The Devil She Knew

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The Devil She Knew Page 1

by Talia Hunter

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Thanks For Reading!

  Also by Talia Hunter

  About the Author

  The Devil She Knew

  A Lantana Island Romance

  Talia Hunter


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Thanks For Reading!

  Also by Talia Hunter

  About the Author


  Nate Mason listened to the figure being offered. It was a lot of money. A shit-load, in fact. Shame he wasn’t tempted.

  “Did you hear me, Nate? They want to give us fifty-five million dollars!” His business partner’s voice rose to such an excited pitch, Nate winced and pulled the phone away from his ear. Neither of them had expected such a high offer for their self-drive software. It was the kind of profit nobody in their right mind would turn down.

  Nate supposed that made him officially crazy.

  “Screw it.” Nate made his final decision as he said the words. “I don’t want to sell.”

  Tristan made a strangled sound on the other end of the line. “Excuse me? You’re not seriously suggesting we say no to that much money?”

  Nate glanced behind him. The sun was setting over the white sand beach and the crowd of wedding guests were silhouetted against its rays. He’d only arrived on Lantana Island a couple of hours ago. After showering and changing, he’d barely made it to the beach in time for the ceremony, and had ducked away right after it to make some calls. But the formal dinner would be starting any minute.

  “I need to get back to the wedding,” he said. “We can talk about it tomorrow.”

  “I’m holding a contract and all it needs is your signature. Come on, Nate. We can’t possibly turn it down.”

  “Why not?”

  “Please tell me you’re joking.” The faint sound of shoes clomping on wooden floors came through the line, as though Tristan had started pacing. “We’ve been pouring money into it for three years and I’m all but broke. It’s time to sell.”

  Although Tristan couldn’t see him, Nate found himself shaking his head. “It’s too early to sell. Once we hand over our software, they’ll mess it up. Remember what happened when we sold Journeyman?”

  “I remember all the money we made,” said Tristan. “Besides, we can’t afford to take this any further. Creating a car prototype is going to cost a fortune.”

  “There might be a way to fund it ourselves.” Nate glanced over the water, to the yacht moored in Lantana Island’s sheltered bay. “What if we put our system into boats?”

  “Boats?” Tristan sounded like he was being strangled. “What are you talking about?”

  “We could adapt our software to fit into an existing autopilot system,” he repeated slowly, working it through in his head as he spoke. “It wouldn’t be hard, and a lot cheaper than developing a car prototype. If we diversify now, it gives us more options. We could sell it as a different system entirely—”

  “You’re not talking about making a whole new product? That would take far too long and cost far too much.”

  Nate narrowed his eyes, squinting against the sun to make out the details of the yacht. It was a decent size, and probably had a radar, auto-pilot, and navigation system. Its name was Lady of Lantana, so it had to belong to the resort’s owner and could be available for rent.

  “I’ll bet I could get a yacht steering itself in just three days,” he said.

  “Three days? No way.”

  “And if I can? Will you tear up that contract?”

  “You’re serious?” Tristan sucked in a loud breath. “But Nate, it’s fifty-five million dollars.” At least his partner didn’t sound quite so convinced now.

  Nate glanced over his shoulder again. The wedding guests were moving towards the dining tables on the sand. “I have to go.”


  “I’ll call you in the morning, Tristan. First thing, I promise.” Nate hung up, stuck his phone in his pocket and loosened the tie he hardly ever wore. It was too hot for ties and he had sand in his shoes. If it had been his wedding, he’d have made it less formal. He caught himself, and shook his head, bemused. Where had that thought come from? He wasn’t interested in risking a relationship, so he hardly needed to plan what kind of wedding he’d have.

  Nate spotted Dalton, the resort owner, walking across the sand toward the resort’s restaurant, and moved to intercept him. After outlining his plan and assuring the man he’d had plenty of boating experience and wouldn’t damage the yacht’s systems, he arranged to rent the Lady of Lantana for a small fee. Three days was a tight time-frame so he’d need to start first thing in the morning.

  The deal done, Nate knew he should go and congratulate Laura and Luke, the happy couple. Instead, he stood on the edge of the crowd of guests, searching for the one woman he didn’t want to see.

  He almost hadn’t come to the wedding at all. But so far there’d been no sign of Suzie’s short brown hair.


  Maybe Suzie and Laura had fallen out, so she hadn’t come? Or maybe Suzie hadn’t been able to take time away from work? Nate did one more scan of the crowd, then let his shoulders relax. Many of the wedding guests had already found their seats at the dining tables on the sand, but Suzie wasn’t among them. Strange for the bride’s sister not to be here, but her absence would make his short stay on the island easier.

  Nate headed towards the blackboard where the seating plan was displayed. If Suzie were here somewhere, he’d be able to find her name on the plan.

  As he neared the board on its easel, he saw a woman also walking towards it. She wore a gold dress and had bangles up each arm that jangled with every step. She was a little in front of him, so he couldn’t see her face, but her long, curly hair tumbled almost to her waist. It was obviously dyed, because a red that bright could only have come out of a bottle. She hadn’t bothered with shoes and was barefoot on the sand, her painted toenails even brighter than her hair. A hippy-dippy type, obviously. Nobody he’d be interested in.

  But when she turned her head to the side, his heart somersaulted. She had luminous skin that glowed in the sunset and there was something about the shape of her eyes that made it seem like they had a smile behind them, even when she reached the board and frowned as she studied it.


  Her hair was completely different, but one thing hadn’t changed: she was still more beautiful than she deserved to be. And her figure had become even m
ore curvaceous and desirable, if that were possible.

  Nate swore under his breath. He’d been dreading seeing her, but had convinced himself if he did, he’d feel nothing but disdain. This time she wouldn’t make his heart speed up or his palms perspire. This time, the only thing she’d be able to make him feel would be righteous annoyance.

  He wiped his palms on his pants, then took a breath, trying to slow the beating in his chest.

  Damn her.

  After all these years, he’d counted on finally being free from the curse of his attraction to her. How could she still have this effect on him? He knew she was bad news, but somehow the message hadn’t got through to every part of him. She was his own personal Kyrptonite, and the last thing he needed was to have her embedded in his mind for another ten years, permeating his thoughts and dreams.

  He clenched his jaw. Over his dead body. However she’d managed to sink her claws into him, it was going to end tonight. All he had to do was talk to her, and the memories of how much he’d hated her would come flooding back. And this time he’d make sure every cell in his body was paying attention.


  Suzie should have known her sister’s wedding guests would be a bunch of hopeless nerds. Many were Laura’s ex-colleagues from the university’s math department.

  She tried to resist glaring at her sister, who’d just finished up with her wedding photos and was gazing adoringly into her new husband’s eyes. Luke was definitely the hunkiest man here, and not only was he hot, but he had a generous helping of bad-boy charm. Suzie loved her sister, and was happy for her, but couldn’t she also be a teeny bit jealous?

  Some of Luke’s friends were cute, but they were here with their wives or girlfriends. Where were all Luke’s single buddies?

  Sighing, she scanned the crowd, barely looking at the board where the seating plan was pinned up. She’d been on this absurdly romantic Fijian island for five days and as much as she’d enjoyed lazing around the white sand beach and snorkeling the crystal water, it would have been nice to indulge in a little holiday romance. But not when the only choices were geeks who knew more about calculating the radius of a curve than running their hands over one.

  Well, too late now. She had to leave tomorrow to cater her first wedding on her own. At least this break had been an opportunity to give herself a pep talk and convince herself she wasn’t going to mess it up.

  When Suzie’s gaze turned to the seating plan, horror slowly dawned. Instead of just printing everyone’s names, Laura had made up a puzzle for each person, so you had to work out the equation to see where you were sitting. Laura’s version of fun was Suzie’s worst nightmare. Would she be the only guest too dumb to figure out where she was sitting?

  Staring at the numbers, Suzie fought back a groan. Being the dunce of the family had been bad enough when Suzie was growing up. The last thing she needed was a reminder of her shortcomings before heading home to tackle a big challenge. Just her luck, she’d need the formula explained to her, then she’d end up sitting next to one of her sister’s brainiac buddies who’d treat her like she needed to be taught how to use a fork.

  Suzie caught a whiff of delicious cologne. A man was standing behind her studying the board over her shoulder, and boy, did he smell good. She turned slowly, making the movement casual. Tall. Broad shoulders. Square jaw. Hair so dark it was almost black, razor short on the sides and long enough on top to have the perfect touch of artful scruffiness. Holy mother of dragons, this guy was way too good looking, he had to be married. Her eyes dropped, searching for a ring and not finding one. Could her luck have finally changed?

  He turned gorgeous brown eyes on her and her knees went weak. Wowser. Now that was a face she could imagine waking up next to.

  “Hi.” She gave him the most alluring smile she could manage when he’d already sucked the breath out of her lungs.

  His eyes narrowed and he didn’t smile back. “You don’t recognize me, do you?”

  She stared at him, shocked. No way could she have met a man this hot before and not remembered him. So why he was looking at her like she’d done bad things to him, and not in a fun way?

  “Ah…” She gulped. “Maybe you’ve mistaken me for someone else?”

  The look he gave her could only be described as a glare. “Shall I give you a clue, Suzie? We were at school together, and my parents used to own the store on the corner of your street.”

  She frowned, thinking back to when she was a teenager. “No, you can’t be…?”

  Her mind was racing. Was he really Harrison, the boy who’d worked behind the counter? She’d had a crush on him and finally worked up the courage to ask him out. On the night that was supposed to be their first date he’d never turned up to collect her, and when she’d stormed up to him the next day, confused and angry, he’d said some awful things.

  Although she remembered Harrison being cute, he sure didn’t look anywhere near this good back then. He’d had a shaved head, six studs in his ear, and three in his lip. She’d wondered how she’d kiss him with all that hardware in the way.

  No, this man didn’t look like Harrison. Different mouth shape. Different eyes.

  Suzie’s blood went cold. Could it be Harrison’s kid brother?

  “Milhouse?” she breathed.

  “Thank you for giving me that nickname.” His voice was soaked in sarcasm. “Do you even know my real name?”

  She swallowed. What on earth was his real name? He’d always been Milhouse to her. “You don’t wear glasses anymore,” she said, stalling.

  “I had laser surgery.”

  Suddenly her memories were flooding back. Millhouse had been the nerdiest of the nerds. A friend of Laura’s because they’d been in all the advanced classes together, and the math and science clubs. He’d always made her feel stupid, the way he talked to Laura about things she had no hope of understanding, though she was a year older than them both.

  She’d hated him. Hated the way he used to compete with Laura to be top of every class. His arrogant swagger when he collected his endless awards. And worst of all, the way he’d made up a lie about her that had taken her years to live down.

  “How dare you?” She clenched her fists. Oh yes, it was all coming back to her what an asshole he was. “What did I ever do to you?”

  “You called me Milhouse, for a start.”

  Yeah, well, he’d looked like Milhouse, Bart’s geeky friend on The Simpsons. Now he was a six-foot hottie in a designer suit. Who the hell could have seen that coming?

  She drew herself up as tall as she could manage. “Harrison told me he didn’t want to go out with me because I’d offered to have sex with you if you’d write my term paper. He didn’t believe me when I denied it and the next thing I knew, everyone at school was talking about it. Where do you think he might have got an idea like that?” Her face was getting warm, and no doubt flushing bright red. “You lied about me, and everyone believed you.”

  “It was payback.” His sqare jaw tightened. “That thug you used to go out with stole from my parents’ store. When I tried to stop him he broke my collar bone.”

  Suzie’s greatest superpower was her ability to attract losers, and dating thugs was a particular specialty. But she knew which one Milhouse was talking about. It could only be Troy, the boy she’d broken up with before she’d gathered her courage to ask Harrison out.

  She folded her arms defiantly. “You can’t blame me for what Troy did.”

  Milhouse folded his arms as well, matching her stance. “He stole cigarettes.” His lip curled with disdain. “Menthol cigarettes. The brand you smoked.”

  Suzie swallowed down a hard lump of guilt. Troy had given her several cartons, and she’d smoked them without asking where he’d got them. She’d been a blind, infatuated fool, but she’d never meant to hurt anyone. Besides, his ‘payback’ had made her life hell.

  “So you took revenge on me instead of Troy?”

  He shrugged. “I figured Captain Fingerpaint was on a col
lision course with a jail cell anyway. His IQ was so low, you’d have to dig for it.”

  Great. Her boyfriend had been dumb, so what did that make her? She glared at Milhouse, but he ignored her rage, instead stepping forward so he could study the seating plan.

  It bought him close, and she was suddenly all too aware of his body. His white shirt clung to his muscled frame, hinting that he’d somehow developed a delicious bad-boy physique. And what was with that too-delicious cologne?

  Her blood pulsed harder, and her heart stuttered. But what she was feeling couldn’t be arousal. No, there had to be a breeze sending shivers over her skin. He might be sickeningly handsome now, but all the window dressing in the world couldn’t disguise the face that he was still the despicable nerd she’d hated.

  “You’re sitting there.” Milhouse pointed at the board. “And I’m sitting—” He broke off, his eyes narrowing.

  Crap. It had taken him all of two seconds to work out the formula. Worse, he had to have known she wouldn’t be smart enough. Suzie flushed. She felt like she’d just failed high school all over again.

  “Oh good!” The happy exclamation came from behind them, and Suzie glanced around at Laura, who was standing close, smiling at them both. “I’m glad you two are getting reacquainted. I’m sure you’ve already worked out where you’re sitting? You’re together, over there.” She pointed to a nearby table. “We’ll have some speeches first, then dinner, so go and make yourselves comfortable.”

  Suzie clenched her teeth. Laura had seated her with Milhouse? Perfect. That probably meant he was the only single guy here and Suzie’s sister thought she was doing her a favor. Laura was a genius, except when it came to people. If she remembered that hateful rumor from their school days, she’d no doubt forgotten Milhouse had started it.


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