Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4] Page 12

by Zoey Marcel

  “You look good,” he told her.

  “So do you,” she replied numbly. Hell, he did look good, but that didn’t change what he was or what he’d done to her.

  “How have you been?”

  How had she been? Who the hell did he think he was asking her that after the way he had hurt her so completely and irrevocably? “Stop it. You can’t carry on like this as if we’re long-lost chums. We’re not okay and you know it.”

  Knowledge and understanding surfaced in his masculine features. “No, I don’t suppose we are. How is Trevor?”

  Chanel snapped and whipped the gun out from behind her, pointing it at him with shaking hands. “Don’t ever say his name again, you demonic bastard!”

  Lucius’s eyebrow rose at the sight of the handgun, but he didn’t appear at all threatened by it. He simply folded his arms and stood there casually as he engaged her. “You’re not a fan of what I did to him, I gather.”

  “You killed him!”

  “No, Chanel, you killed him.”

  She shook her head frantically, fighting back the tears.

  “You killed him by leaving me and defying me. All I did was alter him slightly. I didn’t take him away from you.”

  “Yes, you did! That thing was not my son. It looked just like him and acted like him, but it wasn’t him. You killed him.”

  “I would’ve thought fourteen years would soften your heart toward me. What woman doesn’t complain of her children growing up too fast? Unless your son is no longer with you.”

  Her heart ached.

  “What happened?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  He took a step toward her. “Did someone find out what he was?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Or are you the reason he’s no longer in your life?”

  “Shut up!”

  Lucius took another step forward. “You rejected him, didn’t you? You couldn’t accept your little boy’s new nature, so you gave him up the way you turned me out when you found out what I really was.”

  “Shut up!” She cocked the hammer, thumb sweating against the trigger. “So help me god I will shoot you if you say another word or come any closer.”

  He stopped and folded his muscular arms across his chest again. “Go ahead. It won’t change anything. What’s done is done. It won’t bring him back.”

  His words infuriated her, but her thumb remained paralyzed against the side of the trigger, seeming unwilling to pull it for as much as she wanted to.

  “We’re even, you know. You went back on your word and I went back on mine.”

  “We are not even. We won’t be until you’re dead and buried in the ground.”

  His grin turned wicked. “Go ahead and pull that trigger and see what happens.”

  “Don’t think I won’t.”

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  What the hell was she waiting for? This man deserved to die ten times over for what he’d done. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why would you deliberately hurt me so deeply? I really thought you cared about me.”

  Lucius heaved a mellow sigh. “I did. That was the problem. And as to the why, I’ve had my eye on you since you were twelve. I’ve been plotting my revenge ever since.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Surely you remember spending the night at your friend’s house in the backyard in a tent.”

  “With Alice? Yes, but how do you know about that?”

  “I’m the wolf who killed her.”

  Chanel gaped at him, recalling the haunting memory of the night she lost her childhood best friend. They’d spent the night in a tent in Alice’s backyard. Chanel had gone inside to get them some Squeeze-Its, but when she returned to the tent, Alice was being mauled by an enormous black wolf. Chanel had screamed and without thinking, grabbed her pocket knife and slashed it across the wolf’s right cheek. He’d snarled at her, but turned into a bat and flown off when he heard Alice’s parents come running outside.

  Chanel stared at Lucius. “That was you?”

  He nodded without remorse.

  “You killed my girlhood best friend. What could you possibly need revenge for after that situation?”

  He pointed to the scar on his right cheek.

  Her eyes narrowed and she gripped the gun tighter, quaking with fury. “You ruined my life because of a fucking scar I gave you?”

  “It’s the principle behind the act. Frankly, the actual scar has grown on me and it always turned you on when we were together, didn’t it?” He gave her a libidinous wink and a flirtatious, lopsided grin.

  “Shut up! There is nothing you can say that will keep me from pulling this trigger.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, princess.”

  “I’m not your damned princess. Why did you wait so long to seek revenge on me?”

  “I like to be thorough. Did you know that I’ve watched you for most of your life from the time you were twelve up until the night I left you when you were twenty?”

  The tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood straight up and her scalp prickled with terror. “You watched me all those years?”

  “Yes. I saw you go through high school and watched you give your virginity to that Dawson kid.”

  She covered her mouth, embarrassed and horrified at her discovery. “You saw us?”

  “I saw the majority of your little romps with him. Most of them took place in that purple Chevelle he had, but I saw you two rolling around in the grass, too. Quite the provocative little couple you made.”

  Warmth swept over her cheeks and his amused grin only made matters that much worse.

  “Your innocence and the intensity of your then-inexperienced sex drive fascinated me. The little girl who cut my cheek with a pocket knife had suddenly turned into a svelte dove just waiting to be soiled. I wanted to know what it felt like to be inside of you. You were so sweet and eager to please. I wanted to know how far you would go to please a man you gave your body and soul to.” His eyes darkened. “I thought about killing Dawson to hurt you and then making my presence in your life known to bring you the comfort you needed, but you broke up with him before I had the chance.”

  “You son of a bitch,” Chanel breathed in devastation. Everything she thought she knew about this man had turned out to be a lie.

  “But I was there for you when you needed me. I gave you a job and took you into my home when you were broke and all alone. I showed you a darker, wilder side to sex and taught you how to trust so completely you willingly gave up all your rights and became my slave.”

  “And then you ripped my heart out.”

  “You ripped mine out first when you left me. You proved to me that your word didn’t mean shit, so I went back on mine. I left you the way you left me, shattered and broken. You think I had the last laugh? No, Chanel. You ruined me for any other woman.” His expression was sincere and serious. “I can’t fuck anyone without seeing your face. You’re every pair of feminine eyes that looks into mine and it haunts me. My intent may have been to hurt you by staying away all these years, but it hurt me just as badly.”

  Chanel blinked back the tears, feeling strangely touched. She’d compared every man since then to him, except for the Taylors. She couldn’t think of anyone else when she was with them.

  “You still love me?” she breathed.

  He nodded. “I will never stop loving you, Chanel. My feelings for you are not dependent on circumstances.”

  Her tears started to fall.

  His voice softened. “It means something that you still care after all this time and everything I did to you. I want you back, princess.”

  She sobbed, forbidding herself to lower the gun.

  “Give me the gun, Chanel.” Lucius held his hand out. “My hotel’s not far. Come to bed with me, love.”

  Her heart ached and her body heated over the way he looked at her.

  He took a step forward.

�I want Trevor back,” she whispered.

  “If his soul was in hell I could bring him back, but since innocent, little ones go to heaven after they die, I can’t.”

  She sniffled and glared at him. “If you hadn’t killed him in the first place –”

  “You can blame me for what happened to Trevor, but that’s just a cop out on your part. The blame lies solely with you and you know it.”

  Chanel shrieked in agony at the accusation and pulled the trigger when Lucius dared to take several more steps toward her. She fired twice and he jolted and leaned against the wall of a building. Blood seeped through his shirt from his chest wound.

  Her hands trembled and her knees shook. It wasn’t like this in her mind. She’d told him off, shot him, and walked off while the gun smoke settled.

  But this was surreal and the misery she felt over seeing him bleeding to death because of her was unbearable. She shouldn’t be sorry. He was a good-for-nothing murderer, but then again, wasn’t she the same now? She didn’t know.

  Chanel turned to leave, unwilling to watch him die. She started bawling and stopped when she heard a dark chuckle and turned to face him.

  Lucius had one of the bullets in his hand as he examined it closely. “Silver bullets. I’m impressed. Did you forget I’m also a vampire, or did you think that a silver bullet would be good enough to kill the wolf aspect of me?”

  Terror raced through every cell in her system. She debated whether it would be best to empty the gun on him or take off running like a bat out of hell. She chose the latter. Vicious snarls sounded from behind her and Chanel saw the blur of a man leap up and bounce off the side of the building from high up until he was upon her and knocked her to the ground.

  “Let me go!” Her scream was smothered by the palm he clapped over her mouth as he pulled her back against him, both of them sitting flat on their asses on the hard concrete. He used his strong legs to pin hers still and held her wrists together with his free hand, immobilizing her.

  “Now it’s my turn to cause you pain. I wonder if you’ll respond to me as strongly as you did before.” His tongue twirled lewdly in her ear, making her squirm. “My hunch says nothing’s changed between us. I’m still your Master and your body knows it.”

  Chanel could feel the bulge in his jeans pressing against her lower back. How he could get hard after she shot him was beyond her. The man was unstoppable, apparently.

  His hand retreated from her lips to hear her response. She might have screamed, but thought only of abashing the monster’s pride. “You are not my Master, Lucius. I’m no man’s slave and I feel nothing for you.”

  Lucius chortled darkly and stole a tiny shiver from her when he moved her hair to the side, exposing her neck. He gently kissed the skin joining her neck and shoulder and murmured softly in her ear. “You will, Chanel.”

  She gasped into his hand as he sank his fangs into the flesh he’d just kissed.

  Chapter Seven:

  The Ties That Bind

  Dawson had a bad feeling. Something was wrong and he just knew Chanel was in some kind of danger. Brad was at work at the club, but he’d texted Dawson to say that he had a bad feeling about Chanel, too.

  Their parents had flown in the day before, and the men had busied themselves to entertain them and enjoy the family time together. The house was decorated for Christmas and the presents were under the tree. Everything was perfect for the holiday. The only thing missing was Chanel. If she was their wife she’d be here with them and that was the way it should be.

  Cory had pulled Dawson aside a little bit ago and told him that he likewise had a feeling Chanel was in trouble. That was all Dawson needed to hear. Once he found the opportunity, he stole away into the other room to call her. It seemed like forever until she answered her cell phone.


  “Chanel, it’s me Dawson. Are you all right?”

  It took her a minute to answer and when she did she almost sounded as though she were in pain. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Okay, good. I was just checking up on you. We had a bad feeling that you were in some kind of trouble, so I thought I’d call to make sure you were all right.” Her long pause was agonizing for him.

  “That was really sweet of you. Thank you. I’m okay, though.”

  “Are you hurt? You sound funny.”

  “I’m fine. I’m just very tired.”

  Cory came into the room. “Is that Chanel?”

  Dawson turned the phone from his lips. “Yeah. I thought you were going to keep Mom and Dad company while I called her.”

  “Brad got off early, so he’s doing it. Is she okay?”

  “She says she’s fine.”

  “Ask her where she is.”

  “Chanel, honey.”

  “Yeah,” she replied feebly.

  “Where are you?”

  She sounded reluctant to divulge her location to him. “I’m in Las Vegas.”

  “She says she’s in Vegas,” Dawson informed his little brother.

  “Oh, hell no!” Cory came closer so his head was near Dawson’s cell phone and Chanel would hear him. “Don’t you go turning stripper on us, sugar, or getting drunk and accidentally getting married by an Elvis look-alike.”

  Dawson wanted to laugh.

  “Cory, you moron, calm down. I’m just here to spend the night and enjoy the city. I’m not here to pole dance or get married.”

  “But with the way you dress, somebody might mistake you for a hooker and get carried away.”

  “Excuse me?” She sounded offended, but too exhausted to chew him out thoroughly. “Remind me to punch you in the nuts the next time I see you.”

  Dawson stepped back and pulled the phone away. “Back off, sport. There’s nothing wrong with the way she dresses. Chanel, you’re perfect just the way you are.”

  “Thank you. I really should go. It was good to hear your voice. I miss you.”

  His heart softened and his tone became hushed and intimate. “I miss you, too. You be sure and stop by our place first thing when you get back if we’re not already camped outside your apartment waiting for you.”

  “Sounds good. Dawson?”

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I’m sorry I broke up with you after high school. I shouldn’t have. I wish I hadn’t.” Her soft timbre sounded broken as though she might cry any second.

  His heart went out to her and he felt hope rising in his chest. Was this their second chance—the one he’d prayed for since the day she walked out of his life all those years ago?

  “It’s okay, love. When you get back from your trip we’ll start over. God gave us a second chance together. I think that says something about our destinies. We were meant to be together.”

  “We should’ve been, but things are so different now.” Her voice squeaked like it often did when she was sad and on the verge of tears. “I used to be so sweet and good. It’s no wonder you fell for me back then.”

  Dawson grinned. “You sure were. You still are.”

  “I’m a bitch now, Dawson. Everyone knows it, but you’re too sweet to see it. I love that about you. You can never see the bad in anyone. I’m not sure if that’s a flaw or a virtue, but either way I think it’s one of your greatest charms.”

  His arms ached to hold her and he wanted to snuggle with her all night long while she spoke to him like this, and in return he would convey to her the words that were buried in his heart that he’d left unspoken. He’d professed his love for her back then, but there was so much left unsaid. How could “I love you” ever be enough to show her what she meant to him both then and now—what she would always mean to him?

  “I appreciate that,” Dawson said quietly.

  “I should’ve told you. Things would be so much better if I had. Why was I so stupid back then?”

  “Should’ve told me what? You told me you loved me.”

  “I know, but there was so much I should’ve told you that I didn’t. You had a righ
t to know.”

  “Tell me now.”

  Another long pause. “It’s too late now. I missed my chance.”

  “Honey, listen to me, you’ll always have a second chance where I’m concerned. And a third and a fourth and a fifth—as many as it takes to make you see that there’s nothing you could ever do that will make me stop loving you.” He thought he heard a sniffle.

  “Thank you for saying that. Tell me you mean it. Promise me that no matter what happens to us in the future, no matter what I do or who I become, that you’ll never stop loving me. Please.”

  “I promise you, love. I’ve never been more serious in my life. Are you sure you’re okay? You sound like you’ve been crying.”

  Chanel sniffled. “I’m fine. I’m just tired. I appreciate your call, but I really need to go to sleep now. I still have a lot more driving ahead of me.”

  “Okay, but if you need anything don’t hesitate to call. We’ll be there for you in a heartbeat.”

  “Thank you. Good night.”

  “Good night, sweet thing. I love you.” Dawson felt a dull pain in his chest when she hung up without saying it back to him. Perhaps he’d said the words prematurely, though he didn’t think so. Then again, maybe she hadn’t heard him say them.

  * * * *

  Chanel stood under the deluge of hot water and steam as her mind ran back over what Dawson had just said to her a few minutes ago on the phone. He still loved her. Deep down she never doubted his steadfast affection for her, but she sometimes feared that she’d become too independent and hardened to be loved by him or anyone else, or that too much time had passed for them to get another chance together.

  She longed to say those words back to him, but feared Lucius might somehow find out. Besides, he’d bitten her a short while ago in that alley and she had no clue what the ramifications of that would be yet. Would she become a vampire? No. She didn’t drink any of his blood after he bit her.


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