Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story

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Maid For You - A Cinderella Love Story Page 22

by Paisley Lang

  Drawing my brows together, I open the door, my mouth ready to give someone a mouthful. But I stop short.

  “Hey Stud.”

  My mouth dries up at the sight of Ava. I should be mad, but instead, I feel my cock begin to stir as I rake my eyes up and down the length of her. She’s wearing a short white dress with wedges, and her long hair is flowing down her back in their usual waves. Her face portrays a myriad of emotions - anxiety, anticipation, hope…and something else. I finally find my voice.

  “Ava. What are you doing here?”

  Her face falls slightly, but she fixes me with a smile. “I figured we had some unfinished business.”

  I suck in a breath. “I told you I love you…and you ran.”

  Her eyes fill with tears. “I’m sorry, Jax. I’m so sorry…” Tears stream down her face. “I love you too. I know I’ve screwed up. So badly. And that’s what I’ve come to tell-”

  She doesn’t get to finish her sentence because I pull her hard against me and plant my lips on hers. Her entire body melts into me and she winds her hands into my hair, pulling against me.

  I abruptly push her away and she looks shocked at the sudden break, her fingers flying to her swollen lips.

  “Tell me again. I wanna hear you say it.”

  She blinks and then repeats the words I’ve longed to hear. “Jaxon Michael Prescott, I love you.”

  “Goddammit, Ava. Get inside now.”

  I grab her hand, and she squeals as I slam the door behind her.

  Without asking, I yank at the hem of her dress and pull it over her head, the urgency to touch her bare skin against mine palpable. Tossing it to the floor, she lets out a whimper as my mouth crashes back to hers.

  I want every single inch of her and then more. I swoop her up into my arms and without breaking the kiss, I walk to the bedroom and deposit her on the middle of the bed.

  “Jesus, Kitten…I’ve no restraint left.” I squeeze my eyes shut as my cock pulses against my jeans. “I need to feel you. I want to be inside you so badly right now. Talk later.”

  “Me too, baby. I want you like I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. Strip. Now.”

  She makes quick work of discarding her bra and underwear, and I can’t help the guttural groan that releases from my lips.

  “You’re so fucking perfect…I’ll never get enough of you.”

  Desperation pulses between us and clothes tossed onto the floor, I crawl up the bed. Our legs shuffle against each other, hands grabbing at every inch of exposed skin.

  I slip a finger between her legs to find her wet and wanting and then push her knees apart. Pulling open the bedside table, I grab a condom, sheath myself, and thrust into her fully. She cries out, her nails raking down my back, and I still while she acclimatizes to the sensation.

  “Oh Christ, Ava…” I clench my jaw and abs, and I’m sure my eyes are just as wild as hers, raw with need. “You feel like velvet wrapped around me.”

  “Move, Jax, please.”

  I don’t need any further encouragement and I move in and pull out, slamming back into her. She whimpers with pleasure. I continue the punishing pace until we find a rhythm together. Running my hand down her side, I bring her hand over her head and link our hands together. Capturing her mouth, I kiss her with all the love and emotion she invokes in me - something fierce, passionate, and possessive. Moving down her body, I capture her nipple in my mouth and coax out another moan. Nothing else can be heard apart from the sounds of our slick flesh hitting against each other and our cries of ecstasy.

  I can fill the surge building up in me and I know I’m gonna lose control any minute now. I can tell she’s close from the way she’s beginning to clench around me, and I give her one final thrust before she explodes around my cock. She cries out, and it pushes me over the edge. I roar out my orgasm and empty myself into her, my entire body buzzing and alive from our connection.

  Nothing else exists in this moment except for her.

  “I love you, Ava. Don’t ever leave me again.”

  She smiles at me and her eyes are filled with tenderness. “I love you, Stud. I’m sorry I’ve been so afraid to let myself fall in love…just know that I’ve never stopped loving you.”

  I push her hair out of her face, wanting to frame this memory forever. I’m still inside her and there’s nothing separating us now. And I know that nothing will ever separate us again so long as I’m alive.

  “I know you’re scared and you’re taking a big leap of faith, but I’ll never let you down, Kitten. You’re it for me.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “Get used to it…cause I ain’t ever going away. You’re made for me.”

  “I like the sound of that.” She kisses me passionately and I’m already hardening up inside her again.

  I pull out of her and laugh as she pouts.

  “Don’t think you’re getting off scot free, Miss Cortes…you’ve got a lot of making up to do.”

  She grins and worries her bottom lip. “That’s good, cause I plan on being naked for the rest of the day.”

  I suck in a breath. “Fuck. If I had it my way, you’d never wear clothes.”

  She laughs and I swallow it with another kiss. Which deepens and then gets passionate until we’re panting for each other once again.

  Yeah, I’m a damn lucky motherfucker. I have the woman of my dreams in my arms.

  She completes me.

  I couldn’t wish for a happier life.



  1 Year Later…

  “Come on Kitten, we’re gonna be late…”

  I check my reflection one last time and fix my hair. “Coming…”

  It’s my twenty-seventh birthday and as I come down the stairs, I see Jax pacing the floor. He’s kind of been all jumpy today, but I figure it’s because he’s got a lot on his plate. I stop for a moment to watch him and even a year later, my breath still hitches at the sight of him. His hair is styled in that perfect mess I love and his outfit, consisting of black jeans and a black button-down shirt, makes him look like he belongs in a Bond movie. Sexy, sharp, and dangerous. Looking up, his blue eyes lock with mine and he stops pacing, watching my descent.

  Even now, my heart takes off and races like a thoroughbred when he looks at me like that. He makes me feel so incredibly loved, worshipped, and desired.

  He releases a low whistle. “Wow. You look beautiful.”

  I reach the bottom and give him a little twirl. I’m wearing a red A-line dress, which has a frill around the hem. Lauren sent it as my birthday present and I love it. It’s feminine, sexy, and playful. and I partnered it with my black red-soled stilettos.

  I wrap my arms around him and peck him on the lips. “Thank you.”

  Jax groans against my mouth. “You better stop now, or we’re missing your birthday dinner…”

  I laugh and purposely rub myself against him. “I’ve no problem with that…”

  “You are a temptress, Miss Cortes…” He gently pulls away and kisses the tip of my nose. “Let’s go, Kitten.”

  I’m ridiculously happy. Our lives have entwined and come together so perfectly over the past year. Sometimes it’s crazy and stressful, but I have a life that’s better than I could have ever dreamed of.

  After a few months of dating, Jax surprised me and bought us a beach villa. He knew how much I’d missed being by the water, and I fell in love with the place as soon as he removed my blindfold.

  The villa is elegant and has everything I’ve always loved. High ceilings, a living room with a fireplace, and the perfect ocean-view dining room that opens onto the deck. I loved it so much that I put my apartment up for rent and moved back to Miami with Jax. Truth was, neither of us could stand being apart from each other, and the constant flying back and forth was starting to take a toll.

  Lauren is still in New York. We visit each other often but message and talk about fifteen times a day. I’m lucky that most of my side of the business is digital and therefore I don’t have
to attend as many client meetings and video conferences are my best friend. As we’ve expanded so rapidly, we’re also thinking of hiring more staff to shoulder some responsibility.

  The majority of our business comes from The Dreams Foundation. After discovering his past, I felt so much more connected to Jax, which made me love him a little harder. The Foundation is going from strength to strength and combined with Lauren’s and my tactical advertising, donations are now flowing in. It’s incredibly special to work together on such a wonderful cause.

  We reach the restaurant and Jax takes my hand, leading me to the back, where he appears to have reserved a private room. When we’re outside it, he holds open the door and I walk into the darkened room.


  My hand flies to my mouth, and the light comes on to reveal all our loved ones standing in front of us. There’s Gaby and Roberto, Carter with Cole and Kyle, Michael and Veronica, and Lauren with Logan. Yeah…they’re together, but that’s a different story altogether. Things are getting better with Veronica, she’s trying to make up for the past and I’m beginning to even like her now.

  I spin around to Jax, my eyes filling with tears, but he’s down on one knee. Gasping out loud, my eyes flare and go back and forth between his face and the ring he’s holding. He’s grinning from ear to ear.

  “Ava Isabella Cortes, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, both inside and out. You make me complete. Every single day, I’m grateful for fate intervening and bringing us back together after six long years apart. I want to fill that beautiful belly of yours with plenty of kids and grow old together. I want to give you the world…and I promise to always do right by you. I love you. Will you be mine, forever?”

  I remove my hand from my mouth and mouth a “yes,” and our families break out into screams and thunderous applause. He steps up to face me and wipes his thumb gently down my cheek, which are wet with tears.

  “I love you so much, Jax. God, I’m so lucky.”

  He pulls me against him and brings his mouth down on mine, kissing me with so much passion that after a few seconds, I can hear Carter shouting out, telling Jax to stop. We laugh and break away, our eyes fixed on each other.

  “I can’t wait to make you my wife,” he says. “I love you, Kitten.”

  Everything in the world has fallen into place. I’m so happy, I think my heart could explode with the love I feel for this man.

  “I can’t wait for you to be my husband, Stud.”

  About the Author

  Paisley Lang is a long-time lover of reading and writing romance. She spends her days looking after her two children and her nights dreaming up alpha heroes.

  If you’re looking for romance with heart, conflicted men and sassy women, you’re in the right place.

  There’s always a HEA for this fairy-tale dreamer.


  A note to some very special people I'm incredibly thankful for:

  To my wonderful husband and kids for all the support you give me to pursue my dream.

  To my publisher, Prism Heart Press, for the encouragement I continually receive - you rock!

  To my readers - thank you for taking a chance on a new author, I'm so grateful.

  Last but not least, to Winter - thank you for going above and beyond with your help and advice.

  Love lots, Paisley.

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