PoC or GTFO, Volume 2

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PoC or GTFO, Volume 2 Page 21

by Manul Laphroaig

  I hope these tricks are handy for you when writing your own 512-byte game, and also that you’ll share your game with the rest of us. Complete code and prebuilt binaries are available in the ZIP portion of this release.8

  11:5 In Search of the Most Amazing Thing; or, Towards a Universal Method to Defeat E7 Protection on the Apple ][ Platform

  by Peter Ferrie (qkumba, san inc) with thanks to 4am

  In the early days, there was a protection technique known as the “generic bit-slip protection.” In modern times, the cracker known as 4am has dubbed it the “E7 bitstream,” because of the trigger values that are used to locate it. It was a very popular technique.

  While many nibble-checks could be defeated simply by not allowing them to run at all, some protection routines required that the code be run to produce their side effects, such as to decrypt pages or to emit certain values that are checked later. At a high level, our goal is therefore to simulate the E7 bitstream entirely, allowing the protection routine to run as usual. That is, using a data-only solution to avoid making any changes to the code. Stated explicitly, our goal is to produce either disks that can be copied by COPYA (which, during a copy operation, converts nibble data to sector data and then back again) or “. dsk”-format disk images, which contain only sector data.

  Therefore, we need sector data that, when written to disk, produce nibble data that pass the protection check. For that to be possible, we must understand the protection itself and the code that uses it.

  A primer on the hardware in general was included in PoC‖GTFO 10:7, with this technique in particular near page 257. The theory is that after issuing an access of Q6H ($C08D+(slot×16)), the QA switch of the Data Register will receive a copy of the status bits, where it will remain accessible for four CPU cycles. After four CPU cycles, the QA switch of the Data Register will be zeroed. Meanwhile, assuming that the disk is spinning at the time, the Logic State Sequencer continues to shift in the new bits. When the QA switch of the Data Register is zeroed, it discards the bits that were already shifted in, and the hardware will shift in bits as though nothing has been read previously. The relevant code can be found on page 376.

  Interestingly, the bit $06 instruction is a misdirection. It exists only for the purpose of consuming some cycles. Any other instruction of equal duration could have been used, and it might be considered a watermark. While it is the value that exists most commonly, some titles changed the value of the address to 80 or FF, and these versions were spread, too.

  In the most common implementation of the E7 protection, the stream on disk appears as D5 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 with some harmless zero-bits in between. So from where do the other values come? The magic is in the timing of the reads, and timing is everything, so we must count the cycles!

  Figure 11.2: E7 Protection Check





  2 cycles



  2 cycles



  2 cycles



  4 cycles



  2 cycles



  3 cycles

  15 cycles

  One bit is shifted in every four CPU cycles, so a delay of 15 CPU cycles is enough for three bits to be shifted in. Those bits are discarded. However, since the CPU and the Disk ][ system are not synchronized, then depending on exactly when the initial read began, there can be up to two additional cycles in the total count. That puts us in the 16 cycle range, which is sufficient for a fourth bit to be shifted in and then discarded. In any case, the hardware sees it like this, due to a slip of three (or four) bits:

  D5 E7 E7 E7 [slip] EE E7 FC EE E7 FC EE EE FC

  In binary, the stream looks like this, with the seemingly redundant zero-bits in bold.

  11010101 11100111 11100111 11100111

  D5 E7 E7 E7

  11100111 0 11100111 00 11100111 11100111 0 11100111 00

  E7 E7 E7 E7 E7

  11100111 11100111 0 11100111 0 11100111 11100111

  E7 E7 E7 E7 E7

  However, by skipping the first three or four bits, the stream looks quite different.

  The old zero-bits are still in bold, and the newly exposed zero-bits are in italics. We can see that the old zero-bits form part of the new stream. This decodes to EE E7 FC EE E7 FC EE EE FC, and we have our magic values. The fourth bit must be a zero-bit in the original stream in case only three bits are slipped. Having the fifth bit be a zero-bit in the original stream makes a nice pattern of repeating values, if for no other reason.

  Well-Groomed Data

  In order to defeat this at all, we need to produce a regular 6-and-2 encoded sector which can be read by real hardware and copied by regular DOS.

  We start by exploiting the point marked by (*1) on page 376. There’s a search for E7 after the D5. This allows us to introduce a full data prologue without breaking the check.

  D5 AA AD E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 ...

  We can even conclude it with a regular epilogue so that there are no read errors.

  D5 AA AD E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 E7 ... DE AA

  It looks like a regular sector. The next step is to fill the stream with the appropriate values, including simulating the presence of the timing bits.

  The Hard Stuff

  We will use Bank Street Writer III for our first attempt, since it is the simplest example. Bank Street Writer III requires only one nibble from the pattern to be valid as an 8-bit decryption key for one page of memory. That nibble appears at a position four nibbles after the EE, and its value must be E7, so our pattern looks like this.

  EE ?? ?? ?? E7 ...

  Since we can’t rely on timing bits in our stream (because we need sector data that produces nibble data that this code interprets as valid), we can’t place the EE inside a pair of E7s because after the bit-slip the wrong value will be read. Instead, we have to encode the value EE directly after discarding the first three bits, and placing a zero-bit in the fourth bit for compatibility purposes.

  ???01110 1110???? ???????? ???????? ???????? 11100111 ...

  After the bit-slip (and our extra zero-bit),

  ...11101110 ???????? ???????? ???????? ???? [11100111] ...

  We must make those last four bits “disappear,” in order to align our E7 value correctly and allow it to be seen. If we turn those four bits into zeroes and distribute them within the stream, while adhering to the rule of not more than two consecutive zeroes, and replace the rest with ones, we get this:

  ...11101110 11111111 00 11111111 00 11111111 [11100111] ...

  The hardware reads this as EE FF FF FF E7. Then we prepend one-bits and a zero-bit to the first (partial) nibble, like this:

  [1110]11101110 11111111 00 11111111 00 11111111 [11100111] ...

  After realigning the stream, we have this:

  11101110 11101111 11110011 11111100 11111111 [11100111] ...

  On disk, it appears as EE EF F3 FC FF E7.

  The final step is to pad the data to a multiple of the sector size, so that we have a complete sector. We must also include the calculate the proper checksum. The remaining contents of the sector at this point are entirely arbitrary. We could place a text message or draw a picture, if we chose. Perhaps the most aesthetic version is to include a nibble which will zero the running value, and then fill the rest of the sector with 96s, since 96 is the nibble value for zero. This will yield a sector which is devoid of all content other than the needed values. If that version is chosen, then a quick lookup in the nibble translation table shows us that the nibble value which will zero the running value is F3, so our whole stream appears as:

  D5 AA AD E7 E7 E7 EE EF F3 FC FF E7 F3 96 96 ... DE AA

  Great, it runs on hardware.

  Apple for the Win, or Not.

  Then we try AppleWin (as at It d
oesn’t work. Why not? Because instead of shifting bits into the data latch one at a time until the top bit is set, AppleWin shifts in an entire nibble immediately. It means that AppleWin does not (and cannot!) support bit-slip at all. Hmm, can we support both at the same time? Let’s see about that.

  We need to encode the first nibble as an EE, while also allowing a bit-slipping hardware to decode it as an EE. Well, we have that already, so we’re halfway there! That just leaves the value four nibbles after the EE, which is currently the arbitrary value of FF. We change that FF to E7, so our stream on disk appears like so. EE EF F3 FC E7 E7

  The final step is to pad the sector as we did previously. Using the aesthetic choice again, we zero the running value and then fill the rest of the sector with 96s. A quick lookup in the nibble translation table shows us that the needed value is D6, so our whole stream appears to be

  D5 AA AD E7 E7 E7 EE EF F3 FC E7 E7 D6 96 96 ... DE AA

  We have a regular sector that works both on hardware and the AppleWin emulator.

  Totally Rad

  Next up is Rad Warrior. It requires four nibbles from the pattern to be valid (as a 32-bit decryption key for four pages of memory), starting with the fourth nibble. This means that our Bank Street Writer III technique won’t work because the pattern will be read differently between the bit-slip and the non-bitslip version, after the fourth nibble.

  We have to come up with another technique. We do this by exploiting the point marked by (*2) on page 376. There’s a search for the EE. It means that we can insert nibbles after the point of the bit-slip, which will re-sync the stream to the non-slip form. At that point, we can insert any pattern that we need. We start with an arbitrary compatible sequence, EF FF FF FF.

  In binary, it’s:

  11101111 11111111 11111111 11111111

  After the bit-slip (and our extra zero-bit), the hardware sees:

  ...11111111 11111111 11111111 1111

  As above, we must make those last four bits disappear, in order to align our pattern later. As above, we turn the four bits into zeroes and distribute them within the stream, while adhering to the rule of not more than two consecutive zeroes. Let’s try this:

  ...0 11111111 00 11111111 0 11111111

  The hardware reads this as FF FF FF. Then we prepend one-bits and a zero-bit to the first (partial) nibble again, like this:

  [1110]011111111 00 11111111 0 11111111

  After realigning the stream, we have this:

  11100111 11111001 11111110 11111111

  On disk, that appears as E7 F9 FE FF.

  That final FF is redundant, so we remove it. Then we append our complete pattern without any consideration for bit-slip. Our stream looks like this:


  The final step is to pad the sector as we did previously. Using the aesthetic choice again, we zero the running value and then fill the rest of the sector with 96s. A quick lookup in the nibble translation table shows us that the needed value is FB, so our whole stream appears as:

  D5 AA AD E7 E7 E7 E7 F9 FE EE E7 FC EE E7 FC EE EE FC FB 96 96 ... DE AA

  We have a regular sector that works on hardware and AppleWin at the same time.

  It also immediately supports Batman and Prince of Persia, both of which require the entire pattern. Batman requires it as a 64-bit decryption key for five pages of memory, and Prince of Persia uses it as a seed for several check-bytes during gameplay. Superb!

  A Small Bump in the Road

  Then we try it all in MAME (as of 0.169), because MAME is supposed to behave like the hardware... But. It. Does. Not. Work. Well, shit. And why not? Because while MAME does support bit-slip, it always consumes four bits for the code above, but most critically, it treats the bit in the fifth position as though it were always a one-bit.

  It means that these four sequences are all decoded as 11111111 00 11111111 00 after the bit-slip. (Only one of which is correct.)

  11110011 11110011 11111100 is decoded as 10111111 00 11111111 00 after the bit-slip, which is not correct, either.

  Despite the time that I’ve spent poring over the source code, I have not yet determined the cause, so we’re left to work around it. Can we add support for MAME, while keeping the existing support? Without duplicating everything? Let’s see about that.

  We need to move a zero-bit beyond the slipped region so that the hardware will read the same bits that MAME does.

  After moving the zero bit, we have [1110] 11111111 00 11111111 00 .... Realigning that stream, we get 11101111 11110011 11111100 ..., which looks good. On disk, it appears as EF F3 FC.

  Then we append our complete pattern without any consideration for bit-slip. This stream is EF F3 FC EE E7 FC EE E7 FC EE EE FC.

  The final step is to pad the sector as we did previously. Using the aesthetic choice again, we zero the running value and then fill the rest of the sector with 96s. A quick lookup in the nibble translation table shows us that the needed value is EA, so our whole stream appears as D5 AA AD E7 E7 E7 EF F3 FC EE E7 FC EE E7 FC EE EE FC EA 96 96 ... DE AA.


  We have a truly universal nib sequence, which works on hardware, which works on AppleWin, which works on MAME (and which will still work when the bug is fixed), and which defeats the E7 protection.

  Here is our universal sequence in the form of a disk sector:

  This can be applied wherever the E7 sequence is the regular pattern. For other patterns, such as those used by Thunder Mountain’s “Dig Dug” (E7 EE EE EE E7 E7 EE E7 EE EE EE E7 EE E7 EE EE), Sunburst’s “1-2-3 Sequence Me” (BB F9 Fx), and MCE’s “The 4th R - Reasoning” (EB B6 EF 9A DB B7 ED F9 D7 BF BD A7 B3 FF B3 BA), just place the proper pattern after the “EF F3 FC” sequence, pad the sector as you like, and then fix the sector checksum.

  For the record, the E7 stream is used in many other titles, such as Commando, Deathsword, Ikari Warriors, Impossible Mission II, Karate Champ, Paperboy, Rambo First Blood Part II (a pure text adventure!), Summer/Winter/World Games, The Ancient Art of War [at Sea], Tetris, and Xevious.

  As far as we know, this technique first appeared in 1983. It was used to protect the title Locksmith, ironically a product for defeating copy-protection.

  None of the disk copiers of the day could copy E7 disks without a parameter unique to the target, so duplicating these disks always required a bit of expertise.

  Final Words

  Here is an interesting question: What if you don’t have an entire sector available on the track that you need?

  Fortunately, this would be a concern only for a protection which used the rest of the sector (and the rest of the track) for meaningful data, which I have not seen so far. In any case, the solution would be to insert only the nibble sequence “EF F3 FC ... EE EE FC” and to not pad the sector. This would yield a freely-copyable disk in its original form. However, we must discourage that idea with these words from 4am:

  11:6 A Tourist’s Phrasebook for Reversing Embedded ARM in the Dialect of the Cortex M Series

  by Travis Goodspeed and Ryan Speers

  Ahoy there, neighbor!

  Welcome to another installment of our series of quick-start guides for reverse engineering embedded systems. Our goal here is to get you situated with the architecture of smaller devices as quickly as possible, with a minimum of fuss and formality.

  Those of you who have already worked with ARM might find it to be a useful refresher, while those of you new to the architecture will find that it isn’t really as strange as you’ve been led to believe. If you’ve already reverse engineered binaries for any platform, even x86 Windows applications, you’ll soon feel right at home.

  We’ve written this guide with STM32 devices for specific examples, but with minor differences it applies well enough to the Cortex M series as a whole. These devices generally have a megabyte or less of Flash and at most a few hundred kilobytes of RAM. By and large, they only run the Thumb2 instruction set, without support for the older AARCH32 instruction set. For larger ARM
chips, such as those used in smartphones and tablets, you might be better served by a different introduction.

  Basics of the Instruction Set

  Back in the day, ARM used fixed-width 32-bit RISC instructions. Like the creation of the world, this was widely regarded as a mistake, and many angry people wrote comments complaining that it was a waste of space, and that RISC wouldn’t “change everything.” These instructions were always 32-bit word aligned, so the lowest two bits of the Program Counter (R15) were always zero.

  Common Models

  STM32, EFM32


  32-bit registers

  16-bit and 32-bit Thumb(2) instructions


  R15: Program Counter

  R14: Link Register

  R13: Stack Pointer


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