The Orgasm Project

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The Orgasm Project Page 1

by Doris O'Connor

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Doris O'Connor

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-469-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To Siobhan and her Thurs Threads, where this story started as a 200 word flash


  Romance on the Go

  Doris O'Connor

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  "You have got to be kidding me. You really never have? Not even once? How is that even possible?"

  Maria looked so offended on Anastasia's behalf that she had to giggle. She shrugged her shoulders and flashed her friend a quick smile.

  "It's not a big deal."

  "Not a big deal?" Maria almost shouted, and Anastasia wanted the ground to swallow her up.

  "Of course it is. Someone as gorgeous as you deserves to have tons of screaming orgasms, and I'm not talking about the drink." She gestured to their cocktails and smirked. "And I know just the men to do it, too. Carter? Jake? Get over here. I know you want to."

  "Maria." Anastasia's whispered protest fell on deaf ears.

  The drop-dead gorgeous duo at the next table, who had been taking a far too intimate interest in their conversation, smiled at Anastasia, and her cheeks heated under the full force of their heavy lidded gaze. It was doing strange things to her equilibrium, and she grabbed the counter for support, when they both rose and sauntered towards them. One slightly taller than the other, they were mirror images of each other. From their muscled physique and six foot frames, to the piercing blue eyes, blond hair, and the animal-like grace with which they moved. Anastasia had a sudden vision of big cats circling their prey, and she blinked repeatedly to get rid of the odd image. It wasn't helped by the way both men seemed to sniff the air when they came close enough to catch her scent.

  She barely heard Maria's introductions, because the men stepped either side of her. Caged in between the two finest specimen of hunk she had ever seen, her heart went into overdrive when the taller one bent down and traced a finger along her jawline. He tipped her head up to make her look at him, and she lost herself in his wicked smile.

  "We'll take it from here, sis."

  "Sis?" she asked. How she got her voice to work she wasn't quite sure.

  "Yes, these two lumps are my brothers, and they've been pestering me for ages to get me to introduce you to them."

  "They have? But … why … and why did I not know about this?" Anastasia somehow managed to get the words out of her sandpaper throat. It was difficult, because the slightly smaller one—and he still towered over her—chose that moment to grasp her hips and pull her flush against his body. This close there was no mistaking the hard evidence of his erection digging into her ass.

  He chuckled at her sharp intake of breath and spun her around until she was facing him.

  "I assume you do own a mirror, sweetheart? Any man would want to get to know you. I told Carter, it would only be a matter of time before Maria finally gave in." He smirked at his brother across her head.

  "Dumb-heads. Jake here.” Maria cuffed him around the head, and he growled—an honest to goodness growl that sent a rush of moist heat into Anastasia's knickers. Oh my!

  "Jake had to threaten to get Mum involved. There's no way I want her to know what I've been up to lately. And besides, these two are far too full of themselves, but they are just what you need, girl. You're safe with them." It was Carter's turn to growl into Anastasia's neck, and he seemed to sniff her at the same time. For some strange reason that was the sexiest thing ever, and Anastasia bit her lip to stop herself from groaning out loud.

  "Had I known how dire things are, I'd have set the Orgasm Project under way sooner."

  "The what?" Maria couldn't have just said what she did, could she? Anastasia wanted the ground to swallow her up. Embarrassment heated her cheeks, and she tried to push both men away, but she might as well have tried to move mountains. Neither one of them budged. Jake simply raised an eyebrow at her, and Carter wrapped a hard arm round her middle and pinned her to him. Stood on tiptoes as she was, she would have fallen over, had she been able to move. As it was she was grateful for the support, because Jake's grin turned sinful, as he studied her with such heated intensity, she was surprised her knickers didn't self-combust. What on earth was going on here? She never reacted to any man in such a wanton way. Public venue be damned, she wanted to sink to her knees and do their every bidding.

  If she hadn't had hold of her glass the entire time they had been here, she'd have thought they had spiked her drink. That was the only explanation that made sense. After all she was the frigid one, the one who simply went through the motions in the vain hope that this time ‘round she would manage to coax her body into some sort of response to please her partner.

  She closed her eyes against the mental image of her last boyfriend berating her for her inherent inability to orgasm.

  "I give up. You need to see a shrink, I reckon. Look me up when you've sorted yourself out. I don't need a cold fish in bed."

  She'd really thought it would be different with James. They'd taken it slowly at her insistence, and he had been the perfect gentleman, until the night his patience had run out. A shudder went through her at the thought of that disastrous night, and Jake's and Carter's growls shook her out of her reflection.

  "Whatever is going on in that pretty head of yours, let go of it." Jake's deep rumble wrapped itself around her very soul, soothing away the festering sore left behind by her previous encounters, and she blinked several times when she opened her eyes. In the dim lighting of the bar, his eyes seemed to glow, the pupils dilated to cat-like slits, and his delicious scent intensified. Familiar, and arousing, it called to her, and a sense of rightness settled over her, as though she had waited for this moment all of her life. It made no sense, yet it made perfect sense, deep down inside in that place she kept hidden from the world, lest it ridicule her for her fanciful notions.

  Carter nuzzled into her neck. His stubble-roughened skin left delicious tingles behind, and she gasped at his whispered words.

  "You're ours now."

  The possessiveness behind those three words sent her arousal up a fevered notch, and she closed her eyes again and let her head fall back against his shoulder. He licked the rapidly beating pulse point there, and she groaned at the myriad of sensations his curiously rough tongue left in its wake.

  From somewhere far away she heard Maria's laughter. Tinged with astonishment and a hint of warning, her friend's voice sent an army of butterflies to take up residence in her tummy.

  "Guess you were right, Jake. She is yours. Damn it, had I known you were actually serious for once, I'd have set this up ages ago. You take good care of her now, and for God's sake get her out of here before Carter shifts and scares the bejesus out of everyone, including your mate. You need to break this to her gently."

  Whatever Jake said back to his sister was lost in the animalistic rumble emanating from Carter's chest, and Anastasia screwed her eyes shut when the world tilted. Somehow she knew she didn't want to see what was going on. Besides it was marginally less embarrassing to be carried out of a public bar, as though she was a mere chi
ld, when she didn't have to look anyone in the face. Instead she burrowed closer into his chest, marveling at the strength of the man who cradled her to him as though she was the most precious cargo and weighed nothing more than a feather. Anastasia felt small, fragile, and truly feminine for the first time since she'd turned into a gangly teenager, who had towered over her classmates, male and female alike. When she'd stopped growing, those awkward limbs had turned into less than fashionable curves. It had garnered her plenty of unwanted male attention, and had made her the butt of every fat joke going by so-called girlfriends. In fact, she had not called any female her friend until she had bumped into Maria. Just like with her brothers, the connection had been instant and electrifying, and they had become firm friends.

  The noises of the bar faded away, and cool air hit her fevered skin. She shivered and snuggled deeper into the warm cocoon of Carter's arms. It was cold out here, yet despite the fact that Carter was in shirt sleeves, he was warm, like a delicious hot water bottle, and he smelled so good. It wasn't any expensive cologne either, no, this was pure, raw masculinity, that indefinable something she had recognized in Jake' scent, too. Each man's aroma was unique, yet similar, and pulled at something deep inside her soul, a connection she hadn't felt to anyone since her paternal grandfather's surprise visit all those years ago. He, too, had had that unique essence, that, in his case had made her four year old self feel safe and cherished, and like she belonged. She couldn't remember much about him, and he'd never been mentioned again by her mother. She had thrown him out of the house amongst much shouting and swearing. Words that hadn't made sense at the time. "Get out, you filthy freak of nature. Stay the fuck away from my daughter, before I skin you alive! She's not like you."

  Why she should remember that now was beyond her, really. She hadn't thought about that long forgotten moment in years. Her childhood was not something worth remembering, after all.

  There was the unmistakable beep of a car alarm being switched off, and then the world tilted again. Soft leather covers were under her legs, and she sank into the plush interior with a sigh. Bereft of Carter's warmth she shivered, and then Jake's laughter was in her ear.

  "You can open your eyes now, sweetheart." A powerful engine roared into life, and she sensed rather than felt Jake lean across her. The seat belt snapped into place, and his large hand brushed across her nipples as he adjusted the restraint between her breasts. Instantly those nipples firmed into wanton little nubs, and Jake inhaled sharply.

  "Put your foot down, Carter. I can't wait much longer to taste our girl."

  Again the possessiveness behind those words made her core clench in need, and more moisture soak her underwear. Anastasia screwed her eyes shut tighter, heat flooding her face.

  "I'm not your girl." She croaked the words, and both men laughed in unison.

  "Oh, yes, you are, and we're going to prove it to you, the minute we get you back to our place." Carter's voice held an edge of steel, and her insides tightened in need. This shouldn't turn her on so much. She didn't know these men. Maria's brothers or not, she knew nothing about them, other than her body's completely unreasonable reaction to their presence, and that should not be enough reason to let them get away with kidnapping her. For surely that's what they were doing, in effect, wasn't it? What was wrong with her that she just let them do it?

  "What if I don't want to go home with you?"

  She opened her eyes to find Jake smiling down at her. Carter's gaze, too, sought hers through the rear view mirror, and a shiver of unease went down her spine at the disapproval she read in his eyes—eyes that bled from blue to golden and back again as she watched in stunned fascination.

  "What are you?" The question left her lips before she could stop herself, and she inwardly groaned at her stupidity.

  "You know what we are." Jake said, his hot breath a whisper's breadth away from her neck as he sniffed her again. "Look into yourself and tell me that you don't feel this connection. I know you do. Your body gives you away as surely as your sweet scent. You're wet for us just thinking about what we might do to you, and that's not fear I can smell, but arousal. You want us as much as we want you, have wanted you from the first moment we caught your scent all those months ago."

  "You can't be serious."

  Anastasia shook her head and pushed against his chest. His heartbeat thundered under her fingertips in tune with her own galloping rhythm. The fact that he seemed as affected as her by whatever was happening between them gave her a heady rush of feminine power. Liquid arousal pooled between her thighs and slicked the top of her legs. She put up no resistance to Jake's questing digits trailing up her inner thigh. Underneath the skimpy dress she had worn at Maria's insistence, his hand inched ever upwards until his knuckles brushed against the damp fabric covering her slit, and she bit back a moan when his thumb found her clit. That normally shy little bundle of nerves contracted under that slight touch and seemed to swell in need. Jake caught her groan in his mouth, and Anastasia forgot any objections she might have had at the first swipe of his tongue inside her mouth.

  If she thought he smelled good, then he tasted even better. His musk exploded on her tongue, and she opened to his gentle insistence. He swooped in and took possession of the kiss. One hand fisted in her hair while the other still showed homage to her little nubbin, and she gasped into the ever more passionate kiss, when one of his incredibly long fingers slid under the elastic of her thong. She was so wet that he slipped right into the tight clasp of her body, and her internal muscles contracted around that digit. He growled low in his throat, and she ground herself against his hand as his thumb settled on her clit.

  He added another finger and then a third, thrusting in and out of her needy pussy in tune with his tongue's thrusts inside her mouth, and Anastasia gave herself up to the ever more urgent demands of her body. Her hands fisted in his shirt, as the tingles started deep inside her core. Like a tidal wave of sensation they grew and tumbled forth, retreating a bit with every thrust, only to double in force with every faster pump of his fingers inside her channel.

  The car lurched round a corner and then came to an abrupt stop. Cool air rushed into the heated interior, and Anastasia moaned her denial when Jake withdrew his fingers. In the blink of an eye she was freed out of her seat belt, and Jake broke the kiss to shift her body backwards. Carter's strong hands gripped her thighs, and she caught a glimpse of his glowing eyes, before he buried his head between her thighs. Her underwear gave way with an audible rip, and then his hot breath on her swollen folds robbed her of any coherent thoughts.

  "My turn to taste her, brother." The growled words vibrated against her slit, seconds before his tongue delved into her quivering channel. Anastasia arched her back in desperate need to get closer to the hot mouth he used to such devastating effect on her clit. Jake chuckled in her ear, and she saw him lick his fingers, slick with her arousal. The sight was incredibly erotic, and she could taste herself in the kiss he gave her. Carter chose that moment to bite down on her clit, and she screamed. The barely functioning side of her brain marveled at that need-filled scream, muffled as it was by Jake's kiss, and she clamped her thighs around Carter's head, as she started to tumble over that elusive edge no man had ever managed to help her over.

  Unlike the weak orgasms she had managed by her own hand, this one took her breath away. All sense of time and reason disappeared as her body convulsed under the hands of her lovers. Carter pushed her over that edge again, and again, and again, whilst Jake's hands played with her breasts and nipples. He rolled each hard nub between his thumb and forefinger, pinching hard, and the sharp pain zinged straight to her clit.

  Jake finally broke the kiss and nibbled his way down her neck as her body shook in delicious aftershocks.

  "All ours," the men grumbled in unison. Jake bit into her neck at the exact same time Carter bit her thigh, and Anastasia screamed at the intensity of another orgasm. It wreaked havoc on her body, until the world went black.


  Cool sheets surrounded her, and a warm hand brushed her hair off her face, whilst another applied a tepid wash cloth to her tender nether regions. Anastasia moaned as the fabric rubbed against her clit, and she bit her lip. It seemed Maria's brothers had turned her into a right hussy, if the way her body instantly responded to their nearness was anything to go by.

  Jake licked the tender spot on her neck where he had bitten her, and Carter did the same thing to a spot on her thigh. They had bitten her. That thought brought her up short.

  She kicked Carter away and scooted up the bed and as far away as she could from Jake.

  "You bit me. Why the hell would you do that? You had no right."

  The men exchanged a glance, and Carter sighed.

  "We had every right. You're ours, and if you stopped to think about it for a minute, you know we did the correct thing." Jake said. He reached for her, but she shook her head and growled.

  Anastasia clamped her hand over her mouth, terrified at the sound that had just come out of her mouth.

  "What the hell have you done to me? What was that?" she asked, a horrible suspicion taking shape in her mind.

  Carter simply grinned in response, and Jake regarded her thoughtfully.

  "How do you feel?" he asked.

  "I-I …" How did she feel? She had been, to all intents and purposes, kidnapped, by two of the most handsome men she had ever seen, and taken to God only knew where. They had given her the most mind-blowing set of orgasms she had ever experienced, bitten her as though she was some piece of cattle to be branded, and then seemingly tended to her needs. She felt fresh, clean, as though every part of her had been washed, and heat rose in her cheeks at the thought that they had seen her naked and unconscious, every one of her imperfections on display in the brightly lit room. The huge four poster bed she lay on was illuminated by spotlights, and she yanked the luxury cotton sheet up to cover her breasts. Wherever they had taken her, her surroundings screamed of wealth and understated elegance, from the gleaming mahogany antique furniture to the polished oak flooring in this massive bedroom. She took all this in with detached calm, ignoring the pounding of her heart and the adrenaline coiling her muscles.


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