381–87; see also Fricourt–Mametz salient

  Fricourt Farm 249, 259–60

  Fricourt New Military Cemetery 270

  Fricourt–Mametz salient 78, 137, 246–47, 250, 252–55, 261, 267, 279, 281, 357, 374; see also Hill 110, Mametz–Montauban ridge, Fricourt and Mametz

  Fricourt Soldatenfriedhof 281

  Fricourt Spur 20; on 1 July 212, 215, 218, 220–22, 231, 233, 249, 251, 257–60, 266–68, 275–77, 279; assessed 361, 383

  Fricourt Wood 247, 262, 273, 276

  Fricourt–Contalmaison road 259–60, 275–76

  Frisch, Vizefeldwebel Georg 74, 101

  Frise 380

  Fritz Trench 268, 272

  Fuller, Private Sydney 313


  Gaffiken, Major George 191

  Galicia 76, 106, 137

  Gallipoli 41, 56, 141, 143

  Garde Stellung 335–36

  Garrand, Driver Charles 54

  Geiger, Leutnant-der-Reserve Emil 114, 170

  Geiger, Leutnant-der-Reserve Wilhelm 115, 120

  George V, King 4, 10, 13, 210, 339, 355

  German Tambour, The 253; see separately Tambour, The

  Gerster, Leutnant-der-Reserve Matthaus 79, 90–91, 96–97, 113–16, 120–22, 127, 130, 133–34, 140, 147–48, 200

  Gibbon, Major John 147

  Gibbs, Major Alfred 117, 182

  Gibbs, Philip 2, 16, 246–47

  Gillon, Captain Stair 162

  Ginchy 31, 113, 381, 383

  Ginchy–Bazentin-le-Grand ridge 26

  Girdwood, Major Austin 178, 199

  Givenchy, Battle of 7

  Glasgow 209

  Glasgow, Brigadier-General William 118, 251, 269–70, 369

  Glatz Redoubt 284, 290, 292

  Glenn, Lance-Corporal James 159

  Glory Hole, The 53–54, 97, 230

  Glover, Second-Lieutenant George 154

  Goat Redoubt 180, 187

  Godley, Lieutenant-General Sir Alexander 16

  Goebel, Lance-Corporal Richard 302

  Goebelbecker, Grenadier Emil 102, 264, 315

  Gommecourt xvi–xvii, 20, 27–29, 42, 49, 77–78, 92, 97; in bombardment 112, 115–16, 127, 134, 137; on 1 July 250, 321–22, 324–27, 329, 333–36, 338, 342–44, 352, 355–57; assessed 359, 361–65, 368, 370, 375–76, 382, 387, 389


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