City of Vikings

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City of Vikings Page 11

by Farah Cook

  Tove is somewhat younger – but her elite title grants her unconditional bravery. She possesses strong powers through her leather whip – the weapon forged according to her skills. She’s good at creating fear in other people too. In cold blood, she’s murdered countless vile creatures from the Forbidden Areas.

  Over time I could see Tove becoming a strong leader – brutal, selfless and controlled. With those combined attributes she’s got potential, but not enough to summon the courage to lead Jarl Raiders. But something tells me to look out for her. Can I truly trust her? And is she capable of murdering me?

  Maja is neither Goth nor Viking. She’s what we Vikings secretly call a commoner. She was trained among the lions to become a lion herself. She’s worked hard and continues to do so to catch up with those of us more fortunate to inherit such extraordinary abilities.

  Maja is one of the few people who wears her heart on her sleeve and she makes hers known – especially to Magnus. I wonder how long she’s been in love with him? Maja’s gifts stretch further than any of ours when it comes to justice, honesty and integrity. She is a protector and she’d give up her life to look out for those she loves. But her weakness as a commoner could easily be her doom. She knows all of our secrets – and has no qualms about using magic.

  Standing next to my elite band I feel privileged. Tene, Maja and Tove don’t question Magnus’s choice of me as leader. Tove, although the youngest, intimidates me slightly and I have a feeling the second Magnus steps away, she will be questioning every move I make.

  An alliance with Rognvald was wishful thinking and my intentions were to bring peace and not murder to the table. Although dynasties are known for outselling each other, in the end we’re fighting for the same thing. Rognvald Raiders are fighting for something so much darker though and their belief has led them to worship and summon the evil Lord Nourusa.

  Perhaps it’s not such a bad thing that I couldn’t persuade Frederick. The Jarl Dynasty would never have allowed it and the chancellors and embedsmen would have been outraged if they ever found out. Although I believe I could have won Frederick over.

  We’re meant to take risks in life otherwise we’ll never know what could have happened. To fail is to learn. I take Magnus’s sound advice on board because I’ve learned the hard way and now my heart is split between the one whom I respect and the one whom I’ve loved for what feels longer than eternity.

  The assembly room is the shape of a circular glass fortress and the atmosphere is nerve-wracking. Raiders dressed in their costumes sit in this great feasting hall next to long glass tables, their eyes directed toward their leader one final time. Magnus holds my hand and stands up. His eyes are still and there’s complete silence

  My nerves begin to jump, and to settle the tension in my body I look up. The ceiling is a rounded vault, letting in ample daylight. Black crows swagger around it with eyes rotted and pale, dead with no fear – just like the Rognvald Raiders. No wonder the bird is their crest. The Rognvald Dynasty’s tattoo, the crow, is marked onto their bodies in different shapes and sizes to make the bird known. They say it brings them powers of protection in the Forbidden Areas.

  The Jarl Dynasty’s crest, a rare eagle from our ancestors’ time, can be found on the arm of most members. Some choose to have it on their back, shoulder or leg. We believe in transcending through eagle abilities. Eagles are fearless, and will never surrender. A smart and intelligent creature, Jarl Raiders take pride in the tenacity the eagle represents. Qualities that are all required to lead the dynasty.

  Viking tattoos are ancient and mystical. Clans were inked with carrying them from the tips of their fingers up to their necks. Dark-green figures of trees, shielded and knotted symbols with rare powers. I never knew of this world. It was hidden from me for so long. But now I’ve found my way home and here I belong, among my own kind – Vikings.

  Magnus expels a deep breath and looks at me. He doesn’t speak but stares at me intently, his eyes consumed in mine. He then turns to look at the colorful raiders.

  “Jarls! I have gathered this assembly to declare my departure from the dynasty,” he says firmly. The crowd goes mad whispering like a swarm of restless summer bees. Magnus clears his throat loudly. “While I will be attending my imperial duties in Slotsplads I have decided that Nora Hunt will lead you on your missions. It is not only my wish, but the Empress’s, too.” Some roar loudly while others take off their masks. The atmosphere grows from pleasant to hostile.

  “Nora doesn’t have the experience,” shouts one

  “She’ll have us killed in no time,” says another and grunts. “What does she know anyway? She’s from the East.”

  The whispers grow louder and turn to angry voices that raise concerning matters. Magnus suppresses his surging rage. The reactions of the people are strong and not what I expected. The raiders are angry and feel lied to.

  “Listen!” I shout. “I may not be what you expect, but I am committed to leading the Jarl Dynasty. It runs through my veins, and through the veins of my family. Robert Hunt was a known Jarl Raider, who dedicated his life to search for ancient Viking artifacts.”

  “But he never did find them, and has gone missing,” says someone from the crowd that I can’t see. Tene jumps in – serious and strong, she stares for a while into the eyes of the raiders facing her.

  “When did we ever mistrust one of our own?” she asks. “We stand together, and together we have to respect Magnus’s decision. Not only is it his decision, but the Empress’s and she has awakened Nora’s heart. She’s ready. Let’s show her loyalty and respect.”

  “I am with you through this and understand your concerns.” I say, “but you must show me trust and be my strength. I promise you I will not let you down.”

  The room falls silent. Magnus adjourns the meeting and one by one the raiders begin to leave the room.

  What did I expect anyway? That they’d cheer and welcome me as their leader? The dynasty has been through a lot already and now they have to deal with me. Why not select Maja to lead? She understands the raiders. Often, I’ve seen her talk to them. They respect her and would listen to her. I’m not so sure they’ll trust me or be the strength that I need to lead them.

  Magnus pulls me to the side as I hide my disappointment.

  “Don’t let their reaction get to you,” he says. I’ve been with the Jarl Dynasty since I was a small boy. They are used to me, and most of the raiders are set in their ways. They can’t see that change is a good thing.”

  “What do you want me to do now?” I ask, slightly confused.

  “Get hold of the map that takes you to the City of Vikings without leaving a trail, because if you do it could cause you to lose your head. Next, when you find your father make sure he tells you how you get hold of the Viking weapons.”

  “What if this mission fails – what if they’re right?” I ask and bite my lip. I have been knocked by the lack of confidence the Jarl members have in me.

  “You’ll succeed because you have the strength and stamina to carry out this mission. I’ve seen what you’re capable of. I’ve followed you closely, ever since you joined the raider program. Lead this mission and gain the trust of your band.”

  “What if I fail? You know as well as I do that I’m not accepted, I’m just the girl from the East.”

  “You always knew you didn’t belong in the East. Besides, you have been blessed by the gods. Why else would they let you carry the map that will lead us to the nine worlds – you can’t fail.”

  “Jarl Raiders refuse to have me as their leader.”

  “Look! This is your dynasty now. Own it and gain their trust. Loyalty must be earned, Nora. The Jarl Raiders are your army, and you must lead them through the war that will be upon us.”

  “What are you going to do now?” I ask, my face worried.

  “I don’t know – Slotsplads is my home now, a place I’ve been waiting for my entire life. The Empress needs me in her final hours.”

  “Will I
be able to see you there?”

  “As much as you like. You’re the lead warrior of this band. I’ll want to know everything – the dark raiders are up to something, I can sense it.”

  “I sense it, too.” They’re already on a trail to their first mission. Could Frank Hildebrand have something to do with it?”

  Magnus shakes his head. “He tends to bluff to get support from the Empire. What did the girl from the Orkeney Dynasty tell you?”

  “How do you know I spoke to Helena?”

  “I also know you met with Frederick this morning,” he says.

  My heart skips a beat. How does he know? Has he been spying on me? “You’re wasting your time if you think we’d ever join forces with them.”

  My jaw drops. “How could you possibly know?”

  “Use your senses to tune in and out of people’s minds. I see only what you allow me to and expose in your mind because you trust me.”

  I narrow my eyes and focus on what’s inside Magnus’s head. Nothing happens. Magnus guffaws. Does he not trust me?

  “It takes time to find your skills. Don’t worry you’ll improve over time. Your raider armament and the Viking assassin weapons will give you the power and strength you need to defeat our enemies. And we have many of them. Verans are just one of our closest ones.” I look concerned. “Don’t worry, learn to acknowledge and appreciate your powers.”

  “I want to learn…”

  “Don’t rush it. Take your time. You’re a newly awakened Elite Raider. You’re still vulnerable. When you get to the City of Vikings it could have an impact on the way you feel and what you’re capable of. That’s why it’s a secret city – the sources they hide are unknown. We do not know what impact it can have on the mind. Old wizards and witches live there – they are harmless, but the city rules under different principles that you may not like.”

  “I thought we didn’t use magic.”

  “Who said anything about magic?”

  I furrow my eyebrows.

  “The awakening is magic – the whispers in Norse still echo in my ears.”

  “Magic is our definition of wisdom. To acquire wisdom, you have to collect knowledge and experience, which helps you to make just and fair decisions.”

  “You mean I have to gather wisdom from different places?” I try not to sound condescending. Why call magic wisdom, when it’s magic. Are the Goths justifying their ways to use sources for their own benefit?

  “From your missions,” says Magnus, looking affronted, “Alfheim, is the home to elves – they’re beautiful and knowledgeable. They are also deadly and reside in the Forbidden Areas and have created their own kingdom where they rule after their own laws. You’re bound to cross their territory.”

  “Why is that?”

  “To kill the queen elf as you did in your awakening,” he says quickly, like the words never left his lips. “And to collect her wisdom. If you don’t it will get lost. She may not see you coming, but she’ll want to kill you first.”

  Magnus sounds mature, like an Emperor ready to take the throne and defend what’s his. A true Viking, not short of wisdom. Kind and equally brutal-hearted. I trust him and he’s more a friend than an Emperor that gives me orders I have to follow.

  He has his moments of darkness though. And I feel in these moments I do not know him and he may be capable of turning his back on me. Magnus is too bound to rules and ethics that he doesn’t follow logic. Though my strength comes from his belief, trust and support in me. Without it I would not be going on this mission. He empowers me as a trusted friend and future Emperor.

  How can I lead the Jarl Dynasty when I’ve been hiding in the East my entire life? I know nothing of the ways of the Vikings, the Goth clan or raider traditions. Like a child, I have to learn everything and my dynasty depends on me. My concealed powers are not enough – and they are still concealed and my courage will be tested. The courage that falls weak when faced with reality – like the grim poverty despicably hidden inside the City of Skies.

  I make my way out of the empty assembly hall. Half-full glasses and untouched meals lie all over the tables. What outrage have I caused in my own dynasty? I’ve been too focused on myself. Victory will pave its way only if I have my band collectively under my control.

  “Earn their trust,” I mutter. I’m a loner, an introvert who never followed anything except the wild way. Danger and the wilderness are my allies. Tanya’s words suddenly strike me. “Smile and the world will smile back at you.”

  A strategy underutilized by myself. Fifty unanswered messages have flashed up on my chip since I left Dock Harbor. I never did like Tanya, but she could be handy now more than ever as an alliance in the West. Somehow, I believe she’s been watching me and suspects who I am.

  My band members are all commoners who will rely on me to lead them through all this. I have to build up trust with my band, and by the gods I will tell them the truth about myself if I have to. But first I’ll pay Frank Hildebrand an unexpected visit, and Helena is going to hate me for it.


  “MISS HUNT, MR Hildebrand would like to see you now,” says the tall receptionist. I beam at her and follow her to the back of the building where we take a private lift up. Walls glittering and shiny, with white marble floors, Ocean Eye is a futuristic place where everything is out of the ordinary when compared with the world I live in now.

  I feel like I’m on my way to my own execution ceremony, the deadly silence broken only by the receptionist swishing her hips back and forth, and the clacking of her sharp stilettos. We continue walking quietly down the long corridor without exchanging a single word.

  She throws me a dirty look, stops and knocks on a tall thick glass door. My heart is racing. Am I doing the right thing? She opens the door to reveal a lavish-looking office, almost pushes me inside and shuts the door firmly behind her.

  I’m standing in Hildebrand’s office – a wide open space with arty bookshelves, and a large oak desk in the middle of the room with black leather chairs in front of it. The windows are big and bright, filling the abundant space with natural light. To the left there is a long brown leather sofa. Over it hangs a large oil painting – chaotic and vibrant colors flood across the canvas. It looks more like paint spill.

  This sci-fi world seems unnatural and pretentious, and I can see why someone like Hildebrand is obsessed with the past. He doesn’t appear to find satisfaction in fabricated art intrusion. No, this man is on a quest to unearth the ancient Viking past. It’s evidenced in his relentless pursuit, and I’m the raider giving in to his bait. Why shouldn’t I? If I don’t the Sovereign Republic will be one step closer to possessing the deadliest weapons ever forged.

  When I set eyes on him, he is what I remember – tall and somewhat sturdy. He sits in front of the oak desk in a beige leather chair with an old-fashioned phone propped between his ear and shoulder. The kind we still use in the East. He is speaking loudly and angrily in what appears to be a high-toned West dialect while drumming his fingers on the arm of the chair. He looks at me, his glare icy.

  “Come, take a seat,” he commands as soon as he sees me. Quietly I sit down on the large brown sofa, my blue dress glued to my skin. I cross my legs. I try hard not to fidget. The dress was Mina’s idea and given the scenario I’m in I fit right in.

  Hildebrand looks older than my vague memory of him. He wears a blue shirt and pink tie and is passing a thick black pen between his fingers. He looks at me intensely with his glowing green cat eyes and for a moment I want to run away. I should not have come here like this. I might have put Helena in a very difficult position.

  Every now and then we all meet strange people. Some unpleasant and others just plain rude. I’ve met more than I like to admit, including people like Professor Pilkvist. Hildebrand is something else, he’s fiercely threatening, the kind of person I need to be extra careful around to make sure he doesn’t murder me in my sleep.

  When he hangs up the phone he takes a moment and continues to glar
e suspiciously at me.

  “This is a pleasant surprise, Miss Hunt. I didn’t expect you’d take up my offer and come see me so soon,” he says irritably. He rises and walks toward me briskly. “It’s not easy working with an obsessive perfectionist like myself, you know?” He says, curling a mischievous smile.

  I take a moment to process this arrogant man – something tells me he is shrewd and selfish, and I don’t like the look of the twinkle in his eyes. He moves in close and takes my hand into his. His hands are cold like his attitude.

  “Ah the rough touch of a true warrior,” he says curiously, examining the palm of my hand. “You don’t find hands like these around here. Hands ready to… kill.” An image of Tanya’s perfect hands flickers in my mind. She could not kill anything living. Instead she’d ruthlessly order mass killings guilt-free, which makes Hildebrand’s bold accusation mean very little when compared with his diseased mind.

  “Mr Hildebrand, I’m not here to discuss my abilities.”

  He flinches and takes out a cigarette from his pocket, stuffs it between his lips and lights it. I try not to let the smoke bother me, or feel choked by the thick fumes he creates in the small space between us.

  “Then why are you here without a representative from the Orkeney Dynasty? Don’t they usually deal with this sort of politics?” he says, annoyed, but his condescending expression doesn’t intimidate me. On the contrary, I feel a strong urge to hurt him – physically. I clench and unclench my fists to release the physical tension trapped in my body. The blue dress keeps me composed and ladylike. I should never have worn it. My old ripped jeans and a T-shirt would state – I don’t fit into your world and I don’t care. A truth Hildebrand needs to wrap his head around sooner or later.

  The truth is Hildebrand needs me.

  “Nothing to do with the Orkeney Dynasty, I’ve simply come to see you just like you told me when we last met. I’m an Elite Raider now, you may have heard?” I say. “My business here doesn’t concern anyone and I’d rather we kept it to ourselves.”


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