Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story

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Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story Page 10

by Paisley Lang

  He slowly pushes the head of his erection against my opening and I let out a shaky breath. Kissing me reassuringly, my whole body begins to relax.

  He pushes a little more until he’s inside my entrance. I grit my teeth at the new sensation.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine…” I smile at him and push my hips a little, giving him the encouragement to keep going.

  He slips in farther until he’s almost all the way in. Letting out a small whimper, I try to relax some more while my body adjusts to him. He stops and takes a big breath, kissing my lips.

  “Oh God, you’re so tight, Kitten. And so fucking warm. You feel like heaven…”

  He groans, and I can see how hard he’s trying to control himself.

  I rock my hips against him, and he slowly begins to move inside me until we find a steady rhythm together.

  “Jax. Oh God…it feel so good…”

  “You feel amazing, baby.”

  “Ummm…can you go faster?”

  He looks at me with so much passion and desire that I blush deeply.

  “Yes, baby, I can definitely go faster.”

  Jax picks up the pace and reaches down between my legs, circling my sensitive nub once again. The sensations I’m feeling are incredible and again I feel myself begin to tighten around his shaft. I throw my head back against the pillow.

  “Oh, Jax. Oh God, yes.” I arch my back and squeeze my eyes shut, moaning as I explode once again.

  “Ava.” He pulsates within me and throws his head back, releasing himself inside me.

  We lock eyes with each other, grinning and kissing until we manage to even our breathing. Slowly, he pulls out of me, knots the condom, and discards it.

  “Are you okay, Kitten? Did I hurt you?” In the dim glow of the candlelight, his eyes reflect concern and tenderness.

  I smile at him and shake my head. “That was perfect…I thought it was going to hurt lots…but after the initial pain, it felt amazing.”

  He drops a light kiss on my nose. “You’re incredible. I swear, it felt like pure heaven for me, too.” He shifts and walks into the small washroom where I can hear the water running. A few moments later, he returns with a warm washcloth.

  Sitting on the bed, he pulls off the covers and tenderly cleanses me between my legs. “This belongs to me now.”

  I flush at his words and looking down, I wince.

  “I’m sorry, I’ve ruined the sheets.” There’s a few splatters of blood, evidence of my lost virginity.

  He waves his hand away, dismissing the mess. “Don’t worry, we have extra sheets in here…” He stands up and opens a drawer, selects a new sheet, and throws it over the bottom part of the bed. “I’ll discard them tomorrow.” He gives me a conspiratorial wink and climbs into bed, pulling me close and kissing me like he can’t get enough.

  I sigh with happiness, feeling my eyes grow heavy with sleep as I rest against his chest. His arms are drawn tight against me and I throw a leg over his thigh, fully entwining us together.

  My final thought as I fall asleep is that for the first time since my mother passed away, I feel at peace. I’m happy.

  I’m in love with Jax Prescott.

  Chapter 14


  The following morning, I awake with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever been with.

  A lazy smile plays across my lips as I gaze at her sleeping peacefully, her long hair splayed out over the pillow. Her beautiful face, even with some smudged eye makeup, is still perfect to me. I’m tempted to wake her and my cock is already throbbing for her, but I figure she may be sore so I’ll let her rest until I’m back later.

  Glancing at my phone, I’m pleased to see that it’s relatively early – I’m due in the office at nine thirty to sit in on a client meeting with my father. I hate to leave my sexy Kitten, but I’ve no choice. Trying my best not to wake her, I slip out of bed and quickly gather my clothes. Slipping on my pants, I locate some paper and scribble a note for her when she wakes. Not bothering to button up my shirt as I’m heading for the house to hit the shower, I slip out of the cabana, shutting the door softly behind me.

  Just as I’m walking past the pool, I see my mother approaching, a pinched look on her face.

  I settle a look of indifference on my face as she stares at my lack of dress.

  “Jax? What are you doing out here?”

  “Why are you up so early, Mother?” It’s best to deflect her questions with another.

  She draws her eyebrows together. “Oh, it’s Gaby. She’s going slightly crazy as she can’t find Ava. I mean, for goodness sake…that little floozy must have run off or something.”

  I’m floored at how little she thinks of Ava, and my fist clenches.

  “She’s not a floozy. Please don’t speak about her like that.” The muscle in my jaw is strung tight.

  I make to move around her but she grabs my arm.

  “What, Mother?”

  “Well?” Her eyes reflect the distaste she directs at me for standing up for Ava.

  I check my watch and exhale heavily. “Well, what?”

  “Don’t be so petulant, Jax. Do you know where she is?”

  Shrugging my arm out of her grip, I glare at her.

  “Yeah, I do. She was with me. All night.”

  Her face grows pale before my eyes. Her mouth hangs open in protest, but I don’t stick around to hear the brunt of her anger. I walk away.


  “Not now, Mother. I have a meeting to get to.” My voice is just as hard as hers.

  The meeting goes well. I observe my father in action as he secures yet another client for the firm. As they sit signing the paperwork, my thoughts drift to Ava, concerned with how I left things this morning.

  I return my attention to the meeting, trying to focus and just catching the tail end of the conversation. My father’s on speaker with his secretary, instructing her to book tickets for New York. I sit up straighter in my chair.

  “Are you traveling today?”

  He looks up from his paperwork briefly. “We are, son. We’re flying to New York in a few hours for the Campbell client dinner.” Standing, he heads for the door. “I was hoping to get out of it, but it looks like my presence is needed.”

  “Is my attendance necessary? I mean, I haven’t packed or anything.” He always keeps a small case in the office, ready for any last-minute trips.

  Turning back around, he glares at me. “Of course you’re coming. This account will soon be yours to run. As for clothes, we’ll just pick some up at the airport.”

  I grit my teeth. It’s no use arguing – he’ll never back down. I walk out of the conference room and stalk back to my desk. Fuck. I was really hoping to see Ava this afternoon, already making plans for the places I want to take her. Instead, I send off a quick text, informing her that I’ll be gone for a couple of days.


  I roll my shoulders in my seat. We were landing soon. My father pretty much ignores me throughout the flight, engrossed in documents. Pulling off his glasses, he runs his hand over his face.

  “So, how’s the lovely Olivia?”

  Where did that come from? I haven’t had the chance to fill my parents in on the fact that I was no longer seeing her.

  I shrug my shoulders, stalling before I land him with yet more disappointing news. They were so pleased I’d taken an interest in her - finally a good decision in their eyes. I fiddle with my empty beer can.

  “Yeah, fine as far as I’m aware. Haven’t seen her for a few days.”

  I can see he’s staring at me but I refuse to meet his gaze.

  “Good. Treat her well, okay?” He stands. “I’m gonna use the facilities. Remember, I have a lot riding on your relationship.”

  I jerk my head up. “What do you mean?”

  “Keep up, Jax. Her father is the head of the corporation we’re hoping to buy over the next couple of days. I’m sure once he realizes how close you two are, he’ll sign.”
Giving me a quick wink, he disappears down the aisle.

  What the hell? He was using my relationship with her. I crush my can. No wonder he was so happy to see us together - truth is, he didn’t really give a fuck about me - all he cared about was closing his deals.

  And I’ve deliberately ignored Olivia’s pleading texts over the past few days.

  A heavy weight settles around my chest. There’s only one thing I can do. For the sake of this deal going through, I’d have to do with some fast texting and calling once we landed.


  We get to our hotel a few hours later. Of course, my father has reserved his usual penthouse suite - and I get the room one floor below. It doesn’t bother me - all I can think about is the fact that my relationship with Olivia is riding on this deal.

  I take a deep breath, cursing as I dial her number. She picks up immediately.

  “Jax.” She sounds breathy. “It’s so good to hear from you, baby.”

  I grit my teeth, her voice grating on my nerves. How the hell did I ever manage to put up with her?

  “Hey, Olivia…sorry, I, er, have missed your calls. Been busy at the office.”

  “Oh honey, don’t worry. I know what it’s like. I can’t believe Mother has dragged me into work as well. I mean, seriously, interior designing?” Her voice shudders with disdain.

  “What’s wrong with your mother’s firm?”

  “Oh, that?” I can picture her dismissing my comment with a flick of her wrist. “Nothing wrong with it, if you want to work, that is. And honey, you know, once we’re married and all, I want to stay at home and raise our kids.”

  What the fuck? Was she high?

  “You feeling okay, Olivia?”

  “What? Why do you ask that?” She giggles on the other end of the line. “Of course I’m fine. You’ve had a few days to calm down that hot head of yours and like I said, I knew all along that we’re meant to be together. I mean, that’s why you’re calling, right? To apologize?”

  I’m genuinely stunned. Speechless.

  “Honey, you there?”

  I shake my head and silently curse at my father. Two days of pretense. That’s all. I can do this.

  “I’m here,” I said. “You were right, I just needed to cool my head.”

  “Good, that’s okay, I forgive you. You know, you really need to keep these maids in their place. I mean I saw the way she was looking at us that day, and seriously-”

  I exhale deeply through my nostrils. “Enough.”

  “Okay, okay. Why so touchy, baby?”

  “I just don’t like you belittling our staff, Olivia.”

  “Fine, whatever. Wanna grab dinner tonight? I’ll see if the others are free?” She doesn’t wait for my response. “They all said you’d come back after a few days - they were right, weren’t they?”

  Looks like I’d soon be in need of a new set of friends, too.

  “I’m not in town. I’m in New York with my father.”

  “Oh, yes. That makes sense - I overhead Dad telling Mother that he would be gone for a couple of days. Must be that deal they’re working on together…”

  She trails off. Damn, was she playing me?

  “Yeah, I don’t really know the ins and outs. Anyway, dinner when I’m back?”

  “Sure, honey. Call me tomorrow?”

  “If I can find some time. Look, I gotta run. Talk soon.”

  “Bye honey, love you.”


  Ending the call, I throw my phone onto the bed. I’m ready to break something.

  Overall, the meetings are productive over the next couple of days. Acting as a junior clerk for my father, I’m deep in paperwork comprising of facts and figures that I’m trying to wrap my head around.

  There’s only one problem. Olivia’s father, Jon, was stalling on signing the dotted line, insisting that he wanted to get to know my father a little better before he’d sign over one of his companies.

  So, my father invited him to dinner back at home to seal the deal over a meal and drinks.

  And he asked Jon to also invite his wife and daughter, stating that it was about time they took an interest in their kids’ relationship.

  I forced a smile on my face as Jon heartily agreed, slapping me on the shoulder and grinning like a Cheshire cat as he exited the meeting room.

  Chapter 15


  Why does two days feel like an eternity? I sigh loudly and fall back against my pillow, gripping my phone.

  God, I miss him. So. Freaking. Bad.

  His text messages are sparse and I figure he’s busy doing his thing with his father, so we’d only texted a couple of times.

  Flushed with desire each time I recall our night together, I couldn’t have wished for a better way to lose my V card. And I can’t wait for a repeat…and another…and another…

  He was so sweet and gentle, and I don’t know if I was merely caught up in the moment or lightly buzzed from the alcohol, but it really felt like there were so many unspoken words running between us. When his eyes locked with mine, the intense way he looked at me, I knew there was more under the surface. I was blissfully happy - he made me feel so secure in myself. It didn’t matter where I came from, that I was merely his family’s maid. He saw me for myself. We’d have to work out a way to tell his family and I’d been thinking that maybe I could look for another job elsewhere. I was looking forward to making plans with him.

  I glance at my watch and throw my arm over my head. He’s due back sometime later today, but I don’t know exactly when.

  Either way, it’s too long.

  Rolling over, I opened my bedside drawer and pull out the folded note he left me a couple of days ago. My face breaks into a grin as I re-read it for probably the thousandth time:


  You look so peaceful and beautiful, I don’t want to wake you. Unfortunately, I have to run into the office for a client meeting. I’m gonna come home straight after…you better be waiting for me. Preferably naked.

  Last night was incredible…you’re amazing.

  Finally, I rise from my bed and get changed into my work uniform. Things with Gaby have been strained since she discovered our secret, but I refuse to apologize. It’s my life, not hers.

  A little while later, freshly showered, I step into the kitchen with trepidation, unsure what mood I’d find her in.

  I hear the sound of scrubbing and walk around the counter to find her down on her hands and knees.

  I try the cheerful approach. “Morning, Gaby.”

  She grunts in reply. “We’ve got a busy day ahead of us. The Prescotts will be entertaining some big clients for dinner later. Mr. Prescott is due home just after five and his guests will join them at seven.”

  Jax is due home at five is all I process. “Oh, sure. I’ll get to work straight away.”

  She gives me a curt nod and continues to scrub.



  “Why are you scrubbing like that? Can’t you use the steam mop?”

  “No. If I wanted to use the damn mop, I would. You can’t get a better clean than by doing it with your own hands.”

  Okay then. Bad mood? Check.

  I slip away without further attempt at conversation and locate my supplies.

  As I clean the spare bedroom, I dance along to my iPod, singing with the music. I haven’t felt so free in such a long time. A part of me feels a stab of guilt for feeling happy, and images of my mother keep flashing through my mind. Finally, I pull out my earphones and sit on the bed.

  Looking up, tears prick at the back of my eyes.

  Mamá? Are you okay up there? I miss you so much. I know this isn’t what we planned, but I want you to know that I’m okay. I think about you every day and pray for your soul. I feel so guilty, mamá. Is it okay that I’m feeling a little lighter lately? Is it okay to feel a little happiness again?

  A few tears leak down my cheek and I dab them away.

p; I’m sure you can probably see everything from up there anyway, but I met someone. His name is Jax and he’s the son of my new employers. I know it’s not an ideal situation – hell, I know your sister doesn’t approve - but he makes me happy, mamá. He’s the first person to make me feel happy…and alive, since you’ve gone. I’m in love with him. I just hope that he feels the same way, too…I mean, I think he likes me just as much. Anyway, it’s early days and I don’t want to get too carried away…

  I smile through my tears, feeling a weight lift off my chest as I rub my cheeks. It’s as if she’s with me in this moment.

  “I love you.”

  Feeling better, I stand up and resume my work. I have a lot to get through today as a couple of extra bedrooms were added to my schedule. One of the other maids had agreed to take on the formal dining room after the incident with Christian. I still shudder at the thought and a chill runs up my spine. There was no way I could go back and work in that room after what almost took place there. Jax had informed me that Christian was currently behind bars, awaiting trial. Mr. Prescott, God bless him, had made sure bail was refused.

  Finally, my shift is over. I almost run back to my room, ready to dive into the shower and get dressed for Jax’s imminent arrival. The butterflies take off in my stomach, and I’m so nervous as I pick out my outfit.

  I run a brush through my freshly washed hair and blast it quickly with the hairdryer. I’ve just finished dabbing on some lip gloss when I hear a knock on my door.

  Oh my God. I’m sure it’s Jax. Smiling, I throw open my door.

  “Oh, Gaby. Hi.” Hiding my disappointment, I keep up the smile, but I’m perturbed by her stern expression. “Is everything alright?”

  “Ava, come with me please. Mr. and Mrs. Prescott would like to see you in the study.”

  They were back? Why didn’t Jax come and find me? I wordlessly follow behind Gaby, wondering what was up.


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