Queen of Night

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Queen of Night Page 25

by Emily Goodwin

  “We don’t see Thorne Hill PD out here often,” Lucas goes on. “Are you anticipating danger?”

  “We’ve been patrolling the area ever since the attack,” Officer Maxwell says, eyes going to me. “You remember that night, don’t you?”

  “Of course,” I spit. “Kind of hard to forget hitting a poor, innocent deer and then finding some drunk kids in the woods claiming aliens and werewolves attacked.”

  “Yes,” he agrees with a fake-ass laugh.

  “How is that boy?”

  “Made a full recovery. You didn’t go check on him?” His eyes narrow, and I can’t blame him for being suspicious. Things don’t add up.

  “I don’t even know his name,” I say. “And we left for our honeymoon right after that.”

  “Right.” Officer Maxwell nods. “You did mention you were getting married.” Muffled voices come over the radio and he turns the volume down so I can’t hear. Lucas, however, can just fine. “You’re just out walking?” He’s hoping to catch me in a lie, but joke's on you, buddy.

  “We’re going to see our house.” Lucas raises his hand, pointing in the direction of the old estate. “We own both homesteads on this street and are restoring the old white mansion.”

  Officer Maxwell just nods again. “Be careful out here.”

  Lucas draws his fangs, making Officer Maxwell tense again. “We’ll be just fine.” He stares at Officer Maxwell for a few seconds before the cop rolls up his window and drives away.

  “I wondered when he’d start to suspect me,” I sigh, taking Lucas’s hand again. “Good girl,” I tell Scarlet, patting her head. We all start forward again. “It’s not the first time I’ve had a rather unexplainable run-in with the law.”

  “Comes with the territory of demon hunting.”

  “Yep. I’m always saving people, though, so you’d think they’d be grateful.”

  Lucas laughs. “If it gets out of hand, I will handle it.”

  “And by handle you mean…?”

  “Not murder,” he says ruefully. “But I’m not above bribes and altering memories.”

  “Neither am I.” I tighten my hold on his hand. “Neither am I.”

  We walk the rest of the way in silence, just enjoying the quiet of the night. I’m starting to get cold, and Lucas wraps his arm around me. His body offers no warmth, but he shields me from the wind at least.

  The lights are still on at the estate, and several trucks are in the driveway. The old railing has been torn off the porch, and scaffolding is up around the house to clean and paint the exterior. The stairs leading to the porch have been torn out as well, and Lucas steps up with perfect grace, turning and offering a hand, which I take.

  “Go check out the woods,” I tell Scarlet. “Don’t go too far.”

  She lets out an excited yip and takes off, running full speed ahead into the woods behind the house. Lucas opens one of the tall, double doors that lead into the house.

  “Oh, wow,” I say, smile pulling up my lips. The foyer has been restored to its original glory, with the exception of some of the hand-painted details on the grand staircase. It’s a painstaking process to get it all done, but it’s like night and day since the last time we were here. The hardwood floor has been polished, the drywall patched, wainscoting repaired, and the smell of fresh paint still hangs in the air. The replica chandelier I ordered came in while we were gone and is hanging above us.

  And there’s actually electricity. I flick the switch and the room comes to life. The banister is still in the process of being re-stained, and the new runner for the stairs has been put into place.

  “It looks amazing.”

  “It does.” Lucas gives my hand a squeeze. The human crew is still here, wrapping up today’s work. We go through the foyer into the front sitting room, which has been completely restored as well. We want to keep as much original as possible, and the fireplace restoration turned out beautiful. This house has nearly ten thousand square feet of living space, and every single one of those square feet needed major work. Between the two crews working, things have gotten done much faster than normal, and the house looks great.

  “Let’s go check out the library,” I say excitedly and pull Lucas through the house. This might be one of my favorite rooms in the whole estate, and it was my idea to leave the shelves looking a little worn. It gives the place character and reminds me of the library at the Academy in a way.

  Someone painted the cast-iron fireplace in here years ago, and most of the paint has been scraped off. The fireplace is all chippy looking now, and I kind of like it. Maybe I’ll have them keep it like this too.

  “You’ll have room for all your books, even the ones you have double copies of,” Lucas says with a smile.

  “This room has almost as much shelf space as my store.” I let go of Lucas’s hand and turn around, looking at the grand library.

  “I like to imagine it full of leather-bound books.” Lucas’s eyes wander over the empty shelves. “They don’t make books like they used to.”

  “We can put a desk here.” I motion to a spot against the wall. “And a comfy couch in front of the fireplace, for sure. It’ll be a good reading spot.”

  “Yes, reading.” Lucas puts his arms around me and kisses the back of my neck. I arch my back, eyes fluttering closed.

  “The workers are leaving soon, right?” I ask, getting turned on. So much shit is going on, but I can always count on Lucas. He’ll always be there for me. To keep me sane. To comfort me. He’s my rock, the love of my life.

  And he’s really good at making me come multiple times.

  “They should be.” He sucks at the skin on my neck.

  I turn in his arms, hooking my hands around his shoulders. “Should we go see the master bedroom?”

  Lucas’s eyes flash. “Yes, we should.”

  We get distracted on our way there, admiring the kitchen, which is completely done now, with the appliances installed and everything. It’s my dream kitchen, big, bright, and fancy. The island alone will seat plenty of people, and we have room for an eight-person breakfast table. The dining room can fit at least twelve, and I have no idea where to even buy a table that large.

  Some of the floor upstairs was too water-damaged to save, and the new floor blends seamlessly in with the rest of the house. The room we chose for the master bedroom has a gorgeous view over the backyard, and we plan to put in a pool where the old family cemetery used to be. I’m not sure what Lucas told the contractors about the empty graves, but since there are no bodies, we’re allowed to move forward with moving the headstones and digging up that area.

  We’re going to use the old headstones as part of a path from the house to the large garage that will house most of Lucas’s extensive car collection, and I really wouldn’t be surprised if Lucas just went ahead and had a fancy stable put in. I’ve always liked horses, but never had the time or money to get involved with them. Now that the weeds and unhealthy trees have been cleared from the yard, I can see the outline of an old pasture, and bringing back farm animals is almost like the last piece of the puzzle to fully make this old estate come back to life.

  “Wow,” I breathe when Lucas turns on the light. The master bedroom is gorgeous, and I cannot wait to fill it with furniture and memories. “The bed will go against that wall.”

  “And the crib right next to it,” Lucas adds, taking me in his arms once again. I lean against him, heart swelling in my chest. “Which room should we choose for her? Or him,” I add, though I’ve gotten it in my head I’m having a girl. Really, I have no idea what Michael meant, or if I actually heard his voice.

  But something spoke to me that night and gave me the strength it took to break free from Ruth’s spell and save myself and my coven.

  “We have lots of choices.” Lucas slides his hands down my arms. “I was thinking either the room across from us or right next to us.”

  “Hang on,” I say and pull away. I go over to the spot where the bed will be and lie on the floor.
I close my eyes and imagine I’m in bed, fast asleep when I hear a baby crying. Keeping my eyes closed, I get up and hold my hands out in front of me, feeling my way into the hall

  “This room,” I tell Lucas, arms extended to the one right across the wide hall from us. It has windows in the corner, with one looking out over the backyard and another on the side of the house. “The room right next to it is pretty small. Maybe we can have that be an adjoining playroom or something with a secret door to get into it from the bedroom. I would have loved that as a child.”

  “I think I would have too, though playrooms weren’t really a thing back then.” We step into the room that will be the nursery. The flooring is still being laid down, but the drywall has been patched and repaired. With the exception of a few rooms where we had a specific color in mind, most of the house is being painted a very agreeable gray, and we’ll have it repainted later if we decide to add more color.

  Though Lucas and I both have the same taste in decor, and the light walls, dark floors, and white cabinets were both our first choices. We check out the master bathroom next, and I’m once again blown away. I knew what this room would look like since I helped finalize the design, but seeing it in person makes it all the more impressive.

  “I cannot wait to fuck you in the tub,” Lucas whispers, pressing his pelvis up against me.

  “We could take it for a test run,” I suggest, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. “We can’t fill it with water yet, but we can at least see how well we fit.”

  “That is a good idea.” Lucas picks me up and sets me on one of the vanities—there are two in here, one for each of us. The mirrors were recently hung, and dim light from the bedroom spills in. I spread my legs and hold out my hand, telekinetically unzipping Lucas’s pants.

  Drawing his fangs, he closes the distance between us. He puts his mouth on my neck, sharp tips of his fangs pressing into my skin. I bend my head to the side, offering myself to him. It’s been a few days since he’s drunk my blood, and even longer since I’ve tasted his.

  Drinking Lucas’s blood is the last thing I thought I’d do, but fuck, it’s hot when he makes himself bleed for me. Offering up his own blood is symbolic for vampires, putting part of himself in me that will stay there for days on end. He can feel himself in me in some way, and the connection is transcendent.

  “Bite me,” I pant, bringing a hand up to the back of his head. I take a fistful of his hair and press his face against me. He hesitates, and just when I think he’s going to pull away, he sinks his fangs in, biting down hard.

  I gasp from the pain, and desperately reach out with my other hand, hooking my fingers through the belt loops on his pants, madly inching them down. Lucas sucks hard at my neck, pulling a mouthful of blood from my body. I groan and bring my other hand down, yanking his pants farther down, freeing his cock. I’m wearing leggings, a sweater, and a winter coat, and all this material is just in the fucking way.

  He strips me as he drinks my blood, groaning as he licks and sucks at my neck. My eyes flutter shut and my heart thumps away in my chest. One of his hands goes between my legs, rubbing me, and he takes one last mouthful of blood. It’s the most he drank from me in a while, and I know I’m going to feel it when I stand up.

  But I don’t plan on standing for quite some time.

  Lucas holds two fingers over the bite wounds on my neck, giving it time to clot. Resting his forehead against mine, he directs his attention to my pussy, fingers circling around my entrance. He plays with my clit, bringing me to the brink of an orgasm in only minutes.

  I clamp one hand over my mouth, remembering there are workers downstairs. I grab Lucas’s bicep with my other hand, digging my fingers into him as I come. I’m still feeling the effects of the orgasm rolling through me when Lucas spreads my thighs and steps between, pushing his cock into me.

  A moan escapes my lips, and I press my face against Lucas’s chest to muffle the noise. He fucks me hard and fast and comes just seconds after I do.

  “We started checking off the list sooner than I thought,” I pant, still clinging to Lucas.

  “We can check off more.” Lucas licks the bite wound on my neck and slowly pulls out.

  “Tomorrow?” I breathe.

  “And every day after.” He kisses me, and I can taste my blood on his lips, and it’s oddly hot. We get redressed and walk out of the bathroom, pausing to look around our room again.

  “When do you think we can move in?” I ask Lucas. “Before Thanksgiving?”

  “I would assume so, unless something comes up. The plumbing and electrical work were the most concerning once the structural damage was fixed. I don’t anticipate any issues, but you never know in old houses.”

  “Yeah, true.” I pat the wall and turn off the bedroom light. Lucas takes my hand as we walk out, and he pauses by the doorway of what will be the nursery.

  “Elena,” he says softly, almost as if he’s trying out the name. It’s one we’ve agreed on if the baby turns out to be a girl. We haven’t settled on a boy’s name yet, which alone makes me think we’re going to have a son. I like Aiden, but Lucas wasn’t crazy about it. He wants to name his son after himself, going with tradition, but it’s weird to me to call my child by the same name I like to scream out while my husband is ravishing me.

  “Elena King,” I echo. “I like it.”

  Suddenly, there’s a lot of commotion downstairs, followed by a deep bark. Lucas and I hurry downstairs, finding a group of the workers standing by the front door.

  “Don’t go out there, miss,” one tells me, pulling a hammer from his toolbox. “There’s a wolf out there.”

  I look at Lucas, heart hammering at the mention of a wolf. Lucas shakes his head, letting me know it’s not a werewolf.

  “I think that’s our dog,” he tells them and goes to the door. Scarlet runs in as soon as he opens it, coming right by me. She sits, head nearly level with mine, and wags her tail. Everyone’s eyes are on me, shocked to see such a large dog.

  Hah. If they only knew.

  “She’s an Irish Wolfhound,” I explain. “And very sweet.” I slip my fingers under her collar, which grew with her, and her tail thumps against the ground.

  “We should get her home,” Lucas starts.

  “The house looks great,” I tell the construction crew. Patting my leg, I follow Lucas out the door. “What happened to stay in the woods until I come find you?” I ask Scarlet. She looks up at me, flashing puppy-dog eyes. I was a sucker for it when she was a cute little fluff ball, and I’m a sucker for it now. “It’s okay, I know you missed me.”

  “It’s hot hearing you speak a language I don’t know.” Lucas laces his fingers through mine. “It’s been a while since I’ve been around someone I don’t understand.”

  “Stop low-key bragging you speak like a hundred languages.”

  “If you live long enough, you have the time to learn a lot.”

  “But not everyone would.” I look up at him, falling in love all over again. “You made it a point to learn as much as you could. To expand your world. And I think that’s hot.”

  “Should we go back and have sex in the kitchen?”

  “With an audience?”

  He shrugs. “It’s never stopped me before.”

  I laugh. “Tomorrow. I’m exhausted.” Lucas picks me up, cradling me against his chest. “I can walk,” I protest, but really, I don’t want him to put me down. And he knows it.

  “I’m aware, but I’m faster.” He speeds forward, getting us back to the house in less than half the time it would have taken to walk. I eat dinner and then get ready for bed, aware it’s not even seven o’clock yet.

  I really hope I get my energy back when I get into the second trimester. I know being worn out and tired is normal, but every day the exhaustion gets worse and worse. This baby only has half the divinity I do, and I can’t imagine how terrible my own mother must have felt. She was fully human, and I think back to her photograph, of her smiling with her hands on h
er big belly.

  I wish she were here. She was the only person on earth--the only person ever—to have a child with archangel blood. And now I’m having a child, continuing on the family line of angel hybrids. Fuck, it’s weird.

  Lucas gets in bed with me, and we put on a movie. I swear I’m not going to fall asleep, but only make it through the first five minutes of the movie. I sleep soundly through the night thanks to being exhausted, and wake up nearly twelve hours later, which was so needed.

  We spend the morning packing up stuff to take over to the house later and leave to go to Chicago around eleven. I was able to get lunch reservations at one, and Easton is meeting me downtown. I’m going to pass all the info I have on the demon case over, as well as drop the bomb that I’m pregnant with a vampire’s baby.

  The house is dark, and Eliza is sleeping when we get to the house in Lincoln Park, and the living room is set up for her guinea pigs again. Lucas left a few things in his office here that he’s going to take back with us tonight since we’ll be able to move it into the new house. My little brick house could only take so much, so a lot was left behind.

  I sit in the living room reading until it’s time for me to go, and take an Uber into downtown Chicago so I don’t have to deal with parking. I get to the restaurant early and walk around the block to kill the time.

  The sun is out today, helping take some of the chill out of the day. I have my coat zipped up, protecting me from the wind. Another trip to somewhere warm and sunny needs to happen sooner rather than later. The city is busy today, and the upcoming holiday buzz is in the air. I used to love seeing the Christmas decorations up in the city when I was a kid. It was always so exciting…and a beacon of hope.

  I’d get my reprieve as soon as the parties started.

  My mind wanders to the new house and how I’ll decorate it. I’ll be in the second trimester by Christmas, and Abby said she’d somehow pull off an off-the-record ultrasound for us. She’ll be able to tell us if the baby is a boy or girl…and if everything is normal. There are accounts of humans carrying half-angel babies to term, but there’s nothing about angels carrying half-human babies. My body isn’t fully human. I have no idea if I can even carry a baby to full-term.


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