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SomeLikeitHot Page 8

by Stephanie

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  “Stop looking at me like that, Imani,” Naja grumbled.

  “Like what?” her sister asked with fake innocence.

  “As if you want to say I told you so.”

  “And why would I want to do that?”

  Naja rolled her eyes. “I’m getting my lunch to-go.”

  “No, you aren’t. You’re going to sit here like a good baby sister and tell your big sister what you’ve been up to since the Fourth of July. While I’ve spoken with you briefly a handful of times, I haven’t seen you in five days. I assume you’ve been with Sterling the entire time?”

  Naja reached for her tea and took a long drink. She definitely should’ve ordered something stronger. Truth of the matter was she’d used Imani as an excuse to get away from Sterling. She needed some space to think. Somehow he’d manage to shake up her world and put a serious wrench in her plans to keep it casual.

  Since the explosive night at Fourth of July party she’d been glued to Sterling’s side. What surprised her the most was he’d spent as much time showing her she was special outside of bed as she was in it. It also made her nervous as hell. He was starting to affect her in a way she’d sworn she wouldn’t let him.

  She had a little under a week of vacation left and she wished she could extend it.

  Unfortunately, she couldn’t. She had a gala she needed to start working on as soon as she returned home.

  “Naja, are you going to answer me anytime today?”

  She jerked at the sound of her sister’s voice. “What?”

  “Oh, boy. You’ve really got it bad, don’t you?”


  Imani tilted her head to the side. “Are you going to tell him?”

  Naja decided it was best not to pretend she didn’t know what her sister referred to.

  “No, I’m not and neither are you.”


  “No, Imani,” she interrupted. “I’m serious. I don’t have time for a man in my life.”

  “What you mean is you don’t have time for a man who could make you fall for him in your life.”

  Naja shrugged. “Same difference.”

  Imani shook her head. “No, not at all.” She reached across the table. “There’s nothing wrong with giving Sterling a chance the be the one. Remember, this is what we wanted as little girls.

  All those times we spent watching Dad dance Mom around the kitchen and dreaming one day we would have someone to do that with us one day.”

  “Imani, I don’t think I want that anymore. I’m happy with the way my life is right now. It’s uncomplicated. I don’t have to be or do anything I don’t want to. I’m content with my life.”

  “Content or complacent?”

  Naja sat back in the chair and folded her arms over her chest. “I’m content.”

  “I don’t believe you, Naja. I know you too well to believe that. You’re scared and you have no reason to be. Sterling is nothing like Troy.”

  “I never said he was. But since you brought it up, what exactly did you tell Sterling about him?”

  “Nothing. I didn’t even mention his name. I simply said you had reason to be wary. Sterling, being the intelligent man he is figured out why.”

  Naja released a pent up breath. “Imani, I know you mean well, but you have to let this be.”

  “I can’t. Not when I sit here across from you and I see the sparkle in your eyes and I know why it’s there. All I’m saying is talk to him before either of you become anymore invested than you already are.”

  “But I—”

  “Talk to him.”

  “Imani, I—”

  “Talk to him.”

  Naja groaned, knowing her sister was right, but that didn’t make her like the situation. This wasn’t a conversation she looked forward to having. Sterling had a way of making her feel exposed in a way she wasn’t fond of.

  “Okay, I will. It won’t solve anything, but to get you off my back I’ll talk to him.”

  “One day you’ll look back and you’ll thank me for being so persistent.”

  “Try not to dislocate your arm from patting yourself on the back,” Naja mumbled.

  Imani chuckled. “I love you, too.”

  “Impossible. Not when you insist on making me suffer as much as you do.”

  “I don’t recall complaining this much when you were giving me advice on how to handle things with Carson.”

  “That’s because my advice was more sound. Now, I’m thinking we should change the

  subject. Otherwise, I’ll make good on my threat and get my food to-go.”

  Imani held up her hands in surrender. “Have it your way. Just know if you need me, I’m here.”

  Naja smiled. “I know. You always have been. That’s why I’m so lucky to have you as my big sister. Now, tell me what you and Carson have been up to.”

  She relaxed as Imani filled her in, but not completely. There was no doubt in her mind she’d have to deal with everything going on with Sterling before the week was out. She just hoped by then she had a clue what to do.

  Chapter Nine

  Naja was at a complete crossroads concerning what to do about Sterling. She’d never been so skittish in her life. He seemed to know the slightest push would send her running as well. She only had two more days before she headed back home. To be honest, she wasn’t looking forward to it. Not with things unresolved between the two of them.

  They’d just returned from a late night dip in the ocean and instead of letting her run back to her beach house, he’d convinced her to take a shower with him at his place instead. Now they stood in the kitchen ,watching the waves roll in. He’d attempted to change her mind about leaving now that they’d cleaned up.

  She’d given in earlier, but that wasn’t an option now. She was doing her best to wean herself off her dependency to Sterling. “It’s getting late. I really should go.”

  "Trust me." His voice, as soft as a purr, seemed to hypnotize her almost as much as the steady stroking of his hands. "Stay for just a little while."

  A kind of humming sound came from her lips as she turned to face him, prepared to give him all of the reasons why she shouldn’t.

  He kissed her. It was so unexpected she didn't see it coming, and a gasp at the intimate gesture was the only communication she was capable of in response.

  He understood her wordless plea and wrapped his arms firmly around her, pulling her

  against his body.

  "I have to go," she said, managing to break away from his mouth, trying to make herself heard above the pounding of her heart.

  "No, you don’t," he soothed. "I know why you want to leave, but I won’t allow you to run."

  His lips came back to hers, softly at first, almost teasing in their softness. Light brushing kisses making her want more. And then he gave her more, entering her mouth with his hot, wet tongue, stroking her mouth, forcing her to respond.

  His kisses lured her on, deeper into the house, one shuffling step at a time in an oddly intimate dance. She should’ve been accustomed to the emotions roaring through her, but they still felt as erotically foreign as they had the first time.

  Another deep, drugging kiss, another step and she could feel the edge of the bed against the back of her legs. A little quiver, a mixture of desire and dread traveled along her coiled nerves. Just as she opened her mouth to stop this thing from going any further, his pressing warmth was gone.

  Another little sound, embarrassingly like a whimper, escaped her lips. "You're trying to seduce me,"

  she said softly, wishing it wasn't working quite so effectively.

  "You don’t want to be?" he asked quietly, his lips all but touching her ear.

  No. She didn't. She didn't need to be reminded of all she wanted, but couldn’t have. Her memories did that all by themselves. Those memories haunted her dreams, interrupted her waking thoughts. She wanted him desperately even as her mind struggled against her desire.

  She breathed the exotic
scent of his cologne deeply and could feel its essence invade her body like a drug that both soothed and excited.

  His tongue trailed a slow, wet circle around her ear, the velvety texture of his tongue brushing the sensitive skin of her ear, sending shivers through her body.

  The t-shirt she’d borrowed felt so heavy against her breasts it took an effort to breathe. As though he'd read her mind, his hands moved to grab the hemline. Then, instead of yanking the shirt up over her head as she wished, those light fingers inched the material up slightly. They slid with devastating softness to her belly where they did nothing but trace an imaginary line.

  Again she could feel the erotic thrill of what was to come surrounding her, pressing against her like a blanket. She was living a potent sexual fantasy. She sighed and let her head fall back.

  Those light, sure fingers made their way upward to pause at the very top of the shirt. She felt her breath halt as the brushing roughness of his fingertips caressed the flesh of her neck and along the curve of her collarbone.

  "Why are you in such a rush to leave?" he whispered, the breath stirring the hair on top of her head.

  "Because I shouldn’t have come over to begin with."

  "But you're here," he pointed out.

  "I shouldn’t be," she said, but it sounded weak and pitiful in her own ears.

  "We'll stop whenever you say the word," he promised.

  And she believed him. Why, she couldn't say. It was instinct. Or maybe it was the gentle way he treated her, the way he seemed to understand her fears and objections.

  She was a great fool, but it felt wonderful to do something completely foolish for the first time in her life.

  His fingers left her skin and reached for the hem of the shirt again. He pulled it up and over her head before she drew in her next breath. When her flesh was revealed to him, he just stared at her silently for several heartbeats. He took his sweet time, taunting her nipples until she feared she’d die from yearning.

  "I love your skin," he murmured. "So soft and smooth. I can’t wait to taste you again.”

  If breasts could sigh, hers would have as they strained, eagerly awaiting his caress. His touch came, a hot, wet assault. She thought she’d been prepared, but that wasn’t the case.

  The last of her resistance melted under his hot tongue. She clutched his head, her fingers curling into the soft, springing hair, her own head thrown back as sensation bombarded her.

  His tongue curled around a nipple, which she knew without sight was clenched tight and hard with desire. He licked and teased, then sucked on her so hard she gasped. Once more he soothed her, his tongue swirling round her engorged nipple. He scraped the sensitive flesh with his teeth and, as she drew in her breath tensing for the sharp nip, he again surprised her with soft suckling. First one, then the other breast.

  Her legs quivered as he dropped to his knees before her. His finger traced the curving line of her bottom then slipped up to caress a cheek. As his hand feathered over the crease between her cheeks she could feel an odd fluttering and knew she'd just broken out in goose bumps.

  "Your ass is as beautiful as your breasts," he told her, his breath warm against her hip. He squeezed and kneaded the flesh for a few minutes, in a rhythm that had her shuddering. He was tormenting her, she knew, yet she couldn't stop her body from responding. His breath was warm and moist against her mound between her thighs, tantalizingly close, so all she could think about was his mouth on her. But he made her wait, building up her pleasure so slowly it was almost painful.

  As his breath wafted against her, it felt cool, and she moaned, knowing it was because her own wetness gathering there. Again, she wondered if he'd read her mind, or at least divined the direction of her thoughts, for his hands slipped between her legs and traced her shape, following the crease of her bottom with his index finger, pausing at the spot soaked with her juices.

  "You liked that," he said.

  "Yes." Her voice trembled as she waited for that finger to continue its journey to where she needed it most. But it stayed put, increasing in pressure so she could feel him at the entrance to her vagina.

  "Spread your legs a little more," he said.

  They felt so boneless she wasn't sure they'd support her, but she did as he asked, clutching his shoulders for balance and opening herself to him. The pressure increased and she could feel the slight abrasion as his finger entered her, scraping her skin lightly as it absorbed her moisture. He didn't push it in far, just enough to remind her of how empty she felt and to make her throb from wanting him to fill her.

  Her legs trembled and still he hadn't touched her where she most wanted to be touched. Oh, his breath was hot against that spot, though, driving her wild. Her hands tried to pull his head forward, but, with a quiet chuckle, he refused to be moved.

  He withdrew his finger then pushed her back so she lay on the bed. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to regain some balance. She heard the tearing of a condom package and could feel the movement beside her as he sheathed himself.

  The mattress shifted so at least she had some warning before she rolled against his body.

  Although, she still suffered a slight shock as she bumped into warm male skin. Very hard and very hot, and as he rolled up against her, she felt the jut of his penis against her hip.

  When had he removed his clothes? How had he done it so quickly?

  A shudder traveled through her and his hands gripped her waist. She seemed ultrasensitive to every nuance, her imagination as supersensitive as her skin. From head to toe she was one big, throbbing need and the filler of that need was here beside her.

  She wanted him.

  Inside her.


  She felt his hands on her bare shoulder, his lips at her throat.

  She wondered if he felt her purring.

  Her hands started to wander, tracing warm skin, tangling with his hair.

  His hand was on her knee, her inner thigh, moving up. Moving up. Oh, yes. He cupped her intimately, pressing his palm against her as though checking for fever, which she definitely had.

  Raging fever. Thermometer-shattering fever.

  He slid one finger inside her, then two, rubbing and stretching until she rocked her hips to his rhythm. If he was trying to keep her on simmer until she burned dry, he did a great job.

  "I want you to touch me," she whispered.

  "Where?" he whispered back, and damn if she didn't hear the laugh in his voice. He was playing with her. Deliberately. Sadist.

  "Here." She dragged his hand out of her body and pressed it against her clit.

  "You mean here?"

  All that came out of her mouth was a combination between a sigh and a grunt. She was incapable of speech. He'd found it all right. He held that exquisitely sensitive nub between his thumb and forefinger.

  Oh, she was so close. So marvelously close. The excitement built as she waited for his fingers to move, giving her the orgasm trembling on the edge.

  He didn't move at all. Just held her, applying enough pressure she could feel the pinch, not pain, just intense sensation.

  Hours seemed to pass.

  Sweat beaded on her forehead and words, cries, appeals, crowded in her throat like a gridlock so nothing coherent could emerge. She moved her hips, desperate to get some friction, some relief from the relentlessly building pressure, but his hand just followed the motions of her hips, refusing her the release her whole body begged for.

  Undulating turned to thrashing and still he just held her, all that exquisitely sensitive flesh imprisoned between his squeezing thumb and finger.

  It was torture. He was killing her. And yet, she'd never felt so alive.

  "I want to tell you a story," he murmured in her ear. He leaned forward to kiss her damp forehead, the pressure on her trapped clit increasing slightly as he moved.

  She growled.

  "Shh. This story will help you relax."

  That was it. She was going to kill him. She was damn well going t
o kill him.

  If she survived this sexual torture.

  "The story is about a beautiful woman who is stuck at a crossroads in her life." His words were soothingly hypnotic, his voice soft and relaxed, completely at odds with the relentless firmness of his fingers." I mean she is drop-dead gorgeous, honest and vivacious, but she has one imperfection. Do you know what it is?"

  She whimpered.

  "Her weakness is she doesn't know how to let go and allow someone else to take care of her.


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