Hidden Agemda (Kate Diamond Adventure)

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Hidden Agemda (Kate Diamond Adventure) Page 1

by Leighann Dobbs



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Chapter Twenty Six

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  About The Author

  A Note From The Author

  This is a work of fiction.

  None of it is real. All names, places, and events are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to real names, places, or events are purely coincidental, and should not be construed as being real.

  Hidden Agemda

  Copyright © 2013

  Leighann Dobbs


  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner, except as allowable under “fair use,” without the express written permission of the author.

  Cover art by: http://www.coverkicks.com

  And: http://www.tina-adams.com/design

  Chapter One

  Kate Diamond grabbed a flute of champagne from the silver-rimmed tray before the waiter whisked it off into the well-dressed crowd. Raising the sparkling glass to her lips, she took a sip, her nose twitching slightly from the bubbles as she scanned the elegant ballroom at the swanky Crowne Point Hotel for her target.

  Her heart skipped when she caught her own reflection in the large wall-sized mirror at the end of the room. Lavender eyes blinked at her from underneath platinum hair that had been piled high on her head and secured with a glittery rhinestone comb. Her strapless gown—in silver satin to match her elbow-length gloves—glittered with various shaped rhinestones that studded the bodice. A small matching purse dangled from her wrist. She hardly recognized herself … and hopefully, neither would anyone else.

  Shifting her gaze over to the bar, her lips curled into a soft smile as she spotted the object of her search—Julian Crowder. In Kate’s small circle, Julian was known as “The Crow”—partly because of his name, partly because of his fondness for shiny gemstones and partly because of his ability to fly above any type of criminal prosecution resulting from his nefarious activities as a go-between in the black market world of stolen art, artifacts and gemstones. He didn’t actually steal any of the items himself. He simply connected the thieves with stolen objects to buyers who didn’t mind acquiring those stolen objects.

  Julian knew everything there was to know about the most recent jewel robberies and possessed information about a certain gemstone … information that Kate would stop at nothing to get. Looking down, she adjusted the bodice of her gown so it showed off her ample assets and started across the ballroom toward him.

  She silently cursed the way the tight fitting floor-length dress hampered her stride as she elbowed her way slowly through the sea of gowned and tuxedoed patrons gathered for the local Artist Guild charity event.

  As she moved along the crowd, the latest brands of expensive perfume—Chanel, Patou, Clive Christian, and Hermes—stung her nose and made her lungs ache. She pushed a momentary pang of nausea aside and let the din of voices fade to the background as she studied Crowder.

  Like most of the men in attendance, he was dressed in a black tuxedo and crisp white shirt. He sat with his tall bar chair swung to the side, one elbow leaning on the bar, his round stomach sticking out like a pregnant penguin. The lock of dirty blond hair he’d combed over to hide his receding hairline hung across his forehead into his eyes as he tilted his head upwards to appraise the young woman who was unfortunate enough to be standing at the bar next to him. She was tall and beautiful, a model perhaps, and Crowder would have had to tilt his head backward at an uncomfortable angle to look at her face.

  But, he wasn’t looking at her face.

  As Kate closed in on her quarry, she watched him raise a crystal tumbler of amber liquid to his lips. A glint of light from the gigantic diamond on his pinky ring almost blinded Kate as she slid up to the bar in-between Crowder and the model.

  Pushing her now empty champagne glass across the bar for the bartender to fill, she turned her head toward Crowder and favored him with her most flirtatious smile. Crowder was a rich man, reputed to have a voracious appetite … for both food and women … the latter of which Kate planned to use to her advantage.

  “Hi.” Kate contemplated batting her eyelashes but figured that would be overkill.

  “Well, there sure are a lot of pretty ladies that support the Artist’s Guild auction here.” Crowder’s gaze drifted from Kate’s face to her cleavage.

  “Oh, I love the arts.” Kate took the full champagne glass from the bartender, raised it to her lips and took a big gulp, then giggled. “I also love the champagne … although I might have had a teensy bit too much.”

  Kate pretended to stumble into Crowder who put his hand on her waist to steady her.

  “Ooops.” Kate giggled again.

  “I don’t believe we’ve met.” Crowder studied her with black, birdlike eyes.

  “We haven’t,” Kate said holding her hand out to him. “I’m Tempest Rochfield.”

  Crowder’s right brow raised a fraction of an inch. “Any relation to Bernie Rochfield?”

  Bernie Rochfield was a well-known art collector and reputed to be one of the richest men on the planet. Kate figured her being a relative would pique Crowder’s interest in her even more.

  “A distant cousin.” Kate nodded her head, then hiccoughed and giggled again.

  “Julian Crowder.” Crowder extended his right hand while managing to keep his left possessively on her waist. Kate fought to keep a seductive smile on her face as she suffered through his lingering sweaty, limp handshake.

  Finally, Crowder withdrew his hand. Kate took another gulp of champagne, and then started to fan herself with her free hand.

  “Phew … it’s awfully stuffy in here.” She looked around the ballroom, then turned her attention back to Crowder leaning in closer to him. “So many people. Don’t you think it’s a bit crowded?”

  Crowder’s sweat-glistened face turned pink and Kate recognized the predatory look in his eye. He put his hand over hers suggestively. Kate felt a surge of triumph battle with a wave of revulsion as he leaned in to whisper in her ear.

  “We could go somewhere less crowded,” he suggested.

  Kate felt impatience lap at her stomach—she had him just where she wanted him, but she didn’t want to blow it by moving too fast or making it seem too easy for him. She pulled back from him, plastering a wide-eyed look of innocence on her face.

  “Why Mr. Crowder, I don’t know about that … I mean … we just met.” She batted at his arm playfully with her small purse.

  Crowder played along. Leaning closer again, he tried to persuade her by pretending like it was an innocent invitation. “Why Miss Rochfield … I hope you don’t think—”

  Kate pretended to listen as he droned on. She’d give him a good five minutes of resistance and then let him think his powers of persuasion had won her over. That way he’d be more worked up and distracted, making it e
asier for her to complete her mission.

  Her gaze drifted across the room as Crowder tried to sweet talk her. It was packed full. Waiters circled the crowd with trays of drinks and appetizers. People had gathered in groups, talking, drinking and having a good time. Except for one lone man, who stood off to the edge, scanning the crowd.

  Alarm shot through her when she recognized him—Ace Mason.

  What was he doing here?

  Kate wondered if the FBI agent was here for the same reason she was. No, it was impossible—no one else knew Crowder’s connection to the theft of the giant ruby. Still Mason’s presence here was unnerving. She turned her head away from him—she couldn’t risk him recognizing her. She needed to speed up her plan and get Crowder out of there now.

  “—assure you I meant only a brief respite to avoid the crowds and talk about art.” Crowder was saying.

  “Well, of course you did, silly.” Kate smiled down at him while watching Mason out of the corner of her eye. “That sounds lovely.”

  Kate tilted her head toward the exit and Crowder bolted up out of his seat nearly sending it toppling over. Kate turned and walked in the opposite direction of where Mason was patrolling the crowd. Crowder followed close behind her with his hand on the small of her back.

  Wishing she could walk faster, Kate cursed her tight skirt again as she sashayed toward the French glass doors that led to the hotel elevators. Just as they got to the doors, her eyes met Mason’s in the mirror—her heart kicked. Did she see a glimmer of recognition on his face? A quick look back told her she must have been mistaken—Mason had returned his attention to the crowd.

  Kate let out a sigh of relief as she sailed out the door and headed toward the elevator. She tried not to jerk back as Crowder brushed his arm against her breasts in his pretense of leaning over to push the elevator button. “I’m on the sixth floor.”

  “I love the view from the sixth,” she said as the doors opened and he pushed her in.

  Inside the elevator, she giggled as she stumbled against him. She noticed Crowder’s hand slipped from the small of her back to cup her bottom and she prayed the elevator would get to his floor quickly as she snuggled against him.

  He turned toward her, his hot breath fluttering against her cheek as he leaned closer. Her nose wrinkled at the smell of stale garlic and whiskey. Panic nipped at her as his face hovered inches from hers. The thought of him kissing her was revolting—but she’d do it if she had to in order to keep up the charade …


  Mercifully, the elevator doors opened and Kate stepped out from his grasp causing him to stumble forward.

  “We’re here!” she announced cheerfully as she wiggled out into the hallway. Crowder rushed to catch up to her, fumbling for his key as he steered her toward his room.

  He stopped in front of the door to room six forty-two. Every one of Kate’s nerves was on high-alert. It was almost ShowTime.

  She rubbed herself against him as he put the card in the door. He turned to look at her and she smiled, giving him her most seductive look. His eyes glittered with understanding as he pushed the door open.

  Kate was barely inside when he slammed it closed and turned around, trapping her against the wall. His hands pawed at her, pulling her closer. She shuddered in revulsion as his lips touched her neck. Crowder must have mistaken the shudder for something else and his hands roamed to her breasts.

  Kate giggled. “Not so fast.” She wriggled out of his grasp, then grabbed onto the end of his tie and pulled him backward into the room toward the bed. Dodging his advances so as to avoid his lips meeting with hers, she spun him around, pushed him down on the bed, hiked up her tight dress and straddled him.

  “Oh you like to be on top? That works for me.” Crowder tried pulling down the top of her dress but Kate swatted his hands away.

  “Not yet, you bad boy,” she said playfully as she reached for the purse that was still dangling from her wrist. Crowder lay obediently on the bed, his breathing growing heavy with anticipation of what was to come … or at least what he thought was to come.

  Kate pulled a tiny perfume vial from her bag and pulled out an old fashioned dauber, using it to dab a little perfume on the hollow of her throat.

  “A little for me, and a little for you,” she bent over and brought the perfume dauber to his neck. Crowder grunted, his eyes drawn to her cleavage—he didn’t suspect a thing.

  Kate pushed the end of the dauber and a tiny needle slid out. She pierced the skin on Crowder’s neck and pushed the bulb on the end injecting him with the liquid hidden inside the vial.

  He jerked his eyes from her cleavage to her face, his brows forming in an angry V. “Hey what the—”

  But Crowder didn’t finish the sentence. He was fast asleep.


  Forty-five minutes later, Kate pulled one of the pillowcases off the king size pillow on the bed. She reached down and yanked at the bottom half of her gown, which pulled away to reveal black spandex pants she wore underneath.

  Contorting her arms around to her back, she unzipped the top of the gown and slid it off. She flipped it inside out to reveal the black lining. Two pieces that had been tucked into her bra fell out—they were sewn on to the front of the bodice, then draped over her shoulders and attached to the back with eyehooks to form sleeves. She zipped the zipper on the front, transforming the top into a black vest.

  Looking in the mirror, she grabbed the top of her hairdo and yanked. The platinum wig flew off and copper curls tumbled down around her face. She shoved the wig into the pillowcase along with the bottom of her dress and headed into the bathroom.

  Squinting into the mirror, she jabbed her finger into her right eye and pulled out the lavender contact, then repeated the process for her left, blinking twice at her own amber eyes that stared back at her. She threw the contacts into the toilet and flushed.

  A loud snore from the bed sent a jolt of adrenaline through her. Pivoting on her heels, she raced back into the bedroom.

  Was Crowder waking up?

  Kate checked the hotel room clock. No, it was too soon. Gideon said the dose in the vial would knock him out for at least five hours. She looked at the bed. Crowder was curled up, his face buried in one of the pillows. Fast asleep.

  Even so, Kate didn’t want to linger. She sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off her shoe, snapping the temporary stiletto heel off to reveal a much lower kitten heel underneath. She did the same with her other shoe, then threw the heels into the pillowcase before turning her small purse inside out and pulling out straps that transformed it into a black fanny pack that secured around her waist. She slipped the perfume vial inside and took one last glance around the room to make sure everything was exactly as it had been when she arrived.

  Everything was in place, right down to the computer she’d been on for the last forty-five minutes copying data. She cast one last glance at Crowder asleep on the bed. If what Gideon said about the serum she injected him with were true, he’d wake up sometime in the early morning with a whopping headache and no memory of what happened during the hours before he fell asleep. If they were lucky, he wouldn’t remember meeting her, much less taking her to his room. But even if he did, he’d never be able to connect the silver gowned platinum blonde to Kate.

  Grabbing her USB drive from the computer table, she slipped it into her bra, blew Crowder a kiss, then peeked out into the hallway to make sure it was empty before slipping out the door with the full pillowcase in hand.

  She hurried toward the north end of the hallway, where she knew from previous research that she’d find the trash chute. Pulling the metal lid open, she shoved the pillowcase down, then peeled off the long gloves and tossed them in after it. She closed the door using her elbow—she’d removed the gloves last for a reason, and it wouldn’t do to screw up and leave a fingerprint now.

  She turned and walked back toward the elevator, tapping the button with her knuckle. Basking in the glow of self-satisfaction she always f
elt after a successfully completed job, she tugged on her platinum and cubic zirconia earring and whispered, “Mission accomplished … I have the data.”

  A voice crackled in her ear. “Excellent. Bring it to home base.”

  Chapter Two

  “Home base” was the twelfth floor of the Meridian building that housed the famous Ritzholdt Museum. Kate worked for the Ritzholdt … well, for the business that owned the Ritzholdt, along with dozens of other famous museums. She reported directly to the head honcho, Maximilian Forbes, whose office she was now making a beeline for.

  As she raced down the corridor, hope swelled in her chest. Hope that the elusive CEO would actually be in his office. Surely, he would want to be here to see this important information in person. After all, what else would he be doing at one-thirty in the morning?

  She skidded to a halt just inside his outer office, her eyes narrowing at the obstacle in her way—Mercedes LaChance, Forbes’ assistant.

  “Is he in?” Kate peered around the petite brunette trying to get a glimpse into Forbes’ inner office.

  “Mr. Forbes is busy.” Mercedes stood, hands on hips, blocking the thick oak doors that led to his office. “You can wait here,” she said gesturing to a contemporary white leather and chrome sofa that sat facing her desk.

  Kate glared at the antagonistic assistant, cursing her bad luck that she would be here at this time of night.

  Didn’t the girl have anything better to do?

  “I have important information he’s expecting,” Kate said in her haughtiest tone.

  Mercedes looked down her perfectly shaped nose at Kate, which was a feat in itself since Kate was a good foot taller.

  “Yes, I know all about it,” Mercedes said. “Gideon is in there now … you will be shown in when Mr. Forbes is ready.” She gestured to the couch again.

  Kate let out a sigh and flopped on the sofa, the leather creaking grudgingly as she sat. Despite working for Maximilian Forbes for almost a year, Kate had never actually seen the man. Not that she hadn’t tried. In fact, it had become kind of an obsession with her—she was dying to know if the man was as gorgeous as his voice sounded.


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