Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4]

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Temptation's Hold [Temptation, Wyoming 4] Page 14

by Zoey Marcel

  Her heart thumped loudly in her chest and she worried they might hear it. “No. Nothing happened in Vegas. God, stop interrogating me.”

  Brad placed his hand on her thigh and she felt the heat of his skin searing through her jeans. Her little clit began to pulse with anticipation.

  “Did you meet anyone on this trip?” he asked seriously. “Maybe spend some time catching up with an old high school crush while you were in California?”

  “I didn’t fuck anyone, if that’s what you mean,” she snapped, pussy flooding with moisture when his hand moved higher so his fingers lightly teased the seam of her crotch.

  “I’m glad to hear it. We’re jealous men, as I’m sure you already know. We don’t like the idea of another man putting his hands on you.”

  “And what about you with other women, Romeo?”

  “We didn’t fuck nobody while you were away,” Cory promised. “We waited patiently for you to get back. Well, maybe not patiently, but we waited.”

  “I’d say after a two-week dry spell you owe us, darlin’,” Brad decided.

  “Yes, well, as difficult as it must have been for you to keep your pants on while I was away, I’m not hooking up with you while we’re driving down a public road.”

  Cory shrugged while he watched the road. “Why not? It’s dusk and this is more of a back road to our place.”

  “And even if it was a busy public road you would still undress for me in this truck because I have my heart set on fucking you,” Brad told her.

  Chanel smirked. “Well, when you put it that way, let me just get right to that for you, you big, bad Dom.”

  Brad grinned as he rubbed her faster and saw the way she parted her thighs and pressed her pussy against him.

  “You want it, too, sweetheart. Don’t deny it. I’d be a selfish bastard to withhold passion from you when you’re this horny.”

  “You conceited—aah!” Chanel squirmed when she felt the button opening on her jeans and the zipper lowering for him.

  “That’s it, baby doll. Just shut your trap and feel. Lift your hips for me.”

  “Why?” A tiny cry broke free from her when she felt him tug on her hair. Electric need coursed through her body at his rough treatment of her.

  “Don’t question me, Chanel. Just obey me,” he murmured sternly into her ear. “Now raise your hips.”

  His dominance made her hot as she elevated her butt and felt him and Cory each tugging a side of her jeans as they pulled them down her thighs. She put a hand over her underwear to keep the cotton garment on.

  Brad groaned his approval when he saw her seafoam-green G-string. “Oh Christ, she’s wearing a thong.”

  “Hot damn!” Cory exclaimed, peeking at it in between driving.

  Chanel felt naked and beautiful beneath their probing stares even though she was only partially undressed at the moment. “My bra matches.”

  “Holy crap!” Cory sounded excited. “I love it when women wear matching lingerie. Show us, baby.”

  She started to lower the zipper on her gray hoodie before stopping. What if someone saw them? What if the makeup she’d used to conceal the bite mark Lucius gave her had suddenly worn off?

  “I shouldn’t. Not in the truck. Maybe when we get to your place.”

  “Nice try, darlin’.” Brad lowered the zipper for her and pushed the sleeves down her arms before tossing her hoodie into the backseat. “You can’t show us your tart wear and tease us with the promise of a good show and then cut it short. Now let us see what you’ve got under here.”

  She lifted her robin’s-egg-blue shirt up just enough to bare her cleavage to him and show off her pretty bra before lowering her top again.

  His pupils dilated with torrid yearning. “All the way, Chanel.”

  She felt the cooler kiss of the air touching her skin as she took her top off for him, thankful that Cory had turned the heater on earlier.

  “Shit, that’s hot,” Cory breathed when he caught a glimpse of her.

  “Do you have any idea what you look like right now?” Brad asked her quietly as his fingers trailed up and down her belly, provoking shivers of awareness.

  “Good, I hope.”

  “Good is an understatement. You’re fucking unbeatable. I’ve never seen a woman look this good.”

  “Thank you.” She could tell he meant it and it touched her. He was more captivated by her than all the other women in his past. Take that, bitches!

  “Let’s get these shoes off you.” Brad unlaced her right shoe while she worked on the left one. They slipped her socks off, and he pulled her pants completely off so she was left only in her bra and panties.

  “This is crazy. Someone’s going to see us.”

  “I kind of hope they do.” Cory wiggled his eyebrows with a giddy smile. “That would be real hot.”

  She slapped his chest playfully.

  “Mm, that’s it. Hit me real good, baby.”

  Brad motioned slightly with his head. “Come here.”

  Chanel scooted toward him on the seat and allowed him to position her so she straddled his lap and faced him. His smoldering touch and the nearness of him sparked every licentious urge to life from within her. Her breathing quickened when he cupped her bare ass.

  Brad’s eyes became especially wanton when he gave it a good squeeze. “Cory, does her ass look as good as it feels?”

  Cory watched them and moaned happily. “Oh god, yes. She’s perfect.”

  “She is perfect, isn’t she?” Brad gazed into her eyes and smoothed his palms over her hips. “You’re fucking perfect for us, Chanel. You were meant for us and no one else.”

  His words moved her, but she tensed when he ran his fingers through her hair. Hopefully, the makeup was still holding up on her shoulder. They would interrogate her endlessly if they saw that mark on her.

  Her troubles were forgotten when Brad unclasped the front of her bra and freed her breasts to their prurient eyes. He paid homage to her tits like they were the breasts of a goddess he worshiped. The way he and Cory looked at her made her feel like they had eyes for no one else, only her. It was a powerful feeling to be so cherished and loved. It made her feel safe and gave her a sense of belonging she’d lost long ago.

  She closed her eyes and her mouth fell open at the feel of Brad’s mouth on her boobs and his fingers deftly teasing her dripping folds into a state of hot, tingly madness.

  She saw Cory lean over and slide the bra strap down her arm so the garment fell from her. He sniffed the cups and made a noise from deep in his chest that sounded like an enamored growl before tossing the bra into the backseat with her clothes.

  Chanel couldn’t believe she was really doing this. They were driving down a road where anybody could see them and she was barefoot and half naked, sitting on Brad’s lap while he sucked her bosom and Cory watched. She felt vulnerable and excited. She was scared crazy that they would be seen, but for some reason the fear of being caught in such a raunchy act only added to her insane arousal all the more.

  She felt Brad’s fingers grip the waistband of her panties and she grabbed his hand to keep him from ripping them. “Please don’t rip these ones. I didn’t mind when you tore the cotton ones off me. It made me really hot, but not my thongs, please.”

  Brad raised an eyebrow and shot his brother a look. “Am I going crazy or did she just say ‘please’?”

  “Nope. I heard her loud and clear. She never uses that word, so it must be pretty important to her,” Cory guessed.

  “I bought these on vacation,” Chanel explained. “I wasn’t planning on initiating anything of course, but I was kind of hoping you would get to see them on me.”

  “You hear that, Brad? Our baby bought lingerie to try and seduce us.” Cory winked at him.

  Brad grinned. “I see. Well, then, darlin’. Since you asked so nicely and I’d love to see you in these again sometime, I’ll just take them off you nicely like a gentleman.”

  She snickered. “Like a gentleman? How many
gentlemen do you know who would strip a lady in their truck while driving down the road?”

  He chuckled as she sat on the seat next to him and he helped her out of her panties. “A shady gentleman, then.”

  Cory took her thong from her and breathed the fabric in. “Mm, that’s so good. I can’t wait to get my head between your legs again.”

  Her cheeks warmed, whether from embarrassment or desire she couldn’t tell. It seemed to be quite a bit of both.

  Cory’s cell phone rang and he reached into his pocket and answered it. “Hey, Dawson. Yeah, we got her. We’re on our way home now. You should see what she’s wearing.”

  Chanel’s stomach heated and she lost her breath when Brad shoved her down onto the seat on her back so her head rested on Cory’s lap and her legs were on Brad’s.

  “She’s not wearing anything,” Cory blurted with glee. “We got her naked and begging for us.”

  “I’m not begging for you,” Chanel argued, gasping when she felt Brad trying to splay her thighs. She fought to close them, but he coerced them open, slinging one over his shoulder and resting the other one on the dashboard.

  “Don’t hide from me, Chanel. Don’t ever hide from me. I want to see every inch of you.”

  “She wants it,” Cory told his brother over the phone. “I told you all she did, but does anybody ever listen to me? No. She’s so hot and bothered right now she’s about to lose her flippin’ little mind, aren’t you, my little Tootsie Roll?”

  “Cory, don’t make me hit you.”

  He threw her a wink. “I wish you would.”

  “I’m not losing my mind. I’m perfectly in control of the situation. Oh, god!” She jolted when Brad’s finger pierced into her damp vagina.

  His smug look of satisfaction was one of pure male arrogance. “Like hell you are. You’re on fire for us, aren’t you? Nobody’s ever gotten you this hot and wet before.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, Brad. You’re hardly the first man to make me wet. Ow! You son of a bitch, that hurt!”

  He slapped her cunt again, eyes narrowed as his rugged features tightened with a jealous authority. “Your whoring days are over, Chanel. You’ll cream for us and us alone from now on. We know how to get you that way better than anyone. You broke up with those past doofuses, but you’ll never leave us. We’ll keep you so satisfied you won’t ever be able to leave if you want to.”

  Chanel didn’t doubt him for a second. She’d sworn after her night of unbridled passion with them two weeks ago that they would never have her that way again. And now here she was naked and spread open for them in their truck as they clouded her mind with indulgent promises she was powerless to resist.

  “What do you mean, my ‘whoring days’?” she asked. “If anyone’s a whore in this truck it’s you, Brad. Spanking all those butts and banging all those pussies in the name of BDSM. Ha! You probably only got into the business so you could screw women for a living, but still be respected for your status in spite of your perverted nature.”

  Oh, but Brad looked pissed. Attacking an alpha male while he had her naked on her back with her legs splayed probably wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done. The fierce swat on her cunt only served to back this up.

  “You keep that up and I’ll give you a sound spanking when we get home,” he warned.

  Cory intervened and shoved the phone near Chanel’s head. “Say hi to Dawson, baby.”

  Brad’s ruthless gaze unnerved her. It was the same look of displeasure her Master had worn whenever she defied him and he was about to punish her for it.

  Chanel lowered her eyes, vaguely aware that she was unwittingly showing Brad the same deference she had once shown Lucius.

  It was awkward to know Brad was mad at her and had his finger up inside of her at the same time. It felt invasive and private to be so vulnerable and exposed to someone who had so much power over her.

  She took the phone from Cory, knowing the sweet sound of Dawson’s familiar voice would comfort her. It was like coming home whenever she heard it. “Hi, Dawson.”

  “Hey, sweet thing,” he said cheerfully. “Rumor has it you’re being real naughty right now.”

  “Define naughty.” Chanel stiffened and gasped when she felt Brad insert another finger inside of her. His gentle, deliberate thrusts in her pussy turned her into putty in his hands as she melted into his skilled debauchery.

  “As in getting naked in a truck with two men,” Dawson teased.

  “Oh, that. They started it.”

  He laughed. “You probably didn’t leave them any choice. You’re such a sexy little thing.”

  “Right back at you, sweet stack.”

  “Aw, you haven’t called me that since high school. I love it. I’m glad you think I’m sexy, but I’m not exactly little.”

  “More of you to love.” She tensed at the feel of Brad’s calloused finger making slow, enticing circles on her swollen clit. Her back arched and she pressed into Cory’s palm when he fondled one of her breasts with his free hand while he drove with the other one.

  Dawson’s voice became husky on the other end. “You sound really turned on right now. What are they doing to you?”

  Chanel moaned softly when she realized he wanted her to describe her sexual encounter to him over the phone. “Cory’s playing with my breasts and Brad has his fingers inside me.”

  “Mm. Is it making you hot?” Dawson asked.


  “Good girl. What position are you in?”

  “I’m on my back.”

  He groaned in appreciation. “I love you on your back. Don’t hold back, honey. I want to hear all your sounds. I want to hear you come.”

  Chanel’s head rolled back and her eyes closed as pitiful sounds of abandon emerged from her. Brad knew all the right places to touch as he drove his digits into her forcefully and made a seesaw motion on her swelling bud.

  Cory circled the pad of his thumb over a protruding nipple and she mewled like a kitten for him. She found her hand forgetting itself as it slipped under his shirt to paw at him. The smooth flesh of his lithe physique pleased her as did the thankful noises he made at the reception of her indulgent touches.

  Dawson’s breathing changed over the phone, and Chanel felt her pussy leaking at the knowledge of what hearing all of this must be doing to him.

  “Are you touching yourself?” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby,” he managed to get out in a strained voice. “I’ve got my cock out and I’m playing with it to the sound of your sweet voice. You don’t know how hard it makes me to hear you all riled up sexually and know that you’re going to get off any second now.”

  She purred at the heated timbre of his aroused voice. “That makes me so hot to know you’re touching yourself. I want to hear you come too. Shit! Brad, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Brad grinned shamelessly at her with his finger poised at her puckered hiney hole.

  “What’s he doing?” Dawson queried.

  “That lech tried to stick his finger up my ass.”

  “Oh god, yes,” Dawson encouraged. “Let him, honey. It’ll feel real good. I swear. I never gave you that. Let him show you how good it feels. We want to take you in every place on your body. Don’t hold back, love. Please.”

  Damn him. She never could say no to Dawson. Chanel heaved a sigh and relaxed her sphincter muscles for Brad. She wanted to smack that victorious look off his face, but her annoyance dissipated once she felt his finger sink into her anus. Her deviant asshole swallowed him eagerly, and she gasped at the forbidden pleasure she’d gone years without.

  Lucius had been the first and only man to penetrate her anally. Once she’d gotten used to the foreign invasion, she began to crave the dark euphoria of being dominated so completely by a man in her most private, sacred of orifices.

  She had never let another man back there since, not with their dicks, their mouths, or their fingers. The act seemed too personal to share with men she considered
her equals at best and her inferiors at worst.

  After years of being an anal saint, she’d requested it of her last boyfriend, Albert, but he reacted with disgust when she mentioned it, claiming the experience would be unclean and hinted at homosexuality. Chanel had explained to him that she would prepare herself properly beforehand as she always made sure she was clean and smelled nice, especially before sex, and he would wear a condom, of course. And as to his latter excuse, she told him that if it happened between a man and a woman in the bedroom it wasn’t gay no matter what they did together.

  He’d remained unconvinced and denied her. She’d broken up with Albert shortly after that. She didn’t want a man who was revolted by a certain part of her body. She wanted the man she ended up with to desire every part of her.

  It had also bugged her that Albert seemed to only want sex when he was in the mood for it. With her experience and the fact that he was male, it surprised her to meet a man who was lukewarm to intercourse for the most part. He was very smart academically, and she wondered if his brain was more wired for science and book learning than it had been for intimacy and social interaction with people.

  Lucius had been crazy about her. She’d kept herself prepared for him, particularly when he informed her that there would be no barriers between them. Both were clean and he wanted her to feel his bare organ tunneling in every hole he possessed her in.

  The three Taylor brothers, too, struck her as kinky enough to go for anal sex. Brad especially seemed to have a special fixation on her ass.

  Feeling his finger wiggling in her anus now shocked her to the core. She’d forgotten how wickedly delicious it felt to have a long, thick finger twirling in her back door, demanding her acceptance and submission. She was surprised by the feelings it stirred in her and the memories that surfaced because of it. Memories of her Master and the dark chasm of slavery he’d subjected her to. He had owned her completely and it had been paradise.

  Then that dreadful night when she saw his true colors as he sought the worst kind of revenge on her, she saw his mask ripped away to reveal the soulless tormentor he truly was, and from that night on he’d taught her the true meaning of hell.


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