My Woman His Wife Saga

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My Woman His Wife Saga Page 18

by Anna J.

  Slipping out the back door as the argument got heated, Sheila snuck by the window just in time to hear Monica tell James she was pregnant with his child. Her steps faltered a little as the revelation of what really happened popped in her head. Monica went about getting Jasmine the wrong way, and even if Jasmine were to take James back, Monica was carrying his seed.

  Shaking her head in defeat, Sheila made her way to her car and pulled off, trying to come to grips with how she was going to survive from here on out. She wanted to talk to Jasmine, but knew it wasn’t a good time to do so. Everything seemed like a dream as she drove on the quiet streets seemingly moving at a snail’s pace. She hoped to never see Monica again, and even never would be too soon . . .

  Through Monica’s Eyes: Three Months Ago

  “i knew you when i had a friend. very deeply love lived within, but somehow we got loose from what was oh, so tight. somewhere we went wrong when we were oh, so right . . .”

  “What the fuck is going on here?”

  I was so wrapped up in the moment that I forgot my own plans on having Jasmine catch us in the act.

  James practically threw me off him, but I felt him cum before he had a chance to get me off him completely. Sheila fell off the side of the table and crawled underneath it. I smirked a little and said nothing as I let James explain for all of us.

  “Jasmine, what are you doing home so early?” James asked her in a frightened tone. I was thinking she was right on time as I watched him try to cover up his erection with a damn potholder. I wanted to go over to Jasmine’s side, but I was naked too.

  “What the fuck is going on here? Where are my kids?”

  “The kids are cool. Just calm down. It’s not how it looks.”

  I looked at him like he was crazy. What did he mean it wasn’t how it looked? We were fucking on her table! I wanted to smack him in the back of his head for saying that stupid shit, but I refrained for the time being.

  “Where are my kids, James? This is my last time asking you!”

  I could see that Jazz tried to stay as calm as possible in this situation, but her anger level was quickly rising on the charts. If she didn’t get an answer soon, all hell would break loose. James was standing there looking like he was about to shit on himself, and I was starting to feel scared my damn self. Jazz was on the verge of snapping, and the look in her eyes told me she had checked out of reality a long time ago.

  “They’re upstairs. They should be sleeping. Please, just stay calm and—”

  “You had a threesome in my kitchen with my secretary and my friend on my brand new table and you want me to stay calm? My fuckin’ kids are in this house, and you want me to stay calm?”

  I was enjoying the show. James kept digging a deeper hole for himself. Looking back at Jazz, I went from enjoying the scene to being scared as hell. This bitch spazzed the fuck out and started throwing knives and shit. I jumped behind the table after she threw the first knife so my ass wouldn’t get cut. Jazz had the snaps, and for the first time I felt bad. I fucked up her happy home, but what could I do now?

  “Jazz, fall back. Why you trippin’?” I managed. She didn’t answer. She just kept throwing knives.

  I mean, who actually had that many? She had to have thrown at least fifty of them, and they were still coming.

  “Jasmine, please let me explain,” Sheila spewed out of nowhere. I wanted to punch her in her throat for bringing Jazz’s attention to us under the table. She was doing perfectly fine trying to chop James’s ass into little pieces, and now this bitch got her focused on us. At that point I just wanted to get out alive.

  Jazz stopped and looked at all of us for what felt like an eternity. I kept my damn mouth shut and looked at her, wondering how I would make this right. She took one last look around the kitchen before she dropped the knives she had in her hand and ran out of the kitchen, I’m sure to get her children.

  I jumped up to put my clothes on, and James and Sheila followed suit. By the time we got dressed and moved to the living room, Jazz was down the steps and on her way out the door. I decided I would wait until she left to let James know my secret.

  “Jasmine, you just can’t leave like this. Can we talk?” he pleaded.

  Jazz gave him the look of death. I had to turn my head because the pain in her eyes was unbearable. Sheila looked like she was going to piss on herself. I hated her right then. Listening to her dumb ass got us into this shit, and I would make her pay dearly. Jazz continued to secure her children in their car seats before jumping into the driver’s seat and pulling off. James stood at the door and watched her until we could no longer see the taillights on her car.

  James slammed the door and we started arguing about the situation. I saw Sheila slip out the back door. I would get her ass soon, but I just had to tell James what was going on.

  “James, I’m pregnant.”

  “By who?”

  “By who? I’m pregnant by you. It’s your child!”

  “Monica, you need to get the fuck out of my house. I don’t need any more shit out of you, and if you are pregnant, then get rid of it.”

  “But, James, I thought you wanted me!”

  “This is my last time asking you to leave. Next time I’ll snatch you by your neck and throw you out. Now go!” he said angrily.

  I decided not to argue. Quickly grabbing my shoes and keys, I left. I fell into a heap of tears when I got home. I would make this right. If I didn’t do anything else, I would make this right.

  We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress . . .

  Jasmine D. Cinque

  At one point in my life I thought I had everything under control. I ate my vegetables, pleased my husband, looked after my children, and went to work every day. No one told me that one day you could look up and your life would be a disaster. My momma never told me to beware of marital mishaps and conniving women. I thought if I did everything right the first time and kept everyone happy, I would be blessed with a marriage like the one my mother and father had.

  Shit, they’d been married for thirty-six years and I couldn’t ever remember the silent treatment being passed between them. Even when I look at them now, they appear to be in love as much as they were when they first laid eyes on each other, if not more. Why couldn’t I have that?

  I felt like someone had ripped my heart out with their bare hands. The only thing that gave me the will to live was my children. I gave that bastard everything, and this was how it turned out for me? Every time I looked at my son I saw James, and I couldn’t help but cry. One day my son would be some woman’s husband. Would he break her heart the way his father did mine? Or would my poor little girl reap the sins of her father?

  Every time I looked in the mirror I wondered what had happened. Years ago, I saw a smart businesswoman with nothing to lose and everything to gain. At the age of thirty-seven I could still drop it like it was hot with the younger crowd and “Electric Slide” with people my own age. I was a tigress in the bedroom, living room, garage, and anywhere else my husband decided to be creative. But as I looked in the mirror, all I saw was a woman scorned, and I didn’t know how to fix it.

  Yes, I was partly to blame since I had agreed to let another woman enter the sex life of me and my husband. But so what? I mean, just because I agreed to it, does that mean I deserved to be totally disrespected and humiliated? I don’t think so. Like I said, I didn’t know how to fix my jumbled feelings, but one thing I did know was that I was fully capable of medicating my feelings of scorn and bitterness.

  The way I saw things, I figured what better way to medicate my feelings than to flip the script by allowing myself to indulge in some freaky and disrespectful sexual behavior the same way my husband had done by violating our kitchen with those whores!

  Ever since the day of that ugly and unfortunate episode that I had witnessed taking place in my kitchen, I had not been able to get the picture of my husband screwing two other chicks out my head. It was like I could se
e the whole incident replaying itself in slow motion. I can even remember the smell of sex that was in the air that day, and no matter what I do, I can’t seem to shake that smell or dislodge that thought from my mind.

  The only thing that seemed to work was when I found myself in Bally’s working out, running on the treadmill or something. And since James and I had been apart, I found myself visiting the gym regularly, at least four times a week. I would go to the gym after work to get my mind off things.

  In fact it was at Bally’s where I decided to hatch my plan for vindication. Not total vindication, but vindication that would leave me feeling somewhat satisfied.

  There were these male twins who I’d met at the gym. Things developed from an informal hello how-are-you-doing type of relationship to a more casual, us talking about our workdays type of relationship. In between there was always a bunch of flirting on their part, but I never paid it any mind.

  That was then, but now that I had found myself not as happy in my marriage, I decided to indulge in their flirtatious ways.

  I called over to one of the twins. “Hey Donnie, can you spot me?” I asked, while lying on my back getting ready to do incline bench presses.

  “Jasmine?” Donnie asked with a question mark in his voice. “What you know about bench pressing? Incline at that?”

  “Well, I know that it’s the best thing to keep my tits from sagging,” I said while totally catching Donnie off guard.

  Donnie laughed.

  “Come on, I gotchu,” he stated as he lifted the forty-five pound bar off the rack and helped me get my workout on.

  Before long Donnie’s twin brother Rahmel walked over to where the two of us were and began talking. “So you only doing one set?” Donnie asked while also informing Rahmel that I was doing bench presses to keep my tits from sagging.

  “Say word?” Rahmel stated as he began laughing.

  I could have continued on with the conversation going in that direction, but to be honest, my plan was already hatched in my head and I was ready to set it in motion.

  “You know what, I always see the two of you whenever I work out and I have been meaning to ask one of y’all for the longest time if you do personal training.”

  Donnie and his brother looked at each other and they smiled.

  “Yeah, we do. Why?” Rahmel asked with a sinister smile on his face.

  “Because I’m looking for someone to train me. I mean, the gym is good and all, but I have a gym and equipment in my house and I know I could get in better shape if I had someone to stay on top of me and keep me in line.”

  “So you’re saying you want a personal trainer to come by your crib and train you?” Donnie asked.

  “Yes, that’s what I’m saying.”

  There was a brief awkward pause.

  “Well, it’s not that serious. I mean . . .”

  Donnie cut me off by smiling and saying, “No, I gotta keep it real with you. We workout, but as far as personally training somebody, we ain’t no personal trainers or nothing like that.”

  “Well, that’s ok. Like I was getting ready to say, it’s really not that serious, meaning I really just need somebody to come by the crib just to keep me motivated. I know y’all can help motivate a sister, right?” I said while adjusting the drawstring on my spandex workout pants.

  Donnie and his brother agreed to both personally train me. We never spoke about price or anything like that, yet they agreed to come by my house on that upcoming Friday morning. They both would be free since they worked the graveyard shift, so they had no problem committing to the time.

  I, on the other hand, knew that I had to finagle some things in order to free up my time, especially considering I was planning on having the twins show up at my house. See, I had walked out on James and was staying with my brother, so I didn’t know what James’s schedule would be like on Friday morning. I didn’t know if he would be home or not, but since he worked 9 to 5, I figured he would be at work and that I would be ok.

  Still, the thing was James and I didn’t have a lick of workout equipment in our house and that was OK, because in spite of the wedding rings I noticed on Donnie and his brother’s hands, I was determined to get it on with both of them. I don’t know if Monica’s ways had rubbed off on me or what, but in my desire to medicate my bitter feelings, I was willing to stoop to the level of getting it on in a threesome with two men, married men at that.

  The way I looked at it was James had totally disrespected me by bringing two women into my kitchen and fucking them while my kids were in the house, so why couldn’t I bring two men into my house and get it on with them at the same time in the same kitchen?

  When Friday morning rolled around I had made it to my house and James wasn’t home. I figured he had left for work. It felt eerie walking into my own house and as soon as I walked in, those scenes of Monica and Sheila sexing my husband instantly came back and gripped me. It was at that point that I decided not to even step foot into my kitchen because it would bring back too many memories.

  I entered the living room and for a brief moment, I contemplated what I was planning on doing with the two unsuspecting twins when they arrived. And I figured I could get one up on James by bringing them right into the same bedroom that James and I once shared.

  Before I could give it much more thought, my doorbell rang and it was the twins.

  Taking one last look around the room, and solidifying my decision to use the bedroom, I put on a brave face and opened the door without asking who it was. I mean, who else could it be at that time of morning?

  “Hello, fellas. Thanks for coming through.” I smiled as I stood back to let them in, suddenly happy I opted to wear the shortest skirt I owned with no panties underneath. I wanted this to be as easy and quick as possible.

  The twins looked puzzled at first, and I’m sure they were wondering why I didn’t have any workout gear on. After locking the front door, I signaled them to follow me up the stairs.

  “Follow me, fellas. The workout room is this way.”

  I took the liberty of walking ahead of them on the steps, making sure to give them a good view of my bare ass. I had gone to get a Brazillian wax the other day just to ensure that the entry would be smooth. I didn’t look back to see if they followed, and used the sound of their boot clad feet hitting the steps as indication that they were close behind. Opening the door to the room James and I shared up until the recent events, I entered and stood in the middle of the floor, watching their faces to see what they were thinking. Just as I thought, Donnie was the first to speak.

  “Jasmine, what’s all this about? You said you wanted us to help you train. I don’t see any exercise equipment in here.” He nervously looked at his brother, then to the bed, and then back at me. A wicked smile spread across my face as the thought of getting back at James rang like sweet revenge in my ear. To ease Donnie’s mind I walked closer to him and stood breast to chest, noticing his quickening breath as I ran my fingers down his arm.

  “There’s exercise equipment in here, sweetie. Big enough for all of us to work out at the same time.”

  Backing up slowly, I began to strip out of the skirt and shirt I had on and placed my naked body in the middle of the bed for display. Opening my legs wide, I spread my lower lips apart and inserted my middle finger into my wetness, working it in and out for a few seconds before taking that very same finger and putting it into my mouth and sucking it clean of my own juices.

  Donnie and Rahmel were still standing in the same spot with looks of shock on their identical faces. Rahmel looked like he was ready to get it on, while Donnie, on the other hand, didn’t look like he was too sure about going through with it.

  I continued to please myself, allowing soft moans to escape my lips, hopefully enticing them to join me. Donnie was the first to take his wedding band off and undress, placing his face between my legs. Rahmel stood watching us for a while, not sure what he wanted to do.

  Donnie flipped me over with ease, entering
from the back and pounding me with long, hard strokes that made my breasts bounce against my stomach and caused my breath to escape from my lungs. Not long after, I saw Rahmel’s naked form on the side of the bed, and I didn’t hesitate to grab his dick and place it inside of my warm mouth. I had yet to see what Donnie was working with, but from the feel of it these guys were really identical from head to toe.

  Rahmel was ready to join in the fun and signaled for his brother to let up so he could lie on the bed. After he got comfortable, I straddled his length and after a few strokes I paused for a quick second so Donnie could enter me through the back door. We moved like synchronized swimmers, our collective moans sounding like a swarm of honey bees. By the time I came down on my fifth stroke, Rahmel had come inside me, but my constant movement kept him from going down.

  We switched from one position to the next, and at one point both men were standing in front of me while I gave one head and one a hand job until they both came all over my face and neck. I had to lay on the bed and get myself together after that workout, but the fellas quickly dressed and headed out, promising to meet me at the gym later that day.

  I didn’t even bother to change the bed linens, I just merely fixed it back to the way it was, threw the clothes I had on in the dirty laundry hamper, and proceeded to the shower. My nipples and clit were still warm and a little tender from the work Donnie and Rahmel put on me, and I smiled while I got dressed in an outfit from my closet and made my way out, happy to enjoy the rest of my day.

  James D. Cinque

  Where did I go wrong? The Creator gave me everything I had ever asked for. I was on top of my game. Most men envied me. I climbed the corporate ladder quickly and remained humble when I reached the top. I had it all. I was given a wonderful woman who loved me unconditionally, and the blessings kept coming when we found out Jazz would be having twins. But as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I had to wonder what the hell went wrong.


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